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Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-21-2019 03:59 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Makes sense that the less talented actors defend the show out of fear. The actor would played Jamie was phenomenal in Shot Caller. The actor who played Dany can act her ass off too. I cant imagine Jon's actor pulling off a star roll though. Great for this show, but I dont get the impression he has as wide a range. Maybe it was just the writing though.

Yeah, a lot of people thought Emilia Clarke (Dany) was one note until this season and one of the weaker actresses, but that's the way her character was written, turns out when they let her off the leash, she blossomed(and bizarrely too at the very time the writing got worse), she's as good as the best of them.

Like Mark Hamill, she should do comedy and has that same sort of natural charisma/likeability.

She's so unlike the character she plays.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

I suspect part of the problem here is that Martin genuinely respected the reality behind the world he created.

You don't have to accept or embrace some system of medieval or iron age values to take them seriously and realize that there were real people involved with the full spectrum of human emotions, who treated it with deadly seriousness for their own complicated and entirely human reasons.

Robert the Bruce stabbing John Comyn in a church haunted him for the rest of his life, both personally and politically, and the early seasons of GOT treated everything with that kind of weight. That's why the story was so engaging. Despite it being about imaginary kingdoms getting set on fire by dragons, it successfully appeared to portray real people who do things that matter in a way that people actually do.

The last season smacked of Year Zero thinking, the superficial assumption that the past was only different because people were simply dumb. In turn, every detail that might make decisions and dialogue feel "true" to the circumstances was treated as inconsequential, if not a joke.

People shat all over the Star Wars prequels for having bizarre expositive dialogue that made it obvious Lucas had no idea what people might actually say to the opposite sex. D&D had no idea what any of their characters would say or do in literally any situation.

[Image: 92.jpg]

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

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Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

^ lol

Bran didn't technically sit on the Iron Throne

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 08:22 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

If you change your username to "Arya", I promise to never post in this thread again [Image: banana.gif]

Haha. Got me good.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-21-2019 09:10 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

^ lol

Bran didn't technically sit on the Iron Throne

It's the Wheely Throne, now.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Those reaction videos are up. The chicks really ham it up when they know they're on camera.

Third Part - people cry a lot. Sansa is their new hero.

The Dany throne room scene. They cheer her death - not what I expected. And they cry a lot.

Check out the ugly cry face on the green hair bitch at 5:38.


Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

I was about to skip gym today but thanks to those two videos I am now making a preworkout shake and ready to roll.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

More SJW shit from the BBC:

Game of Thrones: How much do its female characters speak?

[Image: _107036757_68c8cb54-39f4-4216-a5e1-c724d900bfeb.jpg]


Female characters in Game of Thrones speak about three times less than male characters in the show, according to new data.

Although the hugely popular show ended this week after eight seasons, the debate on how it represented women will continue.

The data suggests that across all eight seasons, male speech amounts to about 75% of all speaking time in the series.

It was compiled by research group Ceretai for BBC 100 Women.

The share of female speaking time varied between seasons, starting at about a quarter in season one and rising slightly to a third by season seven.

However, the final season, which saw many female characters at the forefront of the plot, was among the worst for female speaking time.

[Image: _107044954_1newnew.png]

The data was compiled by Ceretai, a Swedish start-up that uses machine learning to analyse diversity in popular culture.

Their algorithm has learned to identify the difference between male and female voices in video and provides the speaking time lengths in seconds and percentages per gender.

Like most automatic systems, it doesn't make the right decision every time. The accuracy of this algorithm is about 85%, so figures could be slightly higher or lower than reported - but the data suggests that speaking times for men and women in the programme are far from being equal.

Lisa Hamberg, co-founder of Ceretai, told the BBC that by analysing Game of Thrones, they wanted to make viewers aware of the wider problem of how women are portrayed in the media.

"We are not doing this to make people stop watching, but to make them aware of the fact that it's an unfair representation of the world", she says.

[Image: _107044957_2newnew.png]

Researchers were expecting to see about 30% of the speaking time to be the voices of female characters. This is the average given to women on screen, according to research by the USC Annenberg on inequality in 900 popular films.

The highest proportion of female speech in Game of Thrones is found in the fifth episode of season 4, First of His Name.

Storylines with leading female characters such as Cersei Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen make female speech almost equal to male speech, at nearly half of the total.

One of the worst episodes for equality of speaking time across all seasons is the seventh of season one, You Win or You Die, with female characters saying just one sixth of the dialogue.

The episode included a scene that led to the coining of the term "sexposition" by critic Myles McNutt, referring to the use of sex scenes in the series as a way to explain plot and character motivations.

[Image: _107036760_bf80a03b-998e-4f43-ad94-48f64e534e82.jpg]

Diversity seemed to improve across the middle series, and by season seven the show saw one of the highest percentages of female speech - at about one third.

But the final season of Game of Thrones has the lowest average for female speech - just one in five times the overall speaking time, according to the algorithm used for the analysis. Hamberg said: "Our hope was to see a positive trend, but this [data] tells us the opposite".

The fourth episode, The Last of the Starks, gives less than 20% of speaking time to women.

And the season finale, which aired on Sunday night in the US and on Monday in the UK, saw a gender split of about 80% for male characters and only 20% for their female counterparts - one of the lowest across the series.

[Image: _107036758_a734e135-7267-4d81-b5ea-f1323c3a9aef.jpg]

These findings may surprise some fans, as the final season has been lauded for showcasing strong female characters. From Daenerys to Arya Stark, we have seen their battles and vendettas take centre stage.

Dr Stephanie Genz, a media studies lecturer at Nottingham Trent University, said the visibility of these female characters doesn't tell the full story.

"You've got this misperception that because women are very visible, their bodies are very visible, that somehow equates to a meaningful statement, which doesn't necessarily have to be the case."

Women, especially in the earlier series, "speak with their bodies", according to Dr Genz, and "the audience will not necessarily notice how little they speak."

"It's just confirming what we know in society anyway - that women's voices are underrepresented."

[Image: _107036756_d97f4aa0-da81-49ee-875b-15076965ca55.jpg]

Game of Thrones has been criticised for the over-sexualisation of female characters and its portrayal of violence against women.

Some of show's actors have defended the show in the past, rejecting accusations of misogyny and highlighting that "the key players this season are all female".

How does GoT compare with the wider film industry?

There is a huge difference in the amount of words given to male versus female characters in films, according to previous research by software developer Hanah Anderson.

Of the 2,000 screenplays analysed by Anderson, three quarters had more than 60% male dialogue.

BBC 100 Women analysis also suggested that fewer than half of films named best picture at the Oscars have passed a common measure of on-screen female representation known as the Bechdel Test. A film passes the test if it has two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.

Fewer words, less screen time?

An analysis by US software firm Looker on the number of lines assigned to male and female characters also shows an uneven gender split.

Researchers isolated 15 female and 15 male characters from seasons one to seven, to only include those with the highest number of lines in the script.

The line count for these top 30 speakers revealed that Game of Thrones' men have 29% more lines than women, their data suggests.

[Image: _107031925_3.png]

So, who speaks the most?

Tyrion Lannister is solidly in the lead with more than 1,300 lines - 32% more than the first top female speaker, Cersei Lannister, who appears in third place after her youngest brother and Jon Snow.

Men make up nine of the top 15 characters with the most lines.

And even dead male characters are given more dialogue than female characters who are still alive.

For instance, by the end of series seven, Ned Stark - who did not make it past the first season - still had more lines attributed to him than to both Margaery Tyrell and Melisandre.

"Even though we already knew men get more screen time than women, the results still surprised us," says Sooji Kim, Looker's web optimization manager. "No matter how we sliced the data, we still found that female characters consistently had less visibility".

A previous analysis from Looker revealed that the total screen time for all male characters was some 15% more than that given to the female cast.

[Image: _107031926_4.png]

While the gender gap in screen time is not as large as speaking time, it is still lower than many may have thought, researchers suggest.

Sooji Kim adds: "The public perception is that female Game of Thrones characters are very strong and prominent, even when they are on screen less and have fewer speaking opportunities.

"Are powerful women [on screen] so rare that they leave such an impression in our minds, so even when they're not present, they still stand out?"

So, what do the women of Westeros say when they do speak?

Looker's data shows that male characters tended to have more masculine-centred words in their lines, such as men, man, King, and Lord.

[Image: _107032278_malecloud.png]

But for female characters, the more frequent words were love, leave, please, husband and master.

[Image: _107032276_femalecloud.png]

"That being said, popular female-spoken words did include specific words like daughter and Arya - and stupid and liar- which were used more often than among men", says Sooji Kim.

"Overall, the actions and words women are participating in are still very attached to gender-related stereotypes".

HBO did not respond to requests for comments regarding the data on female speech in the series.

But while Game of Thrones is just one programme, it points to a larger problem in popular culture, according to Lisa Hamberg, whose team conducted the speech analysis of the series.

"We are getting more aware of the kind of roles women get to play in movies, but if we have a strong female character and she still doesn't get to speak - we are failing."

Are we going to end up with a situation that all entertainments has to have 50% female dialogue?

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

But if Tyrion has the most lines...

Surely the *Diversity points jump to 75% representation? Because, after all.. he is a dwarf.

He might not be a transgender non-binary trans-racial dwarf with a new gender pronoun of Y5rTTll7J7ZZG888ly but still..

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 07:19 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2019 04:39 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

If you want to see inspiring fiction, then you need to look East or even to Eastern Europe - they are still free enough and not beset by (((anti-Western creators))) or propaganda-driven underlings.

Or we could just look at our own traditions of inspiring fiction like Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Jack London, Charles Dickens, and so on. For some reason, those authors were able to transmit life-affirming messages without resorting to stories about men dressed in capes flying around and destroying cities.

Part of it is based on pesonal taste. Jules Verne and Tolkien were different kind of writers than Hemingway.

Whenever I read "pure" books of literature of the 20th century it saddens me. Even when I watch a movie from the 1940s - it could be written by Charles Bukowski about the lowlifes and it's as if you read about ancient Rome as an Italian.

There is a lifetime of movies and books that were written before and you never need to touch the current propaganda crap, but this is also sad.

Think about the 3 biggest TV shows with budgets of 100 mio. $ each - Westworld, Game of Thrones and Star Trek Discovery - Westworld turned unwatchable instantly from season 1 to 2 and even the first season was already filled with anti-Western anti-human undertones that became retarded in the next season.


But back to the topic - something that I read:


It's now clear why Arya was chosen
Arya killing the NK still stands as one of the dumbest 'surprises for surprise's sake' in the entire season, but it's clear now why it was done .... because otherwise Arya's entire character would have been pointless this season. They gave her the role because she wouldn't have had one without it. It's a lame reason, for sure, but it makes sense now.

It seems the writers flippantly tossed each character one major thing to do in the season.

Arya does absolutely nothing except kill the NK

Bran does absolutely nothing except get elected king in the end

Cersei does absolutely nothing but kill Missandei then die

Jaime does absolutely nothing but break Brienne's heart to die with Cersei

Jorah does absolutely nothing but die protecting Dany

Theon does absolutely nothing but die protecting Bran

Jon does absolutely nothing but kill Dany

Sansa does absolutely nothing but reveal Jon's identity, then made QotN

Tyrion does absolutely nothing but make the case for Bran

Only Dany seems to have been given any semblance of a character arc, and even that is reduced to 'spontaneously flipping out into a mad queen, burning KL, then dying' ....

Essentially those writers are like retards. We know that they were enamored with the actors more than with the story.

So when they decided that Cersei is going to have a wonderful and poetic end, then they could not let Arya kill her or help her do it with the Hound. Jon Snow already got the Daenerys kill reserved, so he could not kill the Night King and thus was destined to be the ineffective blob screaming uselessly at a dragon.

Those bloody stupid hacks!

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 03:03 AM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

More SJW shit from the BBC:


Game of Thrones: How much do its female characters speak?

[Image: _107036757_68c8cb54-39f4-4216-a5e1-c724d900bfeb.jpg]
But while Game of Thrones is just one programme, it points to a larger problem in popular culture, according to Lisa Hamberg, whose team conducted the speech analysis of the series.

"We are getting more aware of the kind of roles women get to play in movies, but if we have a strong female character and she still doesn't get to speak - we are failing."

Are we going to end up with a situation that all entertainments has to have 50% female dialogue?

Yet another proof that our main problem is that we have it too good. A healthy society would have actual stuff to do and no time or money to waste on complete bullshit like this.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 04:39 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2019 04:14 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Yet another proof that our main problem is that we have it too good. A healthy society would have actual stuff to do and no time or money to waste on complete bullshit like this.

Actually fiction, stories of heros - they were part of all advanced cultures. The greeks were conquering the world and still were listening to stories of near-immortal warriors and beautiful princesses.

A healthy society encompasses all aspects, but I still think that a healthy society has most of the fiction inspirational.

A good example is the Manga vs Comics sales in the US - for the first time in history manga is more successful than comics by far. And most of it is created in Japan - reason is because they still have real heroes available who fight for justice. I repeat - a culture that is all nihilistic and their fiction is mostly decunstrictivist while the constructive one was made up until the 1990s - that culture is not going to survive.

The Mountain - the rapist and slaughterer of babies is no role model in the show. The show destroyed all role models or made them out to be ridiculous and even less realistic than a fire-breathing dragon.

If you want to see inspiring fiction, then you need to look East or even to Eastern Europe - they are still free enough and not beset by (((anti-Western creators))) or propaganda-driven underlings.

[Image: BQM6jEZ-UJLgGUuvrNkYUIcH9QKiuQwX9p6PTfC7...SpxgfJH84Q]

[Image: tumblr_otefawouHQ1qbmv14o3_500.gif]

And until the West shakes off the self-hating, then this crap will continue until the total collapse. The ending of this show is just symptomatic of this very development.
Ultimately that is why it feels so empty - even to the feminists. I would even say that the SJW women would be fine with Aegon Targaeryan climbing on the dragon and burning half the Unsullied. They would have screamed publicly and then flicked their bean to pics of the actor afterwards. Especially if he had done this shirtless as the dragon had burned most of his clothes away.

But this ending - all the stupid happy-go-lucky fan-service in the end was not enough, because the fundamental principles are broken just as the core audience in the US shuns Marvel comics while buying the shit out of Japanese manga - all while the manga is patriarchal, male-dominated, hetero-normative with sexy women and brave and powerful male heroes. There is even room for a few decunstrictivist heroes, but they exist wihin a sea of positive ones.

Not sure that The Witcher belongs on your list. While I do like the stories and the setting, it is definitely a modern deconstruction of traditional fairy tales:

- Monsters are mostly sentient and just misunderstood, some of them are just wild animals trying to survive and Geralt and the player/reader feel guilty when he has to kill them for money
- Humans are responsible for the greatest atrocities, against elves, monsters and other humans.
- There is no clear good or evil, just different sides of a story and different powerful interests competing.
- No God, no reward for good deeds / virtuous behaviour or punishment for bad deeds, sometimes the exact opposite.
- Ciri has now become an ass-kicking female witcher

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

I notice they didn't do a cunt count for violent deaths on screen. Wonder why?

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

A guy got his dick chopped off in the show, but that's just cast aside (no pun intended) because it didn't affect wamen.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 06:13 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

A guy got his dick chopped off in the show, but that's just cast aside (no pun intended) because it didn't affect wamen.

On the contrary, that makes him "safe masculine" rather than "toxic masculine" (aka a normal man).

Theon and Grey Worm are the ultimate numale role models - supposedly tough in a fight, but good boys / nice guys with no dicks who both "love" their queen, are absolutely loyal no matter what and will protect milady to the death without having any untoward intentions or feeling "entitled" to sex.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Good point!

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

The issue that we curently have is that almost everything is deconstructivist.

You cannot have just deconstruction with everything while you DO NOT EVEN HAVE ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE.

That is why shows like The Orville are constructive and they even had to lie to studio to feign being a total parody comedy - or otherwise there would be no green light.

I realize that one of the dissatisfactions with the ending is that the old Daenerys and the old Jon were constructive positive heroes set in a dark brutal world. Then Daenerys turned and became worse than anyone before - all without even any remorse whatsoever.

And the true constructive hero of Jon gets sent back to the wall as if he would have survived the ire of the Dothraki or Unsullied. The only way and cool as shit - would be to have him ride on Drogon - and burn some Dothraki and Unsullied into submission. Dragons are set to live for centuries. Their masters live and die anyway even if they are attached to one Targaeryan. At least that would explain better why he did not burn Jon.

So the show took away the 2 real constructive heroes. And no - Tyrion is not a constructive positive hero.

Actually a society is set to end when there are no positive constructive heroes left in the lore of a people or nation.


Another note - Arya's Columbus strong independent wahmen plot. From the people who read the books it's clear that the world of Westeros has only 2 continents - Essos and Westeros. And Euron Greyjoy already sailed West arriving just in Essos. Arya thus will not find anything unless the morons keep on consuming this garbage.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 08:10 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Another note - Arya's Columbus strong independent wahmen plot. From the people who read the books it's clear that the world of Westeros has only 2 continents - Essos and Westeros. And Euron Greyjoy already sailed West arriving just in Essos. Arya thus will not find anything unless the morons keep on consuming this garbage.

How can you say that! She will sail west to the Undying Lands to find Bilbo and Elrond.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Pallete cleanser to the nihilism.

[Image: 37b467d7e62f49c4c4af8856201498b1.jpg]

Compare the ethics in Beowulf with modern productions like Game of Thrones.

[Image: beowulf-loyalty-quotes_146544.jpg]

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 05:28 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

I notice they didn't do a cunt count for violent deaths on screen. Wonder why?

Someone should do a Best Rapes compilation!

Peasants by the Mountain and Crew
Dany by Khal Drogo
Sansa by Ramsay Bolton
Underage Tommen by Margaery Tyrell

We can then discuss which scenes were best with mood, lighting and shout-out to the books

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Hahaaa - 2 of the 3 planned prequels are already on hold.

HBO already regrets placing so much trust in those bozos. They wanted 7 seasons because they wanted to bargain the success of the show at the height into a better gig - which they got with Star Wars.

HBO should have changed showrunners - you literally can hardly pick worse guys unless you take some feminist-SJW writers from the CW-idiocracy-series.

Don't think that this kind of fuckup where everyone - from feminists, SJWs, normies to fans to guys on the right - everyone in the majority is dissatisfied - that this remains without repercussions. Even their Star Wars crap will be scrutinized closely as it's clear by now that the success of the series before had nothing to do with those 2 morons, but rather by adapting good dialogue and stories from Martin. And Martin was a co-writer in the first 3 seasons!!!!!!!

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

Quote: (05-22-2019 03:03 AM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

[Image: _107031925_3.png]

So the takeaway here is that they want to suppress the speech of someone differently-abled in order to elevate able-normative cis-gendered white women?

Literally shaking right now.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

It bothers me that most people actually support the feminine agenda. Oh well, more pussy for me I guess, being a toxically masculine guy.

Anyone watch Game of Thrones?

[Image: Zj95Kh0.jpg]
[Image: eXZHfUB.jpg]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

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