Not our beloved fellow poster, but his namesake Free Software project.
In 1991 Linus Torvalds, a Swedish Finn undergraduate at the university of Helsinki, desiring a UNIX-like operating system for his new 386 PC but unable to afford the staggering cost of the commercial Unices at the time, decided to combine the set of GNU software written by Richard Stallman's Free Software Foundation with a custom operating system kernel he would write himself in the most painstaking and tedious way imaginable, despite never having written 8086 Intel microcode in his life:
At the time, the other major free UNIX for PC hardware, BSD/386, was embroiled in a nonsensical patent troll by AT&T
, leaving plenty of room for this homebrew software to grow and develop. Some scheming and plotting by Microsoft was successfully battled off with the help of IBM, and Linux took the decisive lead as the most popular free UNIX. Torvalds remained the leader of the project he founded, and was eventually formally employed in that capacity by the Linux Foundation, an organization primarily funded by Intel and IBM to promote the development of Linux.
For many years the famously abrasive, meritocratic and technical personal style of founder and leader Linus Torvalds has shielded the community from the pervasive rot we see permeating and corrupting the rest of society. If you dared to contribute bad code to the project, you could expect to be ripped into, publically, on the kernel developer mailing list, no matter how high up the project's leadership chain you were. This led to rock-solid code, rock-stable, free systems, and combined with IBM's heavy push against their erstwhile partners Microsoft led to Linux inevitably replacing everything else in the server room.
Now that Linux went from awkward, geeky, basement-dwelling computer nerdery to massively globally successful software, and profitable to the tune of billions, in come the globohomos on schedule, to seize power.
I introduce Mr. "Coraline" Ehmke:
![[Image: 3b42b4463e7e3e5989519f178ed781e7.png]](
Mr. Ehmke both imagines himself to be female, and is the author of this nauseating piece of nonsense, the "Creator Code of Conduct" (or as it is known on 4chan, "trannyCoC"). The reason that SJWisms are liberally sprinkled throughout the text is that Mr. Ehkme is an enemy of meritocracy. He believes it to be an expression of privilege, and would much prefer a world where contributors are judged on their adherence to radical leftist dogma rather than their ability to write bug-free, secure code which compiles without errors.
Suddenly, Linus has made a public mea culpa for his years of very proper stewardship of his own project. The communication is bizarrely out-of-character for the man, and within hours of his declared hiatus, the Ehmke faction has seized power, replacing the meritocratic Linux Code of Conflict with their putrid ideology.
This is worrisome for a multitude of reasons, not least because the few holdouts on the Linux technical committee who voted against the coup, like ext4 filesystem creator Ted Ts'o, are now being targeted by the new junta for purging. Ted very famously kept out a weak Intel "random" function that many suspect had been backdoored by US intelligence agencies from tainting the Linux kernel. If he is purged by the new SJW politburo, nothing may be secure from CIA spying (you may remember that Snowden very famously used a security-focused distribution called Tails to remain anonymous while escaping to Russia).
In 1991 Linus Torvalds, a Swedish Finn undergraduate at the university of Helsinki, desiring a UNIX-like operating system for his new 386 PC but unable to afford the staggering cost of the commercial Unices at the time, decided to combine the set of GNU software written by Richard Stallman's Free Software Foundation with a custom operating system kernel he would write himself in the most painstaking and tedious way imaginable, despite never having written 8086 Intel microcode in his life:
I was testing the task-switching capabilities, so what I did was I just made two processes and made them write to the screen and had a timer that switched tasks. One process wrote A, the other wrote B, so I saw AAAA BBBB and so on. The first two months the amount of code I wrote was very small, because it was a lot of details, totally new CPU, I've never programmed Intel before.
At some point I just noticed that hey, I almost have this [kernel] functionality because the two original processes that I did to write out A and B, I changed those two processes to work like a terminal emulation package. You have one process that is reading from the keyboard, and sending to the modem, and the other is reading from the modem and sending to the screen. I had keyboard drivers because I obviously needed some way to communicate with this thing I was writing, and I had driver for text mode VGA and I wrote a driver for the serial line so that I could phone up the University and read news. That was really what I was initially doing, just reading news over a modem.
That summer of '91, I really took advantage of the newsgroups to ask information about the POSIX standard, stuff like that. I was reading news, I was making this emulation package better. Then I wanted to download stuff, so I had to write a disk driver, I had to write a file system so I could read the Minix file system in order to be able to write files and read files to upload them. So essentially when you have task-switching, you have a file system, you have device drivers—that's Unix.
At the time, the other major free UNIX for PC hardware, BSD/386, was embroiled in a nonsensical patent troll by AT&T
, leaving plenty of room for this homebrew software to grow and develop. Some scheming and plotting by Microsoft was successfully battled off with the help of IBM, and Linux took the decisive lead as the most popular free UNIX. Torvalds remained the leader of the project he founded, and was eventually formally employed in that capacity by the Linux Foundation, an organization primarily funded by Intel and IBM to promote the development of Linux.
For many years the famously abrasive, meritocratic and technical personal style of founder and leader Linus Torvalds has shielded the community from the pervasive rot we see permeating and corrupting the rest of society. If you dared to contribute bad code to the project, you could expect to be ripped into, publically, on the kernel developer mailing list, no matter how high up the project's leadership chain you were. This led to rock-solid code, rock-stable, free systems, and combined with IBM's heavy push against their erstwhile partners Microsoft led to Linux inevitably replacing everything else in the server room.
Now that Linux went from awkward, geeky, basement-dwelling computer nerdery to massively globally successful software, and profitable to the tune of billions, in come the globohomos on schedule, to seize power.
I introduce Mr. "Coraline" Ehmke:
![[Image: 3b42b4463e7e3e5989519f178ed781e7.png]](
Mr. Ehmke both imagines himself to be female, and is the author of this nauseating piece of nonsense, the "Creator Code of Conduct" (or as it is known on 4chan, "trannyCoC"). The reason that SJWisms are liberally sprinkled throughout the text is that Mr. Ehkme is an enemy of meritocracy. He believes it to be an expression of privilege, and would much prefer a world where contributors are judged on their adherence to radical leftist dogma rather than their ability to write bug-free, secure code which compiles without errors.
Suddenly, Linus has made a public mea culpa for his years of very proper stewardship of his own project. The communication is bizarrely out-of-character for the man, and within hours of his declared hiatus, the Ehmke faction has seized power, replacing the meritocratic Linux Code of Conflict with their putrid ideology.
This is worrisome for a multitude of reasons, not least because the few holdouts on the Linux technical committee who voted against the coup, like ext4 filesystem creator Ted Ts'o, are now being targeted by the new junta for purging. Ted very famously kept out a weak Intel "random" function that many suspect had been backdoored by US intelligence agencies from tainting the Linux kernel. If he is purged by the new SJW politburo, nothing may be secure from CIA spying (you may remember that Snowden very famously used a security-focused distribution called Tails to remain anonymous while escaping to Russia).