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Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 02:37 PM)Andy_B Wrote:  

Anyone else have a hard time paying attention to work when stuff like this is going on?

That's how it's done. Keep the masses working 12 hours/day, too tired to think at night, while the changes are implemented.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 03:39 PM)MANic Wrote:  

BortimusPrime establishes the basic framework for any envisaged litigation. That Amazon is large and dominant enough is not even remotely moot. In such circumstance, the only legitimate hypothetical disallowance would be where the content is egregrious enough to the extent that it would fall outside the ambit of legitimate free speech. A position that is prima facie unlikely

It gets trickier when you factor in search algorithms, since the algorithms are proprietary and you can literally put someone on the very end of the results with one line of code:

if(author == "Roosh") then search_weight := 0;

Best case would be to require a default uncurated search option in whatever media platform, but policing it would be next to impossible and the tech companies can just do the old "it wuz a mistake sry lol" shuffle they've been doing on youtube every time they get confronted over bullshit channel shutdowns.

It's really a shame that congressional hearing with the tech CEOs only consisted of aged boomer cuckservatives with no clue what's going on. Except for that guy from Oklahoma that called out the Sarah Jeong/Candace Owens twitter double standard before he was quickly cut off.

Frankly I have a hard time not just being blackpilled on the whole thing. Looking at surveys on free speech attitudes even among conservatives it's not an impressive majority, and the libtards don't give two shits about it since they think their commissars are on the verge of absolute power as soon as Trump gets booted. Combine that with mass immigration from cultures that didn't go through an enlightenment and don't even have that residue of philosophy to see politics as anything other than an identitarian power struggle...the future is bleak.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 01:29 PM)bk19xsa Wrote:  

The agent had a European accent and did not know much about it. So he said he will put me on hold and talk to his leadership team. After a while he came back to me saying that his leadership has informed that the author (Roosh)pulled the book and if he wants it there, then he should contact Amazon.

I straight away told the agent that I follow the Author's blog and he mentioned that the book has been removed from Amazon. The agent then said to me that I should contact the author and inform him to contact Amazon. I replied back that I am not in personal touch with the author and that the book was selling well right before it disappeared and therefore why would the Author remove it. I told the agent it doesn't make sense and something else is going on. He agreed but said he doesn't know. I told him he should find out through his leadership team.

I then pretended as if I was searching on google about the book and I came across the Huffington news. I told the agent to do the same. He saw that the book got banned and was surprised. I told him that his leadership team is not telling him the truth and this is disappointing that I am getting wrong answers from customer service. He said he is noting my feedback and will submit it

Then I asked him why is this book banned when there are thousands of actual offensive books including on Hitler available on Amazon where as this is a book just on getting along well with women. I added asked why is Amazon banning books suddenly and why are they dictated by Huffington Post.

He absolutely agreed with me and was also surprised why this happened as there seemed nothing wrong with the book ( these were his actual words and this is a recorded conversation). He said he would take all this feedback up with the leadership team.

I also told him to note down that I did not like what Amazon has done, and since I have been a good prime member, this action is highly disappointing and I am thinking of closing down my account. I also informed him that many people I know, are interested in buying the book from Amazon and now I am going to inform them that this has happened.

The agent agreed on all of this and said he would inform his leadership team and also hoped that the book gets reinstated.

Brother, with respect, they don't give a fuck or 1/10,000 of a fuck about you, or me, or anyone else who wants to see Roosh's books sold.

Roosh obviously needs to keep the heat on Amazon and contact them, sharing their responses with us, but I fear that by trying to reason with Amazon as a single customer, you are falling into the mindset that these people can be reasoned with.

Bezos spent hundreds of millions of dollars in buying WaPo, a classic magnate move, as a way to help control the narrative (not in any sense as a way to make money from declining print and digital newspaper sales - a pointless exercise in today's climate). Amazon could lose 10,000 customers and they still won't stock Roosh's books. We need some external option.

I don't have a Prime account or anything like it, but I know for a fact even if 500 Roosh supporters said they would cancel their memberships in the same hour, Amazon wouldn't give a flying fuck.

Bezos has gone after Donald Trump in public, saying everything other than that he literally hates him, which, of course, he does. Aside from a public outcry against Amazon, alongside a political scandal about monopolies and censorship, this decision is going to stand.

We need to be more creative than engaging in phone calls and instant chats with Amazon employees. Whilst I recognize your passion and loyalty to Roosh, it will achieve nothing.

Reasoning directly with ideological opposites (or their proxies) did not work in Montreal/Toronto or during the meet-up fiasco.

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

We need to focus in this thread and talk about countermeasures.

If people want to help, they should contact people SYMPATHETIC to countering SJWs, censorship and monopolies. Call them, tweet them, email them.

OR suggest something else that is proactive.

This thread rehashing the age-old story of how SJWs try to come after dissident viewpoints is not achieving anything.

Stop, stop, stop, stop trying to reason with Amazon using chats and calls. Do or articulate something else in a way that helps what we want to achieve.

By contacting Amazon, you are under the misapprehension these people think like us. They don't.

They fall into three categories:

- Mindless cogs focused on not losing their jobs due to Amazon's infamously difficult work culture;
- Ideologues who react with glee at seeing people like Roosh persecuted; and
- People aware of the crackdown but too scared or exhausted (understandably) to oppose it.

What are we going to do? Stock-standard answers are not going to cut the mustard here.

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I bought the ebook from roosh's web store to show my support [Image: cheerleader.gif]

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh is live now on JF's Public Space. Good so far.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

For those of you wondering why pozzed up fags get to boss around a baker, please read the whole Masterpiece Cakeshop vs CCCR (a little too close to CCCP for me) case.

Its not what you think it is but I'm glad we have Gorsuch on our side, also feel free to look up the colorado civil rights commission just make sure to have a drink handy to keep your BP down.


You have standing to sue, thats step 1.
You can show actual financial damages.
Discovery will force them to show who and how they manipulate search algorithms, this is the key.
As BortimusPrime noted, its not that hard to subtly alter search results. Google and microsoft have had billion
dollar fines handed to them recently over just this.

And as I've stated before, monopolies haven't fared too well in court in the last 100 years. The idea
that amazon can have 80% of the market and use it to make the market in their favor isn't going to
chide well with the courts, especially when they use their power to suppress constitutional speech. In this case speech
which is not even critical of them or advocated illegal behavior.

And , I wonder, doesn't Amazon offer a sort of drop ship service? Can they refuse to sell books from people
under what would count as discrimination in any other business? I mean its not like they are selling a cake...

@ROOSH, imagine arguing this before an 80% appointed Trump supreme court?
Find a lawyer, perhaps Harmeet K. Dhillon, who is repping the google bro.

This needs to be brought to a court, if nothing else then to force Amazon to reveal if it ever manipulated search results.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:10 PM)david.garrett84 Wrote:  

We need to focus in this thread and talk about countermeasures.

If people want to help, they should contact people SYMPATHETIC to countering SJWs, censorship and monopolies. Call them, tweet them, email them.

OR suggest something else that is proactive.

This thread rehashing the age-old story of how SJWs try to come after dissident viewpoints is not achieving anything.

Stop, stop, stop, stop trying to reason with Amazon using chats and calls. Do or articulate something else in a way that helps what we want to achieve.

By contacting Amazon, you are under the misapprehension these people think like us. They don't.

They fall into three categories:

- Mindless cogs focused on not losing their jobs due to Amazon's infamously difficult work culture;
- Ideologues who react with glee at seeing people like Roosh persecuted; and
- People aware of the crackdown but too scared or exhausted (understandably) to oppose it.

What are we going to do? Stock-standard answers are not going to cut the mustard here.

Come on man, if you have any other "proactive" ideas then list them out instead of telling others they are stupid for actually doing something even if it won't change anything. That is a lot of text and jargon for not really saying anything that helps.

Roosh isn't going to sue Amazon. He would go bankrupt before he even got through preliminaries.

The best and only recourse at this time is to sell through other outlets. Only thing you can do is continue to push the censorship narrative and hope Congress does something. I do think we are inching our way to the point where that may just happen.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Roosh is live now on JF's Public Space. Good so far.

Nice - too short and the comment section wanted more.


infernocomet​roosh is unironically more based than most "white european" right wingers

xrayeyesb4u​i put GAME BOOK on an Alter


Bruce Wayne​I hope Roosh will debate 5+ wimmin again

Svensk Höger​should've kept him on longer! just shoot the shit about women, it's awesome

It's very good to go on those Livestream shows, because for many Game and the original Red Pill are a bit new or they don't see the full scope of seduction.

So it's especially useful for those men to get exposed to some sane balanced Game teachings. 1000+ viewers.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 04:34 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

It's really a shame that congressional hearing with the tech CEOs only consisted of aged boomer cuckservatives with no clue what's going on.
I think the speed of technological change and news cycles has overwhelmed older conservatives who don't understand what is happening. Everything from Soros funding district attorney races to bitcoin sites making social security numbers mandatory, or when Poland's bond rating was immediately downgraded when they refused "refugees", they can't grasp how many avenues the left is consolidating into total power. It just doesn't sink in to their fucking heads that the America they grew up with in the 60s-80s doesn't exist anymore. Their carelessness is going to destroy their grandchildren (not that they care).

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

In doing some research on the topic of Amazon banning books, I came across a revelant article from August 10, 2018 on Yahoo Finance.

Summary: Amazon removed the e-books of six self-published novelists who say they did nothing wrong. The authors complained their books were removed without warning and they were given no clear explanation. One of them is a big-selling writer, J.A. Cipriano.

Sound familiar?

My thoughts: The big publishing houses in New York might be pulling the strings at Amazon regarding the removal of these books and Roosh's books.

Big Publishing might be telling Amazon not to stock indie books if they want the big titles from major companies. Like the record industry, the publishing industry has taken big financial blows in the digital era, and the bigwigs try to elbow out anything "indie" or "self-published" which doesn't earn them profit.

I recall reading something similar about grocery store chains and record stores decades ago. If the stores stocked anything other than major brands, the major brands would withhold their big-selling products, which hurt the retailers' bottom lines.

This is just conjecture, but it's worth considering. If this turns out to be the case, self-published authors should ban together and sue Amazon.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:36 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Come on man, if you have any other "proactive" ideas then list them out instead of telling others they are stupid for actually doing something even if it won't change anything. That is a lot of text and jargon for not really saying anything that helps.

Read what I wrote, it's clear and right in the middle of the text that you quoted:


If people want to help, they should contact people SYMPATHETIC to countering SJWs, censorship and monopolies. Call them, tweet them, email them.

I already emailed Ted Cruz's office with concerns about how essential tech monopolies are already crowding out conservative views and that this would spread to the online marketplace.

I called no one stupid, either. Cite me correctly.

One post from one forum member is not going to list every potential proactive response. This thread and the forum can start to develop them over time.

I'm unapologetic about rather bluntly pointing out that we need to work on more effective solutions, whatever they may be.

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:54 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Roosh is live now on JF's Public Space. Good so far.

Nice - too short and the comment section wanted more.


infernocomet​roosh is unironically more based than most "white european" right wingers

xrayeyesb4u​i put GAME BOOK on an Alter


Bruce Wayne​I hope Roosh will debate 5+ wimmin again

Svensk Höger​should've kept him on longer! just shoot the shit about women, it's awesome

It's very good to go on those Livestream shows, because for many Game and the original Red Pill are a bit new or they don't see the full scope of seduction.

So it's especially useful for those men to get exposed to some sane balanced Game teachings. 1000+ viewers.

Those two had good chemistry and JF piqued people's interest in the book when he said that it was more than a game book but social commentary as well. Also, pretty standup move telling his audience not to send superchats but buy the book instead.

Couldn't have gone better.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 06:05 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:54 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Roosh is live now on JF's Public Space. Good so far.

Nice - too short and the comment section wanted more.


infernocomet​roosh is unironically more based than most "white european" right wingers

xrayeyesb4u​i put GAME BOOK on an Alter


Bruce Wayne​I hope Roosh will debate 5+ wimmin again

Svensk Höger​should've kept him on longer! just shoot the shit about women, it's awesome

It's very good to go on those Livestream shows, because for many Game and the original Red Pill are a bit new or they don't see the full scope of seduction.

So it's especially useful for those men to get exposed to some sane balanced Game teachings. 1000+ viewers.

Those two had good chemistry and JF piqued people's interest in the book when he said that it was more than a game book but social commentary as well. Also, pretty standup move telling his audience not to send superchats but buy the book instead.

Couldn't have gone better.

I wish Roosh had stayed on longer though.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I have seen the Hate Center on twitter insinuate that your books teach men how to rape. This is clearly libel and you should definitely get a lawyer regarding this.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

All of my books were just banned on Kobo, a Canadian e-book platform.

[Image: attachment.jpg40018]   

[Image: attachment.jpg40019]   

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books


..."Free Speech Isn't Free" has been blocked from publication...

Irony, is that you?

[Image: wtf-is-this-shit.jpg]

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

They will go next for your twitter account, they probably have it as a next step in whatever common slack channel they've been running the coordination on. Don't you usually delete all after a certain date?

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Interview I did with Paul Joseph Watson today on Infowars:

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Just like in the Good'ol Dragon Ball Z Movie titled Bardock... The Father of Goku... Freeza (The MSM) are clearly scared of you because your forum is awakening a lot of minds... and you're starting to become too powerful of a voice. Still remember the first time I read Bang Damn! Good times! Keep Your Head Up Roosh!

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

A lot of us will support you - financially - if you decide to go the legal route.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:33 PM)ms224 Wrote:  

For those of you wondering why pozzed up fags get to boss around a baker, please read the whole Masterpiece Cakeshop vs CCCR (a little too close to CCCP for me) case.

Its not what you think it is but I'm glad we have Gorsuch on our side, also feel free to look up the colorado civil rights commission just make sure to have a drink handy to keep your BP down.


You have standing to sue, thats step 1.
You can show actual financial damages.
Discovery will force them to show who and how they manipulate search algorithms, this is the key.
As BortimusPrime noted, its not that hard to subtly alter search results. Google and microsoft have had billion
dollar fines handed to them recently over just this.

And as I've stated before, monopolies haven't fared too well in court in the last 100 years. The idea
that amazon can have 80% of the market and use it to make the market in their favor isn't going to
chide well with the courts, especially when they use their power to suppress constitutional speech. In this case speech
which is not even critical of them or advocated illegal behavior.

And , I wonder, doesn't Amazon offer a sort of drop ship service? Can they refuse to sell books from people
under what would count as discrimination in any other business? I mean its not like they are selling a cake...

@ROOSH, imagine arguing this before an 80% appointed Trump supreme court?
Find a lawyer, perhaps Harmeet K. Dhillon, who is repping the google bro.

This needs to be brought to a court, if nothing else then to force Amazon to reveal if it ever manipulated search results.

I don't know how widely this is known. Since the baker won with the supreme court, a CO lawyer asked to have a tranny coming out cake, and the baker refused, so the CO Human Rights Commission has actually ruled against the baker a second time, and the baker sued back, with a case likely to go to the supreme court a second time.

Fortunately, Trump is rapidly reshaping the SCOTUS!

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

You need to write a letter to Trump explaining the whole situation. Be sure to tell him you’re a fan, and that you believe your work will help his next election, which it will. Making men feel like men will only make them vote conservative.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I daresay this forum is their real target. 'Game' tied together a lot of ideas from the forum about governments using feminism to crush male resistance to their power. Its very eye opening to normal men who had never seen those ideas before. Had it been another 'bang latvia' or whatever they would've let it slide IMO.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 03:22 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Because Bezos has fuck you money and owns the whole fucking market. It's the only game in town.

Perhaps this is a pipe dream but it would be awesome if the notorious Elon Musk wished to enter the digital book distribution space & battle with Bezos while embracing the manosphere (giving guys like Roosh a hot platform). Just think, Musk could rebrand & recreate his entire trajectory (much like President Trump has done with his own career). But yes it is pure fantasy at this point.

But I do think the "idea wars" will be no joke moving forward. We can't allow Big Brother to take over like this.

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