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Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Help guys, I know I know......... I should be better at this.

I need to get away for 24 hours so that I can meet up with an asian skank. My current girlfriend is relatively hot but variety is the spice of life.

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Hey babe I’ll be right back. Just meeting up with my bang piece.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Tell her something you usually do that takes time and will believe. If you make up something she questions, thats when your fucked.

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

unless you live with her I dont see it as a problem. If you do live with her. Arrange it on the week and say your going on a camping trip with your boys. If she keeps pressing on replace her.

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

My current girlfriend is relatively hot but variety is the spice of life.

My kind of guy! Just what louiebeans said.

And in the name of Roosh, wrap your whacker before you attack her.
Crushing antibiotics in crème fraiche didnt do it for ME btw. ..

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Are you really a lawyer?

Out of town deposition

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Establish a habit of taking meetings out of town.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Fight Club. Can't talk about it.

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

I like your idea about regularly having meetings out of town. Today I told my boss that I wanted to start taking more clients in this city that's about 2 hours away and a total goldmine. I've got an asian container and single mom container ready to go.

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

You should already have things / hobbies / activities / friends / work going for yourself outside the relationship. That way, you don't need to justify it to her if you are away for a while.

Hell, you don't even need to provide a reason. Most girls are perfectly fine with it when you tell them "Listen, I value alone time and I want both of us to make a point of having our own lives outside the relationship too."

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Quote: (08-30-2018 01:53 AM)Winston Wolfe Wrote:  

You should already have things / hobbies / activities / friends / work going for yourself outside the relationship. That way, you don't need to justify it to her if you are away for a while.

Hell, you don't even need to provide a reason.

This. So this. Guys, I don't recommend you cheat, but if you're going to bang multiple girls (whether you tell them or not is up to you), you need to ACTUALLY have a busy lifestyle. Lots of things going on, lots of reasons you could be gone and away.

This is three-fold:

1. You will lead a more interesting life and maximize the most valuable thing you have in your life, TIME.

2. Women will naturally be more understanding because frankly, they have to be. You will have to deal with less drama and less nonsense because you'll have so many other options (and girls, but you don't have to tell her that bluntly).

3. You won't have to make up anything, you won't even be asked in most cases, they'll be too busy trying to get an open spot in the first place.

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Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Do it on a day that she's expecting you to be at work late and then just take the day off instead. I'm assuming you live with this girl. If it were me, since I hate lying (it always ends up requiring more ad hoc bullshitting than I had anticipated, and it can get difficult to keep the facts straight) I wouldn't make a big deal out of fabricating some cover story. It's like the 5th Amendment. What you say can and will be used against you. I wouldn't say anything other than to send her a text to let her know I'm crashing at a friend's house for the night.

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

Just say I'm going to the gym. Then actually go to the gym and lift, then come back home. You're probably wondering when did I meet the side chick? The answer is the gym is your side chick. Bang those weights like there is no tomorrow.

Good lies for your girlfriend about what you're doing to meet up with a side chick

"I have to return some videotapes."

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