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Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

Hello, I am new to this site (been a lurker for 6 months). I have no problem with cold approach. Something that often happens is I ask a girl (who is clearly interested) for her snapchat or phone number to which they respond" I deleted snapchat" ... or even "I don't have a phone number"

previously I used to assume they were not interested or averse to giving out their information to strangers and wanted to get to know people better, or were playing hard to get to not seem easy These type of responses seem to be in the similar category as "i have a boyfreind" shit test.

There is one girl who was eyeing me at the school gym. I talked to her after my workout. I was very direct, I know she is interested and I told her I was interested. She was very receptive, but declined to give me her phone number. I always see her around and she smiles and says hi and sometimes we chat a bit. the other day I asked for her phone number again, she declined and said "my phone number is only for close friends and family' ... this time I decided to StrongFrame..... As i was unable to think of good word play at the moment, I just ignored what she said and looked her in the eye and handed her my phone again "Your phone number please...". To which she muttered, "i can't .... ". all I said is "Don't worry about it". Finally she relented and said "I'll give you my sister's number". "That's fine, as long as she is hot", I replied on reflex. She proceeded to give me her real phone number. "I'll hit you up after spring break" I said. She had that embarrassed slight smile the whole time.

Yesterday, I approached a girl at the grocery store. Her and her friend were quite receptive.
"I like you " I said while looking the girl in the eye.
"that's good" she responded."
me: " Let me get your number" .
her: "I have a boyfriend"
me:"it's ok we won't tell him [Image: wink.gif] ..give me you number"
her "no"
she then proceeded to end the interaction and keep her distance, so I didn't try harder

Previously, I wouldn't want to be pressuring because I didn't want to seem desperate or bother people .... I am considering doing this more. thoughts?

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

Quote: (04-04-2018 09:16 AM)MarshalZhukov Wrote:  

Hello, I am new to this site (been a lurker for 6 months). I have no problem with cold approach. Something that often happens is I ask a girl (who is clearly interested) for her snapchat or phone number to which they respond" I deleted snapchat" ... or even "I don't have a phone number"


previously I used to assume they were not interested
or averse to giving out their information to strangers and wanted to get to know people better, or were playing hard to get to not seem easy These type of responses seem to be in the similar category as "i have a boyfreind" shit test.

There is one girl who was eyeing me at the school gym. I talked to her after my workout. I was very direct, I know she is interested and I told her I was interested. She was very receptive, but declined to give me her phone number. I always see her around and she smiles and says hi and sometimes we chat a bit. the other day I asked for her phone number again, she declined and said "my phone number is only for close friends and family' ... this time I decided to StrongFrame..... As i was unable to think of good word play at the moment, I just ignored what she said and looked her in the eye and handed her my phone again "Your phone number please...". To which she muttered, "i can't .... ". all I said is "Don't worry about it". Finally she relented and said "I'll give you my sister's number". "That's fine, as long as she is hot", I replied on reflex. She proceeded to give me her real phone number. "I'll hit you up after spring break" I said. She had that embarrassed slight smile the whole time.

Yesterday, I approached a girl at the grocery store. Her and her friend were quite receptive.
"I like you " I said while looking the girl in the eye.
"that's good" she responded."
me: " Let me get your number" .
her: "I have a boyfriend"
me:"it's ok we won't tell him [Image: wink.gif] ..give me you number"
her "no"
she then proceeded to end the interaction and keep her distance, so I didn't try harder

Previously, I wouldn't want to be pressuring because I didn't want to seem desperate or bother people .... I am considering doing this more. thoughts?


previously I used to assume they were not interested

^You assumed right, most of the time. If a girl won't do the bare minimum of giving you her number so that you can move things forward, majority of the time you can just forget about her and move on.

Same for the "I have a boyfriend" opener, sure, you can ignore it and try to plow through, but I don't see why you would put so much effort into a flaky number. If she's not readily giving it to you, chances are she's not as interested as you thought and you're not reading her right.

Good job on making the ballsy approaches, that's already more than most men ever attempt. Your social calibration needs fine tuning though.

1st situation- Doesn't mean shit that she's friendly and talks to you and smiles. It could go either way, she could be super into you, or just a polite, friendly girl. Good job going for the number, but when she gives you weak excuses like giving you her sister's number, it's her polite way of rejecting you.

2nd situation- Ok, you pushed the interaction as far as is reasonable. Tried a gamey line to swat away the "I have a boyfriend," she wasn't having it. Good effort, next one.

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

Jesus, if those girls were interested, what constitutes NOT interested in your book?

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

Quote: (04-04-2018 09:16 AM)MarshalZhukov Wrote:  

"That's fine, as long as she is hot", I replied on reflex.

This is solid fucking gold, dude. As long as you hold your frame, this is some solid asshole game.

You should absolutely keep going hard like this. It's the quickest way to build up a proper library of experience. In time you'll learn when and how and where to tone it down.

But for now, if you're still new, keep doing what you're doing. It's better to be overly confident than under confident.

Edit: That second interaction where you hit the IHAB: try some different lines. My favorite is, "Me too! Man, we have a lot in common."

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

I had no idea that the line between optimism / persistence and delusion could be so blurry

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.


Good job on making the ballsy approaches, that's already more than most men ever attempt. Your social calibration needs fine tuning though.

I will try to focus more on social graces, calibration, politeness for a while, as I feel like I am already sufficiently hard/alpha/confident/daring for my age.

thanks for the input guys.

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

I've found girls give out contact info no problem.

It's later they choose if they reaaaaally wanted you to have it.

I've been shot down on phone number less than 5 times in my life, and I'm not a model. I've had well over a hundred of those numbers then text back near nothing.

Try finding a well adjusted guy to wingman you and give you feedback

Girls who are interested decline to provide contact information shit test.

Being that direct and in front of the friend will put her in a spot - a hail mary shot for her to decide - yes or no.

If she was there by herself she might might said "yes" but cos of the friend , the slut factor would have kicked in and hence the rejection.

Second option - she truly has a bf and doesnt want to cheat on him.

Third option - she didnt find you attraction.

Move on man, there are so many girls out there.

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