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The Vox Day thread

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (03-13-2018 11:34 AM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

So the main thrust of my argument is correct: You've deliberately created your living situation so that you don't have to defend your reputation on a worldwide scale. But this makes it impossible for you to relate to those who must defend their reputations on a worldwide scale.

Vox didn't NEED to defend his reputation on a worldwide scale by suing some losers on Gab. He could've easily let it go and no one would've even known the posts existed; it's not like Gab gets any traffic.

He did it because they annoy him, he's rich, and he can afford to crush people who annoy him.

The Vox Day thread

It would be nice if we could focus more on Vox's writings and ideas in this thread instead of "Vox is Gamma", or a certain poster is Gamma etc... we are falling prey to all the logical fallacies Vox warns readers about.

The question should be, who has the good ideas on the right?

I see some sharp analysis as well as contradictions in the things that Vox writes and those are the more interesting things to explore.

Vox predicted that Trump's administration would have record turnover and today's news shows that prediction coming true.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (03-13-2018 11:57 AM)RexImperator Wrote:  

It would be nice if we could focus more on Vox's writings and ideas in this thread instead of "Vox is Gamma", or a certain poster is Gamma etc... we are falling prey to all the logical fallacies Vox warns readers about.

The question should be, who has the good ideas on the right?

I see some sharp analysis as well as contradictions in the things that Vox writes and those are the more interesting things to explore.

Vox predicted that Trump's administration would have record turnover and today's news shows that prediction coming true.

That's a different matter. Of course Vox has plenty of good ideas and articles. We just disagree with some shit he does. I don't even agree with everything that Roosh does or says.

And honestly we all don't know Vox enough to say whether he is Gamma - you would have to meet him, see him around mates, around women. Besides - even if he did a massive error of judgment and ego around Gab - it's forgivable in my book.

The Vox Day thread

I've been in a couple of his Brainstorms where he shoots the shit with people. He can be esoteric and appear to be rude sometimes, but his ideas and the conclusions he draws from them are interesting.
His most recent one dealt with managing people that were deliberately hiding info from their superiors. If you work in IT and deal with technical experts, or are a tech expert yourself, this happens a lot.

Quote:Vox Day Wrote:

My concern with some of the folks in Brainstorm is that as subject matter experts, we get to thinking we *know* the real solution. Why can't management see it? Why can't the boss understand it? This is usually due to the subject matter expert having a very narrow view of the problem. This then devolves into taking actions without talking to management and leadership, due to either fear or pride. Problem is if the SME has no clue as to the larger organizational challenges or direction they can tank the larger projects. People get used to your version of "managing the boss", thinking they are saving the company when they do it or it became a self-preservation tool, and they stick with it when they go elsewhere in many instances. It's hard to break someone out of this once they fall into this habit.

The Vox Day thread

I know him and have spoken with him, on the phone (Not in person) a few times.

He's not a gamma. I don't know what he is, 'cause I still find the whole "hierarchy" thing a little hard to apply to actual people, but I do know what gammas are like. I've dealt with a ton of them in my life. They're real, they're exist, and they're FUCKING ANNOYING.

Actually, I just had a thought.

Are there any Trump supporters who are gammas? I've never met one, and like I said, I know a lot of gammas.
Liking Trump means liking someone who's more successful than you are, unless you too are a billionaire president who flies around in his private jet to fuck supermodels. And I don't think gammas are capable of doing that.

Has anyone here met a gamma trump supporter? I'd be curious to know.

The Vox Day thread

Highly intelligent Gammas are indeed very strange, but most of them are odd and weird around both women as well as men.

Though honestly I met some clear Alpha and Sigma guys who were both smart and assholes at the same time. Some of them are cunts or have huge egos. It gets mistaken for Gamma-ish behavior were it not for the fact that the guy turns around and bangs a new conquest the next day or is beloved by his group of male friends while also acting like a cunt somewhere else.

No idea bout the classifications which are only mental props and Trump supporters, but my take on Trump supporters is this:

+ more testosterone
+ more individual
+ more conservative or at least anti-SJW
+ more distrustful of the media and mainstream
+ if I had to estimate IQs of men who support him, then it would both the lowest and highest in IQs who are behind him - the SJWs and left recruit more around the middle (and this is also backed by studies of those who see through propaganda - you lose the bottom and upper curves the fastest)

Almost all Trump supporters I met were too well-rounded to be qualified as Gamma either way.

The Vox Day thread

Quote:SamuelBRoberts Wrote:

Has anyone here met a gamma trump supporter? I'd be curious to know.

I would tentatively nominate Youtube personality, RC Maxwell, as a Trump-supporting Gamma.

He's a Black conservative who referred to himself as "Black Hannity" during a heated debate with Nick Fuentes. (I've never heard of him before the debate, and I don't think that nickname was given to him by someone else. And if it wasn't, then RC Maxwell has an enormously high opinion of himself.) During that debate, he also repeatedly mentioned his life as a "professional college debater".

Nick argued that Black people don't assimilate into American politics, as evidenced by their never producing a successful world settlement and by voting for Barack Obama at 93+%. RC Maxwell then argued that "Voting patterns have nothing to do with assimilation." - and that Blacks voting for Obama is assimilation because "they're literally participating in the American democratic system".

I don't have any links to video, but you could see RC's face freeze for about two seconds after he said that. You could also sense that Nick and the debate moderator (Baked Alaska) were silent-laughing and realizing that RC just said something really fucking stupid. This caused RC to fire a long string of insults at Nick, which were laughed away.

I don't know RC well enough to say whether he's Gamma, but that was definitely a string of Gamma moments.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (03-13-2018 04:18 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

I don't know (whoever) well enough to say whether he's Gamma, but that was definitely a string of Gamma moments.

Dear Santa McJeebusclause,

T'would be nice that we be able to meet in some sort of middle ground such as this.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Vox Day thread

Not exactly timely, yet close enough.

Voxday :

Why I delinked Alpha Game

A number of people have asked me why I stopped blogging at Alpha Game, and then, delisted it from the Day Trips here. The answer is pretty simple: I got bored of the subject, bored of the discussions of the subject, and was beginning to find the people who wanted to discuss the subject to be increasingly tedious as well.

The social heuristic of the socio-sexual hierarchy is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable ideas I have ever encountered. In my opinion, it is up there with Taleb's concept of uncertainty and the Black Swan. I use it effectively on an almost daily basis, both in my work and in my personal life. I use it to anticipate and avoid problems, to artfully resolve situations that arise, to advise others, and to plan for the future. I use it to present a broader range of characters in my writing and to better understand the perspectives from which the authors I am editing are writing.

Which is why I'm simply not at all interested in trying to prove its legitimacy or its utility to doubters anymore. I'm not interested in trying to explain socio-sexual theory 101 when I am actively implementing its practical applications. Nor am I interested in listening to the endless nattering from the gammas that a) gamma isn't even a thing, b) there is nothing wrong with being a gamma, c) being a gamma is better than being an alpha, d) they're totally alphas when they're not busy being Navy SEALs, and e) they're not gammas, I'm the gamma.

And above all, I am aggressively disinterested in listening to the constant and inescapable refrain of "what about me" and "where do I rank" heard from nearly every male individual who encounters the theory for the first time. I am not the socio-sexual police nor do I convey a place on the hierarchy to anyone... and the mere fact that anyone would turn to me to provide it is indicative of a complete failure to grasp the concept in the first place. I am merely an observer of human behavior who happens to be aware of a few behavioral patterns that most people reliably exhibit.

The Vox Day thread

Vox's taxonomizing of absolutely everything just reminds me of that weird kid from school who'd talk your ear off about his bug collection that's categorized by genus and stored next to the plastic bin of color-coded new-in-box GI Joes. I don't think I'd call Vox a gamma, but he seems very much like someone who was probably a really strange kid but figured out how to work things to his benefit; a turbo-powered nerd, if you will, who was probably beat up exactly once before he set the bully's car on fire in retribution and other kids learned to stay the hell away.

It's not really surprising why people keep "bringing it up," when shouting "Gamma!" at anybody who questions him about anything is Vox's go-to response. The guy is a genuinely talented writer, why he spends so much time in petty arguments is puzzling and has really dragged down the quality of his blog over the last few years. Vox reminds me of the evangelical megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll, who seems to have a similar pathology and need to always be right about everything that muddies the waters of what would otherwise be consistently high-quality output.

The Vox Day thread

Voxiversity 003 is out.


The bestselling author of On the Question of Free Trade and The Return of the Great Depression, Vox Day, explains how a national economy is measured, lists the seven reasons why David Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage is not relevant to real world trade, and demonstrates why a trade war can can actually benefit the U.S. economy.

Source material:

David Ricardo:
Theory of Comparative Advantage:
Gross Domestic Product:


The Vox Day thread

Two of the latest Voxiversity videos 005 and 006 are below. The guitar shredding intro music has been ditched for classical and the quality of the production is continuing to rise, especially notable in 006. If they could just drop the jarring tonal changes evident in 005 and keep the length down to about 10 minutes it would be another step up.

005 Why Western Civilisation Needs Christianity - Part 1 of 2


"defines the three pillars of Western Civilization, shows how
Christianity historically shaped the West, and explains why modern
science not only required Christianity to come into being, but still
depends upon Christian values to remain an effective tool for exploring
the world around us."

006 The Last Closet: The Dark Side of Albion


Vox Day narrates his foreword to Moira Greyland's THE LAST CLOSET: The Dark Side of Avalon. This autobiography is a brutal tale of a harrowing childhood. It is the true story of predatory adults preying on the innocence of children without shame, guilt, or remorse. It is an eyewitness account of how high-minded utopian intellectuals, unchecked by law, tradition, religion, or morality, created a literal Hell on Earth. It is the story of Moira Greyland, the only daughter of Marion Zimmer Bradley and convicted child molester Walter Breen, told in her own words.


The Vox Day thread

Something that has been consistent about Vox Day since day one is his "my way or the highway" mentality. This is a mentality that is very common to those who believe in religion, BTW.

For example, Vox posted a ranting diatribe against MGTOW types on his blog about six months ago. Having limited familiarity with the term, I commented on his blog asking for clarification of what constituted being a MGTOW. Was it one of these ranty raving types who hate western women that want to make it into a movement? Or is a MGTOW any guys, for whatever reason, chose not to get married and have kids? The way I posed the question was if I were a guy who generally likes women, even western women, but chose not to get married and have kids because, say, I like travel and international life style, or simply enjoy my life doing outdoor sports and like to have money and peace of mind and, thus, simply did not prioritize marriage and kids. In the opinion of most of the responses I got in his blog, it turns out that even these latter cases even where you do not identity with MGTOW as a movement, still considered one an MGTOW.

I made the snarky response that one can be an MGTOW even without knowing it. I also made the comment that share very little personal information about myself (whether I'm married, etc.) simply because I don't consider it anyone else's business how I live my life and that, furthermore, to question the private life choices of people who clearly have their act together (for example, do not have drug, alcohol, or other such problem) to be rude and socially unacceptable behavior.

In short, Vox Day does exhibit rude behavior from time to time.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (02-26-2018 11:09 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Dude is a true polymath who has taken the path less travelled. Best blog on the internet. An ex hated his content which is how I knew she wasnt the one.

That's a good barometer...I've had exes who hated Roissy, or Jordan Petersen...and I know I made the right choice in not marrying them.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (06-01-2018 01:23 PM)Abelard Lindsey Wrote:  

In short, Vox Day does exhibit rude behavior from time to time.

It's the reason I stopped visiting his blog. The rudeness, and the incessant "world is ending" negativity. Funny that he bashes MGTOW's...they have the same "world is ending" perspective! I think his "fire and brimstone" negativity comes from his religious perspective. Now, I happen to think religion adds a lot of value to society, particularly in moderating women's behavior. So I understand why people would want religious tenets upheld and i even understand why some would choose to adhere to them, themselves. But do I believe a Jewish carpenter from 2,000 years ago is actually god? Ummm, no. And he won't stop banging on about it. So, I stopped paying attention.

The Vox Day thread

There is another alt-right blogger, who calls himself "The Z Man", that I have recently been reading. He talks about many of the same things as does Vox and shares much of the same worldview. However, in contrast to Vox, he is much more mellow. Don't get me wrong. I generally like Vox and often agree with what he has to say. However, there are times he rubs me the wrong way, which is something the Z Man never does. I recommend the Z Man blog as well.

The Vox Day thread


I made the snarky response

Well, Vox really hates any kind of snark, because Gammas use it a lot.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (06-01-2018 05:12 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  


I made the snarky response

Well, Vox really hates any kind of snark, because Gammas use it a lot.

He Gamma outed. He been fighting Gammas for so long, he can't stand any behavior related to them.

The Vox Day thread

I have a somewhat differing conclusion to Voxday that occurred to me recently :
Voxday essentially likes a mental challenge.

With his mentality, when he comes across a notable speaker / author or popular speaker / author; Voxday's inclination is to analyse & postulate on that speakers content.
Then if Voxday finds a flaw or a failing in the intellectual conclusions of said speaker, Voxday is obviously one to broadcast his analysis / opinions of those failings.

So it was that he wrote a book pointing out the intellectual flaws & failings of Richard Dawkins, the one Hitchens & Sam Harris in 'The Irrational Atheist'.
He's written books arguing against SJW's as a whole.
He's conducted (or been willing to conduct) debates with varied YouTube / Twitter notables (Ben Shapiro).

If the said third party speaker is willing to engage with Voxday, then they'd better be willing to sink their teeth into the matter.
Cause we all know Voxday will, in an intellectual context.
Yet if they shirk / shy away or fail to challenge Voxday on an intellectual level, then Voxday is likely to move onto another challenge.

So at this point. Who could be a bigger intellectual challenge for Voxday than none other than the internets latest darling - Jordan Peterson?

Do note, that I say all of the above to where it's not about the specific personalities, it's not about the specific individuals in question.
It's all to do with the notion of an intellectual challenge.

The Vox Day thread

I think Vox's biggest problem is that he subscribes to a Gamma driven internet battle-royale mentality over who will lead the Right to ultimate victory. This mentality is massively prevalent among the Right in general which is one of the reasons that we're so ineffective at actually winning. Rather than fighting the left we'd rather participate in an endless circle jerk over who gets to be new-Jesus on the internet. Vox has a large fan base simply because he's very good or at least very active in fighting to be new-Jesus on the internet.

If Vox were willing to move back to America and start some kind of movement that actually had a real world presence then I would give him support. Instead he lives in exile while insulting Peterson as a "physical coward" for running away from a bully at the tender age of 6 years old.

But like every other participant for the title of new-Jesus-on-the-internet he is irrelevant until he takes away the on-the-internet part and actually begins a real world organisation where stuff actually gets done.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Vox Day thread

Which is, ultimately, a Gamma type of mentality in some ways. It's also a very feminine behavior to live for the sake of seeking internet fame like some basic thot who lives her entire life trying to up the number of Instagram followers.

It's also about cash. A lot of these guys are various types of affiliate marketers so being "internet jesus" isn't really about actually causing any positive social change but about making money off your websites and books. Effectively they're the private jet pastors of 2018.

The problem with actually striking a blow for the better is that you end up exiled in Russia or confined to an Ecuadorian embassy, and not traveling the world on your five figures a month location independent income.

The Vox Day thread

What's funny to me is that around 8-9 years ago, I came to the conclusion that national debt and other issues would result in a sort of collapse or breakup of the U.S. around the early 30"s. I then read Vox's book on the return of the depression that also predicted the same event around the same time frame, early 30's. Vox's prediction was based more on the issues of ethnic conflict and HBD. Mine was rooted almost exclusively on the debt issue. The mass retirement of the boomers will force the choice between funding social programs, mostly for the NAMS, or the Social Security, mostly for the boomer retirements. We'll be able to have one or the other, but not both. And forget about the massively expensive military and foreign interventionism. All of this, I predicted, would lead to a financial and social disaster by the early 30's.

Largely due to the fracking revolution (read all about this in Peter Zeihan's latest book), I no longer subscribe to this scenario, and said so on Vox's blog a couple of days ago. I got very little response to this assertion. But at least I did not get flamed, which is a good enough for me.

I believe the fracking revolution, combined with increased automation as well as a Trump "Reagan" economic resurgence, will kick that can down the road another 20 to 30 years, say to the 2050's or even 2060's.

Vox, being much more in tune to the racial/ethnic perspective on this, still subscribes to his early 30's breakup scenario.

Only time will tell as to which of us is correct.

The Vox Day thread

More like it's neither in his personality nor his interest to not grind that axe.

Ultimately the economics drive it,and migrants are a consequence of that cycle. Regardless of the specific details the root cause is always the same: governments get too greedy, spend more than they have, and then begin cannibalizing their own economies trying to stay in power which leads to violence.

There is no long term western economic resurgence coming. Debt loads are enormous especially if you count in the massive pension obligations that are bankrupting municipalities all over the US. We are now in a situation where interest rates are being forced up at the same time as we have a strong dollar which is going to be catastrophic for the Eurozone and have global implications.

Put this into perspective: Draghi has offhand admitted that the ECB CAN NOT stop buying european debt because there are no other bidders. The only thing propping up the continued existence of Germany and other EU governments is the ECB's debt buying power The moment that dries up they have to deal with a massive drawdown. Couple that with a dramatic shift in the real interest rates they pay jumping and on top of an already tense migrant situation you've got a recipe for widespread societal anarchy in Europe.

The US is in a similar situation but benefits from having the reserve currency and a lower debt load. However it IS regionally divided and we have municipalities that are starting to tax and fine everything that moves in order to stay solvent...which just accelerates the collapse as people and businesses flee. I'm already noticing that the white collar job postings in "flyover" states are starting to outnumber the ones in traditional leftist Utopia cities

The Vox Day thread

The whole world is currently burying bad debt with more debt because if a single major debt is called in and defaulted on then it creates a domino effect of collapsing lendors. For any one of them to go after a credit risk would reveal them to be insolvent a dozen times over. Whatever people's opinions on the "too big to fail" bailouts are, the reality is that if those banks weren't bailed out we would currently be looking at a radically different world than the one we're semi-comfortable with right now.

It will remain to be seen whether this house of cards can be propped long enough for the elites to complete their stranglehold on the world. We can be certain that the very second they realise the jig is up they're going to throw up a false flag attack and take us to war with whoever they want to be rid of. The resultant economic chaos will be blamed on the enemy at that point.

It's the biggest squirrel grip in history. Damned if we stop it. Damned if we don't.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Vox Day thread

Quote: (06-01-2018 07:55 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I think Vox's biggest problem is that he subscribes to a Gamma driven internet battle-royale mentality over who will lead the Right to ultimate victory.
He has said many times that there should be no leaders in the Alt-Right (or whatever name you want to call the dissident right) and it should operate on the leaderless Gamergate model. He has also many times said he is not interested in being a leader for the above reason alone.

Vox is concerned that these self-appointed "leaders" that pop-up are frauds, usually of the centre/left and are not actually helping the right accomplish right-wing conservative goals. So far to my mind he has been correct on every one of them.

With the likes of Peterson, Harris and Shapiro these guys are fake right, globalist, cuckservative frauds that are doing incalculable damage with their large outreach and false messages that will lead us down dead ends. They deserve to be taken down in order to save our civilisation.

Abelard above mentions Z-Man as a better alternative to Vox. I doubt I could put too much faith into someone that has a meltdown throwing Trump under the bus and also plagiarises content.

My biggest problem with Vox is that he consistently fails to set-up decent audio for his online video appearances. How hard is it to plug in a good mic and adjust the settings correctly for clear audio?

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