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Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Not our beloved fellow poster, but his namesake Free Software project.

In 1991 Linus Torvalds, a Swedish Finn undergraduate at the university of Helsinki, desiring a UNIX-like operating system for his new 386 PC but unable to afford the staggering cost of the commercial Unices at the time, decided to combine the set of GNU software written by Richard Stallman's Free Software Foundation with a custom operating system kernel he would write himself in the most painstaking and tedious way imaginable, despite never having written 8086 Intel microcode in his life:


I was testing the task-switching capabilities, so what I did was I just made two processes and made them write to the screen and had a timer that switched tasks. One process wrote A, the other wrote B, so I saw AAAA BBBB and so on. The first two months the amount of code I wrote was very small, because it was a lot of details, totally new CPU, I've never programmed Intel before.

At some point I just noticed that hey, I almost have this [kernel] functionality because the two original processes that I did to write out A and B, I changed those two processes to work like a terminal emulation package. You have one process that is reading from the keyboard, and sending to the modem, and the other is reading from the modem and sending to the screen. I had keyboard drivers because I obviously needed some way to communicate with this thing I was writing, and I had driver for text mode VGA and I wrote a driver for the serial line so that I could phone up the University and read news. That was really what I was initially doing, just reading news over a modem.

That summer of '91, I really took advantage of the newsgroups to ask information about the POSIX standard, stuff like that. I was reading news, I was making this emulation package better. Then I wanted to download stuff, so I had to write a disk driver, I had to write a file system so I could read the Minix file system in order to be able to write files and read files to upload them. So essentially when you have task-switching, you have a file system, you have device drivers—that's Unix.

At the time, the other major free UNIX for PC hardware, BSD/386, was embroiled in a nonsensical patent troll by AT&T
, leaving plenty of room for this homebrew software to grow and develop. Some scheming and plotting by Microsoft was successfully battled off with the help of IBM, and Linux took the decisive lead as the most popular free UNIX. Torvalds remained the leader of the project he founded, and was eventually formally employed in that capacity by the Linux Foundation, an organization primarily funded by Intel and IBM to promote the development of Linux.

For many years the famously abrasive, meritocratic and technical personal style of founder and leader Linus Torvalds has shielded the community from the pervasive rot we see permeating and corrupting the rest of society. If you dared to contribute bad code to the project, you could expect to be ripped into, publically, on the kernel developer mailing list, no matter how high up the project's leadership chain you were. This led to rock-solid code, rock-stable, free systems, and combined with IBM's heavy push against their erstwhile partners Microsoft led to Linux inevitably replacing everything else in the server room.

Now that Linux went from awkward, geeky, basement-dwelling computer nerdery to massively globally successful software, and profitable to the tune of billions, in come the globohomos on schedule, to seize power.

I introduce Mr. "Coraline" Ehmke:

[Image: 3b42b4463e7e3e5989519f178ed781e7.png]

Mr. Ehmke both imagines himself to be female, and is the author of this nauseating piece of nonsense, the "Creator Code of Conduct" (or as it is known on 4chan, "trannyCoC"). The reason that SJWisms are liberally sprinkled throughout the text is that Mr. Ehkme is an enemy of meritocracy. He believes it to be an expression of privilege, and would much prefer a world where contributors are judged on their adherence to radical leftist dogma rather than their ability to write bug-free, secure code which compiles without errors.

Suddenly, Linus has made a public mea culpa for his years of very proper stewardship of his own project. The communication is bizarrely out-of-character for the man, and within hours of his declared hiatus, the Ehmke faction has seized power, replacing the meritocratic Linux Code of Conflict with their putrid ideology.

This is worrisome for a multitude of reasons, not least because the few holdouts on the Linux technical committee who voted against the coup, like ext4 filesystem creator Ted Ts'o, are now being targeted by the new junta for purging. Ted very famously kept out a weak Intel "random" function that many suspect had been backdoored by US intelligence agencies from tainting the Linux kernel. If he is purged by the new SJW politburo, nothing may be secure from CIA spying (you may remember that Snowden very famously used a security-focused distribution called Tails to remain anonymous while escaping to Russia).

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

A tragedy. I wonder if the reason for the sudden capitulation of the 48-year-old Torvalds is declining testosterone ("andropause"). TRT is literally needed to save Western civilization.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Funnily enough, I just watched the last Jason Borne movie where a similar scenario(I think) took placed between the Founder of the Iron Hand and this Mr Ts.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Fed operation to weaken the code and introduce all manner of backdoor, as the OP hinted. These SJW psychos either get support or protection from up high. It's even possible than Linus was blackmailed. How else can his 180 be explained?

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

One of the biggest saving graces of working in IT is the notion of meritocracy. It boggles the mind to think that anybody could be against it. Meritocracy should be seen as a friend of social justice, not an enemy, because it focuses on the work, not the person. I don't know why anyone would be against it unless they were trying to shield their own deficiencies (see thread about UK military training lowering the bar.)

I'm starting to warm up to Ayn Rand.

[Image: 45742141.jpg]

I'm going to have to read through this anti-meritocracy manifesto but it seems to defy basic logic. It's true that IT doesn't offer absolute meritocracy, but it's a heck of a lot closer than other industries, and it should be an ideal to strive for, not thrown out in favor of some sort of affirmative action quota system or whatever the hell they're proposing.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

A lot of this sort of thing is non technical people trying to force there way in to a technical field to make money out of it. These people have no business being in the IT field but they whine enough to get "communication" skills made the most important thing. What these communication skills actually are remains largely shrouded in mystery. I see it as nothing more than a land grab for people who have nothing to contribute whatsoever. IT departments are full of them. It's like an inverse pyramid. A few hard working techies on the top and a plethora of management twats talking bollocks above them. The kind of people who can't setup their own wife connection or work out what's spam email and what's not. It's why I left the field.

I guess if you have really good communication skills and a good code of conduct, security bugs and poor code will fix themselves. Fucking shit, what a load of crap. I've been using linux for a lot of years, fairly safe in the knowledge that it's at least fairly secure. At least compared to shite-crosoft.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

I don't think you guys realize how good this is. Here's what's gonna happen over the next few years: Every single OS project adopting trannyCoC is going to crash and burn as it effectively stands in direct conflict with the meritocracy principle that has allowed OS projects to flourish over the past few decades. What we are going to see is the slow emergence of antiCoC projects as a consequence of inferior and bug ridden code produced by SJW activists which I expect to cause a host of problems world wide.

At this point the SJW movement is tantamount to a wildfire and trying to go up against it with logic and reason is tantamount to standing in front with a garden hose. This simply has to flame out on its own after having consumed anything flammable standing in its way.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Quote: (09-25-2018 06:31 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Fed operation to weaken the code and introduce all manner of backdoor, as the OP hinted. These SJW psychos either get support or protection from up high. It's even possible than Linus was blackmailed. How else can his 180 be explained?

That was my first impression. SJWs have a blind black and white thinking that makes it ridiculously easy to manipulate them into being assets.... I'll admit to having done that myself in business school with a LGBT advocate type I needed to do some things for me. Getting them to act offensively would be as simple as attributing some "bigoted" thing the obstacle you want out supposedly said and pointing the SJW in that direction. Repeat this a couple of times and you've just successfully pulled off an organizational coup.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

I heard about this, I also heard that the ones who would be "kicked out" would take their code copyrights with them, crippling Linux, and everything that uses it.

This is probably the best "biting the hand that feeds them" example that the modern tech world has given us, as this could crash the functionality of the whole internet, seeing how almost everything server-side runs on linux.

Linux devs threaten to pull contributions

Open source legend Eric Raymond says threat is real as culture wars rear their ugly head.

Open source legend Eric S Raymond has weighed in on governance of the Linux Kernel after developers threatened to withdraw their code from the OS.

The new Code of Conduct adapts the widely-used Contributor Covenant and lists several examples of “unacceptable behavior” but has not gone down well with some in the kernel development community. Some developers, believing the new Code will inevitably see some people banned from kernel development, have even suggested that excluded developers should band together should rescind the grant of their code to the project under provisions of the Gnu Public License.

Doing so would remove their code from the Linux kernel, potentially wreaking havoc for billions of users who rely on Linux to power servers, appliances or smartphones running Android. While the bulk of contributions to Linux now come from large corporations, an effort to replace withdrawn code would not be simple or swift.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Quote: (09-23-2018 06:48 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

I'm riding in a car now so let me lookout for some quality Twitter trolling.

Keep in minf SJWs think any tolerance of "Nazis" or "Racism" means you're just as bad as they are. I'm attacking along those lines so it shouldn't be hard to figure out who I am.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Quote: (09-25-2018 06:31 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Fed operation to weaken the code and introduce all manner of backdoor, as the OP hinted. These SJW psychos either get support or protection from up high. It's even possible than Linus was blackmailed. How else can his 180 be explained?

Love for an intersectional feminist daughter (of course can't say something as strong as his daughter because hypergamy an all).

Not that he was all that rebellious in the first place letting a USG backed "foundation" swoop in and take the Linux trademark from him without a fight.

Anyways, pick your favorite kernel version and sit on it. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea either to set up your own local mirror of your favorite distro's repository with the idea you might be living there indefinitely. #TechPreps

There's also some folks who have been working on a hygenic linux derived OS distro dubbed "Cuntoo" which is nearing its initial release. Take heart that there are corners of the tech world which have been built around shutting out SJWs and other USG social engineers from the start.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

If you work on a IT project, the last thing you want to do is to piss off a bunch of autistic developpers / high ranked hackers, just saying [Image: angel.gif]


Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

From Sage Sharp Twitter bio:


Explorer of the kyriarchy. Hufflepuff. Non-binary (agender trans masculine). They/them

Portland, OR

I have never visited the US, Portland may be worth a visit as a bizarro zoo.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

The idea that a significant amount of women and trannies give a single fuck about Linux is completely ludicrous. I would guess it's mostly white, Asian, Indian, and a few hispanic and black males.

I'm a white man who can get into some geeky shit (been doing some electrical experiments lately with a terminal strip, multimeter, resistors, etc something no woman I know would find interested in) but can't be bothered with Linux that's a higher level of male-geek-out than I am at.

The last thing Linux needs is female quotas, because they will not be possible to fill.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Anyone who is anti-meritocracy is, by definition, an incompetent boop. If they weren't, they would be no benefit to being anti-meritocratic. The thing is that the left has been unwittingly reinforcing the arguments of the HBD right will all of their opposition and inhibition of any kind of productive accomplishment, in the name of "fairness", "inclusiveness" or any other kind BS they can come up.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

It seems like the good guys should be able to fork it off though. Like Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Quote: (09-25-2018 04:04 PM)zoom Wrote:  

It seems like the good guys should be able to fork it off though. Like Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

The way it sounds to me every developer owns code, so it would take a significant number of them to split from Linux to have enough code to build on/not start from scratch.

I could be reading the situation wrong.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Most non-tech people can barely grasp the concept of windows/OSX, let alone trying to figure out LINUX. Eventually they will push it on the masses but by then there will be a new "LINUX" that will be safe to use. Like zoom said, hopefully the good guys fork it and make something better...

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

I just downloaded Tails. Anyone should probably grab any Linux distributions they are interested in now, I've never used Linux and may or may not experiment with tails but get it while it's hot.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Tails is great GD, make sure to burn and run it from usb stick. Then you can pull it out and no one can tell what you were doing.

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Why does an operating system need a "Code of Conduct"? It never needed one before. And we already have a sophisticated legal system, why do we need another one? It's like having a Code if Conduct for math or something.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Quote: (09-25-2018 04:36 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Why does an operating system need a "Code of Conduct"? It never needed one before. And we already have a sophisticated legal system, why do we need another one? It's like having a Code if Conduct for math or something.

The speculation is that Linus was blackmailed for an off-color comment or something, because he signed the code of conduct and immediately took time off with a vague apology.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

If you understand what the basis of open source communities are, you'll see that anyone can fork the kernel and be on their merry way. I am not too worried about this, as there are significantly intelligent people in this space that put their heads down and write code. Linux is not political by any means, and by making it political, that would be a tremendous mistake. People value privacy, security, and freedom on all sides of the political spectrum, and by tailoring to a certain subset, that will turn out ugly.

The bigger question that remains is what will happen to Linux when Torvalds is no longer alive or able to continue to maintain it. I think that there will be numerous other OS's popping up in the future. You have to realize how many different distributions of Linux exist as well; into the thousands, and each of these creators are capable of creating a common kernel.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

Linux has been infiltrated by SJWs

Almost all the Reddit users on r/linux call out that freak on his bullshit, Reddit moderator/commisar shuts it down.


While the original veins of conversation were about Linux kernel governance and CoC, the post has been invaded from elsewhere on reddit and has ceased being about Linux, devolved into personal attacks, and is being used to propagate conspiracy theories. Future posts about the CoC (as with all /r/linux posts) will need to be centered specifically around Linux.


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