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Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books


Amazon has banned Game, along with 8 other books. They won't tell me why.

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Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

^^ Jesus fucking Christ! Had a feelin' that was gonna happen. What is with these people?

I just saw the listing on Amazon UK, so I guess British gents will still have a chance to grab a hold of it (??)

Simply put, Game is a chronicle informing and instructing today's men on what is REQUIRED in order to achieve any degree of intimacy with women, and these goddamn fascists just have to cave in and repeal it. I bet if the dinks in the Amazon administration would actually sit down and read the book, they'd be like, 'Whoa, this sounds good, I'm gonna hit the streets and make some approaches today.'

But noooo.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I just finished a long chat session with an Amazon support person.
Please, if you haven't ordered the book yet, get on a chat session with Amazon support asking why it is no longer available.
If you have ordered the book, get on a chat session asking why you can't order another copy for a friend.
Do it now.

If Amazon gets hundreds of requests for the book, somebody higher up the food chain is going to notice.

If it still is missing in a couple of days, repeat.

This is a book on relationships and psychology. It is important.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I got the ebook & audiobook directly from Roosh's website in the end as I always avoid the middle-man if and when I can. Like anyone with a minimum of foresight, I knew Amazon would pull something like this sooner or later.

Quote:Amazon Wrote:

Content Guidelines

Your books and other content (such as book titles, cover art and product descriptions) must adhere to these content guidelines. We reserve the right to make judgments about whether content is appropriate and to choose not to offer it. We may also terminate your participation in the KDP program if you don't adhere to these content guidelines.


We don't accept pornography or offensive depictions of graphic sexual acts.

Offensive content

What we deem offensive is probably about what you would expect.

Illegal and infringing content

We take violations of laws and proprietary rights very seriously. It is your responsibility to ensure that your content doesn't violate laws or copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other rights. Just because content is freely available does not mean you are free to copy and sell it.

Public domain and other non-exclusive content

Some types of content, such as public domain content, may be free to use by anyone, or may be licensed for use by more than one party. We will not accept content that is freely available on the web unless you are the copyright owner of that content. For example, if you received your book content from a source that allows you and others to re-distribute it, and the content is freely available on the web, we will not accept it for sale on the Kindle store. We do accept public domain content but may choose not to sell a public domain book if its content is undifferentiated or barely differentiated from one or more other books. Also, we do not allow companion books based on copyrighted works (e.g., summaries, study guides, etc.) to be published outside the U.S. without written permission from the copyright holder.

Poor customer experience

We don't accept books that provide a poor customer experience. We reserve the right to determine whether content provides a poor customer experience. See the Guide to Kindle Content Quality for examples of content that's typically disappointing to customers.

They have enough leeway with the word "offensive" to do whatever they want. Roosh agreed to those terms so there isn't much he can do.

You can phone in and write as much as you want, it's not going to work. No-one at Amazon is going to stand up and defend the books, Roosh, or anyone who can make them look bad.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Unless something drastic changes very soon.... this is just the tip of the spear

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I hope that thanks to cryptocurrencies, authors will always find a way to sell their creations, despite the censorship.
That’s the number one reason I support cryptos.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

One day every platform that does this is going to have a red pill equivalent.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.


Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Game is some deep web style niche now.

Shut it down

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

By their own logic they should immediately refund you 5 years worth of marketplace fees, since they profited from selling "content that violates guidelines".

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-10-2018 08:35 AM)Mess O. Wrote:  

I just saw the listing on Amazon UK, so I guess British gents will still have a chance to grab a hold of it (??)

Still on Amazon UK now. Just topped up my kindle version with the audible version -- mainly out of 'solidarity' or whatever.

Censorship sucks.

Treat any relationship like you're Bill Murray in 'Ground Hog's Day'

In control of my density

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I've only started reading "Game," but from what I've read so far it blows "Bang" out off the water, both in terms of usefulness to the reader and writing quality. To politically correct sensibilities, it's no more "offensive" than "Bang," and there are hundreds of other books on Amazon on the same subject. So why have the books been pulled now? Well, I believe that this book has the potential to be wildly successful, maybe even a best seller. While "Bang" may have been moderately successful, it only ever had the potential to reach a very niche market, whereas "Game" has the potential to appeal to a much wider mainstream audience. Unfortunately it's most likely to do so as a product on Amazon since bookstores are unlikely to stock it. Bastards. It's every forum member's responsibility to buy this book where they can, not just to support Roosh, but because its a damn good book.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

This is bad news...

I finished the book this weekend and it is a work of excellence. For anyone who earnestly tries to find intimacy in this age, its sage advice rings sound from start to finish. There's not an offensive page in that book.

Amazon is playing with fire here with a book ban.

I'm hoping their efforts have the opposite intended effect: that in the long run, Roosh's works receive more recognition and more notoriety while also shining more light on the perverted authoritarianism, mendacity, and darkness in the fanatical progressives who happen to control major tech platforms.

Edited to add: I'm also holding out hope that if the ban remains, that Roosh will reap even greater commercial rewards in one form or another.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books



Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I was considering buying the Game book thru Amazon, but I'd prefer to buy directly from Roosh.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I ordered the physical book, kindle and audio book before the ban. Just got done voicing my concerns to amazon customer support representatives Mukesh, Chenique, and Nitesh. I let em have it about that bald fucker Jeff Bezos.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I just checked Barnes and Noble. The ebook version is there but not the paperback. Was the paperback ever an option there?

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Just chatted with Amazon support:

[Image: attachment.jpg40003]   

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-10-2018 10:35 AM)Horus Wrote:  

I just checked Barnes and Noble. The ebook version is there but not the paperback. Was the paperback ever an option there?

Yeah, the paperback was listed on Barnes and Noble for $22 with shipping it came to around $27

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

At this very moment all of the other works have become available again except

- Game
- Poosy Paradise

[Image: attachment.jpg40005]   

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Queue the liberals who magically become conservatives concerning censorship "But they can do whatever they want, they're a private business"

These tech companies are controlled by pathetic ideological faggots whose ideas can't survive outside a communist totalitarian system.

I was reticent to buy the book from Amazon in the first place since I'm sure my personal information and everything Amazon and their shady partner companies have collected on me would go on some White Supremacist Pro-Rape Neo-Nazi Fat-phobic post-Trump Blood Purge Hate database.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Where can I buy the paperback? It's not available on Amazon or Barnes & Noble...and I wanted one for myself and maybe a couple other copies to give to friends.

I wish we could buy it directly from Roosh without having to go through the Amazon middle man. I know that's probably a lot of work for Roosh, but the way this book ban madness is going with the big distributors that may be his only option soon.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Do you think they were scared because it was selling so well?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

This is a fucking joke.

I will never buy anything through amazon ever again. I don't care if it makes my life more difficult.

How can you give money to the same scum that is trying to destroy us?

Fuck amazon.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh owns several platforms that do well. He did a great campaign for the release of Game.

Just as women are not allowed on his platforms, Amazon has the right to pull his content.

Does it suck? Yes.

There is no "freedom of speech" in a world of private ownership.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

This might be reversible. Vox Day had a bunch of his books pulled by butthurt SJWs, and he was able to get them restored every time. He had to escalate. Roosh you may want to try emailing [email protected] and [email protected]. The first is their "executive" customer relations and is a level above the nitwits that Buck Wild just talked with.

The other one goes to Bezos and his assistants tend to route the email appropriately. Just have to be concise and non-political and you might have a chance to get out from under this particular butthurt SJW.

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