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10 day water-only fast completed
0 day water-only fast completed
In the last 12 months I have done two - 10 day water fasts and one 9 day water fast. ( was planning to do 10 but work called). In my last 9 day fast, I ate for a week and then went to my doctor to do my annual check up. I had a blood test done. I got the results and the doctor was surprised how perfect my blood test came out. Lowest cholesterol, good blood sugar, thyroid problems disappeared, psa fine, B12 fine etc.

So water fasting is a secret way to get good internal health in a short period. Of course after you must maintain a healthy diet and exercise program or else the benefits of the fast disappear soon.

10 day water fasting is not easy but it is not difficult either. One needs to gradually build up to it. Start with one day water fasts. I have been doing a one day dry fast once a week -- on Mondays usually for almost 10 years now.

The first three days of the fast are the most difficult. After that though they become more easy and detoxification usually begins after the third or forth day.

If you want to achieve good internal health in a short period, this maybe something to consider.

If you have a medical condition, you need to consult with your doctor first. But long fasting tends to often cure many medical ailments.
0 day water-only fast completed
Probably better for folk to start off slow with such things & build up as they see fit.

Start with a full one day fast. Later a two day fast. Later a three day fast etc.
0 day water-only fast completed
Congrats I also did a 10 days water fast last month. However because I was still working out during it I supplemented my water with sodium an and potassium.
Have you come across The Snake Diet on youtube? plenty of infos on water fasting, dry fasting and ketosis.
0 day water-only fast completed
What's a water fast?
0 day water-only fast completed
I was under the impression that 3 days without water will kill you.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (04-04-2018 07:48 PM)LeBaron Wrote:  

Congrats I also did a 10 days water fast last month. However because I was still working out during it I supplemented my water with sodium an and potassium.
Have you come across The Snake Diet on youtube? plenty of infos on water fasting, dry fasting and ketosis.

Congrats too but Working out? I learned that you need to mostly rest so the body can use its energy to detoxify. Working out would use up needed body energy and the detox would be less effective. The main reason for long water fasting is to detox.
0 day water-only fast completed
Btw, a 10 day water fast is really the minimum . For proper effective detoxification, it is minimum 21 days. But even longer is better. Ideally for most it is usually a 25 to 30 day water fast process. But 40 days is the magic number where you get a new body full of health.

I am planning to attempt a 21 day water fast hopefully next Sept or Oct. If it does not work out I will continue doing the ten day water fast which I am now trying to do twice a year.

It is a direct path to internal path in a short period.

And it is easier to do than most think. The first three days are difficult but then it becomes usually easy.
0 day water-only fast completed
What the fuck kind of poisons are you putting in your body that require you to do so many water fasts?
0 day water-only fast completed
I can only imagine how unproductive you are on a long water fast, food fasting is one thing but after the third day of no water all I can think of is drinking.

And if you claim a 10 day water fast and forgoing food as well?

I'm very skeptical of this sort of thing, to the point where I think this is some lame trolling attempt.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (04-04-2018 08:36 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

I can only imagine how unproductive you are on a long water fast, food fasting is one thing but after the third day of no water all I can think of is drinking.

And if you claim a 10 day water fast and forgoing food as well?

I'm very skeptical of this sort of thing, to the point where I think this is some lame trolling attempt.

My personal trainer was recommending to try to once a week

This not trolling...consult Uncle Google when in doubt [Image: confused.gif]
0 day water-only fast completed
People should fast on occasion. It is a good way to lose weight. Day on, day off. But 10 days of only water? 20? 40?

I am with cascadecombo. If you wish to starve yourself to death its your business.
0 day water-only fast completed
I took it that a water fast is a true fast, allowing only water. I googled to make sure. Many who fast allow juice, or do intermitent fasting. Water fasting is just a clarification of true fasting.

I have not tried this, and have probably never gone more than 30 hours without eating. I believe the OP is correct that a 10 day fast would be very healthy, in the absense of any medical problems that might be an issue. I think it would be very difficult to workout during a multiday fast , but some walking would probably go well.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage
0 day water-only fast completed
Serious question: why?
0 day water-only fast completed
Haha, I was under the impression, based on the name, that a water fast meant no water.

I'm the King of Beijing!
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (04-04-2018 08:36 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

I can only imagine how unproductive you are on a long water fast, food fasting is one thing but after the third day of no water all I can think of is drinking.

And if you claim a 10 day water fast and forgoing food as well?

I'm very skeptical of this sort of thing, to the point where I think this is some lame trolling attempt.

Evidently water fast means "Only drink water and no other intake."
I am enormously skeptical of the benefits of eating no food for over a month.

OP, what evidence is there that "detoxification" requires that amount of going with no food? I went poking around pubmed and saw nothing.
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (04-04-2018 09:02 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

OP, what evidence is there that "detoxification" requires that amount of going with no food? I went poking around pubmed and saw nothing.

It's pseudo-science.

Just because you got improved blood-work by going on a water-only diet doesn't mean you couldn't have achieved the same results by not eating any junk food for ten days.

I'm the King of Beijing!
0 day water-only fast completed
So unhealthy to fast. But whatever
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (04-04-2018 07:54 PM)str8_thggn Wrote:  

I was under the impression that 3 days without water will kill you.

Water fast does not mean not drinking water. It means drinking only water.

Good job OP might try a 3 day water fast.

How much weight did you do in the 10 days?
0 day water-only fast completed
Sounds like a great way to fuck yourself up honestly.

What's wrong with eating clean and exercising?
0 day water-only fast completed
Quote: (04-04-2018 09:39 PM)Pancho Wrote:  

Quote: (04-04-2018 07:54 PM)str8_thggn Wrote:  

I was under the impression that 3 days without water will kill you.

Water fast does not mean not drinking water. It means drinking only water.

Good job OP might try a 3 day water fast.

How much weight did you do in the 10 days?

Heh. I understand that in the Catholic Church, the rule used to be you couldn't even drink water (let alone consume any other drink or food) from 6pm Holy Thursday to 3pm Holy Saturday. I might have to try that one year.
0 day water-only fast completed
Congrats on the ten day fast.

I don't really see a reason to go any further than 24-36 hours for a fast since going a lot longer can basically cause hormone death. It will lower insulin resistance like nothing else though.

You guys should check out Brad Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat" (updated).

Going without water while fasting is a terrible idea for a lot of reasons. I always take a few fish oil tabs and drink as much coffee as I want if I'm fasting.
0 day water-only fast completed
This comes off not as a fast but has a hunger strike.

Can be useful in some politicized/publicized situations.
0 day water-only fast completed
Probably should be retitled as “fasting” to avoid confusion.

No such thing as “water” fasting i.e. conscious abstainence from drinking water.
0 day water-only fast completed
Fasting documentary. Apparently the Soviet Union did a lot of research on fasting.

0 day water-only fast completed
The Following is the information laden /fast/ sticky from 4chan /fit/ before vegans shat all over it.
Enjoy all ye fasters, and throw a salute.


What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic or carnivore diet in addition to become god mode


>HGH , Test, and muscle growth?


>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?

>any more info?

>Fung talks and lectures:

>Doesn't salt make you explode?


Quote: (04-04-2018 11:02 PM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

Probably should be retitled as “fasting” to avoid confusion.

No such thing as “water” fasting i.e. conscious abstainence from drinking water.
LOL, dry fasting is a thing, and it's becoming more popular.
See below series of videos (warning: snakeman is an annoying fuck)

Thomas DeLauer vid on dry fasting:

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