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Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

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Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:16 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:52 PM)speculator Wrote:  

In the context of all lives matter, what are your opinions regarding this song?

I like that song quite a lot!

I lasted 20 seconds. I only like rap that's whitey-hating.

It is. In second half the black guy reps in answer and convinces the white guy to concede his views.

The video masquerades itself as promoting peace and equality between whites and blacks with the hug in the end, but trough subtle means you know it's not seeking a compromise but rather seeking to convert white people to accept liberal opinions.

The subtleties:

1) Black guy knocks off Make America Great hat and white man ever picks it up - symbolizing that he abandons his pro-Trump and pro-America views.

2)Body language - The white guy nods in agreement to black guy multiple times during his speech and in the end. The black guy never does that.

3)White guy makes himself vulnerable first with embracing the black guy. The black guy answers to that with hesitation as if not truly sure it's worth it. It's clearly how liberals would like to see the solution - white men forgiving first again and again and black people being coy about it and acting as if they "accept" the condolences of white men.

4)In the end there is a text with a clear Marxist message implying that that religion is evil, property is evil and race and sex are somehow unnatural social constructs.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:57 PM)Zona Wrote:  

Granted, we don't know exactly what happened prior to this video, but I think the cop handled this horribly just based on this footage. Why the hell didn't he just have this guy lay face down on the floor with his hands behind his head? It would have been much easier and safer for the guy to follow those instructions, and the cop could have apprehended him easily.

His instructions to crawl were absurd, and I can see how this guy might have instinctively reached back to pull his shorts up without even thinking about it due to fear muddying his thought process. Shit is fucked up.

Here's 18 minutes of it, not sure how far back you want to see.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

The dude is no soy. He has the cold, dead eyes of a sociopath. Screening potential cops for signs of it would be a good start. I would also disallow military vets from doing police work. Not the right mindset for the job, that's all.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

On liveleak video comments it says that video wasn't permitted as evidence and jury never saw it.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

If any of us had done something like this, we'd be going to prison for a long time. But wear a badge and you can get away with it.

They need to have higher standards and better training when hiring people. Sure it's a tough job, but don't become a cop if you can't handle it. No one is forcing these guys to go into law enforcement. They need to be held accountable by other cops and the judicial system when mistakes are made. Wearing a badge shouldn't make someone above the law. The other cops, DAs, and judges that give them special treatment are just as bad. Respect goes both ways, and if law enforcement wants to be respected again, they need to do some self-reflecting. Shit like this makes people furious and not trust the people that are supposed to be protecting their communities.

There's also no reason for a cop to be armed like he's in Baghdad for a situation like this. It should have never gotten to the point where the suspect is crawling on the ground to nonsensical instructions.

That cop looks like a cocksucker too. You can tell he gets off on this shit.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Police guy i know saw the video, told me that the crawl part was totally innecesary. Too many idiots with power trips and a gun.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:30 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

Here's 18 minutes of it, not sure how far back you want to see.

OMG so hard to watch, these additional minutes make it so much worse.

They basically shoot him in front of his wife and the thing that he did wrong before was thinking that the command to kneel and raise his hands up cancelled the command to keep his legs crossed - which is only natural because it's fucking hard to kneel with legs crossed. Then the guy got confused and didn't know where to put his hands for some time that got the cop mad. The cop is a total asshole for not having any understanding how a person may interpret his stupid and conflicting commands.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:36 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I would also disallow military vets from doing police work. Not the right mindset for the job, that's all.

What mindset is that?


Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

I think he was referring to how they are trained killers. As well some may have PTSD and react to hostile situations differently than other folks who have never been in battle. Is there a correlation between cops who have military experience and violent behaviour towards others? Who knows

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:28 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Because this forum has a distinct pro law enforcement slant when it comes to police involved shootings when it is a black man shot by a white officer-but they seem to go the other way when it is a Muslim immigrant officer shooting a white woman. Here we have a innocent white man being murdered by a white cop, lets see how it plays out. I have made my position known, fuck this trigger happy piece of shit with a badge-thoughts?

Am I reading this right? You're claiming that the entire forum is racist with regards to law enforcement?

[Image: bsflag.gif]

This whole situation had all kinds of failure points. The human ego wants a SIMPLE explanation/label so you can have an emotional reaction, but ultimately these situations rarely are that simple. We don't know all the facts so I'm making a couple assumptions below, happy to change my opinion with new evidence.

The police didn't have a conversation with the people in the room via the phone in the room. This seems clear as the guy and the girl come walking out of the room clearly not expecting ANYONE to be approaching them, much less the police with firearms drawn/aimed at them. This is the first failure. Had the police contacted them through the room phone they could've known a couple of things:

1. That the rifle was not a firearm but what is essentially an expensive toy.

2. That everyone had been drinking and that while them pointing the toy out a window is VERY stupid, it all makes a lot more sense knowing those two things.

Of course, the police would still need to respond with roughly the level of preparedness they showed, but they could've talked to the people in the room and prepared them to come out of the room and walk a certain distance away from the room and lay down with their hands exposed, one by one, however the SAFEST and clearest way for everyone involved.

2nd biggest mistake is the guy having the suspects crawl towards them and overall escalating the situation instead of deescalating it (a creeping problem in today's law enforcement community).

It should've never got to where it ended up.

Finally, while the suspect should've never had to be in that position that the police escalated it to, him reaching to pull up his shorts clearly resulted in him being shot.

Do I blame the officer who shot him for shooting him once he reached into what was clearly his waist area? Not really. That's on the suspect, but once again, the suspect should've never been put in that situation by the police.

A completely avoidable outcome. If the suspect had not reached back to pull up his shorts (or whatever he was doing) I would completely agree that the officer murdered him.

Horribly handled and I don't think the suspect deserved to die at all. Not sure what should happen to the officer, but he didn't murder that guy from what the video shows, but he did give a bunch of unnecessary/confusing commands, he should've never been leading that situation. His failure to de-escalate the situation and his superiors failure in training/selection.

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Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:58 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

He reached toward his belt after hearing instructions to crawl toward the cop. And that's after not following instructions earlier in the video.

The cop is a trigger-happy moron but it's not murder. If he would have shot him while his hands were up or while he was crawling normally after following the cop's instructions, it would be different.

Cop should be acquitted of murder but lose his job.

Also, this dick looks exactly like I expected:

[Image: hWnk1At.jpg]

He looks like some of the cops at my gym who want to be part of the cool kids so bad but never were. They always get a bunch of tats to compensate for their lack of personality.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

I was right, here is his wife. WNB.

[Image: 635936528071516547-brailsford.png]

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:28 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:16 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:52 PM)speculator Wrote:  

In the context of all lives matter, what are your opinions regarding this song?

I like that song quite a lot!

I lasted 20 seconds. I only like rap that's whitey-hating.

It is. In second half the black guy reps in answer and convinces the white guy to concede his views.

The video masquerades itself as promoting peace and equality between whites and blacks with the hug in the end, but trough subtle means you know it's not seeking a compromise but rather seeking to convert white people to accept liberal opinions.

The subtleties:

1) Black guy knocks off Make America Great hat and white man ever picks it up - symbolizing that he abandons his pro-Trump and pro-America views.

2)Body language - The white guy nods in agreement to black guy multiple times during his speech and in the end. The black guy never does that.

3)White guy makes himself vulnerable first with embracing the black guy. The black guy answers to that with hesitation as if not truly sure it's worth it. It's clearly how liberals would like to see the solution - white men forgiving first again and again and black people being coy about it and acting as if they "accept" the condolences of white men.

4)In the end there is a text with a clear Marxist message implying that that religion is evil, property is evil and race and sex are somehow unnatural social constructs.

I had a black friend recommend me this video (didn't bother watching til now, he had also recommended I check out some female rapper in the same conversation. I don't listen to female rappers so I disregarded the two recommendations)

Now I wonder if it should be "former friend." Why would he recommend I, a known Trump supporter, watch this video? Does he think I'm a "white devil?" I guess I'll have to put him in check next time I see him and any wrong answers get him written off.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 05:12 PM)Repo Wrote:  

I was right, here is his wife. WNB.

[Image: 635936528071516547-brailsford.png]

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Am I reading this right? You're claiming that the entire forum is racist with regards to law enforcement?

No. I clearly and unambiguously stated what I think, do not use a broad sweeping terms when I used direct ones. Still liked your post though.

Aloha in this mutherfucker!

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:55 PM)Repo Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:58 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

He reached toward his belt after hearing instructions to crawl toward the cop. And that's after not following instructions earlier in the video.

The cop is a trigger-happy moron but it's not murder. If he would have shot him while his hands were up or while he was crawling normally after following the cop's instructions, it would be different.

Cop should be acquitted of murder but lose his job.

Also, this dick looks exactly like I expected:

[Image: hWnk1At.jpg]

He looks like some of the cops at my gym who want to be part of the cool kids so bad but never were. They always get a bunch of tats to compensate for their lack of personality.

He looks like a little kid playing dress up. Probably because he is.

How the hell did he pass the psych profile test? They run those for police departments in the States, right? This dipshit screams gonna take his tiny dick insecurity out on civilians. It was only a matter of time before he was going to kill someone on the job --black, white, or brown civilian-- by powertripping.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

From Wiki[pedia:

According to a police report, Daniel Shaver, a pest-control worker and resident of Granbury, Texas, had been staying at a Mesa La Quinta Inn on business. He invited two acquaintances to his room for drinks. There he showed them a scoped air rifle he was using to exterminate birds inside grocery stores. At one point the gun was pointed outside his hotel window, prompting a witness to notify the front desk; the police were immediately called. Upon arrival, police gave Shaver and his acquaintances detailed orders for several minutes, with frequent admonitions that failing to comply with them would get them shot. Eventually, Shaver was ordered to crawl on the floor towards them. While complying with their request, Shaver, who was intoxicated and could be heard sobbing, begging officers, "Please don't shoot," made a single hand motion, notably distant from his waist. Brailsford yelled at Shaver that if Shaver did anything whatsoever that deviated from his instructions he would shoot him and he probably wouldn’t survive. Shaver then reached his right hand back towards his waistband again, presumably to pull up his gym shorts which were around his thighs in crime scene photos, at which point Brailsford can be heard yelling "Don't-" before immediately opening fire with his AR-15 rifle, striking Shaver 5 times and killing him almost instantly. Shaver was unarmed.[2][3]

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

To all those who are arguing "he reached for his waist, not murder..."

You can't even have a wallet in the pocket of loose basketball shorts without them falling down. No one is packing a weapon in untied basketball shorts, loose sweatpants etc.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Watched the full video, that makes it so much worse. He had a whole crew with him, and they made him do that dumbass crawl?

Genuine question, when detaining someone is the crawl in the procedures? I never heard of it.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:42 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:30 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

Here's 18 minutes of it, not sure how far back you want to see.

OMG so hard to watch, these additional minutes make it so much worse.

They basically shoot him in front of his wife and the thing that he did wrong before was thinking that the command to kneel and raise his hands up cancelled the command to keep his legs crossed - which is only natural because it's fucking hard to kneel with legs crossed. Then the guy got confused and didn't know where to put his hands for some time that got the cop mad. The cop is a total asshole for not having any understanding how a person may interpret his stupid and conflicting commands.

Yeah, the whole video makes it clear how scared and confused the kid is by the situation and the convoluted instructions. Also, the kids legs are still crossed when he's crawling, which could explain the final hand movements (he's falling forward. A chubby dude crawling with crossed legs in a stressful situation...). I can't believe this video wasn't allowed as evidence.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:50 PM)tomtud Wrote:  

I think he was referring to how they are trained killers. As well some may have PTSD and react to hostile situations differently than other folks who have never been in battle.

The stereotype that all veterans are screwy PTSD mentals makes me sad. And today is Friday, I don't want to be sad.

If this cop had any military experience, he would most likely have stayed at a La Quinta hotel in the past. He would have known that those places might as well be monuments to 1/4 inch drywall, that they are always full, and that maybe that weapon was the wrong choice given those details. "Once you fire a bullet, you can't take it back" might have been bouncing around in his brain....

Another thing in his head might have been the running joke that in Spanish La Quinta means "Next to Denny's" but that's not important.

That little reason there is just the tip of my ice burg. I have many many more thoughts on this subject, but the stereotype expressed earlier is a trigger of mine, and again, I want to be happy and jolly today, so I'll save it for another time.


Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

You never do get the chance to see if he had a gun or not in real life cause you're fucking dead! Stupid dickhead got what he deserved for acting as tho he was going for a gun!

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:30 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I cannot embed the video but this fucking peice of shit cop was dead wrong to murder this man the way he did and I would love to hear forum members take on this. For the record the victim was white, with no criminal record-All lives matter, and BLM has taken up this cause-thoughts?


This cop thing is not JUST a racial issue. I've been following it since long before BLM ever appeared and have been concerned about it.

Read Radley Balko's book "rise of the warrior cop". The root cause of this kind of thing isn't just "racism". It's that government has facilited a trend where police see themselves as an occupying force living among a hostile population. If that sounds kind of like being a soldier in Iraq that's 100% deliberate: they've brought back military tactics learned in those engagements and are using them to breed a hostile, culturally isolated, and trigger happy police force that will obey any order given, no matter how unethical, with zero questions asked. Another key driver has been the ubiquitous SWAT-ification of police forces stemming from the war on drugs, with no-knock break ins being routine and even regular cops kitted up like warzone soldiers.
One look at the virulent anti-cop rhetoric coming from the left and BLM and the riots after (justified) uses of deadly force and it would be hard to argue the idea that many cops do patrol areas with a hostile population.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:58 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Also, this dick looks exactly like I expected:

[Image: hWnk1At.jpg]

With those tattoos and that stance he acts like he was in the Tet Offensive.
Kudos to the poster who mentioned Radley Balko. Civil Asset Forfeiture is really where the focus should start.

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