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Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I'm a bit of an environmentalist, not because I think dogs are cute and trees smell good, but I think there's some harsh realities to how we've impacted the environment and the impact it's going to have on us via pollution and resource depletion. To be honest, if there was one issue where I see both sides burying their head in the sand the most, it is probably this one. The conservatives flat-out deny impacts of the various pollutants in the environment, whereas the liberals think there will be some miracle technologies that will save us; the idea of consuming our way to sustainability is laughable. People don't realize the difficulty and thought that goes into bringing clean, pressure adjustable, temperature-adjustable water their faucets. We produce and use new chemicals all time that we have no idea what the long-term impacts will be on the environment we rely on, not much different then pharmaceuticals that come out promising to heal restless leg syndrome and end up giving you the bubonic plague. Clean-up of pollution is far more difficult, expensive, and time consuming then people realize. It's much easier and less strain on resources to simply not pollute in the first place. Disinfectant by-products in drinking water are an example of the difficulty of trying to clean water for instance. The removal of pharmaceuticals is another. Not only do you have to constantly worry about new chemicals we're introducing, but how those chemicals interact with other chemicals and equipment, as well as the chemicals those interactions may produce. There are no quick and easy answers to these problems.

People get distracted from the environmental issue because in world affairs there's always more immediate and pressing matters. However, quickly occuring problems also have quickly occurring solutions. The environment is one of those areas where it will take time before it's impacts are more immediate in people's lives, but by the time these impacts are recognized, the solution will be far more difficult if even possible at all.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

< The global warming scam is nothing but a con.

And nature has an immense ability to regenerate itself especially when aided by us even slightly. Research the rejuvenation of the bay of Tokyo as well as Tokyo air quality changes form the 1970s onwards.

Air qualiy has actually been improving in the US - the entire West actually. Sure - most chemicals used in food production and many even in pharmaceuticals should be banned, some products for packaging should be also forbidden, but most of it is based on the desire of the elite to give us cancer, not pay pensions until we are 100.

Plus - there is a ton of suppressed technology out there - most of it giving us clean, super-cheap technology or propulsion system. A cancer cure would certainly be banned vehemently as there have been reports about that as well.

Being right-wing, conservative and an environmentalist is no contradiction - only has become so recently due to the Neocon agenda, all this Big Corpo push. And yes - technology can save and actually has saved a lot - filters, better technology in manufacturing utterly changed even the look and feel of entire cities.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

The idea that returning to some mythical past will somehow resolve the issues of the present.

The idea that the market will sort itself out.

The idea that the police are always on our side and trustworthy.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-15-2018 06:15 AM)Thomas Jackson Wrote:  

The autistic libertarian view that all humans are interchangeable and GDP growth is the highest goal in policy also irks me. Nations and institutions come from the people if you replace the the people it is no longer the same nation.

Libertarianism was never supposed to be cucked. The movement was co-opted by classic liberals (egalitarians) who stripped the cultural and sociological aspects of it. In an article titled The Idea of Liberty is Western, Mises says:


Western society was a community of individuals who could compete for the highest prizes. Eastern society was an agglomeration of subjects entirely depending on the good graces of the sovereigns. The alert youth of the West looks upon the world as a field of action in which he can win fame, eminence, honors, and wealth; nothing appears too difficult for his ambition. The meek progeny of Eastern parents know of nothing else than to follow the routine of their environment. The noble self-reliance of Western man found triumphant expression in such dithyrambs as Sophocles's choric Antigone hymn upon man and his enterprising effort and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Nothing of the kind has ever been heard in the Orient.

Here's Hans Hermann Hoppe trashing what he calls left-libertarians:


Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Yeah forgot about that one. U.S conservatives actually brag about their 10mpg trucks and cutting down trees.

I'm pretty far right. But I like liberals more conservatives. They're really the worse of the lot.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-19-2018 11:46 PM)El Pistolero Wrote:  

Quote: (09-15-2018 06:15 AM)Thomas Jackson Wrote:  

The autistic libertarian view that all humans are interchangeable and GDP growth is the highest goal in policy also irks me. Nations and institutions come from the people if you replace the the people it is no longer the same nation.

Libertarianism was never supposed to be cucked. The movement was co-opted by classic liberals (egalitarians) who stripped the cultural and sociological aspects of it. In an article titled The Idea of Liberty is Western, Mises says:


Western society was a community of individuals who could compete for the highest prizes. Eastern society was an agglomeration of subjects entirely depending on the good graces of the sovereigns. The alert youth of the West looks upon the world as a field of action in which he can win fame, eminence, honors, and wealth; nothing appears too difficult for his ambition. The meek progeny of Eastern parents know of nothing else than to follow the routine of their environment. The noble self-reliance of Western man found triumphant expression in such dithyrambs as Sophocles's choric Antigone hymn upon man and his enterprising effort and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Nothing of the kind has ever been heard in the Orient.

Here's Hans Hermann Hoppe trashing what he calls left-libertarians:

Hoppe is what libertarians should be. Instead, 95% are potheads who think supporting trans people makes them edgy.

The only edge those tards have is on the cheez-it box they're always digging into.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-19-2018 11:15 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

< The global warming scam is nothing but a con.

And nature has an immense ability to regenerate itself especially when aided by us even slightly. Research the rejuvenation of the bay of Tokyo as well as Tokyo air quality changes form the 1970s onwards.

Air qualiy has actually been improving in the US - the entire West actually. Sure - most chemicals used in food production and many even in pharmaceuticals should be banned, some products for packaging should be also forbidden, but most of it is based on the desire of the elite to give us cancer, not pay pensions until we are 100.

Plus - there is a ton of suppressed technology out there - most of it giving us clean, super-cheap technology or propulsion system. A cancer cure would certainly be banned vehemently as there have been reports about that as well.

Being right-wing, conservative and an environmentalist is no contradiction - only has become so recently due to the Neocon agenda, all this Big Corpo push. And yes - technology can save and actually has saved a lot - filters, better technology in manufacturing utterly changed even the look and feel of entire cities.

There is some pollution like I remember from one of my lectures on Environmental Remediation that talked about a particular chemical compounds that cannot be broken down by any of natures creatures from non-stick pans and builds up through bioaccumulation before finally ending up in our livers.

All is not well. And I think that at least in regards to underground water that we are going to be leaving a permanent pollution legacy that will be very difficult to clean up. The chemicals they use in the fracking and other oil processes is also something to watch as such pollution would also end up in underground water sources.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I like your point and there's nuance to it. I can agree that the environment is important but I don't believe in the whole climate change scare that the media and its mouthpieces (looking at you Al Gore) is hyping up. Being able to escape technology and social media is a form of status today.

To add to your points, I'm an ex Whole Foods employee and while every location and region varies I know about 2 years ago they cut out the compost bin program at my store which costs an exorbitant amount of money. Having good intentions are great but at the end of the day the dollar prevails. There truly isn't some magic wand to save the earth in any way shape or form that's available today, or if there is it's a suppressed technology. Liberal lala land is what it is: liberal lala land.

In other words, items that don't save the earth:
* Di Caprio's gas guzzling activities such as his private jet trips to Europe.
* Al Gore's McMansion
* How everyone on this forum almost certainly uses gasoline in one way or another. We might as well all show solidarity by inventing a Flinstone's vehicle and go to work that way.
* Solyndra going bankrupt after running off with taxpayer funds.
* If you don't believe in climate change you're a Trump supporting hick.

I think we should learn from the liberal fantasy approach that if you are to propose something it better demonstratively work with established deadlines and goals in mind. I personally think we should establish space colonies if our earth is truly in trouble and not focus on alternative energy which isn't practical as far as I know.

Quote: (09-19-2018 10:45 PM)nek Wrote:  

I'm a bit of an environmentalist, not because I think dogs are cute and trees smell good, but I think there's some harsh realities to how we've impacted the environment and the impact it's going to have on us via pollution and resource depletion. To be honest, if there was one issue where I see both sides burying their head in the sand the most, it is probably this one. The conservatives flat-out deny impacts of the various pollutants in the environment, whereas the liberals think there will be some miracle technologies that will save us; the idea of consuming our way to sustainability is laughable. People don't realize the difficulty and thought that goes into bringing clean, pressure adjustable, temperature-adjustable water their faucets. We produce and use new chemicals all time that we have no idea what the long-term impacts will be on the environment we rely on, not much different then pharmaceuticals that come out promising to heal restless leg syndrome and end up giving you the bubonic plague. Clean-up of pollution is far more difficult, expensive, and time consuming then people realize. It's much easier and less strain on resources to simply not pollute in the first place. Disinfectant by-products in drinking water are an example of the difficulty of trying to clean water for instance. The removal of pharmaceuticals is another. Not only do you have to constantly worry about new chemicals we're introducing, but how those chemicals interact with other chemicals and equipment, as well as the chemicals those interactions may produce. There are no quick and easy answers to these problems.

People get distracted from the environmental issue because in world affairs there's always more immediate and pressing matters. However, quickly occuring problems also have quickly occurring solutions. The environment is one of those areas where it will take time before it's impacts are more immediate in people's lives, but by the time these impacts are recognized, the solution will be far more difficult if even possible at all.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

< Actually advanced enough technology is a magic wand:

+ geo-magnetic energy creators could be in every house supplying virtually free energy for everyone
+ the same generators could be installed in cars - there were even some movies having the hero install such a generator in his car and have infinite mileage
+ super-powerful batteries that could charge a car for thousands of miles - when you start looking into it, then it gets worse
+ water-powered car - heck there is even a small company in India making it, various inventors have slight adjustments to their combustion engines and run mostly on water
+ and don't let me get started on sound-propulsion machines that could replace current avionics - never mind anti-grav - they would suppress it all since it would make not only the oil scam impossible but Agenda 21
+ even if you disbelieve that, then how about Thorium nuclear generators which are much less dangerous and what about coal liquification and plastic-re-liquification - you can turn plastic back to petrol and you can turn coal to petrol for 60$/barrell - the Nazis did that in the fucking 1930s with US technology - we have coal in many countries for thousands of years!

+ other suppressed technologies and medical implementations are orthomolecular medicine, preventative nutritional medicine, various cancer treatments - go into RIFE technology, RIFE spectral microscope that got 40% of electro-microscope accuracy, but in movement, reason for suppression of the microscope?, because pleomorophism is real in a flux of virus to bacteria - the basis is everything and not the virus (essentially health of the underlying tissue), never mind suppression of the workings of our immune system which anti-bodies are a tiny part (there were studies done on people who had zero anti-bodies and they fought off everything almost at the same rate as someone with massive anti-bodies) etc. Did you know that Rockefeller funded only the patentable colleges going back in the early 20th century while attacking all the alternatives like herbalists heavily - later the extension of it the orthomolecular doctors? And on top of it Rockefeller had a homeopathic doctor on standby himself (there is some basis to that connected with water and human body being made out of water, but I consider that part of alternative medicine weak compared to the powerful stuff I saw with orthomolecular medicine.) There is nothing wrong with surgery except that you can for example regenerate a liver instead of waiting for a transplant just by giving a patient 20.000-30.000mg vitamin C daily. There are surgeons who reported finding out about it only after having lost multiple patients - those doctors gnashed their teeth at the establishment that suppresses the knowledge and belittles it calling it "expensive urine". Meanwhile patients are dying uselessly. There is a ton more in medicine regarding chemicals that should be banned instantly - pesticides, preservatives, additives - many seemingly only to serve the function of shortening our lifespan.

The Foster Gamble created documentary Thrive goes into a lot of that speaking with inventors.

+ how about usury free banking? Go research Woergl. Every fucking country could print it's budget into existence interest-free. Not only that - you could issue money interest-free with a negative interest (demurrage) into circulation that would make the economic system far more democratic and the average Joe prosperous. The more able guy would still come up on top, but at least you would not have this usurous inter-generational useless genocidal elite ruling.

So no - technology and science is absolutely the answer, just not the crap they give us with batteries being barely better than the ones we had in the fucking 1920s with the first electric cars.

Just as the magic wand of proper nutrition all year long, refrigeration, proper hygiene, running water, proper heating and insulation in winter - just as all of that decreased child-mortality by 98% long before any vaccine, the same can happen with further applied knowledge.

The only positive I would say about that is that this suppression can never last forever.

As for "irreversible" poisoning of chemicals like Teflon etc. - nothing is really irreversible. There are studies out there where application of mega-dose vitamins increases detoxification by 10.000% - in terms of speed - for example lead toxicity. And that is a low-tech medical procedure more akin to extreme food application - never mind if you go into machines that supposedly exist that use vibration into certain body parts and focus on certain elements, also those that hyper-charge the immune system. Because RIFE machine and orthomolecular med is 1940s, 1950s tech.

[Image: large-rife.jpg]

There are even pictures of Dr. Rife with the Royal doctor of the British king as well as 20 others including leading Stanford MDs - they were all witnessing his preliminary cancer test on 12 patients who were all cured withing 4-6 weeks.

You can find plenty of documentaries on Youtube.

There are scientific solutions to many issues that are plaguing us - but most of the suppressed ones simply run counter to the global plans of our world rulers - and we already have those. Even North Korea or Iran are not independent - not really. They would be Tungsten-bombed if they truly started rolling out even half of what I mentioned - both countries have scientists who could go into those directions, but both would not survive this. The same if they went into real monetary reform. They would declare war on them immediately.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?


I'm not offending you Simeon but I will fact check you. I agree with the general sentiment that the "mainstream" solution of using wind and solar energy isn't sustainable and that (if you're right) there's real deal solutions that won't get released into the public. I vaguley remember the Nazis experimenting with all kinds of technology which probably would include anti-gravity. I talk from experience because I know some liberals that will "fact check" climate change and the result is it's accurate. No it isn't it's confirmation bias, unless of course you want to be regarded as a redneck. Populism is rising and an elite class that doesn't want to relinquish its standing would very well want to keep everybody down by keeping ground breaking technology hidden. I remember Tim Ferriss stating in 4 Hour Body that this is essentially the case where there's a hierarchy of information that's available to the elite and then it trickles down (if at all to the average joe). I've stated it in another topic but you're one of my favorite posters in the forum.

This is off topic re the thread but what's your opinion on saunas and how long to use them.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-20-2018 10:58 AM)ChicagoFire Wrote:  


I'm not offending you Simeon but I will fact check you. I agree with the general sentiment that the "mainstream" solution of using wind and solar energy isn't sustainable and that (if you're right) there's real deal solutions that won't get released into the public. I vaguley remember the Nazis experimenting with all kinds of technology which probably would include anti-gravity. I talk from experience because I know some liberals that will "fact check" climate change and the result is it's accurate. No it isn't it's confirmation bias, unless of course you want to be regarded as a redneck. Populism is rising and an elite class that doesn't want to relinquish its standing would very well want to keep everybody down by keeping ground breaking technology hidden. I remember Tim Ferriss stating in 4 Hour Body that this is essentially the case where there's a hierarchy of information that's available to the elite and then it trickles down (if at all to the average joe). I've stated it in another topic but you're one of my favorite posters in the forum.

This is off topic re the thread but what's your opinion on saunas and how long to use them.

Global warming is beyond bias - it's batshit insane and about as scientific as the claims that you can be born in the wrong body or that men, women and all races are absolutely equal.

The hierarchy of information at the top regards real info. When they dish out propaganda for the masses, then it can start in crazy and be just backed by manipulated data - meanwhile squashing the opposition as "Climate Change Deniers".

No idea whether that sauna topic is serious. No idea. I personally don't care for saunas - prefer a heated pool outside best in the cold with a girl. That works better for R&R for me than sitting next to another sweating dude in a silent chamber.

I doubt your health depends on sauna usage. Ice water swimming and daily cold water showering is much more able to bolster your immune system.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-18-2018 12:09 AM)Trumpian Wrote:  

Actually if there hadn't been a Reagan, there would have been a Trump much sooner.

It was neo-conservatives like Reagan who fooled the country into thinking we had a party that was at least trying to look out for native born Americans while their policies were no different than the Left, at least on the issues that matter (immigration, free trade, interventionism,etc)

Back when Reagan was president, our current concern with native born Americans was not an issue. People were opposed to illegal immigration, but the context was much different.

Almost nobody in that era foresaw the way the white percentage of the population would plummet in the near future, with all the leftists celebrating the rapid transition of the US into a non-white, non-christian country. Even the idea of neo-conservatives didn't exist. You can trace the roots of the neo-conservative movement in that era, but it didn't exist at that time.

Reagan was concerned with rolling back the New Deal and the Great Society, and with winning the Cold War. We don't think in these terms now, because he succeeded. We look back at Reagan now, and see the roots of our current problems, but they weren't really perceived at the time. He was fighting the battles of that time, and couldn't have foreseen how much things would change. Heck, the Cold War didn't even end until after he left office.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I've been meaning to post a response. Just been busy. I was playing 90s Trivia at a local bar here in the midwest with mostly white people. The next table, all white people. We both picked the team name "You're Killing Me Smalls." [Image: lol.gif] I also have my son in the local cub scouts. It's 95% white. I'm brown/Indian/desi. I couldn't figure out if I was more white or they were just being brown. Not sure if this isn't enough.

As an immigrant son of immigrant parents that dropped their entire life and culture to move here in their middle age, just so their children could succeed, I have given everything I can to assimilate, serve this country and give back in other ways. I guess, maybe this isn't enough.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That Civic Nationalism will save us all.

Nah. I never would said that, as there is no saving. The western concoction of liberalism is too degenerate and cannibalistic for anything other than just nationalism saving it. I think this Civic Nationalism concept is just a fancy word for WRTs to separate nationalism into an artificial and purely subjective concept based on ethnicity and/or skin color, also known as race. In order to have a meaningful discussion on the concept of Nationalism, we need to explore character and its content regardless of race. I have known some "colored" guys that are bigger patriots than some white guys and vice versa. It's the same thing that IRTs do when they stay too close to their Indian/desi culture and refuse to open up to others solely because of their "race" or "ethnicity." I think it's toxic, personally.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That immigration from non-ethnic Europeans into Europe or the Anglosphere is good, as long as they're conservative.

I think we as Americans need to be very careful. Our country has been settled by different ethnicities historically. Europe may or may not have a similar historical pattern with different variables and factors.

I can speak for myself as an American when I say I'm against illegal as well as mass immigration of folks that show no potential of assimilation. We should talk about this more openly. Instead, if we base our conclusion solely on race and ethnicity and exclude those that may add more value to society, it becomes an amateur discussion and not a meaningful one.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That (Paul Watson tweet) "England is represented by a set of beliefs, values and traditions (classical liberalism), not skin colour or ethnic background."

That England will still be England when it's less than 50% British.

That as long as you speak the language and understand the culture, you can magically become German. Or Nigerian. Or Japanese.

I think becoming American or European through assimilation is very different from becoming Nigerian or Japanese. There are certain cultural components that can be absorbed in the western culture by immigrants that are almost impossible to absorb in other eastern cultures (e.g. trivia night, chilling with my local white neighbors and not thinking twice about race). Let's be honest. There are components of western culture, especially American that are hundreds of years old whereas the components of a lot of eastern cultures are much older, often times over thousands of years old. It's tougher to assimilate to the latter rather than former.

Coming back to the factor that the assimilation on one end is forced by the west itself, mostly due to the liberal nature of its culture. As labor demand for certain skills has grown in the US, it has forced more people to immigrate, let's say from India. While not all of them do assimilate, the numbers are closer than, say, white people moving to Nigeria. I'm just trying to separate emotion from facts.

Trust me, I'm the first one to point out an IRT because they make me look bad. Some have no desire to assimilate, traditional/conservative or not. I can't stand it.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That different groups of people, who evolved separately and isolated over the course of thousands and thousands of years, are all 100% the same with no differences between the groups of people at all.

That race and ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with what makes a region of the world the way it is.

I think there are absolutely differences but the cultural differences between a brown American vs European and a white American vs European are likely going to be negligible rather than significant. I'm talking about either assimilated individuals and/or individuals born in these countries.

I don't think it makes sense to say that an American brown guy (like myself) is going to have the same kind of experience as a Japanese white guy. Again, I explained above differences in cultures.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That immigration, of any kind whatsoever, is a God given right and that we must have immigration going on at all times.

I think immigration needs to be earned, not a god given right. So I agree with you here. I think immigration should be controlled and to be honest, I think immigrant men should serve the country in some way to pay back for the privilege.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That it's ok if Europe becomes 20% white, while Asia stays 99% Asian and Sub-Sahara Africa stays 99% black.

I don't know. I mean, are Irish people 100% white, vs Russians, Spaniards, white Mexicans? How do we determine who is white anymore? At least with America, I know it was settled by immigrants and developed by more immigrants. I'm not sure I follow how we draw a line in the sand. I'm happy to entertain perspectives or answers.

That said, of course I disagree with mass immigration of unskilled workers from third world countries. We need to separate this from responsible immigration, again, rather than separating based on race, which is again just amateur in my opinion.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That Europeans do not have a right to maintain a very stark or complete majority in their ancestral homelands.

I think in my opinion, everyone has a right to maintain their own culture but the moment. However, when we start discussing the "right" to maintain a majority, it's not taking into account the various economic and cultural factors in the west. Again, are we saying we should purge the west of all non-white individuals, including the ones that added immense value? I'm interested to know how in the world someone would get a very stark or complete majority without deporting people unfairly. The logic doesn't make sense to me because it's excluding a large part of the conservative population that should be part of the solution.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

If Europeans in Europe and whites in the Anglosphere only want to have 1.4 kids per household, that we should just start having more babies to have a population race to "compete" with the non-whites who are popping out 6 kids per household.

This is an interesting one. Again, choices, choices, choices. If people make a choice not to reproduce as a product of liberal culture, I don't understand how that can be correlated with immigration being the reason things are going bad. The liberal culture in the west has been around before the recent 3rd world immigration. That said, this wave of immigration is a cause of liberal culture. You want to deport the immigrants? Fine, but to imply that this would somehow drastically or even significantly change that liberal culture of soy boy feminism and cuckishness, is fairly laughable at the very least. Liberal culture was created by the west. It's even exported from the west to conservative countries that would rather not have it. I don't blame them.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

That whites, in terms of economics, should just "compete and focus on self-improvement" as The West imports millions and millions from the third world.

That whites in the Anglosphere and Europeans in Europe should just put our heads down and clean our rooms, at a time when groups like Black Lives Matter are being pushed to the forefront in America, while across the pond the Muslims clearly vote, live and work as a collective block over in Europe.

I've learned more about self-improvement from my white friends than my Indian ones. Most Indian guys don't give a shit and go the IRT route. However, these days, I see some lost white guys that turn to porn, female pedestalization and social media. I don't think mass immigration did that to them. Their own liberal culture and feminist agenda did. This has been written and talked about in the manosphere, especially by Roosh for the last 10 years. I'm not repeating anything new. There simply are just more WRTs today than there were a few years ago. Maybe they should hang out with the IRTs. There aren't relevant differences between the two.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

Yes, I focused a lot on race and ethnicity here. That's the biggest problem that I have with conservatives - they act like it's irrelevant, and that it does not matter. It does, and this was common sense for pretty much all of world history. In fact, this is still common sense in every other part of the world to this very day outside of Europe and the Anglosphere.

Race and ethnicity matters. Period. Until Asians and Africans start importing millions and millions of people and start becoming minorities in their ancestral homelands, Europe especially needs to be off limits. I don't give a damn how conservative the new "Europeans" are, they can't come.

I believe it's toxic to throw the assessment of someone's character out of the window to replace it with something as irrelevant as race and ethnicity within the context of the west. All the while, there have been many non-white westerners assimilating, succeeding, doing well and overall, adding value. I don't care about liberals regardless of race. Similarly, I care immensely about conservatives and values, regardless of race. That's not to say race and ethnicity are factors. I just believe there are many factors. We shouldn't put our mental activity through a silo to justify a pre-determined point. My opinion.

Quote: (09-14-2018 11:06 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

And if they do come, they gotta go back. Otherwise, there's literally no going back if The West is to be saved.

An honest question now. Where is the line drawn on who goes back? Is it going to be the guy that built a business and feeds many employees, white and non-white. Or is it the guy that put his life on the line in the military and lost a limb for his country?

I think if the west is to be saved, we should band together. I would invite my white brothers as well as non-white. However, I want MEN on my side, regardless of race. I want men that take care of themselves, their families and their women. I want men that can hold a conversation and I want men that are willing to form bonds. I don't want IRTs and I don't want WRTs or any other kinds of race trolls that scream "Oh look at me. I'm unsuccessful because x, y or z is stopping me." I've been very successful just by working hard and being open. I've been grateful for the help many (mostly white) people provided me. I've tried to pay it forward.

Source: I'm brown as all hell. I immigrated at the age of 12 and had a tough time assimilating. There seemed to be many white people in the town I grew up who wanted me "gone." It hurt, a lot. Times were different. I know how it felt. Yet, I got my ass up. I learned English. I joined the military, and did well there. Assimilated (and enjoyed it). Made friends from all walks of life, started appreciating the white American culture AND the Black American culture, and started sharing it with others. I never held anything against anyone for what transpired. A lot of what happened was the result of kids being mean or kids being kids. I eventually realized that generalizing an entire race because some kids called me names was idiotic at best. That would be the same thing as generalizing to say an entire race should leave a country because there were some bad apples that were mass immigrated over for cheap labor.

Why can't we (MEN) all just get along? [Image: blush.gif]

I recognize I may have overdone this post. I appreciate Roosh for keeping this a space where we can express our opinions and not be censored as it appears in the rest of the liberal world, for example, his new book.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

The Brown Shitizen Pillers strike again.

"Muh - immigration - let's not call it civic nationalism, because ultimately it is exactly that. If Switzerland or Norway just accepts the top 50 million Indians, Africans and Chinese, then it will be a wonderful country! Fuck Whitey - let's call them WRT for complaining - they will all contribute greatly - never mind if the country looks like Mumbai!"

Everyone knows that the West is for everyone.

[Image: attachment.jpg40100]   

Like most of those idiotic concepts - it's just not well-thought through - and never mind if no one demands a 100% or even 90% pure European state - the brown pillers will just claim that Europeans were all different races. Strangely enough they created similar cities and cultures.

[Image: at-least-i-still-have-muh-civic-national...301352.png]
Yeah - it should say - at least I have my well-vetted world-wide immigration policy that greatly contributes to my country.

We shall see how that works out in the coming decades.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Dude, we already know your points including that civic nationalism meme you’ve posted somewhere in the neighborhood of two dozen times now. Give us some new material because the repetitive copy-pasted rants get tiresome and aren’t persuading anyone who doesn’t already agree with you.

That said exactly how well has that White Nationalist movement been working out? Gotten any candidates elected or been able to turn out any massive, enthusiastic crowds?

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I need more Brown Pill conviction and the glories of diversity are showing their bounties to Europeans ever more - it's like an eternal wonderful magical treasure trove of enrichment.

Yes - after all those posts people still don't get it - still accusations of "When will you start killing all the brown folk?"

Indeed - similar to a monetary reformer: "Hey? What's the matter with you? Why haven't you finally implemented that usury free monetary policy if it's so superior?" Indeed - because all you have to fight against is just the entire globalist trillionaire bunch, most media, politiics, Deep state administration, academia, all the schools, the mainstream indoctrinated public plus on top the propaganda spread against you and the hate. Sure.

Also - what White Nationalist movement? What the fuck are you talking about? Here you are with the Nazi allegations. Are the Koreans Nazis for demonstrating against a mere 1000 Yemeni refugees arriving in South Korea? Literally like some fucked up SJWS - "Naziiiii!"

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Cobra, Samseau tried to explain this to you and everyone else 1,000 times. You did not listen.

Simeon tried to explain this to you and everyone else 1,000 times. You did not listen.

Countless others have tried to explain this to you 1,000 times. You did not listen.

I could write out a long response. I could.

However, sometimes views are best reflected by a single sentence. I'll leave this quote, by an Indian-British forum member who drops gold every single time that he posts on here, who gets it in a way that you never will:

Quote: (09-19-2018 05:11 PM)bojangles Wrote:  

If my grandparents wanted to live amongst Indians they would never have left India.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-20-2018 11:18 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

The Brown Shitizen Pillers strike again.

"Muh - immigration - let's not call it civic nationalism, because ultimately it is exactly that. If Switzerland or Norway just accepts the top 50 million Indians, Africans and Chinese, then it will be a wonderful country! Fuck Whitey - let's call them WRT for complaining - they will all contribute greatly - never mind if the country looks like Mumbai!"

Everyone knows that the West is for everyone.

Like most of those idiotic concepts - it's just not well-thought through - and never mind if no one demands a 100% or even 90% pure European state - the brown pillers will just claim that Europeans were all different races. Strangely enough they created similar cities and cultures.

[Image: at-least-i-still-have-muh-civic-national...301352.png]
Yeah - it should say - at least I have my well-vetted world-wide immigration policy that greatly contributes to my country.

We shall see how that works out in the coming decades.

Here's a couple memes for ya that encapsulates my feelings at this moment.

[Image: facepalm.png]

[Image: facepalm3.gif]

Ok, I'm done. You have an open invitation to Chicken Tikka Masala. Just you and me. I mean once the US turns into Mumbai as you anticipate. [Image: wink.gif]

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Problem is there's just too many shyte immigrants in the West these days so even the exempolary ones will be lumped in with them.

The whites in Rhodesia and S.A saw the writing on the wall when their faction lost power. The smart ones got out then. The browns in the West, especially ones of the Islamic persuasion, would be wise to follow their lead.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-20-2018 11:35 PM)Contagion Wrote:  

Cobra, Samseau tried to explain this to you and everyone else 1,000 times. You did not listen.

Simeon tried to explain this to you and everyone else 1,000 times. You did not listen.

Countless others have tried to explain this to you 1,000 times. You did not listen.

I could write out a long response. I could.

However, sometimes views are best reflected by a single sentence. I'll leave this quote, by an Indian-British forum member who drops gold every single time that he posts on here, who gets it in a way that you never will:

Quote: (09-19-2018 05:11 PM)bojangles Wrote:  

If my grandparents wanted to live amongst Indians they would never have left India.

I ran out of facepalm memes. Sorry.

I also like bojangles as he's a cool brown brother.

I hope he won't hate me because I want the US to turn into India. [Image: lol.gif]

I can't handle not having curry every evening for dinner.

Getting Zelcorpion back to the keyboard is always a pleasure. I just don't want to take it so far that he changes his username again. People are getting confused if he's a Civic Nationalist or a real one.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I do think it's funny that #1 line of defense for immigration apologists is.."How would you get xyz food"? Haha.

I mean I do love a good Tikka Masala. And actually I like doner kebabs too. Doesn't mean I want the streets roaming with thirsty Turks. I had too many of my ancestors give up their lives keeping those bastards out.

If preserving the cultural integrity of the West means a less varied diet, well I can live with that.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (09-20-2018 11:38 PM)Trumpian Wrote:  

Problem is there's just too many shyte immigrants in the West these days so even the exempolary ones will be lumped in with them.

The whites in Rhodesia and S.A saw the writing on the wall when their faction lost power. The smart ones got out then. The browns in the West, especially ones of the Islamic persuasion, would be wise to follow their lead.

Agree 100%. You seem to get something certain members are too blind to get.

Quote: (09-20-2018 11:52 PM)Trumpian Wrote:  

I do think it's funny that #1 line of defense for immigration apologists is.."How would you get xyz food"? Haha.

I mean I do love a good Tikka Masala. And actually I like doner kebabs too. Doesn't mean I want the streets roaming with thirsty Turks. I had too many of my ancestors give up their lives keeping those bastards out.

If preserving the cultural integrity of the West means a less varied diet, well I can live with that.

I don't want this either. To be totally honest, I get along more with white Americans than FOB Indians, although this may be a surprise to those blinded by siloed race based thinking and decision making.

We're finally starting to have a more intelligent and meaningful conversation but I'm sure that willl get derailed in....3....2....1...

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

< Good, then we agree.

Conciliatory applause. Drinks on me. Tikka Masala on you.

Even if we disagree on some points - we can always get drunk more on good Scotch - we can then argue then whether to give a waitress a 6.5 or a 7.2.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?


Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Okay... going to steer clear of any race stuff...

I consider myself right wing, but I can no longer identify as conservative (in the US or Canadian sense). I think many might classify my views as reactionary, but some of them could honestly be considered progressive.

In no particular order:

I despise most neocon talking points. Specifically, I fundamentally disagree with nation building. More so, I disagree with the philosophy that underpins nation building. Not all countries or people will accept, thrive under, or benefit from an American, classically liberal, (mixed) free-market, capitalist economy. It may just be that the Russians need and, indeed, prefer to have soft dictator strongmen leading their country.

GDP/GNP is not the be all and end all of a country. Likewise, unemployment rates do not, necessarily, indicate the success or failure of a country. I think many on this board would appreciate a crude unemployment rate of 50% (no women in the workforce).

I can't stand that libertarianism has been hijacked to focus on a small number of base issues - namely, marijuana and sex.

On the other hand, I am not exactly a hardliner on these issues either. If you made me god-emperor tomorrow, I would probably outlaw pornography and legalize prostitution.

On abortion, I am split. I hate it, but I understand the points others on the thread have made. So, how's this? Abortion is legal up to a certain number of weeks, and it is fully paid for. But, the women who get them are "tracked". On receiving your third abortion, you are immediately sterilized. That will limit these idiot women who get 9/10/15 abortions, without adding to the bad lines of society.

As to law and order, so-called conservatives have destroyed the system. In this area, I honestly side more with progressive prison reform supporters (up to a point). I would like to see the people serving time for non-violent crime pay their penance in another way. Fine them. Make them work some sort of community service project. Make them rebuild roads and bridges. Whatever. As to the true, violent offenders... I'm for more old-school solutions. Lock them up and throw away the key. For serious sexual offenders (where there is DNA and video/witnesses/whatever) castrate them.

As to the West, I have adopted many of the philosophical precepts of High Toryism.

I disagree with the pure egalitarianism that many "conservatives" espouse. People sort in to ranked classes in all societies. Some of these classes are better than others. They should be viewed as such. This is fact.

The push by some "conservatives" towards industrialization/servicification of certain (usually urban) areas and the push to populate those areas is a disastrous policy. Large conurbations destroy social connections, families, and morals. I am not a strict agrarian, but smaller community living should be encouraged.

There is a push in many modern "conservative" communities to support all religious people. The line of thinking seems to be that if I am a Christian and I support Buddhists, I am merely standing up for religious liberty. The problem is that this leads to the view that all religions are equal. They are not. It is very clear what religions contributed to political and social thought in certain areas of the world. In the same way, I disagree with a lot of the Christian ecumenism that is seen on the American "right" as well as the Zionist Evangelicals (who even the Jews don't like).

Currently out of office.

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