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Where can you find highest male competition?

Where can you find highest male competition?

I live in Los Angeles, and most 8+ girls I know either have a millionaire sponsor (multiple with some) or have multiple offers from them. The guys who aren't millionaire tricks are models with top tier looks and enough ambition to justify being with them.

I actually don't think its hard to get laid here. There are enough women by sheer volume that you will bang consistently if you put effort into it. Where it gets tricky is landing and KEEPING a chick who is 7+ on the looks scale, when the opportunities for hypergamy are literally endless and made available to them dozens of times per day, every day. Guys here are extremely aggressive and most of them are 1. Rich, 2. Good looking, 3. Foreign exotic, or some combination of the three.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (03-21-2018 02:54 AM)jackflag Wrote:  

I live in Los Angeles, and most 8+ girls I know either have a millionaire sponsor (multiple with some) or have multiple offers from them. The guys who aren't millionaire tricks are models with top tier looks and enough ambition to justify being with them.

I actually don't think its hard to get laid here. There are enough women by sheer volume that you will bang consistently if you put effort into it. Where it gets tricky is landing and KEEPING a chick who is 7+ on the looks scale, when the opportunities for hypergamy are literally endless and made available to them dozens of times per day, every day. Guys here are extremely aggressive and most of them are 1. Rich, 2. Good looking, 3. Foreign exotic, or some combination of the three.

I actually quite like the girls in LA, definitely moreso than San Francisco. My main problem there is that everywhere you want to go in the city is so goddamned far apart. Also the COL is unjustifiably high. The beach cities are really fun though.

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

Where can you find highest male competition?

I find the girls in LA decidedly pleasant. Even the hot ones. Sometimes especially the hot ones. Its just too bad they are still opportunistic monkeybranchers with fame aspiration who are propositioned for casual sponsorship 30 times/day. If not for that, things would be easy as pie.

The problem with the city isnt even really that everything is so far apart, because it really isn't. The problem is that it takes 45 minutes to go 5 miles because of neverending traffic, construction, and fucked out traffic lights. I would actually rather there be no traffic obstacles and longer distances, it would be less psychologically damaging.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (03-20-2018 12:00 PM)Krimson Killa Wrote:  

The biggest issue out there is the fake, vacuous, and anti-intellectual culture. It's a very swag faggy place, lots of fuckboys and try hard frat kids. The women can be equivalently superficial and unpleasant to deal with.

Not to attack you or anything, but I really detest the word 'fuckboy'. A word used to shame male sexuality, and often used by women who would be outraged to be labeled sluts.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (03-21-2018 07:39 AM)Ouroboros Wrote:  

Quote: (03-20-2018 12:00 PM)Krimson Killa Wrote:  

The biggest issue out there is the fake, vacuous, and anti-intellectual culture. It's a very swag faggy place, lots of fuckboys and try hard frat kids. The women can be equivalently superficial and unpleasant to deal with.

Not to attack you or anything, but I really detest the word 'fuckboy'. A word used to shame male sexuality, and often used by women who would be outraged to be labeled sluts.

By fuck boy I mean the try hard swag fag fratty type I have frequently encountered in SoCal. They're more common in places like SLO or SB but they definitely exist in LA.

Agreed that it's irritating when women use that word. I knew a girl who would bang random dudes of off fucking Yik Yak, then complain about how she kept meeting "fuckboys".

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (03-20-2018 07:58 PM)GoingHAM20 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-19-2018 06:22 PM)Krimson Killa Wrote:  

SoCal hands down. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Diego are full of surfer/frat dudes who look like Greek gods, no homo. You can definitely pull down there thanks to the abundance of hot women (did great with Black and Latina women down there as a minority) but if you're competing for the hottest white girls, your competition includes possibly the best looking dudes on the planet. There is a really big niche of women who are into that surfer/frat/suburban white kid vibe.

It's not hard to get laid down there by any means, but your competition is intense regardless.

Los Angeles is easily the hardest city in America to get laid. I agree with most of your post but disagree with you on that point. There are so many factors stacked against a dude out there. This article that I’ve seen posted in the LA thread sums things up well:

I think LA is workable if you live near a college or in Venice/Santa Monica/in Downtown. It's probably significantly harder if you're in some random ass suburb or in a worse part of town. It definitely is not easy even if you're located well, but it's still very possible to hook up and do decently well for yourself.

I agree that if you're in Chula Vista or something you're completely fucked.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (02-22-2018 11:09 AM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Everywhere where aryan genetics are the average (tall blonde locals with big builds)... places like Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany (mostly the North), Sweden, Iceland,Norway, Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania etc. You can bust your ass but women will consider you only in holidays or when they are extremely drunk... inside they know they have to pass the right genetics to the next generation... only Trashy/low class girls hang out with black or arabs, and even non-aryan westerners will run disadvantage.

LOL slow day at Stormfront?

Well-dressed, successful and charming Arab or black guys can do very well in most "white" countries.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Here's a method that has proven right for me many times..

Pick any city or country. Ask as many basic bitches as possible what they think about it. Then. If you get a lot of positive opinions. DO NOT GO THERE

Almost every woman out there conveniently "soooo wants to live" in one of the party culture infested absolute cock havens out there, like USA, Canada, Australia..

Never heard of a woman wanting to live in glorious St Petersburg or at a beach resort in Thailand or Indonesia, hell even South Africa..

Also don't bring up the 1st world argument because Southern Europe, Israel, Gulf Arab countries etc don't get that many votes either

Quote: (04-01-2018 01:04 PM)amricanonline Wrote:  

Quote: (02-22-2018 11:09 AM)TigerTim Wrote:  

Everywhere where aryan genetics are the average (tall blonde locals with big builds)... places like Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany (mostly the North), Sweden, Iceland,Norway, Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania etc. You can bust your ass but women will consider you only in holidays or when they are extremely drunk... inside they know they have to pass the right genetics to the next generation... only Trashy/low class girls hang out with black or arabs, and even non-aryan westerners will run disadvantage.

LOL slow day at Stormfront?

Well-dressed, successful and charming Arab or black guys can do very well in most "white" countries.

Also this. Hell, in Sweden being black is almost easy mode.

“Our great danger is not that we aim too high and fail, but that we aim too low and succeed.” ― Rollo Tomassi

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (03-21-2018 02:54 AM)jackflag Wrote:  

I live in Los Angeles, and most 8+ girls I know either have a millionaire sponsor (multiple with some) or have multiple offers from them. The guys who aren't millionaire tricks are models with top tier looks and enough ambition to justify being with them.

I actually don't think its hard to get laid here. There are enough women by sheer volume that you will bang consistently if you put effort into it. Where it gets tricky is landing and KEEPING a chick who is 7+ on the looks scale, when the opportunities for hypergamy are literally endless and made available to them dozens of times per day, every day. Guys here are extremely aggressive and most of them are 1. Rich, 2. Good looking, 3. Foreign exotic, or some combination of the three.

I don't think there is a single city in the world where top tier women are not pursued by well off men.

Where can you find highest male competition?

Quote: (04-02-2018 06:44 PM)the Thing Wrote:  

Here's a method that has proven right for me many times..

Pick any city or country. Ask as many basic bitches as possible what they think about it. Then. If you get a lot of positive opinions. DO NOT GO THERE

Almost every woman out there conveniently "soooo wants to live" in one of the party culture infested absolute cock havens out there, like USA, Canada, Australia..

Never heard of a woman wanting to live in glorious St Petersburg or at a beach resort in Thailand or Indonesia, hell even South Africa..

Also don't bring up the 1st world argument because Southern Europe, Israel, Gulf Arab countries etc don't get that many votes either

Also this. Hell, in Sweden being black is almost easy mode.

Not sure about this - Spain and Italy and Turkey are frequently cites as favorite travel destinations for most women, while Scandinavia, Germany, and Eastern Europe get a lukewarm reception. But I definitely think you are on to something - ask women where they prefer to determine which locations have the highest competition.

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