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Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Serena Williams facing impending loss. Instead of accepting that she's being beaten by a younger player went into meltdown mode

Of course like the "strong woman" that she is that loses her power. She plays the victim and the gender card.

“To lose a game for saying that, it’s not fair. How many other men do things? There’s a lot of men out here who have said a lot of things. It’s because I am a woman, and that’s not right.”


Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Maybe she's still bitter about being (at best, in her own mind) in the top 350 of tennis players:


Another event dubbed a "Battle of the Sexes" took place during the 1998 Australian Open[52] between Karsten Braasch and the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world's top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as "a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager".[53][52] The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park,[54] after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two shandies. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2.[55] Braasch said afterwards, "500 and above, no chance". He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game "fun".[56] Braasch said the big difference was that men can chase down shots much easier, and that men put spin on the ball that the women can't handle. The Williams sisters adjusted their claim to beating men outside the top 350.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

My ill informed take is that Serena is coddled and her obvious steroid use is overlooked because of the blow that would be dealt to women's tennis if she were to go down as a cheater. Either way Serena should hold it together and be graceful in defeat.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Serena, she's (he's?) shamefully playing the "strong woman" and "women's rights" card: see thread-70428...pid1848361

Such a level of entitlement, denial and fury, is alas typical of Serena (who sadly but unsurprisingly, lives in France). Remember when she swore to choke a female Asian referee [Image: confused.gif], live on TV? No "women's rights" in Serena's mind at that time, I guess.


Quoting Serena, assaulting this thin Asian lady: "I swear to God I'll fucking take the ball and shove it down your fucking throat." [Image: dodgy.gif]

Her victim:

[Image: alg-serena-argument-jpg.jpg]
[Image: article-0-0667DD98000005DC-477_306x524.jpg]

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

I don't know America judicial system very well, but I think people should start suing others when called sexists. If these entitled snowflakes start losing money, they will think twice before using the gender card.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

I've found myself starting to pull for whoever the opposition is, when it comes to American female athletes/teams...

Who I am is just the habit of what I always was, and who I'll be is the result

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

There's no way I would believe she's not on steroids, that's just quite a bit of muscle mass.

Also, does anyone else think she kind of looks like Mike Tyson? And not like in a brother-sister kind of way, like in a brother-brother kind of way. Her face is just very strong. Her voice is feminine, though.

Her competitor could not be any more different, Williams is aggressive and foul-mouthed, throwing her weight, both personal and physical, around the court, while Osaka comes across as very gentle and well-spoken. It's an interesting juxtaposition.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Why is she bringing men into this? What about the fact that female players only have to win 2 sets vs 3 sets for men, yet they receive equal prize money?

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Entitled cunt.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда

...life begins at "70% Warning Level."....

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Quote: (09-08-2018 08:44 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Why is she bringing men into this? What about the fact that female players only have to win 2 sets vs 3 set for men, yet they receive equal prize money?

this is exactly why women's tennis is a joke. men quite often play matches that end up at least twice as long as the average women's match. women do not deserve equal prize money for playing 2/3rds of a standard match.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Quote: (09-08-2018 07:32 PM)Stickman Wrote:  

Serena Williams facing impending loss. Instead of accepting that she's being beaten by a younger player went into meltdown mode

Of course like the "strong woman" that she is that loses her power. She plays the victim and the gender card.

“To lose a game for saying that, it’s not fair. How many other men do things? There’s a lot of men out here who have said a lot of things. It’s because I am a woman, and that’s not right.”


This is telling but not surprising. She lost her shit in the moment and is now, like all women, trying to project the blame away. Can't be her fault. She gagged up the match to some nobody because she lost her cool. Any man in that situation would have fallen on his sword after he cooled down and admitted he fucked up. With the power of YouTube someone will make video to debunk her claims.

Silly female tennis players forget that it is the one sport that is legislated netureal. Remember it was women who complained that nuterual rest rules left them far too hot in the sun and they needed adjustments. Also, woman tried to complain that violation she received taking off her shirt to fix was sexist when it was clear that it was legislated to men also but evrey man had the awareness to wait until on the beach to do so .. where it was allowed. Woman all complain all while taking home equal prize money. If any sport where they should keep quiet it's tennis but they are still not happy.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Next she's going to blame her outburst on post child birth hormone shifts

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

We need to end the separate but equal system in sports. If women can do anything then can do, they shouldn’t have separate leagues in separate scholarships

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

She looks like a pro wrestler

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Quote: (09-08-2018 07:45 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

[Image: alg-serena-argument-jpg.jpg]
[Image: article-0-0667DD98000005DC-477_306x524.jpg]

That's a huge tranny.

Here's the exchange:

Serena: You're just doing this because I'm a woman!!!
Judge: A woman?

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

This closely resembles an argument at McDonald's over the amount of sauce packets.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

[Image: Lw3eWR3.jpg]

[Image: article-0-0667DD98000005DC-477_306x524.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

I never realized how built like a tank Serena is. This is clearly Donald Trump's fault.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

It's very strange to see a creature argue straight out of the female playbook(tears! It's not my fault! Why is this happening to me! You owe me an apology! Sexism! I am a woman! I am a mother!) but at the same time being built like the hulk and roid raging out smashing rackets. I wouldn't want to run into Serena at night down a dark alleyway.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Eye bleach:

[Image: latest?cb=20071215140024]

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

She was fucking cheating. Then she invokes her "impeccable character" to refute it, insults the ump and the ref, has a disgraceful outburst, then starts crying---JUST LIKE A GIRL.. So much for "strong woman" ideals. Then after, her meltdown, her coach admits it:


"Later, Mouratoglou confirmed that he had been coaching Williams in an interview with broadcaster Pam Shriver, but insisted that everyone does it. He also suggested that the whole schemozzle could threaten Williams’s career going forward.
“I was coaching but I don’t think she looked at me,” said Mouratoglou afterwards. “I am honest, I was coaching, Sascha [Bajin, Osaka’s coach] was coaching the whole time too. This is one of the rules that is ruining tennis. She [Williams] will struggle to come back from this.”

Respect. It takes a man to admit when he's wrong.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

PC media tomorrow won't call Serena out for her hysteria costing her a major tournament. She was crumbling because a young and tight PYT was rolling her old ass off the court. What she did was pure bullshit and laid bare for the world to see the foolary and crazed nature of the female condition.

I would also have some respect for these judges, one can't think they are rolling out bums to call a final match all while a 30+ year veteran referee was present as well. Nobody wants to respect experts anymore. If Serena expects folks to respect her for her greatness and resume it gotta go both ways. She should be the last person sneaking signs. Judge called her on her BS as she should know better and be better. So now, when neither judge or any of the Refs took her shit and when she found her fate sealed the tears started to flow.

This exchange perfectly sums up why people can't trust women; It's always a scheme, always about them, never thier fault. Serena when shit is getting tight looks to sneak signs. Even in the brief moment after the whole drama when the Japanese girl was right and coughing up points Serena still couldn't compose herself take advantage..You don't think this young Japanese girl would have folded like a cheap suit if she could even sense Serena was out for blood ? If this were any of the top men they would have refocused and attempt to stage a comeback. Leaving the less experienced player to have thier back on the wall and fight to come out alive. Serena could not even do that.

Again, very pathetic.

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Also of value to this thread for when this gets found by the random Googler who ends up here (just so we're clear on who's in charge):

Kneel before the power of the Y chromosome!!!!

Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Serena may also be experiencing roid rage. I found a video of her in 2001. She definitely has a higher, more womanly voice in this video. When women use steroids, they start to sound like men.


Serena Williams loses US Open plays the gender card

Quote: (09-08-2018 11:20 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

Serena may also be experiencing roid rage. I found a video of her in 2001. She definitely has a higher, more womanly voice in this video. When women use steroids, they start to sound like men.

Whoa, she looks totally different now, she looked more like a very fit woman back then.

Now she looks like a dude on roids.

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