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Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

The kind of universalism that is pushed today is not Christian, it's a Crowleyan, kabbalistic luciferian cult that has subverted Christianity and taken over, and shaped modern culture, with prophets like Kinsley and Heffner, which you worship.

Incidentally, Dugan is a satanist posing as Orthodox Christian.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (02-25-2019 12:34 PM)911 Wrote:  

The kind of universalism that is pushed today is not Christian, it's a Crowleyan, kabbalistic luciferian cult that has subverted Christianity and taken over, and shaped modern culture, with prophets like Kinsley and Heffner, which you worship.

Incidentally, Dugan is a satanist posing as Orthodox Christian.

I actually don't think Heffner was any kind of a hero and he was definitely a liberal. As for Dugan, I take youtube videos with a grain of salt. A multi-polar world with Russia as Orthodox Christian would be just fine.

Rico... Sauve....

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I generally dislike most of the popular conservative media icons and their acceptance of homosexuality. From Gavin Mcinnes to Steven Crowder, they all like to bash Islam by showing how the religion treats fags. Heck Gavin Mcinnes was on the Joe Rogan podcast describing how he made out with Milo in order to agitate Muslims. All forms of faggotry disgust me.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (02-26-2019 12:10 AM)for.petes.sake Wrote:  

I generally dislike most of the popular conservative media icons and their acceptance of homosexuality. From Gavin Mcinnes to Steven Crowder, they all like to bash Islam by showing how the religion treats fags. Heck Gavin Mcinnes was on the Joe Rogan podcast describing how he made out with Milo in order to agitate Muslims. All forms of faggotry disgust me.

Yeah "they throw them off buildings" is a faggots argument.

We let gay couples adopt kids. We put trannies dressed as Satan in classrooms reading books. We have 11 year old boys doing strip teases in gay bars. We are on the way to legalizing pedophila as just another form of queering.

Which is worse? Throwing them off buildings or letting them harm children?

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (02-25-2019 12:01 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

My real objections are to Universalism.

This is fine.


Universalism is the notion that there is a single formula that every human on earth must adopt to and there is no other alternative. This is the position of Christianity and Islam.

As far as Christianity goes, no it is not.


Universalism is also pushed by the West with the belief that every country must become a democracy and there is one standard of human rights. Conservatives don't seem to realize that the SJW movement is actually an extension of Western Universalism. They, just as fanatically, want every country on earth to be gay and transgender. I believe that freedom can best be maintained in a multi-polar world something like what Aleksandr Dugin argues.

This is a reasonable thought.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

A few "conservative" positions (by US standards) I disagree with:

Worship of the market and capitalism. Marx and the socialists are insane cultists, but the idea that everything is okay that makes money and is "legal" is perverse and actually goes hand in hand with communist ideologies since in large part it's those black-hearted money-obsessed scum who got us to where we are now culturally and politically. A country that turns itself over to greed and markets will have its political process subverted and its culture distorted by the pursuit of opulence. Moral and cultural checks are critical for guarding against the extremes of market forces.

Ignoring the importance of thrift and protecting the environment. Right-wingers seem to think that people can just consume prodigious amounts of luxury commodities like meat, fuel, and electronics, and nothing will go wrong. But many resources are finite and there is a cost associated with how you use (or not use) them. A country that squanders its resources on gratifying its people's immediate desires for addictive food and fancy toys does so by squandering its natural resources and environmental quality. Short-term luxury leads to long-term national security risk, and also weakens the fortitude of the people.

Exaggeration of personal liberty to the point of ridiculousness. It's very rare that any ideology actually results in more personal liberties, at most they create new standards for what is socially acceptable to do or say. Granted, this problem is even worse among liberals, however, ideas like "it's not my business what two consenting adults do in their bedroom" are very popular among American conservatives, even though it's exactly that sort of thing that is destroying the conservative way of life. A country that does not mind the personal business of its people will have no collective moral standards, and it will be hard to even get people to agree on the laws. The people will lose their cultural solidarity, and the nation will eventually be dismembered.

My main complaint with American conservatism's overall ideals is that they tend to support soft anarchy. There has never in the history of nations been a long-lived nation or civilization that does not impose strong cultural or political order upon its people.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I really dont get the AR-15 craze. Good for personal defense of your property or household but people really think theyre going to defy the US gov with regular guys armed with what amounts to pea-shooters in the world of military weaponry. The skill sets needed are much greater than going out and buying an ar15 if you want to stand a chance against our government cracking down on its citizenry. You could say Roosh has had more impact than 500,000 of these mall ninja gear nerds by waking up alot of men out there from their blue pill existence and pushing the manosphere movement mainstream

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I don’t know where else to put this so here it goes.

I have been thinking about a phrase that free market advocates use quite often (or used to, when I read them regularly until 5 years ago): ‘it hurts the very people it is supposed to help’.

They will say this for example about minimum wage laws or price controls. They are usually right – but only if your only consideration is material wealth alone. This wouldn’t be a big problem if economics stayed economics – but since the connection with libertarian/classical liberal ideas in general is pretty much unavoidable and seems to be joined at the hip with ‘austrianism’ and other ‘free market’ schools, it must bring up the question of what is the higher goal, the higher value that society should strive for. They can and will say that ‘economics’ is value free, and that their prescriptions are separate statements – but this can never really be the case. What happens is they take the higher goal of material wealth as a given and go from there. Economics tells us how to do it – and they prescribe those solutions for higher material wealth.

Consider modern day developed countries. We have never been richer in material terms, and yet our societies are disintegrating. People have never been more depressed, atomized, suicidal, on drugs, etc.

The free marketer will pose that we just need more freedom. That markets should be allowed to operate. We can grant, for example, that there is no ‘true’ free market, that trade agreements with thousands of pages are not really ‘free trade’, that there’s a host of regulations hindering economic productivity, etc. But all we have to think about is: are the problems our societies are experiencing due to: 1) a lack of material wealth and economic progress; 2) existing despite this wealth and progress; or 3) because of increased wealth and progress?

It never seems to be questioned if economic progress is in itself always good – it’s just assumed to be. I think it’s pretty clear by now that our societies have turned upside down, to a large extent, by the conditions created by economic progress. It's not from hardship we're falling; it's from comfort.

All the societal problems we see today, from feminism to LGBTism to immigration to moral relativism to obesity are characteristics of wealthy societies and economic progress. This is not only observed in the modern world, but has happened many times before, even if those societies had significantly less wealth than we do. They still had the same problems.

I have alluded to this in the Yang thread because of automation. What freed women from the kitchen was technological advances brought on by economic progress; what freed men from manual labor and transformed them into soyboys, same. Furthermore, to cater to increased population due to improved technological advances the society must more and more enforce this type of unnatural living – and any step backwards will result in famine, because people are no longer able to provide the basics for their survival. Consider the amount of toxins, plastics, etc that modern humans in developed societies consume – because to keep this many people alive in this environment, it must necessarily be done this way.

LDN has stated recently something very true, which was something like this: a lot of guys here are looking for traditional girls in third world countries, not because of something innate in those peoples, but because their societies have not yet reached the level of technological and economic progress that transforms them into feminazis. This is why once you transplant a girl from a traditional society into a cosmopolitan one, without a strong hand, she will fall prey to the same vices.

If you are worried about immigration and globalism, you should also be necessarily weary of economic progress. Globalism in theory is only a rationalization of globalism in practice: the international free market. Consider that before the industrial revolution and capitalism, there were things that were sacred, that could not be bought and sold, or reproduced cheaply and transported across vast expanses of land; tied to specific cultures and places and peoples – and this is what gave them value above economics. This ability to reproduce, transport and sell however changed everything. When you have people across the world consuming the same type of food, watching the same entertainment, etc, it becomes hard to argue against homogenization taken to its next logical level: mass migration and mixing of peoples. After all, you already mixed their cultures, technologies and economies – and everyone seems to be happy to eat the same BigMac brought by UberEats while watching HBO. Isn’t this proof that the system is grand?

So, in other words, economic and technological progress as such – if not controlled and steered, not necessarily by government but by a set of morals and ideals – can and will ‘hurt the very people it’s supposed to help’. While raising people’s standard of living, it will necessarily converge everything into one single entity. They seem to subscribe to the definition of democracy from HL Mencken: that people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.

Even if this system was controlled by the nicest, most virtuous people around, instead of satanic psychopaths, the system itself produces this result by destroying the natural bonds between men and land, men and women, family and children, community and trade, etc. I suspect that it’s the very reason why such a system cannot be led by righteous people – because the end goal of it is in itself unrighteous in the long run.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

I believe that to some degree a welfare state is necessary. At the very least healthcare should be free or heavily subsidised.

Also everything Lunostrelki just mentioned.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (04-28-2019 05:04 AM)Gopnik Wrote:  

I believe that to some degree a welfare state is necessary. At the very least healthcare should be free or heavily subsidised.

Also everything Lunostrelki just mentioned.

I think the churches and Mutual Aid societies do better on the welfare front. Since they are generally local and will ensure accountability.

A faceless bureaucracy on the other hand is not able to handle freeloaders as effectively. And has practically subsidised generational welfare dependence as far as the results have happened.

Right wingers, "conservative" ideas you reject?

Quote: (04-23-2019 09:42 AM)ilostabet Wrote:  


Even if this system was controlled by the nicest, most virtuous people around, instead of satanic psychopaths, the system itself produces this result by destroying the natural bonds between men and land, men and women, family and children, community and trade, etc. I suspect that it’s the very reason why such a system cannot be led by righteous people – because the end goal of it is in itself unrighteous in the long run.

I'd say that the most dramatic way to reduce the problems that you have stated. Is literal Peak Oil.

When fossil fuels actually start depleting gradually over time and perhaps other energy sources as well. You will see a literal destructive and painful transformation of society back to a more ideal setting morally and socially.

As localization will be forced upon us. And all the goods you have mentioned would have to return to fill the void left behind by the collapsed globalism.

Because migration would be much harder in a non-fossil fuel world. And crossing oceans would require much more skill than many 3rd world peoples can muster.

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