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Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017


This is a carefully curated list of places in the Melbourne CBD where you can approach women during the day. The datasheet is based on my personal experiences living in the CBD from 2016-2017, weighted more heavily towards the second half of 2017.

My opinion is that Woolworths Melbourne Central (Metro) and the Professors Walk Cafe at the University of Melbourne (during University Semesters) are the best daygame venues in the Melbourne CBD. This is because of the consistent high turnover rate (and hence quantity) of solo girls 5/10 and above, and the logistical setup making it very easy/natural to open/approach girls. We know game is a numbers game and hence these venues allow you to approach a large quantity of girls in a short amount of time. I have included other venues for the sake of variety and in the event that these venues become saturated with men (wink). The venues are as follows:


University of Melbourne

Overall Thoughts:
The University is the most reliable area to meet younger girls aged 18-24. However, this age group is incredibly difficult to meet up with at a later date and generally unreceptive to cold approach, particularly local (Australian) girls. With this in mind I recommend targeting foreign girls like undergraduate exchange students or phD students if you are cold approaching. If you have the time, it is more profitable to build up a social circle by taking part in university parties/events and joining a society. On a side note, I believe there is a potentially untapped market for campus staff aged 30 and up if you’re into older ladies.

Professors Walk Café
Average Quality: 5-6.5/10
  • The logistical setup is perfect. Sit next to the area where customers wait for drinks (there are two seated areas that fit this criteria). Open targets that stand close to you while waiting for their drink.
  • Otherwise when a girl you like is near the water refill station go get a glass and casually open her.
  • You essentially have access to all girls that enter this venue using the tactic aforementioned, and the turnover rate is incredibly high. Staff play music that makes it difficult for people to eavesdrop on your conversation if that is something that bothers you. My top pick for passive daygame during university semesters. I love this place.
Baillieu Library
Average Quality: 5-6/10
  • Sit in the open area next to the foyer/automatic doors on the G Floor. From there you have two options. You have a view of the open foyer (where the water fountain and vending machine is) so you can leave your spot temporarily and go over and open, or you can wait for a girl you like to sit near you or sit next to a girl you like (you are sitting in an area with a high turnover).
  • It is a communal area conducive to conversation as opposed to the quiet areas (it is a library) where a girl might feel less comfortable to hold a conversation with you.


Average Quality: 5-7/10
  • Move yourself to the stretching stations and/or the area near the upstairs cubby holes where people put their belongings. If you are near the cubby holes approach girls as they are packing up to leave.
  • Otherwise ask whether you can use the machine she is on in between sets.

Arts West Library

Average Quality: 5-7/10
  • Walk around the entire library before choosing to sit down and unpack your stuff. Quantity not as reliable as Bailieu library.
  • Spontaneous approach is very important here and you might find poor quality in the normal study spots but hot girls randomly appearing. Be prepared to approach random hot girls going up/down the stairs and on the numerous benches outside the library.
Architecture Library
Average Quality: 5-6.5/10
  • Walk around the entire library before choosing your area to sit down. Quantity not as reliable as Bailieu library.
  • Spontaneous approach is very important here and you might find poor quality in the normal study spots but hot girls randomly appearing on the numerous seating areas outside the library.
Brownless Biomedical library
Average Quality: 5/10
Recommendations: Do a walk around of the just the ground floor before choosing your area.

Other venues
  • Cafes: Hohos, Tsubu bar, Castors Kiosk, House of Cards
  • Union House: Sandwich Shop Opposite Boost, Foodcourt, Microwave area
  • Misc: Tsubu bar, Smoking areas near the science and math building/tram stop

CBD and surrounds

Woolworths Melbourne Central (Metro):
Average Quality: 5-6/10
  • Walk around the whole supermaket until you find a girl you like. If you want to camp out and wait for targets to appear, I have found the coffee section experiences heavy traffic flow during peak periods. I think this partly because it is part of a route most people will past through to get to the frozen goods/to the checkouts. I wouldn't stress to much about where to go though, as each aisle is quite narrow (making it a natural botleneck and brings you easily within talking distance naturally just by standing there. The section with the highest quality is the toiletries section.
  • The turnover of this particular branch of Woolworths is absolutely incredible. If you have an hour to spare, you can literally stay in same spot during peak times and open a girl 5/10 or over every 5-20 minutes, with a low risk of running into the same girl you opened earlier. Just keep your eyes peeled in the event she backtracks and wait a little bit before opening the next girl.
State Library:
Average Quality: 5-6/10
  • Like the Bailieu library above, stick to the ground floor (same floor where you enter) main open study area where there you can talk and there is a high turnover of girls. Sit next to or near the most attractive girl. You will need to bring some work to do or a book/laptop to pass time. I like this area of the State Library because if the girl is young, I will guarantee you that she is a bored foreign girl looking to use free wifi.
  • On the weekends you get jailbait here and there diligently working on an assignment if that is your thing.
  • If you don’t want to stay in one place to game check out the floor above ground, check out the mini art gallery on the 1st floor. Again, if the girl is looking at the art she isn’t from Melbourne and likely more open to cold approach if you got your fundamentals right.
  • There are also ample opportunities to open girls sitting in the ground floor foyer (reception area next to the Readings bookshop), benches outside the library, and on the steps around the building near the giant chess set.
Central Tram Stop and Bourke St Mall tram stop
  • I have listed these stops as you will most likely pass these stops and there are often many targets around. I don’t advise you to camp out there as girls are likely to leave before you can get a decent conversation in, but there is a chance you may be catching the same tram. This gives you an opportunity to prolong the conversation after you open her at the stop.
  • There isn’t really one area that sucks up the hottest girls. You will just have to do some reconnaissance. Most of the girls here tend to be in their late 20s and up if that’s your thing. Also, keep an eye out for a wedding ring.
Other Venues:
  • Woolworths Swanston Street (Metro)
  • Souvenir shops (there are about 3 on Swanston St)
  • ‘Free books’ library in Melbourne Central next to Puma
  • Melbourne City library
  • Bourke St Mall, the benches/steps outside Myer and H&M (masses of female employees in retail on their work break)
  • Emporium Foodcourt (top floor and basement floor)
  • RMIT campus and surrounds
  • Bike racks around the city
  • Typo (Emporium)
  • Arthur Daley’s On Swanston Street
  • The Reject Shop

QV Centre

Big W:

Average Quality: 5-6/10
Recommendations: Do a quick walk around the area but approachable quantity is generally quite poor. I'd only come here for a bit of variety. It is also a large store to navigate.

Average Quality: 5-6.5/10
Recommendations: Go to Woolworths Melbourne Central (Metro) instead, unless you’re in QV for whatever reason.

Other Venues:
  • Daiso
  • Officeworks

Federation Square

  • Approach girls sitting higher up on the steps, more nested within Fed Square. These girls are more likely to be foreigners, just hanging out, and open to approach. If you approach girls on the periphery, ie near the tram stop/closer to the road they are most likely waiting to meet someone.
  • Quality is only good in Summer, although the only issue is that it can get quite hot and may require sunglasses. I think it is better to approach a girl where she can see your eyes though.

Accompanying thoughts:
  • The CBD is a very multicultural place and while there is quality to be had you have to visually sift through a lot of Asian FOBs. If Asians are your thing you are in for a treat. If you follow my advice above, you should be fine.
  • This leads to my next point - when rating the average quality of girls for each venue I am assuming the general reader prefers girls in the 18-24 range but are open to women in the their late 20s and 30s. I also assume you primarily like white girls.
  • It may be worth exploring the North and Southside for better quality. Average quality in the CBD generally isn’t that great, and I was only frequenting the CBD area due to my situation at the time. In the CBD I think the most attractive girls during the day are to be found in Emporium, but even then, they aren't anything to write home about.
  • Girls are definitely hotter in in the summer months.
  • Be mentally prepared to approach anywhere, as there will be times when random hot girls appear in random places that I didn’t list in this datasheet. Examples include street game venues and public transport game venues. This post will become too long if I go into street and public transport game, but to give you an idea, random parts of Swanston Street and trams/trains are a good example of where approach opportunties present themselves.
  • The cold approach style I used at these venues was indirect.
I sincerely hope this helps you and gives you hope if you’re struggling with daygame, or if you're experienced, offers new ideas you can add to your game repertoire. If you want more intel on a particular area I didn’t elaborate on feel free to message me or just post a reply. I've tried to make this datasheet as concise and objective as possible. Also feel free to let me know your general thoughts, whether you agree or disagree on what I've said.

All the best.

TL;DR: How to choose the best daygame venue in the Melbourne CBD:

[Image: attachment.jpg38244]   

* I define passive daygame as reading a book or doing work on your laptop in a café/library and only approaching when you see a target nearby. In contrast, proactive daygame (ie if you said ‘no’ to the passive daygame) is where you walk around until you find a target to open.
** The University of Melbourne university semester for undergraduate students generally runs from February-May and July-October.

"What I had more than anyone else was drive. I was hungrier than anybody. I wanted it so badly it hurt."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Pretty good datasheet, the only caveat I'd add is Melbourne central still has a reputation for PUA's hitting it up regularly, so don't be surprise to be blown out a lot.

Southbank is pretty good in summer too, although gets quieter after the exhibition center and towards DFO south warf.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Great data sheet old mate.
What about nightlife stuff?
Melbourne is a great city. Always have a blast much going has eveything sport, live music, clubs, pubs, strip clubs.
One of the best cities in the world IMO.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

I tend to agree with Roy Walker daygame about Melbourne.4 million people where are they all.I'm in the cbd everyday.I go out in Melb year round.I don't sit online.

Sport ??fuck sport.Its like if every EPL or NFL team was in one city here.What you can get in Sydney or Qld is reserved for AFL here.Its the worse place for a man.You'll see guys always better looking than their girlfriends here .

You only really see really hot chicks out when its Christmas party time.And we do have hot ones it's really hard to find them.

Walking the streets in Europe or Qld GC SC makes me high on hot chicks.It helps your vibe .Melbourne daygame is so fucking spares it's depressing...Unless you are into Asians..Night game in some areas is much better...

You have a window on friday for after work drinks and thats it.

Its empty during Winter and empty in Summer.Where the fuck are they all??

How long before a white Knight from Melb Uni sees this and hunts you down OP?.I would not go near a Uni here..

If you are into Asian chicks then cool.I'm not.
I can go for days weeks without seeing a hottie.
If it was not for Euro travelers it would be totally shit.

The reason being is that the great Chinese buy up of the cbd is biting .The Euro anglo social scene is gone.Pub after pub closing.Its dead compared to 7 years ago.And white chicks don't come down

You have to work dig like a mother fucker in Melbourne.The only dudes with quality are in the AFL.I've seen tables of Sydney standard glamours follow one player around here.

Melbourne is shopping centers and empty bars it USE to be the going out capital of Australia .I'v seen nothing but demise on that front.Inner city is such a leftist Greens shithole.Which drives the fashion.So chicks look like shit .

Amogs are not your problem here it's Cuck ,beta ,White knights.

There are hotties you just have to work hard to get above a 7 but this improves your game when you leave.

My daygame tip is Chadstone, Southland Melb central on a Tuesday.No men around.

And stand wide when you talk on your phone elbow out.Talk on it ,laugh have a conversation about a topic you are passionate about.You should start drawing IOIs from solo chicks.They should come into your field of vision.They'll stop and present themselves..Open these they are DTF.This works in Emporio ,Flinders lane ,Chaddy .Its my passive game.Works in chaddy.It draws in the younger chicks who are solo .I've experimented with it.I just need more dudes to try it.You can split with your wing to different ends of the area out of site.You can't sit and body language must be alpha.Take up space be happy, passionate enjoying your talk.Talk about game

Also Night markets on a Wednesday but go with a mate.Its a tough gig to do solo.

Day in Frankston .To me this is the unsung untapped area beachside.Its changed.The cbd is a shithole now.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (01-02-2018 11:51 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

I tend to agree with Roy Walker daygame about Melbourne.4 million people where are they all.I'm in the cbd everyday.I go out in Melb year round.I don't sit online.

Sport ??fuck sport.Its like if every EPL or NFL team was in one city here.What you can get in Sydney or Qld is reserved for AFL here.Its the worse place for a man.You'll see guys always better looking than their girlfriends here .

You only really see really hot chicks out when its Christmas party time.And we do have hot ones it's really hard to find them.

Walking the streets in Europe or Qld GC SC makes me high on hot chicks.It helps your vibe .Melbourne daygame is so fucking spares it's depressing...Unless you are into Asians..Night game in some areas is much better...

You have a window on friday for after work drinks and thats it.

Its empty during Winter and empty in Summer.Where the fuck are they all??

How long before a white Knight from Melb Uni sees this and hunts you down OP?.I would not go near a Uni here..

If you are into Asian chicks then cool.I'm not.
I can go for days weeks without seeing a hottie.
If it was not for Euro travelers it would be totally shit.

The reason being is that the great Chinese buy up of the cbd is biting .The Euro anglo social scene is gone.Pub after pub closing.Its dead compared to 7 years ago.And white chicks don't come down

You have to work dig like a mother fucker in Melbourne.The only dudes with quality are in the AFL.I've seen tables of Sydney standard glamours follow one player around here.

Melbourne is shopping centers and empty bars it USE to be the going out capital of Australia .I'v seen nothing but demise on that front.Inner city is such a leftist Greens shithole.Which drives the fashion.So chicks look like shit .

Amogs are not your problem here it's Cuck ,beta ,White knights.

There are hotties you just have to work hard to get above a 7 but this improves your game when you leave.

My daygame tip is Chadstone, Southland Melb central on a Tuesday.No men around.

And stand wide when you talk on your phone elbow out.Talk on it ,laugh have a conversation about a topic you are passionate about.You should start drawing IOIs from solo chicks.They should come into your field of vision.They'll stop and present themselves..Open these they are DTF.This works in Emporio ,Flinders lane ,Chaddy .Its my passive game.Works in chaddy.It draws in the younger chicks who are solo .I've experimented with it.I just need more dudes to try it.You can split with your wing to different ends of the area out of site.You can't sit and body language must be alpha.Take up space be happy, passionate enjoying your talk.Talk about game

Also Night markets on a Wednesday but go with a mate.Its a tough gig to do solo.

Day in Frankston .To me this is the unsung untapped area beachside.Its changed.The cbd is a shithole now.

Agreed, women date up here and I find the girls are more attractive in the night time. White girls are plentiful on the night life scene (Y)

You are right, you dig like a mother fucker. On the bright side, like you said, if you come out the other side without breaking your game becomes incredibly sharp and refined like you wouldn't believe.

Thank you for sharing your experiences, what are your results from this passive game tactic? Also, have you lived/gamed in other cities?

I have been to the Frankston shopping mall a few times and liked what I saw. I often tease my friend (another RVF member) that 'Frankston/Southside is the future'.

"What I had more than anyone else was drive. I was hungrier than anybody. I wanted it so badly it hurt."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Melbourne Central Lyon seemed liked a pretty good spot, I was there twice at night and it had good ratios, that was a few years ago though.

Around Fed square is good too, a lot of travelling girls walking around doing nothing.

Some of the hostels also have connected bars, restaurants or even open common areas....... backpacking girls are slutty.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

For whatever reason Melbourne is one of the only places I've ever lived where someone else swooped my target right before I was about to approach in day game. This happened not once but twice in a 4 month span. Once was along the Yarra River across from the CBD in the Southbank Promenade. A well-dressed east-asian looking dude came right up to this girl I was eyeing sitting on these steps all by herself just looking around. Another time was in the CBD on the pedestrian-only portion of Bourke St. Each time I was stunned as they literally beat me to the approach by less than 10 seconds. It's one of those things you just have to grin about and recognize/respect another player's game.

It's a good lesson to never hesitate if you see something that you like out in the wild. Now that I've mentioned this, I wonder how many times I've stepped in on another dude's target with similar circumstances...

Latin American Coffee Guide
-What other people think of you is none of your business.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

At least the CBD has some passable talent.
While out in a suburban mall doing daygaming the talent was far and few in between and I'm not going to go any further with any that sound and look like teenagers that work at the large stores.

While out with my not so fantastic social circle in the CBD for NYE there were lots of Anglos present in the city.
Crown Casino after midnight had plenty of fine birds too of various ethnicities.

Quote: (01-02-2018 11:51 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

If you are into Asian chicks then cool.I'm not.
I can go for days weeks without seeing a hottie.
If it was not for Euro travelers it would be totally shit.

Many parts within Sydney and Melbourne CBD are goldmines in Australia for those chasing Asian FOBs.
Personally I'd go to Adelaide for more Anglo girls.
I've been pipelining online and Adelaide yielded the greatest matches for me yet they go radio silent when they find out I'm not living there.

Though I'm looking forward to the classy and elegant ladies there when I go boots on ground there again later this year to game this time:
[Image: banana.gif]

Quote: (01-02-2018 11:51 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

the great Chinese buy up of the cbd is biting

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Quote: (01-05-2018 09:23 PM)bootyhuntah Wrote:  

A well-dressed east-asian looking dude came right up to this girl I was eyeing sitting on these steps all by herself just looking around.

A reply from a different thread outlines the local thirst levels and the arms race style pursuit of gymming.

Quote: (09-30-2015 08:35 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Ha , loving the constant references to Australia as a standout thirst country. In UK you only really have places like Essex and Newcastle known for being thirsty, aggressive gym-obsessive places. That dynamic is constant throughout all of Australia. Australia is a battleground for the descendants of cocky white English working classes going up head to head agains descendants of thirsty Italian / Greek / Lebanese immigrants. So majority is cocky, thirsty and hitting the gym regardless of lineage, even the Asians are doing spam approaches.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (12-31-2017 07:08 AM)sonderho Wrote:  

Woolworths Melbourne Central (Metro):
Average Quality: 5-6/10

•Walk around the whole supermaket until you find a girl you like. If you want to camp out and wait for targets to appear, I have found the coffee section experiences heavy traffic flow during peak periods. I think this partly because it is part of a route most people will past through to get to the frozen goods/to the checkouts. I wouldn't stress to much about where to go though, as each aisle is quite narrow (making it a natural botleneck and brings you easily within talking distance naturally just by standing there. The section with the highest quality is the toiletries section.

•The turnover of this particular branch of Woolworths is absolutely incredible. If you have an hour to spare, you can literally stay in same spot during peak times and open a girl 5/10 or over every 5-20 minutes, with a low risk of running into the same girl you opened earlier. Just keep your eyes peeled in the event she backtracks and wait a little bit before opening the next girl.

I went there today at around 630pm (still daygame IMO), but did see the foot traffic that you mention.

I found a lot more traffic where Coles and Liquorland is. Is this where you talking about?

The only Woolworths I could find at Melbourne Central was the express one (tiny with only a few isles).

Any help on this would be appreciate.

Also if anyone has come across any other hot spots in melbourne. Whilst I like uni students also, im not all that fond of going into a university I’m no longer attending or hanging around the state library.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote:JekyllAndHyde Wrote:


Had to go there for work about a year ago and it was a pleasant surprise. When going out, the women wear dresses, not crap (like in Melbourne) and they have a more "proper" sounding accent even if they're still bogans in disguise.

Back on topic: If you're into Asians and you don't want to physically go to Asia, it doesn't matter, Asia comes to you in Melbourne (all of it, From India and China to the South Eastern Variety). It's VERY monocultural in places [Image: wink.gif]

Not my #1 thing either... BTW.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (04-30-2018 10:55 AM)joe8489 Wrote:  

Also if anyone has come across any other hot spots in melbourne. Whilst I like uni students also, im not all that fond of going into a university I’m no longer attending or hanging around the state library.

100% Agree with the uni loitering thing... and I don't think you'll find legitimate "hot spots". What you're better of looking for is a scene that you're into and just casually mining that while having a good time yourself. Or if not a specific scene, just picking a venue and going there at least 3 times so you feel like you know the place and you can get a good idea of what's on offer. Make yourself at home and if it's no good and you're not having fun, move onto another in the future.

But don't be that weird cunt who cold approaches 10X in a row in the one area in the space of half an hour. Not only will you get blown out by the women, you'll also get blown out by venue operators, the public and generally create a bad situation for future forum members who might be hitting up the same spots. Don't ever forget that you are in nanny state city either. It's indirect/non needy all the way (at least for noobs...)

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-01-2018 12:55 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Quote:JekyllAndHyde Wrote:


Had to go there for work about a year ago and it was a pleasant surprise. When going out, the women wear dresses, not crap (like in Melbourne) and they have a more "proper" sounding accent even if they're still bogans in disguise.

Back on topic: If you're into Asians and you don't want to physically go to Asia, it doesn't matter, Asia comes to you in Melbourne (all of it, From India and China to the South Eastern Variety). It's VERY monocultural in places [Image: wink.gif]

Not my #1 thing either... BTW.

Good to hear about Adelaide I'm looking forward to boots on ground there soon.

Asians are everywhere in Sydney and Melbourne and to a certain extent Brisbane last time I went.
Yeah nah they are not my #1 priority either but any Aussie here with yellow fever who speaks Mandarin Chinese or Korean would be in for a treat.
They seem to love the large cities in the Anglosphere.

Quote: (05-01-2018 01:07 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2018 10:55 AM)joe8489 Wrote:  

Also if anyone has come across any other hot spots in melbourne. Whilst I like uni students also, im not all that fond of going into a university I’m no longer attending or hanging around the state library.

100% Agree with the uni loitering thing... and I don't think you'll find legitimate "hot spots". What you're better of looking for is a scene that you're into and just casually mining that while having a good time yourself. Or if not a specific scene, just picking a venue and going there at least 3 times so you feel like you know the place and you can get a good idea of what's on offer. Make yourself at home and if it's no good and you're not having fun, move onto another in the future.

But don't be that weird cunt who cold approaches 10X in a row in the one area in the space of half an hour. Not only will you get blown out by the women, you'll also get blown out by venue operators, the public and generally create a bad situation for future forum members who might be hitting up the same spots. Don't ever forget that you are in nanny state city either. It's indirect/non needy all the way (at least for noobs...)

The nanny state is less of a concern to me than having to avoid drawing attention from the odd male feminist here and there although we're still a very masculine culture deep down. I've heard rumours the UK is worse but I haven't pinpointed an article for it.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-01-2018 01:07 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

But don't be that weird cunt who cold approaches 10X in a row in the one area in the space of half an hour. Not only will you get blown out by the women, you'll also get blown out by venue operators.

Absolutely. Ive noticed that its much better to incorporate 'plausible deniability' in your game. It can be your saving grace. ie. if you're going to do some cold approaches (direct), in front of a shopping centre, make sure you've just done a shop yourself (and be holding some bags with you) and if playfully quizzed maybe say that you're meeting a friend. This way, it looks more organic when you approach a girl because it appears that you've done it on the fly.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

After going to vic market last weekend I could see it holding some potential, fairly high turnover and just about big enough to keep moving and fresh. Pity the surrounding area is rapidly turning into china.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-02-2018 03:49 AM)Bluey Wrote:  

After going to vic market last weekend I could see it holding some potential, fairly high turnover and just about big enough to keep moving and fresh. Pity the surrounding area is rapidly turning into china.

fuck, i didnt even think about that one! Great suggestion man!

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Go to night markets at Vic market if they are still on.
Alot of overseas chicks at Vic markets.

If you don't have logistics forget it.

No use living in Dandy trying to pick up in the city.

If you have an Apartment in the city you are laughing.

Most dudes talk about their game but without logistics you are fucked.I listen to master PUA and dudes my age that fuck young strippers or get young birds.

Fuckers are so blind they can't see that living on Collins is a major part of their game.

Also you'll score country girls like this it will be the anchor of your game.

Women are women they crave security and ease.

Meet a lone backpacker, interstater in the city you can invite here straight over for a drink, coffee, rest etc.

When I lived in Sydney in my 20s this is what I did without thinking about it.

Look at all those Pommy Euro daygame jaunters.They get apartments in the middle of EE major city and pick up EE chicks from the burbs.

I've been away from Melb for 2 months.In the city I noticed white chicks with hacked off short hair t,attooed legs or baggy jeans.

The Asian girls had long leather boots on with short skirts looking feminine as fuck.The Melbourne male brain would say like whores cause the Melbourne male isn't use to feminity.

The Asian birds are in competition mode and that's a good thing for men.

I'm not into Asians and vice versa but damn they impressed me yesterday.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-02-2018 08:09 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Go to night markets at Vic market if they are still on.
Alot of overseas chicks at Vic markets.

If you don't have logistics forget it.

No use living in Dandy trying to pick up in the city.

If you have an Apartment in the city you are laughing.

Most dudes talk about their game but without logistics you are fucked.I listen to master PUA and dudes my age that fuck young strippers or get young birds.

Fuckers are so blind they can't see that living on Collins is a major part of their game.

Also you'll score country girls like this it will be the anchor of your game.

Women are women they crave security and ease.

Meet a lone backpacker, interstater in the city you can invite here straight over for a drink, coffee, rest etc.

this is great advice. i live at the eureka tower and ive just started tapping into travellers. I have had a few two sets (foreigners) back at mine but nothing eventuated because of the cockblock friend.

For example, on tuesday afternoon i was walking past the queue for the skydeck observatory, and there were two cute girls in the line (one from italy and one from spain), i approached them (wanting the italian one) and suggested to them to save some money and come up to my apartment for the views instead, they complied. I did state my intent to the italian one on the approach so she knew what was up. They came up, checked out the views, were impressed, we built rapport, had a quick drink and then they left because i had to resume work. They came back later that night for cocktails, and i tried to make a move on the italian and she freaked the fuck out. This isnt the first time this has happened. So i dont think 2 sets is the way forward for me personally, because their motivation is for the travel experience rather than the sexual experience. Ive had more luck with one sets, which is what i'll stick to. If i do see a cute girl in a 2 set then i will just get the number and get her out alone later that week. If she asks to bring her friend, then i'll can it. If she comes alone, then she knows what shes getting herself in for.

Anyone else had similar experiences with 2 sets? ie. they comply with your suggestions and offers, but when push comes to shove, they dont go through with it.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-02-2018 08:09 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Go to night markets at Vic market if they are still on.
Alot of overseas chicks at Vic markets.

If you don't have logistics forget it.

No use living in Dandy trying to pick up in the city.

If you have an Apartment in the city you are laughing.

Most dudes talk about their game but without logistics you are fucked.I listen to master PUA and dudes my age that fuck young strippers or get young birds.

Fuckers are so blind they can't see that living on Collins is a major part of their game.

Also you'll score country girls like this it will be the anchor of your game.

Women are women they crave security and ease.

Meet a lone backpacker, interstater in the city you can invite here straight over for a drink, coffee, rest etc.

When I lived in Sydney in my 20s this is what I did without thinking about it.

Look at all those Pommy Euro daygame jaunters.They get apartments in the middle of EE major city and pick up EE chicks from the burbs.

I've been away from Melb for 2 months.In the city I noticed white chicks with hacked off short hair t,attooed legs or baggy jeans.

The Asian girls had long leather boots on with short skirts looking feminine as fuck.The Melbourne male brain would say like whores cause the Melbourne male isn't use to feminity.

The Asian birds are in competition mode and that's a good thing for men.

I'm not into Asians and vice versa but damn they impressed me yesterday.

Haven't been to the Queen Vic Night Markets myself yet but my father went there a few months ago and was raving about how many hot women there were. Unfortunately i think it only operates during the summer months...?

Good call re the Asian girls - i've just come back from Thailand and have a massive dose of Yellow Fever. Was in the city today and the only girls of interest to me were the Asians. Love the way they dress, do their hair etc etc. Put most Western Girls to shame..

Ms Collins, Long Room, Asian Beer Cafe and Spice Market (Thursdays) are all good places for finding Asian women.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Quote: (05-02-2018 09:15 PM)joe8489 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2018 08:09 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Go to night markets at Vic market if they are still on.
Alot of overseas chicks at Vic markets.

If you don't have logistics forget it.

No use living in Dandy trying to pick up in the city.

If you have an Apartment in the city you are laughing.

Most dudes talk about their game but without logistics you are fucked.I listen to master PUA and dudes my age that fuck young strippers or get young birds.

Fuckers are so blind they can't see that living on Collins is a major part of their game.

Also you'll score country girls like this it will be the anchor of your game.

Women are women they crave security and ease.

Meet a lone backpacker, interstater in the city you can invite here straight over for a drink, coffee, rest etc.

this is great advice. i live at the eureka tower and ive just started tapping into travellers. I have had a few two sets (foreigners) back at mine but nothing eventuated because of the cockblock friend.

For example, on tuesday afternoon i was walking past the queue for the skydeck observatory, and there were two cute girls in the line (one from italy and one from spain), i approached them (wanting the italian one) and suggested to them to save some money and come up to my apartment for the views instead, they complied. I did state my intent to the italian one on the approach so she knew what was up. They came up, checked out the views, were impressed, we built rapport, had a quick drink and then they left because i had to resume work. They came back later that night for cocktails, and i tried to make a move on the italian and she freaked the fuck out. This isnt the first time this has happened. So i dont think 2 sets is the way forward for me personally, because their motivation is for the travel experience rather than the sexual experience. Ive had more luck with one sets, which is what i'll stick to. If i do see a cute girl in a 2 set then i will just get the number and get her out alone later that week. If she asks to bring her friend, then i'll can it. If she comes alone, then she knows what shes getting herself in for.

Anyone else had similar experiences with 2 sets? ie. they comply with your suggestions and offers, but when push comes to shove, they dont go through with it.

You need the lone traveller .2 sets equal ,no secrets and both chicks have to like you.

One will cockblock unless EE or Scandi.Poms are also good for it.
French will play hard unless you are blonde blue eyes.

If you've got game confidence and or a bit of bad boy you could rock down to strippers and get one that is new to town looking for a place to live.

You could also couchsurf game it.

Don't come off as a provider though.

2 sets you have to fuck both.Which means you have to be a animal if you are a nice guy forget it.

German chicks, Dutch chicks are looking for a nice guy.

"Come see my views" is just brilliant and you can back it up.

I've always had a fickled time with Italians even in Europe.

Start thinking you can fuck both on a 2 set..Why do you have to choose one if both are hot.If only one is hot then there will be cockblocking.
That's my opinion from my fuck ups and limiting beliefs.

Both chicks have to be able to stay they won't abandon the other.

Travellers with boyfriends etc will be more up for it

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Just got back from Melbourne, where I stayed for 6 nights and went out 5 of them (Gave Sunday a Miss after a 3 night bender of epic proportions Thursday-Saturday). Didn’t do day game at all, but probably kissed 15 girls in total from nightlife, and banged 3 of those, including a virgin with a repeat meeting. I’m pretty happy with those efforts for a place as notoriously as difficult as Melbourne. There wasn’t as much quality around as I expected, outside of Saturday nights which are crazy, but there’s enough of a vibe to have a fucking good time pretty much any night of the week if you know where to go. For day gamers, I’d say there are far better places. A lot of Asians and middle easterns out on the streets.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Green-on-go: great advice man,you seem to really know your stuff when it comes to foreigners. The more experiences I have with Melbourne girls (7’s that act like 9’s), the more I think fuck it, travellers and foreigners all the way. These Melbourne girls have this sense of entitlement that is staggering to me. And it seems like they’re a lost cause at this point, which is a little sad to me, but it seems to be the state of affairs. Part of me wishes that you could just gently place your hand on theirs, and say something along the lines of “look, you’ll wake up tomorrow and be 40 years old, let it go and just live in the moment”. It’s unreal these girls, it’s as if they all waiting for Sam Wood or Chris Hemsworth to come along and pick them. Good luck ladies.

Adrenaline, thanks for your input. Yeah I’m not much into asians, because i love big naturals on my girls, and most Asian’s aren’t busty. I’m finding daygaming in Melbourne to be ok. I mean I haven’t daygamed that much else where, but Melbourne is so far so good.

I’m going to hit up Vic Market thus this Saturday as see what comes of it.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

Have to echo the other posters here, foreign chicks are the go to in Melbourne. The locals are mostly shit to deal with, what I really hated when I moved to Melbourne was how people seem so damn set in their little groups.

Green-On-GO is right too, logistics matters. I live away from the CBD and it kills me for pickup, whereas a couple of people I know live close and kill it.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017

If you're in Melbourne and you like latinas.....
There is a rapidly growing Colombian expat group in Melbourne. (15k+ members of 'Colombianos En Melbourne' Facebook group now).
I recommend hitting up many of the language exchange nights (esp. LINGO) for easy numbers/social group forming, and many of the latin parties and clubs (full of Colombianas).
Nite Cat on Sundays is the city's biggest weekly salsa night with women far outnumbering men.
There is a fast growing Cali style salsa school run by a caleño buddy of mine, and dance floors are leaving LA style behind in favour of Colombian moves.
I came back to Melbs only two weeks ago from el caribe, and it was pretty easy to get the ball rolling in this space.

Melbourne CBD Datasheet 2017


Is LINGO the group at Melbourne Central on Wednesdays? and nite cat Sundays is better than Saturdays? Will need to check it out.

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