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3d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
^ Is she 17 in the pic above? JFC.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-21-2018 11:19 AM)Enoch Wrote:  

^ Is she 17 in the pic above? JFC.

No, she is 20 in those pics.


Don't worry, your boner is sanctified and acceptable.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-21-2018 08:41 AM)Max RNR Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 07:52 AM)Max RNR Wrote:  

The affidavit:


I believe the unnamed "counselor" is the lynch-pin.



A Wisconsin court decision on a similar matter for those who are legally minded -- it is not about what should be morally right, it is about what the law of the land is:

d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Do you have to give your real name when you sign up for these sites? It seems a bit foolish to be giving one's name out to some girl you've never met before.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Trust me, if he fucked this girl and it is not an issue of fact, he is in a world of shit.....

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
How much time is he looking at?
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Heads up, Cody Wilson has apparently been arrested in Taiwan. And he isn't just a sexual assault perpetrator in the media anymore. He's also now a "neo-Nazi funder".


Cody Wilson ― 3D-printed gun creator, neo-Nazi funder and sexual assault suspect ― jetted to Taiwan after finding out that police in Austin, Texas, were after him. He didn’t last there long.

He was arrested in Taipei on Friday, a BuzzFeed reporter on the scene confirmed, and local authorities plan to deport him to the U.S. to face a charge.

He made headlines Thursday when police announced that he had made a “suspicious” run for Taiwan, days before they filed a charge against him. He’s accused of paying $500 to a 16-year-old girl he met on SugarDaddyMeet.com to have sex with him. He was charged on Sept. 19 with sexual assault of a minor — a felony.

The revelation that he had left the country led to a tense and confusing few days in which it was unclear whether police could get to him, since Taiwan doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S.

But BuzzFeed reported that Taiwanese authorities collared him around 5 p.m. local time, after he tried to check into a business hotel with his passport. The document was canceled by the American Institute, the de facto U.S. embassy in Taiwan.

The agency told BuzzFeed that because Wilson “lost a valid travel document, he no longer has a legal status to stay in Taiwan.
The National Immigration Agency is now urging the American Institute in Taiwan to issue a valid travel document for Mr Wilson, so he can be deported back to the U.S. accordingly. The AIT will determine how Mr Wilson shall be handled.”

It’s unclear what his arrest and deportation might mean for his business, Defense Distributed, where he created the world’s first 3D-printed gun. He remains in legal battles with the U.S. government over whether he’s allowed to upload and distribute the blueprints to his gun for free. You can read all about his 3D-printed gun business, his ties to a neo-Nazi crowdfunding site and his criminal charge here.

There's also a valuable lesson from this article: if you're gonna be a crypto-anarchist and continuously piss off the U.S. government to the point the deep state will set up an underage prostitute to destroy you, make sure to acquire a second passport to use in your escape to a non-extradition country.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
So he isn't technically getting extradited, he's getting deported? So if he'd avoided staying places where his passport would be checked, or if he'd bought a St. Lucian passport with some of that Bitcoin money, he would have been fine?

What's the best country to escape to if (((they're))) after you? Asking for a friend. I've heard Vietnam is good but I wouldn't know.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-21-2018 06:44 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

So he isn't technically getting extradited, he's getting deported? So if he'd avoided staying places where his passport would be checked, or if he'd bought a St. Lucian passport with some of that Bitcoin money, he would have been fine?

What's the best country to escape to if (((they're))) after you? Asking for a friend. I've heard Vietnam is good but I wouldn't know.


d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
This whole thing reeks of set up.

Its 2018, how the hell can any man tell the age of a girl between the ages of 15 and 21. If a 15 wanted to act her age, its easy to look 15. But on the same account, if she wanted to pass for 21 she could just as easily do that too.

He was a guest on a podcast the other week and as I was listening, it crossed my mind a number of times that this guy will end up a target of the state. Not your regular old Texas LEO but as the example that traitors in the government want to see dead.

He seemed like he was part of a group of guys who were fully aware of the potential danger, so its surprising that he ran to Taiwan and checked into a Mandarin Oriental (great taste tho). He likely had all the underground info a man could possibly get, yet he made a mistake any amateur could have avoided.

Let this be a lesson to us all. Especially those of us who fucked around on those sugar daddy sites. Those 18 and 19 year old girls with daddy issues, might just be an under age girl looking to play some sick games. I know I have never asked an 18yo for ID, nor thought to. If they say they are their age, I had no reason to suspect otherwise.

The world is getting dangerous for us heterosexual men with a penchant for (legal) young pussy. Especially those who do not toe the party line and doubly so for those who have political aspirations that are not aligned with the insane left.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-21-2018 06:31 PM)Shrodax Wrote:  

There's also a valuable lesson from this article: if you're gonna be a crypto-anarchist and continuously piss off the U.S. government to the point the deep state will set up an underage prostitute to destroy you, make sure to acquire a second passport to use in your escape to a non-extradition country.

Valuable indeed.

I remember when grandpa sat me down and said the same thing when I was just a boy.

d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-21-2018 06:01 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

How much time is he looking at?

Yeah, I'd like to know that too and this is why I wrote what I did, because the US is a legit police state if you need to leave the country for being trapped by an underage prostitute.

Those footballers faced a maximum jail time of 3 years for sleeping with an underage prostitute, because France is not a loony bin of christian puritanism and feminism, where a 17 year old woman is considered a child.

In the US, yes, what time are we looking at?

NY Times says up to 20 years!!!

You got to be fucking kidding me. Sweden is a literal utopia for men compared to your United States of Iran.

Of course those 20 years comes with an obligatory ass whooping and/or rape by hostile ethnicities.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-21-2018 07:30 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2018 06:31 PM)Shrodax Wrote:  

There's also a valuable lesson from this article: if you're gonna be a crypto-anarchist and continuously piss off the U.S. government to the point the deep state will set up an underage prostitute to destroy you, make sure to acquire a second passport to use in your escape to a non-extradition country.

Valuable indeed.

I remember when grandpa sat me down and said the same thing when I was just a boy.


I have another valuable lesson for you kona.

That wasn't your grandpa.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
He can choose to fight this politically, by claiming Assange status, or he can choose to fight it legally, which is of course what his lawyers will want.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Yeah, this is retarded.

I was driving around doing errands yesterday and I see all these bad bitches walking around. I was like "daaaamn she cute, thick, and got a fat ol ass" - "daaaammmn those fucking titties are huge she's showing so much skin" "daaaamn I can literally see the outline of that ones snatch you know she wants the D".

I realized shortly after school had just got out and these were all highschool girls walking home from a regular day of school dressed like thots who are out on the town prowling for cock. Fully developed ass and titties on display for the world to see. I mean alright I'm a fairly moral man and I sure as fuck wouldn't want to catch a charge but that is fucking ridiculous. My natural male instincts to bed young fertile women is so extremely legislated against that I hesitate to even look at girls I think are under 18. It's just not right. Double Ds, wide hips and fat asses and a willingness to show them off is a universal sign they're ready to start taking cock and evolutionarily speaking at are at the best time to do it. But nope, uncle sam says no, better wait till 18 or your ass is spending half your life in jail.

1st choice - change age of consent to 16
2nd choice - make our morality laws less gynocentric IE: girls under age of consent need to cover up their goddamn ass and titties. Modesty laws. Can't fuck 17 year olds because they aren't adults with agency? Then they can't dress like they are.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-22-2018 01:19 PM)Eugenics Wrote:  

Yeah, this is retarded.

I was driving around doing errands yesterday and I see all these bad bitches walking around. I was like "daaaamn she cute, thick, and got a fat ol ass" - "daaaammmn those fucking titties are huge she's showing so much skin" "daaaamn I can literally see the outline of that ones snatch you know she wants the D".

I realized shortly after school had just got out and these were all middle to highschool girls walking home from a regular day of school dressed like thots who are out on the town prowling for cock. Fully developed ass and titties on display for the world to see. I mean alright I'm a fairly moral man and I sure as fuck wouldn't want to catch a charge but that is fucking ridiculous. My natural male instincts to bed young fertile women is so extremely legislated against that I hesitate to even look at girls I think are under 18

A few days ago I was driving downtown and out of the corner of my eye I saw two thicc girls with midriff showing out the corner of my eye taking pics on the next street over. I circled around an drove down that street an there they were.... one had on the black spandex pants an her shirt pulled up to her tits with her flat stomach there for all to see, they both had on legit porn star makeup with the smoky raccoon eyes.... an they looked like they were barley in Highschool...

[Image: 2iidaw.jpg]

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d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Who tells a hooker their real name?
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-22-2018 01:46 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

Who tells a hooker their real name?

A lot of men think hooker = discrete. Someone they can have NSA sex, plus let off some steam and share what is bothering them in life, etc. Clearly, there are some hookers that are discrete, but if you ever talk to one who isn't, then you're screwed. I've never seen the appeal of hookers for this, and many other reasons (STD's, no genuine attraction to you, etc.).

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-22-2018 01:19 PM)Eugenics Wrote:  

1st choice - change age of consent to 16
2nd choice - make our morality laws less gynocentric IE: girls under age of consent need to cover up their goddamn ass and titties. Modesty laws. Can't fuck 17 year olds because they aren't adults with agency? Then they can't dress like they are.

This is what societies have done for hundreds of thousands of years. Older men and women -- the people who ran the villages that people lived in -- were fully aware that young girls were poison. Where do you think the "Eve ate the apple first" mythology came from. Societies forced young women to be modest and encouraged horny teens to marry young. Unlike today, ancient societies didn't have the resources to jail their young men en masse.

Today's laws are a convergence of two groups:

1) Batshit feminists who want to use male sexuality as an excuse to make all men felons (and therefore slaves)

2) Billionaires who want young men jailed for the money and to remove potential opposition to their takeover

This situation will continue unabated until there is a war.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-22-2018 01:46 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

Who tells a hooker their real name?

I do, two of my best female friends are whores and I call them by their real names too, Diamond and Destiny are different guys, they can keep a secret.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
What a plonker.

Sugardaddying has some elements of ageplay, so even legal-age prostitutes would give signals that they were more youthful and inexperienced. (No judgement)
It'd be extremely hard to tell the difference between a cutesy 18 year old who's roleplaying being 16 and an actual 16 year old.

He walked into their trap.

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d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Cody W is in trouble because a) girl is 16, and AOC is 17 in Texas, and b) he paid the bitch, and a prostitute/sex worker has to be 18 or over.

[Image: attachment.jpg40119]   

AOC are listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_co...ted_States

Blue: 16
Olive: 17
Light Green: 18

(AOC is 16 across Canada.)

The best defense against statutory rape seems to deny that any sex occurred, and obviously emphasize the girl lied about her age.

Make sure she won't get pregnant, and claim you didn't even touch her intimate parts and that she didn't touch yours either.

Note: I'm not a lawyer, I just googled stuff.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-22-2018 04:04 PM)Lotus Wrote:  

Cody W is in trouble because a) girl is 16, and AOC is 17 in Texas, and b) he paid the bitch, and a prostitute/sex worker has to be 18 or over.

AOC are listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_co...ted_States

Blue: 16
Olive: 17
Light Green: 18

(AOC is 16 across Canada.)

The best defense against statutory rape seems to deny that any sex occurred, and obviously emphasize the girl lied about her age.

Make sure she won't get pregnant, and claim you didn't even touch her intimate parts and that she didn't touch yours either.

Note: I'm not a lawyer, I just googled stuff.

It needs to be pointed out a lot of the states have a "hidden" age of consent. Such as classifying banging under 18 as corruption of a minor, various other means.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-22-2018 04:04 PM)Lotus Wrote:  

Cody W is in trouble because a) girl is 16, and AOC is 17 in Texas, and b) he paid the bitch, and a prostitute/sex worker has to be 18 or over.

AOC are listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_co...ted_States

Blue: 16
Olive: 17
Light Green: 18

(AOC is 16 across Canada.)

The best defense against statutory rape seems to deny that any sex occurred, and obviously emphasize the girl lied about her age.

Her lying about her age is irrelevant, it's a "strict liability" crime, if she's underage, you're on the hook. The only thing you might accomplish is to look slightly less creepy to jury, but legally it's irrelevant for guilt or innocence.
d gun printer Cody Wilson snagged in sex honeypot
Quote: (09-22-2018 03:35 PM)Transsimian Wrote:  

He walked into their trap.

It being a trap would actually be his best defense. If anyone associated with the gov't set this up, it's entrapment (and they'e guilty of sex trafficking).

If it was a simple case of her parents finding out and reporting it, he's likely cooked.

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