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Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

There are many great threads about red flags. My idea is that a red flag woman can be a lot of fun if there aren't too many red flags and they are manageable -for example a woman with tattoos and smokes may be a wonderful fuck, or a single mom that rocks your world for a weekend, and that's the end of the story, but a low quality woman may be so "dangerous" as to not even be worth messing with. The most obvious example of this would be any woman that starts talking about how her ex abused or raped her, since you will be the next one, this is a low quality woman. Assuming you aren't a low quality man yourself and you want to protect yourself here are some of the more hidden signs I have noticed over the years.

gold chain purse straps
A woman that wears too much shiny gold on accesories is a low quality woman. She chose these items because they draw a certain kind of attention. An attention whore is a red flag but walk through a mall and observe the difference between women who love likes on instagram and those who have these exess attention gathering accesories. It's the whole ensemble that matters. The ones with an excess of shiny shoe and purse straps will stand out easily if you observe. These women are low quality because they desperately need to signal other women that they are going to get the attention of men.

heavy red lipstick
This is very much related to the above - watch for a woman with an out of date or excessively red lipstick that doesn't quite jive. Only applies to red, other excessive colors are just a fashion statement. This means she is secretly needing to affront the world or be offensive to it (just like extreme excess perfume). She knows its way over the top but has intended it to be this way. She has a need to affront social norms and is not worth your time.

Quick to criticize you
This one is hard to recognize, but this girl will -very quickly- drop some needless but heavy criticism on you and your general nature, morals, or persona. Example one, I am fluent to a native level in Spanish and went out with a Venezuelan chick who started telling me on date two my Spanish was "harsh." I told her that was because I am a harsh person and never spoke to her again. This was a trap for her to start manipulating, it didn't work. In another case I had two amazing blow out fuck all weekend sessions with another South American girl and she started telling me my driving made her uncomfortable after a few days. She went on and on and made it into a character issue. I "broke up" with her and ended it. In the past I might have tried to "no no its not like that babe" these babes but I recognize it now as a low quality woman issue that is not worth going one moment further.

Messy and unmaintained car
This girl will drive around on bald tires, have no oil in the engine, and have a car that looks like a garbage can inside. In this day and age there are tons of woman friendly retail maintenacne places that will clean her car and do oil changes for next to nothing yet she insists on driving a dirt bag dangerous car as a general fuck you to common sense. Guess what, she will say fuck you to you too one day.

Engages in lots of little indulgencies
This is the pre-fat chick that is in constant need of a huge slurpee (now called frapacuino i think?) or whatever indulgances that her little heart desires when she desires them. Fast forward - this is the one that says she never loved you in the first place and you don't know her feelings, and she takes your kids away. Nuff said.

If you have more signs of low quality women do share:

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Every woman I've ever met has a messy and unmaintained car.

I do not know why this is.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Quote: (01-18-2018 11:39 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Every woman I've ever met has a messy and unmaintained car.

I do not know why this is.

I suggest you look into this problem... right away.

[Image: fatter.gif]

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Bad hygiene.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Random observation:

My bedroom can be messy. I have shoes spread around. Clothes on the ground. Whatever. It's not horrible, but sometimes I leave a blazer on my bed or shoes out of place. And I'm totally OCD.

My truck? Spotless. If you dare throw a cup of coffee on the floor, it ought to be picked up. Bad look. Only messes are in the bed of the pickup. Where I throw tools and stuff.

I don't much have an opinion on this, other than every woman's car I've ever had the displeasure in driving with is awful. That's why I always drive.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

She is sweet to you but treats other people poorly. Observe how she treats restaurant employees, taxi drivers, etc.

She's lonely. It's not always a sign of low quality but it can be. It shouldn't be hard for an attractive girl to find someone to spend time with. If she seems like she is too interested you just because she's lonely then be careful. Her loneliness could be a result of her not being able to maintain healthy relationships with people.

This one is a little different but don't assume that a girl is sweet and innocence just because she looks that way. Small innocent looking girls can be really unpredictable although their appearance makes you think they are good girls.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Every girl I've been with has had a messy unmaintained car. I think it says something about their fathers. Also all girls I've been with have daddy issues.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Has an annoying laugh. If she can make it through life with an annoying laugh, you know that no one has ever called her on her bullshit ever before.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Quote: (01-19-2018 12:43 AM)birthday cat Wrote:  

She is sweet to you but treats other people poorly. Observe how she treats restaurant employees, taxi drivers, etc.

She's lonely. It's not always a sign of low quality but it can be. It shouldn't be hard for an attractive girl to find someone to spend time with. If she seems like she is too interested you just because she's lonely then be careful. Her loneliness could be a result of her not being able to maintain healthy relationships with people.

This one is a little different but don't assume that a girl is sweet and innocence just because she looks that way. Small innocent looking girls can be really unpredictable although their appearance makes you think they are good girls.

To expound on this, if she "always gets cheated on".

Sweet-tits, if you're any higher than a 5 and consistently can't keep a man around YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Quote:Raylan Givens Justified Wrote:

If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

1. When she is acting masculine or tries to challenge you when you barely know her.
Ex. "Do you always do that?" (w/ condescending tone. Then she realizes that you were actually doing the right thing and nothing wrong.)
Basically a form of arrogance and ignorance.

2. Ghosting & "Nexting" people FAST.
These days people might think it's not a big deal to not text back or ghost someone because everybody does it.
However, if a girl was asked a question through text by a guy and she did not respond, I don't see myself dating her for LTR.

Shows that she has "fuck this person" mentality when a small thing goes wrong. Very small margin of error to maintain any relationship with her.
(I am saying that a celebrity with 100k+ followers on insta should be replying to everyone who DMs her. That's different...)

3. Not answering all questions in person or through text and just changing the topic.

When I meet a girl, get her number and we start texting...Then she skips my question and talks what she wants or when I ask two questions in one text and she just answers one of them.

Maybe she is ADD/ADHD. Maybe she doesn't want to answer and just change the topic to avoid the question. Maybe she is not interested in me.
For me this is a red flag for me. It just feels "off" and I am wondering what else is wrong with her...Like I am pretty anal about these kinda shit.

I feel like if someone doesn't want to answer a question, they can say, "I don't want to answer that question as of right now." or at least address it, not just fully ignore.

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Those girls with too many selfies or sexy pictures of themselves.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

If she talks about being a good girl, and also if she seems to good to be true. These ones usually have the most skeletons in their closets, they just compartmentalise it.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Talks even slightly "ghetto" or "hood"

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Walks fast, like she's important
Has headphones
Stares straight ahead, doesn't engage
Always has to fidget with something, can't just chill
Big earrings
Has a particular style / look (as opposed to dressing normal)

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

These are my signs of low quality women...

1. Lies a lot. About random shit, often which is inconsequential. ("You were at [Steak House] last night? That's interesting, because Sarah was bartending and said she didn't see you.") Some women will lie about the most random shit.

2. Claims she is "one of the guys." No, you are absolutely not. You never will be. Nor should you want to be.

3. Talks a lot about deviant sexual stuff. Any woman who talks a lot about sex is a deviant.

4. Always has some sort of drama in her life, like a fight with her roommates, pending criminal charges that "weren't her fault", restraining orders, or other random shit that does not tend to happen to normal people. If drama seems to follow her, she's an issue.

5. Has an Instagram account with sexual pictures on it. The only need for posting that stuff is a desire for male attention.

6. She has too many random men in her life. Even worse: it's a revolving door. ("Ryan? We're not friends anymore.")

7. She has no female friends or long term friends. What this means is she is incapable of having healthy relationships with people.

8. I shouldn't even have to say this, but starts talking in the language of the SJWs. "Cisgendered." "Hetero-normative." "Patriarchy." "Privileged." Nope.

9. Has a dog or too many pets. If you live in the city, I think a cat (or even two) is fine. However, women tend to treat dogs like their husbands. "Babe, we're going to [Steak House] tonight." "Oh, I can't, I forgot to walk the dog." Women obsess over dogs like they're people. Her dog will always have priority over you for some reason.

10. The most basics: smokes, divorced, single mother. Uses drugs. Wears yoga pants and Uggs everywhere. Any of these should be immediate disqualification.

The car thing? Every woman I know has a filthy car for some reason; it's like the passenger seat is a trashcan. I will not let a woman drive me anywhere. If we're going somewhere that requires driving, I'm driving. Period. Otherwise, it's Uber. My cars (trucks) are all pristine.

They all drink those shitty cappuccinos, Starbucks lattes, whatever. I don't care. I don't want one, I don't want a sip, but that's what they do. Hence, why many are fat. Too many calories from liquid. If she's not fat, it makes no difference to me, though.

If a woman criticizes you, it's just a shit test. "Hank, your construction boots are not the right dress code for this restaurant. You should have gotten changed before dinner!" "Ok. We'll leave and go to McDonalds instead. You're buying." Her criticisms should always be ignored and written off. If she truly feels that critical, she can spend time with someone else. I'm not changing anything for anyone.

As for lipstick and choice of purse straps, in my personal opinion (and I'm not trying to discredit your post, which I thought was good and appreciated you posting), I've never much focused on that stuff. I try and rotate my style a lot. I have a lot of clothes. So I can understand a girl wanting to try and do different outfits. I like that she gives a shit about her looks and is trying.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

How about- wears anything or has a fashion accessory with leopard print.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Quote: (01-19-2018 07:36 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

These are my signs of low quality women...

6. She has too many random men in her life. Even worse: it's a revolving door. ("Ryan? We're not friends anymore.")

7. She has no female friends or long term friends. What this means is she is incapable of having healthy relationships with people.

Good list Hank, but these are the biggest and most reliable in my experience.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

I think what OTR is leaning towards is the difference between an acceptable fuck'n'chuck candidate and a woman who's too dangerous to even consider for that.

Let's look at the latest example, courtesy of Aziz Ansari.

[Image: aziz-760x486.jpg]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_Fp5nyyDAolLjjNHbO4k...w_PD-_uXxA]

Pale. Not white. Pale. As in, lacking in exposure to sunlight to the extent that she's abnormally ghostlike. This is most apparent in white women but can also be detected in other races. I could only make guesses as to whether it's the lack of sunlight that triggers the crazy or the crazy makes them avoid the sunlight, but oddly enough every very-pale girl I've ever dated or merely been aquainted with has been a severe energy vampire.

Art imitating life it would seem.

What many of these girls also seem to have in common is an odd pelvic arrangement that makes it look like they're always wearing high-waist underwear that's a size too small for them. It's that "skinny girl with baby bump" look that they can never shake no matter thin their arms or legs get.

Never, never met a girl with that physique who was well adjusted. Not sure why. Many I knew were theoretically bangable on paper and I had opportunities from time to time but they set my spidey senses tingling and whenever I got to know one better they were always revealed to be what I'd tentatively call "pod people". Like aliens doing their best to appear normal and not quite managing it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

The slut shoes alone are a major tell.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

- Plain toenails and fingernails

Maybe it's culture dependent, but any girl that doesn't paint her toenails is trash, IMO. Are you a woman or an ape? Paint your fucking toenails.

Also, chipped nail polish on her fingers is another indicator of Low Quality. Either take the time to paint them 100%, or don't. And if you choose not to paint them, then you better have pretty hands. None of that 1/8 of a fingernail nastiness.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Lol, the aforementioned is completely subjective. I wholeheartedly prefer a women with natural manicured nails. However, yes, chipped nail polish is super phucking trashy. That, and "popping" her gum.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

- Bad teeth and/or breath. Any girl with a mouth that looks like a jack-o-lantern is a huge turn off.

- Messy bathroom. This can be hair all over the floor. Make up and other crap thrown around the sink. Excess make up caked on to the sink or around it. Overflowing trash can. Unclean shower and toilet.

- Chews with her mouth open.

- Women who have no respect for your property. Example: Bought a new truck and took the GF at the time to pick it up. As soon as I drive off the lot, she puts her dirty shoes right on the dash. Had to do a double take to realize what she was doing before I smacked her feet right off it.

- Messy refrigerator. Spilled liquids that haven't been cleaned up, rotting food that hasn't been thrown away.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Quote: (01-19-2018 07:36 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

4. Always has some sort of drama in her life, like a fight with her roommates, pending criminal charges that "weren't her fault", restraining orders, or other random shit that does not tend to happen to normal people. If drama seems to follow her, she's an issue.

Learning to troubleshoot this in people - not just women - is critical. It's even in the diagnostic notes for Munchhausen's Syndrome, and has been suggested as an evolutionary survival mechanism in women to manipulate men into giving them support.

Everybody can have a bad one-off, but when it's happening chronically and habitually, it's because they're causing it. Don't start no shit, and statistically, there won't be no shit.

Quote: (01-19-2018 06:26 AM)Kieran Wrote:  

If she talks about being a good girl, and also if she seems to good to be true. These ones usually have the most skeletons in their closets, they just compartmentalise it.

"I hate drama." - Every girl who started screaming and stabbed her ex with a spork because she imagined some drama.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

Quote: (01-19-2018 10:53 AM)Vill@in Wrote:  

Also, chipped nail polish on her fingers is another indicator of Low Quality. Either take the time to paint them 100%, or don't. And if you choose not to paint them, then you better have pretty hands. None of that 1/8 of a fingernail nastiness.

Every time I see those (chipped nail polish), I'm reminded of little girls. By the time you're out of elementary school, that attribute should be gone.

Hidden Signs of Low Quality Women

I avoid the type I call "Popeye Girls" They smoke and squint and talk out of the side of their mouth
They have a. Cigarette hanging out one side of their mouth. The smoke goes in their eyes, making them squint, and they growl out the other side of their mouth.

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