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Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident


Dallas grand jury to examine police officer's fatal shooting of neighbour

(Reuters) - Texas prosecutors will convene a grand jury to investigate and possibly change a manslaughter charge against a Dallas police officer who fatally shot a man in his apartment last week, as the victim's mother demands more answers.

The officer, Amber Guyger, 30, was arrested on Sunday and charged with manslaughter in the death on Thursday of Botham Shem Jean, 26, whom she shot after she said she mistook his residence as hers and thought she had encountered an intruder.

Unsatisfied with the manslaughter charge, the victim's mother, Allison Jean, demanded at a news conference on Monday that prosecutors uncover the circumstances of her son's death.

"I'm looking forward to all of the powers that be to come up with the answers to make me more satisfied that they're doing what is in the best interest of getting justice for Botham," Jean said.

An attorney for Guyger, who was released on $300,000 bond, could not immediately be reached for comment. Questions have been raised over why there was a delay in charging Guyger and how she did not know that she was not in her own apartment.

A police spokesman said the results of a blood test on Guyger for drugs and alcohol were still pending on Monday.

District Attorney Faith Johnson told reporters on Monday,

"We plan to present a thorough case to the grand jury of Dallas County so that the right decision can be made in this case."

The grand jury may decide to uphold the police's manslaughter charge, a second-degree felony, or it could consider charging Guyger with murder, a first-degree felony.

Guyger came home from her shift on Thursday in uniform. Once inside Jean's apartment, Guyger fired her weapon before calling 911, according to an account on Friday by Dallas Police Chief Renee Hall.

The deadly confrontation took on racial overtones, as Guyger is white and Jean, whose family is from the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia, was black.

The Dallas Morning News reported late Sunday that Guyger said she had mistakenly gone to Jean's apartment, one floor above hers, after a 15-hour shift and found the door unlocked when she tried to use her key.

Entering the darkened apartment, she noticed a figure whom she said she mistook for a burglar and fired twice, striking Jean once in the chest, the newspaper said, citing an unidentified law enforcement official with direct knowledge of the case.

Representatives of the Dallas Police Department and Department of Public Safety declined to comment on the report.

Jean's family attorney, S. Lee Merritt, said that a local service is planned for Jean on Thursday and his remains would be sent to his family's home in the Caribbean.

Bitch is rough-looking for 30:

[Image: ?m=02&d=20180910&t=2&i=1302959462&w=640&...XNPEE891HB]

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

What struck me as fucking weird is that NPR reported the officer went outside her apartment to give 911 the address. How the fuck do you not know your own address? Your apartment number? They're just covering up for this bitch.

Also, I do not know why some folks were talking about drugs in the beginning of this thread but I know for a fact they weren't trying to make it into a race thing.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-10-2018 05:20 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Also, I do not know why some folks were talking about drugs in the beginning of this thread but I know for a fact they weren't trying to make it into a race thing.

Because one of the first details reported was that a blood sample was taken to test for alcohol and drugs? Or do you mean dealing drugs, rather than the cop being under the influence?

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

She was arrested on the manslaughter charge and is out of jail on a $300,000 bond.

They're saying she parked on the wrong floor of the building (if you've lived in a building with a parking garage for any amount of time, you have certainly done this) and entered an identical floor of the building.

Her story still sucks and I think it's complete bullshit, but I just read that. And murder charges may still be coming.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

That's a rough mug. The guy was fucking down even looks-wise.

She won't be able to suppress evidence of her knowing him. The story stinks.

And women obviously shouldn't be cops for a variety of reasons - except for very specialized or backoffice positions.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

That affidavit is pure cop fantasy-fetish writing. The door was mysteriously ajar, suggesting an intrusion. The lights were out and it was "nearly completely dark", preventing you from seeing anything that would give you any doubt. The door opened under the force of your insertion of the keycard, but you did not actually break the plane of the doorway to the private home and enter, heading off any inconvenient questions about whether or not you were the true trespasser. You saw a "large" silhouette coming toward you, and, naturally, gave repeated verbal commands which were defied, proving the silhouette's lawless intentions.

I can picture the Ranger writing it up as she talks, nodding his head and sighing, already knowing what the next sentence will be. He was probably surprised when she forgot to accuse the silhouette of trying to take her gun.

Any of you guys typically just stand around in your own home on a Thursday night, wide awake in total darkness before 10:00 pm? Take a minute to stand at the breakfast nook, having a beer in your fucking night vision goggles?

There was a lot of talk about the original reports that witnesses heard a police-like voice yelling "LET ME IN" and/or "OPEN UP", but I could never find whether it was a female voice or before or after the gunshots. Now Dallas media has been reporting that Jean's attorneys are clear that the witnesses said it was a woman's voice before the shooting:


Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Did she not have 3 days to think it over before she was even arrested? Gives a lot of time to lawyer up and come up with excuses. This whole story is truly God Awful.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 09:59 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

That affidavit is pure cop fantasy-fetish writing. **SNIP**


I thought her other "police involved shooting" (her second in just 4 years) was insignificant, apart from the fact that women, clearly, can't be trusted with dangerous things.

It becomes very relevant, however, even if you attempt to believe her bullshit story.

The overwhelming majority of officers on a police force will serve their entire careers (20-40 years) and never fire a single shot outside the shooting range. This chick has been there 4 years and has shot 2 people already.
That tells me that she (just using the law of averages) should probably not be allowed near a firearm.

**Despite it's ridiculousness, I am surprised at the lack of violent outrage we usually see with the black community. They're holding it together really well and good on them.

But why? It's because she's female. I am not a fan of the MGTOW community at all. I am a lover and seducer of women--not a woman hater, but this reads likes a fictional piece off an MGTOW site for why women should not be trusted in difficult/dangerous situations.

Woman mistakes dynamite for a candle and blows her hand off...

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Yeah that's a loadddd of bullshit, this stinks to high heaven - and of course the cops are going to protect one of their own.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:36 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 09:59 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

That affidavit is pure cop fantasy-fetish writing. **SNIP**


I thought her other "police involved shooting" (her second in just 4 years) was insignificant, apart from the fact that women, clearly, can't be trusted with dangerous things.

It becomes very relevant, however, even if you attempt to believe her bullshit story.

The overwhelming majority of officers on a police force will serve their entire careers (20-40 years) and never fire a single shot outside the shooting range. This chick has been there 4 years and has shot 2 people already.
That tells me that she (just using the law of averages) should probably not be allowed near a firearm.

**Despite it's ridiculousness, I am surprised at the lack of violent outrage we usually see with the black community. They're holding it together really well and good on them.

But why? It's because she's female. I am not a fan of the MGTOW community at all. I am a lover and seducer of women--not a woman hater, but this reads likes a fictional piece off an MGTOW site for why women should not be trusted in difficult/dangerous situations.

Woman mistakes dynamite for a candle and blows her hand off...

Dont mistake the lack of black outrage versus the lack of black outrage that the media chooses to report and instigate

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

< I don't mind the cops protecting their own. An aggressive punk being handled too strongly or shot down while seeing something else is one thing, but this is a case of extreme extreme negligence at the very least - if not murderous intent.

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether someone has a stick, a knife or a gun - I get that and I would cover for them too in that case.

But here? Come on! She entered someone else's home and shot him down. Should be in jail even if it is deemed an error.

There are basic levels of aptitude that we expect from police officers in the West. In that case in Minnesota we don't expect cops to shoot across their partners back at a woman in her night-gown when she was the one who called them - like some crazed civil-war-monkey.

And we expect them to not shoot people in their own homes just because they are confused where they are. Mistakes can all be made, but this is way beyond that.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:19 PM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

Did she not have 3 days to think it over before she was even arrested? Gives a lot of time to lawyer up and come up with excuses. This whole story is truly God Awful.

Many police unions insist on the "48-hour rule", claiming it's scientifically proven to make their memories more accurate if they have a couple of days to think before they give a statement.


This is not a joke.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 01:10 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:19 PM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

Did she not have 3 days to think it over before she was even arrested? Gives a lot of time to lawyer up and come up with excuses. This whole story is truly God Awful.

Many police unions insist on the "48-hour rule", claiming it's scientifically proven to make their memories more accurate if they have a couple of days to think before they give a statement.


This is not a joke.

You do realize that when they arrest ANYONE they tell them "everything we say to you is a lie to get you to confess. We have zero power to actually be lenient on you, even though we tell you we do. You would be a fucking fool to say a word without a lawyer. In fact, we won't even allow you to do something so foolish. We recommend 48 hours as the bare minimum for you and your lawyer to get all your stories straight."
(said no police officer, ever)

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 01:10 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:19 PM)Robert High Hawk Wrote:  

Did she not have 3 days to think it over before she was even arrested? Gives a lot of time to lawyer up and come up with excuses. This whole story is truly God Awful.

Many police unions insist on the "48-hour rule", claiming it's scientifically proven to make their memories more accurate if they have a couple of days to think before they give a statement.


This is not a joke.

This is actually a great position to take whenever questioned by police


The importance of a 48-72 hour window after a critical incident is vital if you want an accurate depiction of what happened. I have been there and witnessed it myself. This so called “oversight committee” would have no clue and the only reason anyone would push for the elimination of this sound practice is to harm the reputation and/or indict more cops.

"On advice of my attorney I personally subscribe to the same 48 hour rule that you do. In the meantime please refer all your questions to him"

Over and over

Even you dont have one.

They wont ask

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:36 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 09:59 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

That affidavit is pure cop fantasy-fetish writing. **SNIP**


I thought her other "police involved shooting" (her second in just 4 years) was insignificant, apart from the fact that women, clearly, can't be trusted with dangerous things.

It becomes very relevant, however, even if you attempt to believe her bullshit story.

The overwhelming majority of officers on a police force will serve their entire careers (20-40 years) and never fire a single shot outside the shooting range. This chick has been there 4 years and has shot 2 people already.
That tells me that she (just using the law of averages) should probably not be allowed near a firearm.

**Despite it's ridiculousness, I am surprised at the lack of violent outrage we usually see with the black community. They're holding it together really well and good on them.

But why? It's because she's female. I am not a fan of the MGTOW community at all. I am a lover and seducer of women--not a woman hater, but this reads likes a fictional piece off an MGTOW site for why women should not be trusted in difficult/dangerous situations.

Woman mistakes dynamite for a candle and blows her hand off...

Seriously, where is the response from the black community? It's been strangely quiet. Here we have a guy who by all accounts was an upstanding citizen with a white collar job and who appears to be an actual victim. Yet if it was some punk like Michael Brown who got shot (after robbing a convenience store) or a black stripper with a fake rape accusation (Duke case), there would be protests and non-stop media coverage. Not even Krapernick has given this any attention and he is supposed to be the voice against police brutality. Maybe it's because the person who pulled the trigger was a woman? It doesn't fit the narrative? I just don't get it.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 01:47 PM)Dirtyblueshirt Wrote:  

Seriously, where is the response from the black community? It's been strangely quiet. Here we have a guy who by all accounts was an upstanding citizen with a white collar job and who appears to be an actual victim. Yet if it was some punk like Michael Brown who got shot (after robbing a convenience store) or a black stripper with a fake rape accusation (Duke case), there would be protests and non-stop media coverage. Not even Krapernick has given this any attention and he is supposed to be the voice against police brutality. Maybe it's because the person who pulled the trigger was a woman? It doesn't fit the narrative? I just don't get it.

It's bloody impossible to make sense of it! It's absurd.

This is the time where ones would expect black people to freak out. No one will oppose them on this one, yet the eery silence.

Shoot a person that commits strong arm robbery and assaults the store owners and people will freak out and destroy a neighborhood because it's "racist."

Just pointing out a discrepancy here.

You get handed the slowest low ball over home plate and you take a strike without even swinging because everyone is confused by the "pussy pass"...

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

< They only protest when it supports the narrative.

There was also no outrage over that one black old veteran who was shot down by cops in his own home as the daughter called the cops to check up on him. I think one of the cops back then was black, so of course it did not fit the profile of "police brutality". But that was a legit case similar to this.

But instead they pull out young thugs or serial criminals as those saints and hitch all their horses behind them.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident


Seriously, where is the response from the black community? It's been strangely quiet. Here we have a guy who by all accounts was an upstanding citizen with a white collar job and who appears to be an actual victim. Yet if it was some punk like Michael Brown who got shot (after robbing a convenience store) or a black stripper with a fake rape accusation (Duke case), there would be protests and non-stop media coverage. Not even Krapernick has given this any attention and he is supposed to be the voice against police brutality. Maybe it's because the person who pulled the trigger was a woman? It doesn't fit the narrative? I just don't get it.

Black people are mad as hell over this, but the media isn't reporting that and social media is suppressing the evidence of outrage (i.e. posts). If the cop were a white male, it would be pumped up. But it's a white woman so she must be protected. Furthermore it's a black female police chief so we can't blame her either.

Stop believing everything you see (and don't see).

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

The people pulling the strings only want Blacks protesting the shitbirds who get shot. That way, Whites will hate on BLM, and vice versa, while both of us are having our civil liberties eroded by the encroaching police state.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 05:22 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

The people pulling the strings only want Blacks protesting the shitbirds who get shot. That way, Whites will hate on BLM, and vice versa, while both of us are having our civil liberties eroded by the encroaching police state.

Finally someone else sees it, its called the strategy of tension.

BLM and BLM is the same shit.

She will plead manslaughter and get out in 2 years served.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-10-2018 05:16 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Bitch is rough-looking for 30:

[Image: ?m=02&d=20180910&t=2&i=1302959462&w=640&...XNPEE891HB]

Reminds me of Yoda's girlfriend from one of those weird Star Wars films from the early 2000s:

[Image: 350?cb=20120204065352]

Dead black guy trumps diversity female police hire, so I say she's getting seven years in the slammer.

She's simply unattractive, not good-looking nor totally repulsive/grotesque, so she's likely to get a high-end punishment for a female crime. Both hot and really ugly girls seem to get lower sentences from what I've seen and read.

Plain Janes and mere unattractive girls seem to get the sharp end of the stick (relative to otherwise coddled female suspects).

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder: http://slovakia.travel/en/nove-zamky

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 01:47 PM)Dirtyblueshirt Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:36 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 09:59 AM)Jetset Wrote:  

That affidavit is pure cop fantasy-fetish writing. **SNIP**


I thought her other "police involved shooting" (her second in just 4 years) was insignificant, apart from the fact that women, clearly, can't be trusted with dangerous things.

It becomes very relevant, however, even if you attempt to believe her bullshit story.

The overwhelming majority of officers on a police force will serve their entire careers (20-40 years) and never fire a single shot outside the shooting range. This chick has been there 4 years and has shot 2 people already.
That tells me that she (just using the law of averages) should probably not be allowed near a firearm.

**Despite it's ridiculousness, I am surprised at the lack of violent outrage we usually see with the black community. They're holding it together really well and good on them.

But why? It's because she's female. I am not a fan of the MGTOW community at all. I am a lover and seducer of women--not a woman hater, but this reads likes a fictional piece off an MGTOW site for why women should not be trusted in difficult/dangerous situations.

Woman mistakes dynamite for a candle and blows her hand off...

Seriously, where is the response from the black community? It's been strangely quiet. Here we have a guy who by all accounts was an upstanding citizen with a white collar job and who appears to be an actual victim. Yet if it was some punk like Michael Brown who got shot (after robbing a convenience store) or a black stripper with a fake rape accusation (Duke case), there would be protests and non-stop media coverage. Not even Krapernick has given this any attention and he is supposed to be the voice against police brutality. Maybe it's because the person who pulled the trigger was a woman? It doesn't fit the narrative? I just don't get it.

The "black community" only start rioting and shit when egged on by the likes of CNN and MSNBC, who then film the riots. It seems they are treating this story like all the white guys murdered by police: into the memory hole.

And yes, news executives probably decided a media pussy pass was the best for "the narrative."

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident


Reminds me of Yoda's girlfriend from one of those weird Star Wars films from the early 2000s

WB both her and even Yoda's girlfriend, at least as a slump buster.

The Force is with them both.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 04:00 PM)Gimlet Wrote:  

Black people are mad as hell over this, but the media isn't reporting that and social media is suppressing the evidence of outrage (i.e. posts). If the cop were a white male, it would be pumped up. But it's a white woman so she must be protected. Furthermore it's a black female police chief so we can't blame her either.

Stop believing everything you see (and don't see).

Brother, I wish I could agree with you on this in total, but in good conscience, I just can't. I almost agree with all of it, right up until the last phrase.

I don't agree that there is some "unseen" outrage. It's called "outrage" because it's outrageous. I don't agree that there could even be such a thing as "unseen outrage." That would just be a "normal" person being pissed off. Happens to me all the time.. I get pissed off, but, like a "normal," person I control it and I don't act like a total cunt.

And the last statement, "Stop believing everything you see (and don't see)," is a borderline non-statement at all. Sounds quippy, but means nothing.

On the same hand, I don't want to derail the conversation to a weird place. Anyone can disagree with what has been said, but that doesn't change the past patterns of behavior (nor the lack of it, in this case) of "opposition groups" the last few years, Man.

I'm definitely not a "conspiracy theory" guy, but in this case, it's really hard to deny that public opinion is being swayed by (or lack of) media coverage.

I'm just pointing out observations. If anyone even thinks that this is not being manipulated, they are delusional. That's all I'm saying. I can't predict the actions of BLM, but I can be reasonably sure that this would not be going the way it is now, if it was a male officer who shot the poor guy. It is completely incongruent, given the eruptions we've seen recently, that this meanders along at the pace it's going.

Female police officer mistakenly enters neighbor's apartment, kills male resident

Quote: (09-11-2018 06:43 PM)david.garrett84 Wrote:  

Dead black guy trumps diversity female police hire, so I say she's getting seven years in the slammer.

Yep. It's just like poker hands: You know what trumps what. Now, if she were a black transgender lesbian handicapped female police officer...well in that case, she could shoot as many men, black or otherwise, as she damn well pleases!

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