I've been meaning to post a response. Just been busy. I was playing 90s Trivia at a local bar here in the midwest with mostly white people. The next table, all white people. We both picked the team name "You're Killing Me Smalls."
I also have my son in the local cub scouts. It's 95% white. I'm brown/Indian/desi. I couldn't figure out if I was more white or they were just being brown. Not sure if this isn't enough.
As an immigrant son of immigrant parents that dropped their entire life and culture to move here in their middle age, just so their children could succeed, I have given everything I can to assimilate, serve this country and give back in other ways. I guess, maybe this isn't enough.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That Civic Nationalism will save us all.
Nah. I never would said that, as there is no saving. The western concoction of liberalism is too degenerate and cannibalistic for anything other than just nationalism saving it. I think this Civic Nationalism concept is just a fancy word for WRTs to separate nationalism into an artificial and purely subjective concept based on ethnicity and/or skin color, also known as race. In order to have a meaningful discussion on the concept of Nationalism, we need to explore character and its content regardless of race. I have known some "colored" guys that are bigger patriots than some white guys and vice versa. It's the same thing that IRTs do when they stay too close to their Indian/desi culture and refuse to open up to others solely because of their "race" or "ethnicity." I think it's toxic, personally.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That immigration from non-ethnic Europeans into Europe or the Anglosphere is good, as long as they're conservative.
I think we as Americans need to be very careful. Our country has been settled by different ethnicities historically. Europe may or may not have a similar historical pattern with different variables and factors.
I can speak for myself as an American when I say I'm against illegal as well as mass immigration of folks that show no potential of assimilation. We should talk about this more openly. Instead, if we base our conclusion solely on race and ethnicity and exclude those that may add more value to society, it becomes an amateur discussion and not a meaningful one.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That (Paul Watson tweet) "England is represented by a set of beliefs, values and traditions (classical liberalism), not skin colour or ethnic background."
That England will still be England when it's less than 50% British.
That as long as you speak the language and understand the culture, you can magically become German. Or Nigerian. Or Japanese.
I think becoming American or European through assimilation is very different from becoming Nigerian or Japanese. There are certain cultural components that can be absorbed in the western culture by immigrants that are almost impossible to absorb in other eastern cultures (e.g. trivia night, chilling with my local white neighbors and not thinking twice about race). Let's be honest. There are components of western culture, especially American that are hundreds of years old whereas the components of a lot of eastern cultures are much older, often times over thousands of years old. It's tougher to assimilate to the latter rather than former.
Coming back to the factor that the assimilation on one end is forced by the west itself, mostly due to the liberal nature of its culture. As labor demand for certain skills has grown in the US, it has forced more people to immigrate, let's say from India. While not all of them do assimilate, the numbers are closer than, say, white people moving to Nigeria. I'm just trying to separate emotion from facts.
Trust me, I'm the first one to point out an IRT because they make me look bad. Some have no desire to assimilate, traditional/conservative or not. I can't stand it.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That different groups of people, who evolved separately and isolated over the course of thousands and thousands of years, are all 100% the same with no differences between the groups of people at all.
That race and ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with what makes a region of the world the way it is.
I think there are absolutely differences but the cultural differences between a brown American vs European and a white American vs European are likely going to be negligible rather than significant. I'm talking about either assimilated individuals and/or individuals born in these countries.
I don't think it makes sense to say that an American brown guy (like myself) is going to have the same kind of experience as a Japanese white guy. Again, I explained above differences in cultures.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That immigration, of any kind whatsoever, is a God given right and that we must have immigration going on at all times.
I think immigration needs to be earned, not a god given right. So I agree with you here. I think immigration should be controlled and to be honest, I think immigrant men should serve the country in some way to pay back for the privilege.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That it's ok if Europe becomes 20% white, while Asia stays 99% Asian and Sub-Sahara Africa stays 99% black.
I don't know. I mean, are Irish people 100% white, vs Russians, Spaniards, white Mexicans? How do we determine who is white anymore? At least with America, I know it was settled by immigrants and developed by more immigrants. I'm not sure I follow how we draw a line in the sand. I'm happy to entertain perspectives or answers.
That said, of course I disagree with mass immigration of unskilled workers from third world countries. We need to separate this from responsible immigration, again, rather than separating based on race, which is again just amateur in my opinion.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That Europeans do not have a right to maintain a very stark or complete majority in their ancestral homelands.
I think in my opinion, everyone has a right to maintain their own culture but the moment. However, when we start discussing the "right" to maintain a majority, it's not taking into account the various economic and cultural factors in the west. Again, are we saying we should purge the west of all non-white individuals, including the ones that added immense value? I'm interested to know how in the world someone would get a very stark or complete majority without deporting people unfairly. The logic doesn't make sense to me because it's excluding a large part of the conservative population that should be part of the solution.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
If Europeans in Europe and whites in the Anglosphere only want to have 1.4 kids per household, that we should just start having more babies to have a population race to "compete" with the non-whites who are popping out 6 kids per household.
This is an interesting one. Again, choices, choices, choices. If people make a choice not to reproduce as a product of liberal culture, I don't understand how that can be correlated with immigration being the reason things are going bad. The liberal culture in the west has been around before the recent 3rd world immigration. That said, this wave of immigration is a cause of liberal culture. You want to deport the immigrants? Fine, but to imply that this would somehow drastically or even significantly change that liberal culture of soy boy feminism and cuckishness, is fairly laughable at the very least. Liberal culture was created by the west. It's even exported from the west to conservative countries that would rather not have it. I don't blame them.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
That whites, in terms of economics, should just "compete and focus on self-improvement" as The West imports millions and millions from the third world.
That whites in the Anglosphere and Europeans in Europe should just put our heads down and clean our rooms, at a time when groups like Black Lives Matter are being pushed to the forefront in America, while across the pond the Muslims clearly vote, live and work as a collective block over in Europe.
I've learned more about self-improvement from my white friends than my Indian ones. Most Indian guys don't give a shit and go the IRT route. However, these days, I see some lost white guys that turn to porn, female pedestalization and social media. I don't think mass immigration did that to them. Their own liberal culture and feminist agenda did. This has been written and talked about in the manosphere, especially by Roosh for the last 10 years. I'm not repeating anything new. There simply are just more WRTs today than there were a few years ago. Maybe they should hang out with the IRTs. There aren't relevant differences between the two.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
Yes, I focused a lot on race and ethnicity here. That's the biggest problem that I have with conservatives - they act like it's irrelevant, and that it does not matter. It does, and this was common sense for pretty much all of world history. In fact, this is still common sense in every other part of the world to this very day outside of Europe and the Anglosphere.
Race and ethnicity matters. Period. Until Asians and Africans start importing millions and millions of people and start becoming minorities in their ancestral homelands, Europe especially needs to be off limits. I don't give a damn how conservative the new "Europeans" are, they can't come.
I believe it's toxic to throw the assessment of someone's character out of the window to replace it with something as irrelevant as race and ethnicity within the context of the west. All the while, there have been many non-white westerners assimilating, succeeding, doing well and overall, adding value. I don't care about liberals regardless of race. Similarly, I care immensely about conservatives and values, regardless of race. That's not to say race and ethnicity are factors. I just believe there are many factors. We shouldn't put our mental activity through a silo to justify a pre-determined point. My opinion.
Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:
And if they do come, they gotta go back. Otherwise, there's literally no going back if The West is to be saved.
An honest question now. Where is the line drawn on who goes back? Is it going to be the guy that built a business and feeds many employees, white and non-white. Or is it the guy that put his life on the line in the military and lost a limb for his country?
I think if the west is to be saved, we should band together. I would invite my white brothers as well as non-white. However, I want MEN on my side, regardless of race. I want men that take care of themselves, their families and their women. I want men that can hold a conversation and I want men that are willing to form bonds. I don't want IRTs and I don't want WRTs or any other kinds of race trolls that scream "Oh look at me. I'm unsuccessful because x, y or z is stopping me." I've been very successful just by working hard and being open. I've been grateful for the help many (mostly white) people provided me. I've tried to pay it forward.
Source: I'm brown as all hell. I immigrated at the age of 12 and had a tough time assimilating. There seemed to be many white people in the town I grew up who wanted me "gone." It hurt, a lot. Times were different. I know how it felt. Yet, I got my ass up. I learned English. I joined the military, and did well there. Assimilated (and enjoyed it). Made friends from all walks of life, started appreciating the white American culture AND the Black American culture, and started sharing it with others. I never held anything against anyone for what transpired. A lot of what happened was the result of kids being mean or kids being kids. I eventually realized that generalizing an entire race because some kids called me names was idiotic at best. That would be the same thing as generalizing to say an entire race should leave a country because there were some bad apples that were mass immigrated over for cheap labor.
Why can't we (MEN) all just get along?
I recognize I may have overdone this post. I appreciate Roosh for keeping this a space where we can express our opinions and not be censored as it appears in the rest of the liberal world, for example, his new book.