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Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Hey guys,

I know this has been discussed before but I can't find it. I was wondering how often do you see a girl to keep her as a friends with benefits, was it once a week or once every two weeks.

Also once you've had sex you should have 50% you contact her and 50% she contact you correct?

I banged this girl that came to my house before we were supposed to go to a bar, but after we went to this really cool bar with board games and stuff and had a great time. She seems really cool, don't think she's looking for a serious relationship. After I last saw her on Saturday neither of us has texted each other (though its clear we both had a great time) and I wanted to know if I should go ahead and go for another meetup this weekend or wait till the next one or until she contact me. She's in high school still (17 and im 25) so I can only see her on weekends I think.

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

17? She's just coming into being a woman and is horny as hell and DTF. You can smash her out on a Saturday afternoon and still go out scamming for new tail.

Plus you don't have to worry about running into her at your favorite bars or clubs.

I hope you have your own place. LOL

Team Nachos

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Well she could probably go to most bars or clubs cause this is Buenos Aires but the city is huge so I won't run into her. Yea I have my own place.

I sent her a text tonight (Friday) inviting her to go see a friend that's playing tomorrow night and she just texted back an hour and a half later saying "Hi, I can't see you during the night tomorrow". I think she's implying by the way she said it that she can see me before that during the afternoon or something, but I'm not sure. I don't know if asking her to come over in the afternoon tomorrow to watch a movie (bang) is a good idea or not or if I should wait for her to offer something, or just wait till the next weekend or even try to see if she's willing to come over during the week for a bit after school or something.

Since our bang last Saturday neither of us has texted each other till now. Not sure what to do, dang I thought it would all be smooth sailing after the bang.... I really need to put another in the pipeline.

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Nice! I was about to send her a text in an hour but she just ended up texting me to see if I had something to do at noon tomorrow [Image: smile.gif] I'll probably say "yea sleep... but what did you have in mind?"

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Once a week to two in order to keep a reliable FB around, otherwise it just turns into random booty calls that may fizzle out.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Quote: (09-24-2011 04:08 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Once a week to two in order to keep a reliable FB around, otherwise it just turns into random booty calls that may fizzle out.

the FWB always catch feelings after a while?

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Quote: (09-24-2011 04:18 PM)endobendo Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2011 04:08 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Once a week to two in order to keep a reliable FB around, otherwise it just turns into random booty calls that may fizzle out.

the FWB always catch feelings after a while?

Not always... but like with anything it can't go on forever. 3 months is typical, but not a rule.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Hey is it okay for her to meet some of your friends? My friend is doing his first open standup comedy show and I thought it would be cool to invite her to come.

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Quote: (09-26-2011 11:50 AM)Riker Wrote:  

Hey is it okay for her to meet some of your friends? My friend is doing his first open standup comedy show and I thought it would be cool to invite her to come.

Depends on your relationship with her. This is a pretty good guide to go by. Of course, like with anything, it's not absolute. One of the girls I'm banging is caught somewhere between FB and FWB.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

Quote: (09-24-2011 04:21 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2011 04:18 PM)endobendo Wrote:  

Quote: (09-24-2011 04:08 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Once a week to two in order to keep a reliable FB around, otherwise it just turns into random booty calls that may fizzle out.

the FWB always catch feelings after a while?

Not always... but like with anything it can't go on forever. 3 months is typical, but not a rule.

That's how it goes on average in my experience. Depends on a ton of other factors though, like if she's got anyone else pursuing her. Generally speaking, if you're doing your job right, she will catch feelings. I just flip the tables here and start flaking, and leading her on until she catches on and moves on.

As for frequency, at least once a week, I'd shoot for an average of at least once every five days. That way your dick is fresh in her memory, and hopefully her mouth.

Frequency of Seeing a Girl to Keep her as a FWB

I saw this girl last Saturday when she came over my place... I had invited her to go out Saturday night on friday and she said she couldn't but offered to come over like at 1or 2PM for a few hours on Saturday. We talked about her coming over on Thursday cause on that day she gets off school at 1PM.... Wednesday I tell her to come over on Thursday at 4PM. At 5PM on Thursday I get this message

"Subway boy! I'm so sorry I couldn't come over. Sorry Sorry Sorry"

She stood me up, but she was coming over my place and I had things to do so its not like I traveled somewhere and she didn't show up.

At 5:30 I text back

"Thats allright, next time you'll have to cook me something delicious and then I'll forgive you. Next time if you can't come message me earlier."

And she responds with


So plan is to wait till she initiates a meetup but its hard I want to message her to come over so we can bang.... last time she was on her period and didn't want to. Plus I wanted to invite her to come watch a friend of mine who is doing some standup comedy.... but I feel like I can't because I'll "lose power"

I really need to put another girl in the pipeline cause depending on one girl for sex sucks.

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