I was 20 minutes late to work today cause of this thread.
The NPC meme
They get angry because of football (soccer).
They get angry because they have to yield in traffic.
They get angry because it rains.
They laugh at you if you have an old model TV.
They laugh at you if you wear short pants in winter.
They laugh at you if you don't eat "enough protein".
Remember that they are not aware that they are NPCs.
They don't know what it is like to have a conscience.
Many are progressives (liberal democrats in US), but thats just because it is trendy
They are everywhere. In every religion, every country, every city.
Even this forum has them, and they will deny it.
Remember it is dangerous to make them realize they have no conscience.
Im dead serious on this. Some people just don't reflect. They only act.
That explains drug use, suicide, high criminality, abortions, racemixing…
… and of course, girls outperform guys in high school and university, FOR SURE!!! Now we know why.
They get angry because they have to yield in traffic.
They get angry because it rains.
They laugh at you if you have an old model TV.
They laugh at you if you wear short pants in winter.
They laugh at you if you don't eat "enough protein".
Remember that they are not aware that they are NPCs.
They don't know what it is like to have a conscience.
Many are progressives (liberal democrats in US), but thats just because it is trendy
They are everywhere. In every religion, every country, every city.
Even this forum has them, and they will deny it.
Remember it is dangerous to make them realize they have no conscience.
Im dead serious on this. Some people just don't reflect. They only act.
That explains drug use, suicide, high criminality, abortions, racemixing…
… and of course, girls outperform guys in high school and university, FOR SURE!!! Now we know why.
Your future monthly NPC interrogation.
And if you think I am kidding with that - research the Girfec that has been launched in Scotland.
It's a program that gives every child a social worker who will follow the child into adulthood, enter the family home frequently and check out whether the NPC programming is as it should be.
The NPC programming check bot is of course more efficient.
Any counter-protesters to Antifa and other NPCs need to put on the NPC mask which is certainly being mass produced in China by now.
Racemixing makes you an NPC? Then I am KING NPC!
Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....
Quote: (10-22-2018 12:49 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:
Racemixing makes you an NPC? Then I am KING NPC!
No idea where you got that. If that was a thing, then pretty much everyone here was a NPC.
It's rather the constant relentless promotion of it that is part of the NPC programming. Men will fuck pretty much anything anyway if it's pretty enough - regardless of race. If Aliens landed, then we would fuck them. Even if they were sentient squids, then you would have enough men wanting to fuck them.
See Lookingforeurope's comment. I am on my phone or I would quote it.
Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....
< That's more a general statement - is anyone who did some drugs, committed suicide or did some crime automatically a NPC? The aspect is promoted and thus more will follow suit - sure it's even of benefit to some men just as promotion of female promiscuity is of benefit to men wanting to get laid. And funnily enough it's even promoted by some who want certain ethnicities to do it, while they - the chosen ones - there is nothing wrong with them being "pure". https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2018/10/...ere-it-is/
I have no issues with natural inclinations - white guys being into Asian and sometimes black chicks, black guys being into white chicks etc. I am guilty myself of racemixing - at least recreationally if not reproductively.
The NPC programming is something else altogether and easily recognizable.
"I love banging white girls!" - sure, who doesn't? But this:
"I want all white people intermarry with Arab and black folk, so that Whites get exterminated. Then there will be peace." (Obviously the chosen ones will remain suspiciously white.) That is a form of NPC programming and mentioned even quite blatantly recently.
A black guy banging a white sheila is just called being a man in my book, not an NPC.
Besides - it's mostly white men and even less white women who spout that nonsense - less black guys. And black women give you guys constantly shit for dating outside of the tribe - that is also no artificial NPC programming, but women being women and wanting the best men for them.
I have no issues with natural inclinations - white guys being into Asian and sometimes black chicks, black guys being into white chicks etc. I am guilty myself of racemixing - at least recreationally if not reproductively.
The NPC programming is something else altogether and easily recognizable.
"I love banging white girls!" - sure, who doesn't? But this:
"I want all white people intermarry with Arab and black folk, so that Whites get exterminated. Then there will be peace." (Obviously the chosen ones will remain suspiciously white.) That is a form of NPC programming and mentioned even quite blatantly recently.
A black guy banging a white sheila is just called being a man in my book, not an NPC.
Besides - it's mostly white men and even less white women who spout that nonsense - less black guys. And black women give you guys constantly shit for dating outside of the tribe - that is also no artificial NPC programming, but women being women and wanting the best men for them.
I don't think NPCs bother with sex
You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.
Quote: (10-22-2018 01:11 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:
If Aliens landed, then we would fuck them. Even if they were sentient squids, then you would have enough men wanting to fuck them.
Well, I've certainly heard of people who don't mind banging unsentient squids...
"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before
Quote: (10-22-2018 05:11 PM)eljeffster Wrote:
Quote: (10-22-2018 03:06 PM)renotime Wrote:
I don't think NPCs bother with sex
They try, but the program keeps aborting.
Well they do love abortion.
You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.
Quote: (10-11-2018 02:16 PM)Roosh Wrote:
Quote: (10-11-2018 01:45 PM)Teedub Wrote:
When people talk of an inner monologue, do people mean a literal dialogue with yourself back and forth? Or more thinking/overthinking to yourself, which may come in the form of a dialogue, or visualisation of events, thinking "that's fucking bullshit, I'd kill those tossers" when they read about Muslim gangs etc? I get the latter, but not so much the former.
The idea of people having nothing is actually rather disturbing to me.
Inner monologue is speaking to yourself about things that happen to you. They are verbal reactions that take place in your mind. They can also include planning of the future (e.g. reviewing in your mind the things you have to do over the course of the day).
Full-blown dialogues are just a form of the monologue that I would guess is more of an "overactive" inner monologue. I usually have dialogues to process complex events and ideas that later make their way into my writings. I could probably be called a "crazy" person because of how intense my inner monologue is, to the point that it is obtrusive to my sleep.
Plato certainly had inner dialogue. He had so much of it he had to put it in writting
Quote: (10-11-2018 05:51 PM)Easy_C Wrote:
Quote: (10-11-2018 05:49 PM)Roosh Wrote:
Game would work differently if there weren't a lot of NPC's around.
Is game simply an algorithm to extract sex from NPC females?
No. The females are boss characters in the game who you need to defeat by disarming their bitch shield and then piercing their weak spot.
Boss characters are just NPCs on a pedestal.
NPC culture creation - most get their updates and main programming through this:
Even the educational gulags are at best giving them a strong massive reboot setting up the NPC-Cultural-Marxism program. Then they are given the updates, because for example the pedophilia sexual orientation DLC has to be included in future versions that you are also paying for via Netflix and Hollywood loot boxes.
Oh - and the programming works of course best the less Red Pilled you are. A fully Red Pilled NPC stops being one and the media programming does not penetrate the internal Black-Pilled-virus-scan.
But this boomer-NPC downloaded and installed her updates well:
In 2025 the media is going to embed those graphics on top of people they don't like which subtly show what association they want to give their NPCs:
Even the educational gulags are at best giving them a strong massive reboot setting up the NPC-Cultural-Marxism program. Then they are given the updates, because for example the pedophilia sexual orientation DLC has to be included in future versions that you are also paying for via Netflix and Hollywood loot boxes.
Oh - and the programming works of course best the less Red Pilled you are. A fully Red Pilled NPC stops being one and the media programming does not penetrate the internal Black-Pilled-virus-scan.
But this boomer-NPC downloaded and installed her updates well:
In 2025 the media is going to embed those graphics on top of people they don't like which subtly show what association they want to give their NPCs:
Quote: (10-22-2018 01:37 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:
< That's more a general statement - is anyone who did some drugs, committed suicide or did some crime automatically a NPC? The aspect is promoted and thus more will follow suit - sure it's even of benefit to some men just as promotion of female promiscuity is of benefit to men wanting to get laid. And funnily enough it's even promoted by some who want certain ethnicities to do it, while they - the chosen ones - there is nothing wrong with them being "pure". https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2018/10/...ere-it-is/
I have no issues with natural inclinations - white guys being into Asian and sometimes black chicks, black guys being into white chicks etc. I am guilty myself of racemixing - at least recreationally if not reproductively.
The NPC programming is something else altogether and easily recognizable.
"I love banging white girls!" - sure, who doesn't? But this:
"I want all white people intermarry with Arab and black folk, so that Whites get exterminated. Then there will be peace." (Obviously the chosen ones will remain suspiciously white.) That is a form of NPC programming and mentioned even quite blatantly recently.
A black guy banging a white sheila is just called being a man in my book, not an NPC.
Besides - it's mostly white men and even less white women who spout that nonsense - less black guys. And black women give you guys constantly shit for dating outside of the tribe - that is also no artificial NPC programming, but women being women and wanting the best men for them.
We have to go back to the basic thesis of NPCs. There are NPCs because population is out of control thanks to technology. There are more skinjobs than actual consciousness's attached to human bodies. These skinjobs, NPCs, are born just like any other human, but they lack self-reflection, self-talk, essential for long term planning and philosophical endeavours. Places where population grows more than the society is able to provide for is central America (not America as in the United States, but America as in America), India, central Africa… they have kids without planning, they take drugs recklessly, total disregard for hygiene, will kill fetuses without a second thought if needed, they form excellent mindless political mobs, they seek sex whenever feel horny, if they don't have a human available, they readily have sex with animals (which is common practice all over third world countries, a costume coming to Europe with giant steps, women buy dogs to have sex with, "pets" you know), etc.
I must say that Im not good at game, my sex life has been for years almost non existent, in fact I think Im quite on the "mildly asperger, antisocial, cold blooded" side of the equation, and that has to do with me finding what you say grotesque. I know this is a forum for Game with the goal of understanding (evading, thriving...) this wicked man-woman dynamic of today, but I come here because it has a high percentage of PCs, people able to reflect, able to restrain their sexuality, recognize long term side effects of taking drugs (any drug, including alcohol, tobacco, grass), able to not cum all over a girl knowing the risk, etc.
My opinion is as follows: the NPC's are evenly distributed between world regions. Where populations grows inmensely, there you have the biggest amount of NPCs. It works locally, and race dependent of course. That's why racemixed people have identity problems and tend to be suicidal, it often happens with half(((someones))) or halfblacks. In fact, I think the USA doesn't have a large population of NPCs (the actual mostly white young generation I mean… they just had bad parenting and no social purpose in general, as it is in Europe), it is actually small in comparison with other countries (Trump was elected, right?), but the NPCs have been given a huge social power. It is not that they are not intelligent or able to function, that is not the factor, we say they are not able to have self talk. They can be top lawyers, engineers, musicians, whatever, or they can be garbage men or prostitutes. That is not the question. We talk about them REACTING ON STIMULLI without reflecting. There is no one home, the truck drives on automatic. That's the reason what you say I cannot agree with. "You are horny, you fuck, it is only human, it is ok". That is typical NPC external justification. Please don't think Im calling you a NPC, I don't think you are one (up front), I should have to examine your posts carefully to determine it, but knowing this forum has many neo traditionalists (esoterists, old christians, NS...) they understand that there is more to life than just gaming teens in shorts, partying, making money, etc. What I mentioned (inmigration, gender, abortion, drugs, crime leniency…) is pretty much the whole cultural Marxist program, so I don't understand your surprise.
The generation born in the 90s in Europe, maybe in US too in white zones, will have a small amount proportionally of NPCs because of the decaying natality. Do you think the Chinese are stupid? Why do you even think they made the 1 child policy? Because they were too much? People, please, think a little bit if you arent NPCs and realize other countries and other races are smart and know stuff too.
One last word on suicides. I mean the lonely, pitiful, almost botched or long time threatened, type of suicides. There is something to be differentiated. Committing suicide out of despair usually involving drugs is a typical trait of NPCs, like lemmings. Considering suicide week after week, suffering every time one ponder about existence, but realizing one has a higher purpose in life and should postpone it, is a typical trait of people with a conscience. Honor suicides have a conscience (Erwin Rommel). On the other hand, surrendering to the police, allowing oneself to be incarcerated, is a sign of having fear to death, and thus having the impulse to survive and ultimately shoot offspring forward… that is typical mammal behaviour, typical NPC.
This meme is much more than a meme. I open an umbrella seeing the rain of shit coming my way. English is also not my mother tongue.
This meme is doing more to teach programming logic than any stupid Ivanka inner-city initiative.
I have a humble request for the mods.
Please rename this thread the "Orange Man Bad Thread".
Please rename this thread the "Orange Man Bad Thread".
The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.
Quote: (10-23-2018 02:49 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:
So I guess NASA, as well as the vast majority of scientists and scientific associations, are NPCs?
Quote: (10-23-2018 12:00 PM)isracolo Wrote:
Quote: (10-23-2018 02:49 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:
So I guess NASA, as well as the vast majority of scientists and scientific associations, are NPCs?
Uh - oh - a 14 post NPC coming out of the woodwork teaching us about Global Cooling/Global Warming/Climate Change - now Climate Disruption. Hilarious indeed.
The NASA officials who are busy spouting bullshit are doing it knowing full well the truth - NASA by now is little more than a propaganda outlet.
NPC got triggered here. The programming is for you little NPC - best run home to reinforce the programming by rewatching Al Gore, oh and don't research the medieval warming period and the Roman times warming period - you know the one that left Greenland actually green and lush.
Did anyone post this yet?
Orwell was ahead of his time.
Orwell was ahead of his time.
Quote: (10-23-2018 12:40 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:
Quote: (10-23-2018 12:00 PM)isracolo Wrote:
Quote: (10-23-2018 02:49 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:
So I guess NASA, as well as the vast majority of scientists and scientific associations, are NPCs?
Uh - oh - a 14 post NPC coming out of the woodwork teaching us about Global Cooling/Global Warming/Climate Change - now Climate Disruption. Hilarious indeed.
The NASA officials who are busy spouting bullshit are doing it knowing full well the truth - NASA by now is little more than a propaganda outlet.
NPC got triggered here. The programming is for you little NPC - best run home to reinforce the programming by rewatching Al Gore, oh and don't research the medieval warming period and the Roman times warming period - you know the one that left Greenland actually green and lush.
Scientists are by definition thinking people. Skeptics, led by method, more specifically, the scientific method. And most of them are exactly that. It's pretty hilarious that you would suggest they are NPCs, and that NASA workers are all NPCs and shills. I guess the VAST majority of all international scientific associations are NPCs, too? The balls on you.
Also, to clear up your confusion about the terms you used:
- Global Warming - the global average temperature has risen by ~1^C compared to the 20th century average - this is true and is consensus.
- Global Climate Change - major change in climate all over the globe have been caused by Global Warming - this is true and is consensus.
- Global Climate Disruption - haven't heard that, but in this case I'd reckon "disrupt" means "drastically alter", hence - "Global Climate Change" - this is true and is consensus.
- Global Cooling - Global cooling is not used today by anyone. It was a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth's surface, which was proven false. In the scientific papers which considered climate trends of the 21st century, less than 10% inclined towards future cooling, while most papers predicted future warming - this is false and was never consensus.
Can science prove that "global warming" is caused by man's activities?
No it cannot, as it an observational, not testable science.
Sorry bud.
No it cannot, as it an observational, not testable science.
Sorry bud.
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