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The Vox Day thread

The Vox Day thread

So true. Somewhat odd for a former musician.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Vox Day thread

Frankly if there's one thing the right actually needs it's a guy with serious Right wing street cred who's willing to move to a non-extradition country and actively become a shot-caller.

We all love to pretend we're still in a war of ideas but we are so far past that we have to squint to see it in our rear view mirrors. This forum and every venue like it from a Peterson concert to a a hundred Vox livestreams. All redundant and irrelevant.

I try to view these things dispassionately but I'm struggling to see a single dent that all of the blithering and blathering on the Right has made because it's just not there. The elite still do what they want, when they want. Zero fucks given. People might point to Trump but I'm no longer convinced that he's on a course to return America to its founding values, but rather to regain America's economic viability as the Jewish golem of global supremacy (I very much doubt they trust the Chinese to take on that mantle after the US sinks, no matter how much money they throw at them). That's why Hillary isn't being put up on any of the millions of slam-dunk charges she could be thrown in jail for, nor any of the other deep state reform-Jew goons who've undoubtedly been told "walk away and nobody get's hurt". It's why he hasn't mentioned word one about restoring freedom of speech, and if you want to be really pessimistic you'd get to thinking that 99% of the stuff we were ready to go to war over if Hillary won, well it's still all there only the wind has been taken out of our sails because "our guy" is in office.

Funny, that.

But us? The Vox Days. The Stephen Crowders. The Richard Spencers. The Jordan Petersons. The Lauren Southerns.

It's all just comforting noise that helps us pretend that we have a choice other than to fight or go to the gulag.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Vox Day thread

There’s nothing particularly comforting about what Vox says - He expects to see breakup/civil war in the USA in the 2030’s.

Despite the current information/censorship war, I think he’s correct that nationalism is only getting started. Considering that it’s at this level when the economy in the West is somewhat decent, an inevitable downturn will only throw gas on the fire.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Vox Day thread

The collapse is always going to be in the next few years and after a few years it's always going to be in the next few years.

Over ten years of economic suicide watch and counting.

If there's one thing the evidence has made clear it's that there is unlikely to be a collapse, just an orderly deconstruction.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (06-02-2018 05:21 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Abelard above mentions Z-Man as a better alternative to Vox. I doubt I could put too much faith into someone that has a meltdown throwing Trump under the bus and also plagiarises content.

My biggest problem with Vox is that he consistently fails to set-up decent audio for his online video appearances. How hard is it to plug in a good mic and adjust the settings correctly for clear audio?

I don't remember the plagiarizing incident. But I definitely remember his meltdown over Trump, which rather surpised me. I thought it rather immature on his part as no president is ever going to do 100% what we want him to do. Reagan did things I did not agree with and I still consider him, along with Trump, as the two best presidents in my lifetime. As I said on Z Man's blog, I will say here. If Trump gets it right 50% of the time, he is still 100% better than all of the presidents between him and Reagan, and a damn sight better than Hillary would be had she been elected. We really dodged a bullet with Hillary.

I did not say the ZMan was great. I just said he is worth reading (he does have good insight) and that he does not rub me the wrong way that Vox occasionally does.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (06-02-2018 07:04 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

There’s nothing particularly comforting about what Vox says - He expects to see breakup/civil war in the USA in the 2030’s.

Despite the current information/censorship war, I think he’s correct that nationalism is only getting started. Considering that it’s at this level when the economy in the West is somewhat decent, an inevitable downturn will only throw gas on the fire.

Quite right. Like John Hussmann. He runs several bear mutual funds and got a reputation for outperforming in 2001-2003, when the tech bubble popped. His academic creds are impeccable and his white-papers well-reasoned, flawless. The problem is, he's been a bear since 2003 and so his funds have missed enormous upside. But i don't think he did that well in the crash of 2008-2009, plus missing the recovery. So he's a genius with shit results, but because his arguments are compelling a legion of doom-sayers buy into his "any day now" sky-is-falling routine. One day, he'll be right. You may be 90 when it happens though. For these reasons, i tend to ignore people like Vox, Hussmann, and the other perma-bears. They have predicted 11 of the last 3 recessions...

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (06-02-2018 05:21 AM)rotekz Wrote:  

Quote: (06-01-2018 07:55 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I think Vox's biggest problem is that he subscribes to a Gamma driven internet battle-royale mentality over who will lead the Right to ultimate victory.
He has said many times that there should be no leaders in the Alt-Right (or whatever name you want to call the dissident right) and it should operate on the leaderless Gamergate model. He has also many times said he is not interested in being a leader for the above reason alone.

Vox is concerned that these self-appointed "leaders" that pop-up are frauds, usually of the centre/left and are not actually helping the right accomplish right-wing conservative goals. So far to my mind he has been correct on every one of them.

With the likes of Peterson, Harris and Shapiro these guys are fake right, globalist, cuckservative frauds that are doing incalculable damage with their large outreach and false messages that will lead us down dead ends. They deserve to be taken down in order to save our civilisation.

Abelard above mentions Z-Man as a better alternative to Vox. I doubt I could put too much faith into someone that has a meltdown throwing Trump under the bus and also plagiarises content.

My biggest problem with Vox is that he consistently fails to set-up decent audio for his online video appearances. How hard is it to plug in a good mic and adjust the settings correctly for clear audio?

Can't be "fake right" if you never claim to be right to begin with.

The Vox Day thread

If you are appealing to young men that are being tempted by the identity politics of the Alt-Right and offering your own philosophy as an alternative then you are positioning yourself to some degree on the right.

The Vox Day thread

My favorite comments about Trump from my favorite blogger:

Its from last summer but is still relevant.

The Vox Day thread

Won't argue with that.

Part of me just hates Hillary on a visceral level. It's a combination of the cackling and her visible glee at having gotten Gaddafi killed. I can't think of anyone I know offhand is a more vile character than Hillary is. I'd rather have a beer with a serial killer than her....and I'm not entirely joking.

The Vox Day thread

Hillary setting up Qaddafi to be killed was one of the stupidest acts of foreign policy in our lifetimes. Unlike Saddam, who was acting belligerently during the late 90's to early 00's, Qaddafi made nice with the West starting in '03, and Hillary in her infinite wisdom decided to set him up for being offed. This was stupid because it told every one that the U.S. cannot be trusted even if you make nice with us. My friends and I decided that Hillary offing Qaddafi as well as Bush's invasion of Iraq in '03 were going to result in a massive wave of nuclear proliferation over the next 30 years. The difficulties we are having with North Korea and Iran are partly rooted in these two stupid policy moves. Of the two, Hillary's was worse because, unlike Saddam. Qaddafi made nice with the West and was willing to do business with us.

The Vox Day thread

Don't give 'em any air to breathe :

Quelle surprise

The shooting at the Capital Gazette had nothing to do with politics, the God-Emperor, or Milo Yiannopoulos. It was the culmination of a nutjob's seven-year vendetta against the people at the paper who had publicly humiliated him in 2011.

Gunman, 38, who shot five dead in the Capital Gazette newsroom, after he sued the paper and harassed staff over 2011 article that exposed him for Facebook stalking a woman... Ramos was the subject of a 2011 article - titled 'Jarrod wants to be your friend' - after he pleaded guilty to criminal harassment. The article described him as having threatened and harassed a former high school classmate on Facebook. He sent the woman numerous emails spanning several months calling her vulgar names and telling her to kill herself.

In the years that followed, Ramos sued the newspaper, the reporter who initially wrote about the case, a judge and the woman who testified against him. His defamation suit was thrown out on appeal in 2015 because Ramos failed to prove that what the newspaper had printed was untrue.

Ramos routinely harassed journalists from the newspaper on Twitter in scores of profanity laced tweets. One of those tweets targeted one of the journalists killed on Thursday, Rob Hiaasen. In another tweet, he discussed how he'd enjoy seeing the paper stop publishing, but 'it would be nicer' to see two journalists 'cease breathing'.

Other tweets from his account referenced previous journalist shootings, including the 2015 terror attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris

The woman who was harassed by Ramos told WBAL TV that she warned an ex-police officer years ago that he would 'be young next mass shooter'. Adding that he's a 'f***ing nut job', the woman said Ramos because fixated with her for no apparent reason.

That didn't stop Paypal and Venmo from shutting down Milo's accounts with them, thereby proving that you shouldn't EVER talk to the media at all. What has been widely reported as his "call to murder journalists" was nothing more than his standard email response to media requests, sent to two different media outlets that had been harassing him for a comment on an unrelated matter.

Yiannapolous was asked by the Observer and Daily Beast to comment on two unrelated articles published Tuesday, Yiannopoulos - who is known as a provocateur - texted the Observer's Davis Richardson "I can't wait for the vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on sight," while emailing the Beast's Will Sommer the same response. When asked to elaborate, Milo told the Observer that his statement was his "standard response to a request for comment," which he also sent to the Daily Beast's Will Sommer, who published it as well.

Notice how the media managed to twist even the refusal of a request for comment into something they could use to damage him. THIS IS WHY YOU DO NOT TALK TO THEM AT ALL! I had already stopped even emailing them back to decline their requests anymore before this happened. Stefan Molyneux had the right policy all along. Never talk to the mainstream news media at all. They are desperate for content and they are desperate for comments. Don't give them anything.

And no, I don't want to hear from any of the usual morons who have a fiendishly clever plan that no one has ever thought of before on how the media can totally be trolled and recorded and humiliated, thus proving what smart boys they are.

The Vox Day thread

The second part of the 'Why Western Civilization Needs Christianity' video from the Voxiversity series has been released.

If you missed it, the first part:


The Vox Day thread


High school never ends

The media appears to be on the verge of discovering the socio-sexual hierarchy:

Is this the genesis of a new Sailer’s Law?

The most passionate tweets by male journalists tend to be demands that, Come the Revolution, the guys who beat out the journalists in getting the girls in high school will be destroyed in their adult lives.

The late Tom Wolfe suggested something similar in Back to Blood, in which an old editor, Topping, reflects upon young reporter John Smith. Only Wolfe thinks it all starts ten years younger:

If you ask me, newspaper reporters are created at age six when they first go to school. In the schoolyard boys immediately divide into two types. Immediately! There are those who have the will to be daring and dominate, and those who don’t have it. … But there are boys from the weaker side of the divide who grow up with the same dreams as the stronger … The boy standing before me, John Smith, is one of them. They, too, dream of power, money, fame, and beautiful lovers.

The sort of men who go into journalism tend to be gammas. Just look at the average high school boy working on the school paper or college man majoring in journalism. That's why so many of them get themselves into trouble once they climb the ranks, become a public face, start amassing real money and influence, and find themselves in the position of being a situational alpha. They simply don't have the self-control that the young alpha naturally develops over time and their ability to rationalize their actions is off the charts because gamma.

But in truth, it's more that elementary school never ends. That's the age where most people appear to be stamped into what more or less remains their final form. Even the late-bloomers who transform themselves over time tend to more or less retain that early form on the inside.

I used to have an opinion that the high-school prom was such a key & defining moment in the lives of Americans.
Even to the point where it hindered their adult development.

All that worry over "going to the prom" & having that one night be more special than most. Despite it being one... mere... night...

That opinion was shaped by the constant themes depicted in TV & film as I grew up; & in growing up in Australia where there wasn't a 'prom' equivalent to the severity nor significance of the American night.
I never quite sympathized with all that failed prom angst.

Now I know however, that all those TV shows & movies were most likely written by sniveling, Soycialist, Hollowood writer types.
They were never the popular / cool / successful kids to begin with & being leftist in mind & having more juvenile mental / stunted amygdala structures.
They never grew out of that teenage angst & it manifests in their work as supposed adults as a result.

The Vox Day thread

Vox is really sharp and strangely enough in this point in time he and Mike Cernovich are predicting different outcomes for the midterms. He seems to believe in the Qanon phenomenon, today he linked to NeonRevolt.

I remember times when he made some "red alert" comments that didn't come into fruition. Aside from that, Vox, Anonymous Conservative, and Conservative treehouse are goldmines. Way more credible than CNN, WaPo, etc.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

The Vox Day thread

I have a feeling that the mockers in the bowels of the internet are starting to turn their attention to Vox Day, and it is starting with this mean but hilarious video.

He just knocked on the glass too many times, and soon the Kiwifarms and Encyclopedia Dramaticas of the world will have their say about the great man.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Vox Day thread

Sure, there's plenty you can criticize about Vox. But his fiction writing? He's actually quite a good fiction writer and world builder (aside from pointless debates about stuff like whether he's better than George RR Martin or whatever - who cares?) Vox's time would be much better spent hunkering down and writing/editing fantasy novels than trying to launch some new ambitious venture every other week that ultimately goes nowhere.

This whole genre of "YouTube basement-dwellers sitting around talking about other YouTube basement-dwellers talking about stuff" is unbearably lame, it's like daytime TV for guys with tribal tattoos and Under Armour hats who think reading 4Chan makes them edgy. Yeah, Vox's livestreams are awkward and usually boring, but these two dorks are even more pathetic.

It all seems like a tremendous waste of time, but I admit I would be quite entertained if trolls caused Vox to melt down on camera (maybe he has? I ignore at least 90% of his streams.)

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (05-11-2019 01:36 PM)HermeticAlly Wrote:  

It all seems like a tremendous waste of time, but I admit I would be quite entertained if trolls caused Vox to melt down on camera (maybe he has? I ignore at least 90% of his streams.)

He does melt down, but it's always covered by a veneer of disdainful rationality. If someone gets under his skin he'll post every negative thing he can find about the person for the next couple decades. Sort of like how he keeps repeating that he doesn't care about Jordan Peterson, but then writes a book about Jordan Peterson and mentions him over and over again in his blog.

The Vox Day thread

Strange guy. Obsessed with Peterson, Shapiro and Joooooos in general, while throwing roses at the feet of Putin. And for a man who complains about deplatforming, he bans and moderates posts with the best of them.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (05-11-2019 08:06 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

He does melt down, but it's always covered by a veneer of disdainful rationality. If someone gets under his skin he'll post every negative thing he can find about the person for the next couple decades. Sort of like how he keeps repeating that he doesn't care about Jordan Peterson, but then writes a book about Jordan Peterson and mentions him over and over again in his blog.

Generally appreciate the guy's intellect a great deal. Very insightful & rather distinct. From where I gauge my IQ, I don't doubt he's around the 160 mark.

Yet he probably would benefit from more dismissive mockery every now & then.
Have a little fun with it, as opposed to getting to serious on the how & why.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (05-11-2019 08:48 PM)bbgun Wrote:  

Strange guy. Obsessed with Peterson, Shapiro and Joooooos in general, while throwing roses at the feet of Putin. And for a man who complains about deplatforming, he bans and moderates posts with the best of them.

This is the kind of putdown that really validates the quality of Vox' work.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (05-12-2019 01:46 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-11-2019 08:48 PM)bbgun Wrote:  

Strange guy. Obsessed with Peterson, Shapiro and Joooooos in general, while throwing roses at the feet of Putin. And for a man who complains about deplatforming, he bans and moderates posts with the best of them.

This is the kind of putdown that really validates the quality of Vox' work.


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Vox Day thread

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate Vox Day....

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (05-12-2019 01:46 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-11-2019 08:48 PM)bbgun Wrote:  

Strange guy. Obsessed with Peterson, Shapiro and Joooooos in general, while throwing roses at the feet of Putin. And for a man who complains about deplatforming, he bans and moderates posts with the best of them.

This is the kind of putdown that really validates the quality of Vox' work.

His takes on Israel are indistinguishable from that of Omar, Tlaib or Corbyn. I know that politics makes strange bedfellows, but that's some pretty egregious company he's keeping. I agree that Jordan Peterson is another "polite" conservative too cowardly to address HBD, but Vox's obsession with him reeks of jealousy. And to consistently paint Putin as a victim of Western aggression, while cavalierly wiping away his sins, is not only historically illiterate but a form of "blame America first" ethnomasochism routinely practiced by the Left. If you're looking for a messiah, it ain't Vox.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (05-12-2019 11:23 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (05-12-2019 01:46 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-11-2019 08:48 PM)bbgun Wrote:  

Strange guy. Obsessed with Peterson, Shapiro and Joooooos in general, while throwing roses at the feet of Putin. And for a man who complains about deplatforming, he bans and moderates posts with the best of them.

This is the kind of putdown that really validates the quality of Vox' work.


Putin global supervillain boogeyman, Corbyn-Omar raging antisemites, as is everyone who dares touch Our Greatest Ally with a 10' pole or just notice what's going on... Haters coming from that cucked RINO-MIGA mindset, as seen in post above, are a good indication that Vox is being on target.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

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