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Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 09:22 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Gizmodo covered the books being banned.

Gizmodo is, of course, Jezebel's sister publication, so the kinds of people there are radical feminists who judge Roosh's works without having read the book, autistic men who think what a woman says is what they mean, gay men who think getting with a woman is the same as getting with a man, fat women who are upset they aren't the ones getting all of the attention from guys, people who have never accomplished anything meaningful who criticize others, and just plain old resentful people.

Edit The comments and article claim that Roosh advocates rape. They claim that he, in his books, tells men to physically restrain women who say "no". Let us read what he really says in "Game". Let me skim chapter 8 ("Sex").

Quote:RooshV in Game Wrote:

We do not convince girls to have sex with us, because they will feel regretful afterwards.
If she removes you hand from her breast, respect her wish [...] If she repeatedly puts a stop to one of your intimate moves, you could have reached the line that she doesn't want you to cross that night.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 09:22 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Gizmodo covered the [url=https://gizmodo.com/report-amazon-takes-down-nine-
If history is any example, the artists who pissed off the most people and the most corporations are the ones who are looked back on as the most significant. The problem is dealing with this stuff while it's happening. Looking back in hindsight is always easy.

Yeah, as much as this Orwellian behaviour pisses me off, at least it's further evidence that Roosh and others similarly black-listed are doing something very right in order to make enemies of all the right people. The last thing you want to be in this day and age is 'mainstream'.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Damn. The why are women being educated video was some of the most profound stuff on the internet.

What to do with all this forbidden knowledge....

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I'm glad Amazon isnt even viable out here in VN. It's a shyte company ran by a little bald SJW megalomaniac.

I'd love to see it boycotted en masse. Probably a pipe dream though..

It's interesting how the biggest threat to free speech, and right-leaning men is not the government - but mega corporations (twitter, amazon, google, facebook..and the list goes on). I'd love to hear what lolbertarians have to say about that. Trump needs to go after these cunts hard. I'd tax the living shit out of them personally.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Never thought I'd say this, but I liked Liberals more when they hated rich people and successful companies. I liked Rich people and successful companies a lot more when they hated Liberals.

(This was my thought listening to the Joe Rogan interview with Elon Musk...ditto with this Amazon Bullhonkey. Can't liberals just be like me and not care about rich successful people. Let's not fall in love with rich super-successful people and give them government money and influence (as much as possible). Just let them be rich and successful. Let's not let them have more influence over our lives than they'll naturally get.)

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

This is being done in order to condition people to the idea that banning books (and any other content) is acceptable if the content is offensive. Most normies outside the manosphere may be uncomfortable with the idea of censorship and book banning, but they aren't going to feel threatened by it if the only targets are "pro-rape" authors who they are likely unfamiliar with. In this way, Roosh is the perfect target to test the waters out.

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. -- H. L. Mencken

Once they have people used to the idea that banning videos/speakers/books/etc. is acceptable if the content is deemed "hate speech" then all they have to do is what the Left has always done - gradually shift the Overton window of acceptable thought until their opponents no longer have a voice or any way to reach the ear of mainstream society.

As someone mentioned earlier in this thread - this behavior is going to accelerate the closer we get to the 2020 election. We're already seeing it happen more frequently: Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch and David Horowitz's think tank getting their payment processing shut off by Mastercard and Visa, Alex Jones, Dennis Prager, and Gavin McInnes getting no-platformed, etc.

The elites may have gotten caught with their pants down when Trump got elected, but the system is realigning itself and adapting so that it doesn't happen again.

This is only the beginning.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Alex Jones will interview me live at 12:30pm EST. You can watch here: https://www.infowars.com/watch-alex-jones-show/

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

You should start writing lies, and destroy the lives of these idiots. They deserve no better.

Deus vult!

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Someone is selling a paperback copy of Game on eBay for a starting bid of 1000 euros ($1150 USD). [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg40022]   

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh is on with pjw right now.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Congrats with the exposure Roosh. I am tuning in.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

After a battery of ridiculous Alpha Power supplement ads, Roosh is now live on InfoWars with Alex Jones...

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

How is "The GameTongueenetrating the Society of Pickup Artists" by Neil Strauss still on Amazon?
This book is one of the earliest books about Game and the origin of RSD, which is the biggest pickup company.
How are some of RSD coaches with 100k, 200k subscribers on YouTube not banned at all?
They also post offensive memes and content on their social media too, but it seems like they are not getting a lot of hate.

Is this just because they do it a bit differently?

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I'm watching Roosh with Alex Jones right now, and he keeps flashing the cover of his book in interviews because it has a man and a woman in a supposedly romantic setting.

If that is the case, then why are they sitting under what is clearly a rape tree?

[Image: Game-by-Roosh-V.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Besides the supplement ads this is a good interview.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-12-2018 11:46 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

I'm watching Roosh with Alex Jones right now, and he keeps flashing the cover of his book in interviews because it has a man and a woman in a supposedly romantic setting.

If that is the case, then why are they sitting under what is clearly a rape tree?

[Image: Game-by-Roosh-V.jpg]

The tree is black, so no one cares.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books


I keep saying that complaining to Amazon will not work.

Focus on Ted Cruz instead: https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=form&id=16

...or name someone else who has a history of decrying this leftist bias stuff who's in politics. This is especially important for Americans to do. Coming from foreigners like me it means a lot less.

I've been happy to email people and already have, but it's actual Americans who need to contact their representatives more than any other group.

Multiple providers/companies - Visa, Mastercard, Twitter, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and others - have been banning conservatives/anti-leftists. To my knowledge, David Horowitz had his Visa/Mastercard ban reversed, but it's still bad they even tried. Appealing to the companies themselves should be bottom of the list of things to do.

Write to Cruz (or suggest other Republicans with a public record of his kind against censorship/bias).

Suggestions for how to write to Cruz and others:
- Cite his/their record/s of calling out tech companies for the need to promote free speech and not discriminate against non-liberal viewpoints
- Raise alarm about the future potential for online marketplaces like Amazon (physical/digital products, especially in the realm of BOOKS) and social media platforms like Facebook/Twitter (dissemination and debate of ideas) to begin purging conservatives and others
- Don't specifically mention Roosh - the issue goes far beyond him and I doubt most of these guys will know much about him, if they know anything at all
- Put some real time into your communications and be aware of styles and the language most likely to capture attention forcefully but respectfully

As far as I know (correct me if I've mistakenly listed someone or forgot someone), the following people/outlets have come out for Roosh:

- Mike Cernovich
- InfoWars/Prison Planet
- Stefan Molyneux
- Unz Review
- Information Liberation
- Mike Niemeier

Who else?

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder: http://slovakia.travel/en/nove-zamky

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books


Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I'm very familiar with Jones' interview style. He hates it when guests talk for prolonged periods. I followed his frame. [Image: smile.gif]

Quote: (09-12-2018 12:05 PM)Enoch Wrote:  


Close enough [Image: lol.gif]

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

It was surreal seeing you on there man, General Stalin and I were just talking about imagining you on Joe Rogan - I wonder how many eye balls you'd get on that !

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh is on the front page of the Daily Mail

[Image: Capture.png]

They've done a real hit piece on him (and all of us here the forum).


He's been greenlit. The knives are out. It's anuddah shoah!

Amazon removes nine books by 'pro-rape' campaigner 'Roosh' who boasts about sexual assault in his 'pick-up manuals'

Amazon took the unusual step of banning books by Barack 'Roosh' Obama

Because let's face it, this beast warrants extra special attention.

However, Obama is still able to promote his controversial views on Twitter

Not for much longer! It would seem.

The author is not currently banned on Google-owned video platform YouTube

Well, I guess that gig is coming to an end soon as well. A directive has been sent out. It's hunt Roosh week.

As if this was ever about his new book or books. He's getting the treatment. He's having a number done on him. Again.

Amazon has ditched nine books by 'pro-rape' campaigner 'Roosh' who boasts about sexual assault in his vile 'pick-up manuals'.

The retail firm took the rare step of banning self-published books by Barack 'Roosh' Obama, which detail confessions of rape.

That includes his most recent book, published last week, which had already sold 1,000 copies before it was removed from the online store.

Obama, who is also a virulent homophobe, still regularly promotes his racist, sexist and anti-semitic views on Twitter, where he has more than 40,000 followers.

That's quite a CV:
Pro Rape campaigner.

No wonder he never has any spare time!

Altogether now for the 2 minutes of hate:

[Image: 4_Capture.png]

Keep in mind that these comments have been moderated in advance.

[Image: 1_Capture.png]

"Donald" is shocked. He just realised that there are 'Pro Rape people' out there - ?!?!?!

[Image: 2_Capture.png]

He'll be on the BBC News again at this rate. It's that time of year.

This did make me laugh though:

[Image: 3_Capture.png]

Some innocent gameless guy somewhere is going to ask the wrong blue haired blob of lard for directions to the pet shop and get bottled for his troubles.

But it's not funny though. First they take away his livelihood then they slander and libel him in the press and in the news. I was surprised to see this in the Daily Mail - you kind of expect it from the Guardian.

Roosh will be getting his Twitter closed down pretty shortly, and his youtube channel will be gone soon as well. First they came for Alex Jones...

They've already taken his paypal (I was just about to donate to it just as it got taken down a while back, so he definitely lost money there), now it's a hatchet job to unperson him and deplatform him.

These are very ominous words -

However, Obama is still able to promote his controversial views on Twitter

The author is not currently banned on Google-owned video platform YouTube

Guess we all know what comes next.

Then it will be his websites. Then it will be the people that posted on his websites. They won't stop. They won't rest.

When Trump is out of office is when they'll really go hog wild. They're just warming up. Just like I said on my commentary on the other hit piece the Guardian did a while back.

You'd need to be a blind man not to see it coming, though.

I wonder who'll be next.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Roosh is live now on JF's Public Space. Good so far.

Great job Roosh - your best interview.

JF, keep up the good work, GREAT channel.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Glad I’ve been following this close enough and caught the infowars interview with... rooshvee while sitting at work. Roosh, you did a good job working with Alex’s format.

This is getting pretty surreal. The slander is so over the top to anyone who has followed roosh for a while.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see this get even bigger news attention.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Some brave fucker is getting hectored by the SJWs on Kboards after trying to defend Roosh's free speech rights.


Even though I am now an aspiring fiction author, it's tough. Professional writing is utterly infested with these rats, and it makes me sick. That and the fedora wearing omegas.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Don't bother commenting on the Daily Mail article. Moderater puts you in permanent time out.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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