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Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His Life

Arizona jurors watched the video below, which shows former Mesa, Arizona, police officer Philip Mitchell Brailsford shooting and killing a man who was begging for his life and attempting to follow the officer's orders to crawl down a hotel hallway.

Yesterday, the jurors found Brailsford not guilty of second-degree murder and reckless manslaughter. Do you agree? (Warning: The video is pretty graphic.)Note: I do not know how to embed video mods feel free to edit.

The incident occurred in January 2016. Daniel Shaver apparently was showing off a pellet gun, and it was visible through the hotel room window. This promped somebody to call to the hotel front desk, which prompted a call to the police.

So it wasn't unreasonable for police to approach the hotel room thinking the encounter might be dangerous. They knew there was a gun there, and they didn't know it was a pellet gun. But that video shows some truly baffling decisions by Brailsford that escalated the situation to make it even scarier, not the least of which was that Brailsford's bluster and open threats of violence made him appear as terrified as Shaver.

The contents of the body camera footage had been described to the public before, when Brailsford was first charged, but the video itself was withheld until this morning. NBC notes:

The detective investigating the shooting had agreed Shaver's movement was similar to reaching for a pistol, but has said it also looked as though Shaver was pulling up his loose-fitting basketball shorts that had fallen down as he was ordered to crawl.

The investigator noted he did not see anything that would have prevented officers from simply handcuffing Shaver as he was on the floor.

Forcing Shaver to crawl toward the police like this increased the likelihood that Shaver would lose balance and make wild movements, and Brailsford's bizarre orders were probably confusing even to a sober person.

Oh, and here's an interesting detail from the Arizona Republic:

The judge did not allow jurors to hear about an etching on the dust cover of the rifle Brailsford used to shoot Shaver, which said "You're f--ked," because he felt it was prejudicial.

Shaver's parents have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Mesa. Brailsford was fired for poor performance two months after the shooting. Would anybody care to bet that he tries either to get his job back in Mesa or to get a job with another law enforcement agency elsewhere?

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

I cannot embed the video but this fucking peice of shit cop was dead wrong to murder this man the way he did and I would love to hear forum members take on this. For the record the victim was white, with no criminal record-All lives matter, and BLM has taken up this cause-thoughts?

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I cannot embed the video but this fucking peice of shit cop was dead wrong to murder this man the way he did and I would love to hear forum members take on this. For the record the victim was white, with no criminal record-All lives matter, and BLM has taken up this cause-thoughts?

Why would you "love" for forum members to "take on this"?

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

When he goes to pull his pants up a bit they aerate him fairly quickly.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

I took a look at the video.

Right before he shot him it appears like he was reaching for something with his right hand at his belt. I can understand why the cop did what he did, but being in that situation and accidentally doing something wrong is obviously scary. However, I would want to look more into how the situation came to that point.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

BLM are a domestic terror group who organise riots and kill police officers. Sure some of them are harmless left wing pussies, but there's still a lot of violent thugs in that group. I don't care what they think, because they've shown repeatedly they are not thinkers.

None of that changes because they're now allegedly supporting some white victim of police brutality.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Saw the video - I'm split on it.

Officer is literally threatening to shoot the kid while giving him simon says instructions - which probably confused the scared kid.

Right before he shot the kid, the kid's hands were going toward his waistband - trained (trigger happy) cops know what this means.

Noone wins in this case, it all came down to a split second decision.

The kid shouldn't of been messing around with a pellet gun in a window in public view (if true).

The cop should've created a better situation and commanded it better.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Why would you "love" for forum members to "take on this"?
Because this forum has a distinct pro law enforcement slant when it comes to police involved shootings when it is a black man shot by a white officer-but they seem to go the other way when it is a Muslim immigrant officer shooting a white woman. Here we have a innocent white man being murdered by a white cop, lets see how it plays out. I have made my position known, fuck this trigger happy piece of shit with a badge-thoughts?

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I cannot embed the video but this fucking peice of shit cop was dead wrong to murder this man the way he did and I would love to hear forum members take on this. For the record the victim was white, with no criminal record-All lives matter, and BLM has taken up this cause-thoughts?


This cop thing is not JUST a racial issue. I've been following it since long before BLM ever appeared and have been concerned about it.

Read Radley Balko's book "rise of the warrior cop". The root cause of this kind of thing isn't just "racism". It's that government has facilited a trend where police see themselves as an occupying force living among a hostile population. If that sounds kind of like being a soldier in Iraq that's 100% deliberate: they've brought back military tactics learned in those engagements and are using them to breed a hostile, culturally isolated, and trigger happy police force that will obey any order given, no matter how unethical, with zero questions asked. Another key driver has been the ubiquitous SWAT-ification of police forces stemming from the war on drugs, with no-knock break ins being routine and even regular cops kitted up like warzone soldiers.

One thing I would add to to Balko's assessment is that there's another key driver: policing for profit. Thanks to civil asset forfeiture departments have an active incentive to provoke as many hostile confrontations with the citizenry because that then allows them to search for any large amounts of cash they can seize on suspicion of being "criminal proceeds"(e.g. you can't prove it came from a W2 job...and if it's cash you can't).

These shootings across all races are direct symptoms of the climate these developments have fostered.

"Racism" is just scratching the surface. What we're dealing with is even more serious than that: the frog is being boiled slowly as America turns into a totalitarian police state.

And of course: racial shootings will happen in this environment. If you're free to shoot anyone you don't like and get away with it, then it doesn't take a genius to figure out what will happen when people with strong racial prejudices enter the police force.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

^^^Now that is some discussion worthy shit. Fuck the drug war and "Profit Policing".

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

They have to start moving these cop shootings out of the areas the cops work in. These people all know each other, and they want to protect the county, and most importantly it's budget.

Just like the St. Louis murder where the cop ran at the guys car with an ak-47. Obviously in this video, it would have been so easy to walk up and handcuff they guy when his hands were up. Instead, he had to be a scary tough guy making him do that stupid crawling shit.

Good job by Black Lives Matter getting involved. The other side is already far to committed to defending cops no matter what they do, with no questions asked.


Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Fuck this piece of shit cop.

He prohibited the guy to talk, that's why.

The guy might have felt sick or in pain and unable to think straight or crawl straight. Like someone said above his pants might have been falling off. Lot's of reasons he might had to raise that arm and touch that wall, but he was not allowed to explain them.

I don't buy the cop fearing him pulling out a gun. It would have been a small handgun hidden in his pants against a cop in armored vest and a machine gun. The likelihood of the man taking a precise and quick shot from that crawling position was very very low low, he was not even looking at the cop. There is no way he could have be a threat to that cop.

I don't know what happened before, but we all know that the guy just had a pellet gun so he was defiantly not being a threat to the cop before too.

The cop was clearly humiliating the guy by making him crawl all over, why couldn't he walk over and handcuff him? The cop was doing all he could to make that person make a mistake - he yelled at him, prohibited him to talk and explain himself and humiliated him.

The order - "if you fall - you fall on your face" is impossible to follow for many people - isn't it an instinct to but your hands in front of you when you fall?

Also I don't understand the logic of calling cops on a person for having a gun in a country with guns allowed. It's scary that yelling armored cops may appear on you at any minute and shoot you for not following their instructions perfectly when you are surprised and confused and cannot think clearly.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Once he was down with his hands on the ground he should have gone over and handcuffed him if he was really threatened. It is like he was trying to create a situation where he could shoot someone, he did not even check the body before he rushed to go into the room. Fuck this cop.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Since when do cops make you come to them? They should've just told him to lie on the ground then they come up and cuff him.
Crawling is an awkard motion especially for a chubby person.

Even had he crawled all the way to him, there would've been additional instructions requiring additional movements about lying down, etc.. They get to shout instructions at you and if they feel you're deviating from what they're shouting they get to shoot you. It's bullshit.

Why couldn't the front desk call his room first and try to find a logical answer before calling the cops? Why couldn't a normal officer just knock on his door and ask him? Yet they send a goddamn swat team with AR-15s its ridiculous.

I'd also bet it was a woman who called in seeing him with a pellet gun, that's typical female shit sticking your nose in someone else's business like that.

I'm starting to really hate anyone who gets a government paycheck.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

There are millions of cops with this kind of confrontational mentality in the US; his actions were extreme sure, but the thinking that got him to shoot that poor kid is pervasive among pigs (sorry, I love that term).

We seriously need to do something about cops in this country - they are absolutely out of control.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

In the context of all lives matter, what are your opinions regarding this song?


Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Granted, we don't know exactly what happened prior to this video, but I think the cop handled this horribly just based on this footage. Why the hell didn't he just have this guy lay face down on the floor with his hands behind his head? It would have been much easier and safer for the guy to follow those instructions, and the cop could have apprehended him easily.

His instructions to crawl were absurd, and I can see how this guy might have instinctively reached back to pull his shorts up without even thinking about it due to fear muddying his thought process. Shit is fucked up.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

He reached toward his belt after hearing instructions to crawl toward the cop. And that's after not following instructions earlier in the video.

The cop is a trigger-happy moron but it's not murder. If he would have shot him while his hands were up or while he was crawling normally after following the cop's instructions, it would be different.

Cop should be acquitted of murder but lose his job.

Also, this dick looks exactly like I expected:

[Image: hWnk1At.jpg]

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Tatted up arms with a soy boy punchable face.

Are we that desperate for cops ? or are we getting lax on who qualifies as one ?

He doesn't look professional at all - just some bro with a tactical vest and a gun with "Police" velcroed to his tact vest.

Ready to go to "war".

Like one of those moan labia douche bags.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:34 PM)Mage Wrote:  

I don't buy the cop fearing him pulling out a gun. It would have been a small handgun hidden in his pants against a cop in armored vest and a machine gun. The likelihood of the man taking a precise and quick shot from that crawling position was very very low low, he was not even looking at the cop. There is no way he could have be a threat to that cop.

I think replacing a day or two of gun training at the police academy with a logic or mathematics class would save some lives.

This cop is wearing a bullet proof vest, probably has a tazer, whackin stick, pepper spray, and a radio that can call in fucking air support if necessary. Instead he uses his heavily modified assault weapon to diffuse the situation. Even if the kid had a gun, the cop could have waited a millisecond to actually see it before opening fire.

Waiting that millisecond, and realizing how much you have the person out gunned could have been cleared up by a simple class. Let's relate that,to Michael Brown. A cop with all the whackin sticks and bullet proof cars shoots someone for apparantly trying to steal his weapon. Now, simple logic says if someone is grabbing for your gun, they don't have a gun of their own.

If someone walks into my office right now, and tries to snatch my 25 ounce Busch Beer, I will then assume they don't have one of their own.

I hope that makes sense.


Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

The cop handled that horribly, and should be rotting in prison with a general population that knows what he did.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:52 PM)speculator Wrote:  

In the context of all lives matter, what are your opinions regarding this song?

I like that song quite a lot!

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

[Image: hWnk1At.jpg]

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:52 PM)speculator Wrote:  

In the context of all lives matter, what are your opinions regarding this song?

I like that song quite a lot!

I lasted 20 seconds. I only like rap that's whitey-hating.

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:16 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 04:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:52 PM)speculator Wrote:  

In the context of all lives matter, what are your opinions regarding this song?

I like that song quite a lot!

I lasted 20 seconds. I only like rap that's whitey-hating.
Listen to the whole thing, it is good I promise. It has both sides, just give it a chance....Seriously give it time, it is really good shit.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

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