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Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Bang-ladesh Datasheet


[Image: a88bf252939c9644087507bb757f0e7b-Dhaka-A...a_id=39276]
Move with purpose, don't for a second show that you are not sure what you are doing as you will quickly be swooned by an airport worker who will want to provide you help for two days wages in tips.

On arrival at the airport, if you don't have a visa and are collecting a visa on arrival, there is a counter where you will find people filling out forms. Go to the counter and take an immigration form. Fill it in, take it to the small office behind the immigration counter, here you will pay 4500 taka, the local currency, which is about $55. You can also pay in dollars. There is not an ATM that side of immigration control, but I was allowed temporarily to the ATM to get money. They will give you a receipt of payment. Take that and your immigration form to the immigration counter. Once they have given you your visa, if I remember correctly, you can circumnavigate the ensuing immigration control. If you have your visa already, go straight to the immigration control. Once out of immigration control there is an ATM and to the left you will find a stand for the telecoms company, Grameephone, who are generally recommended. A SIM with 10GB and about 150 taka (300 SMS and about 50 minutes of calls) costs 1500 taka ($18). To leave the airport the best way is Uber. Use their Premier option to avoid being carted off in a shitbox. It's very cheap anyway. The base fare is $1 and then $0.25 per KM. There are taxis you can get from the airport, but may rip you.

On departure get your transport to drop you at the first part of the entrance to the airport. Walk until you find the entrance that says “Foreigners and Business Passengers”. Wait in the queue, though I was waved past everyone else (white privilege). Then wait at the actual entrance until you are waved in. To the left there is a detector for your luggage and metal detector. In the middle of the lobby there is a single small screen in Bangla and English that lists the flights and which desk you need to go to check-in. After check-in look for a circular desk with lots of people filling in forms. Take a form and ideally bring your own pen or you will be seized on by someone trying to make phat tips fill it in for you. Once filled in go through immigration control. In the next lobby there is a screen telling you which gate you need to go to.


I always go with AirBnB, so don't know what hotels might offer. The main reason you might want to go with AirBnB is to get a washer as there are not many washing services and they are slow. Go in the areas known as Gulshan-1 and Gulshan-2 – the finger of land here.

This area is heavily under armed guard and is where most foreigners live. You could also try the area known as Banani, which if to the left of Gulshan. It also has foreigners, but no armed guards/police.

If staying in Gulshan, which is the most expensive area in the city, stay away from the main road, which is very noisy. It would be good to stay near Gulshan Lake Park, as this is one of the few areas you can meet / open spaces in this packed city. You can get your own place with pool and gym for less than $600/month.

The City: Dhaka

[Image: 600px-_Gulshan_Lake_Dhaka_North_Left_Gul...d_Righ.jpg]

The best and the worst you can make it look

[Image: Gulshan-Lake.jpg]

Gulshan is fairly well developed and relatively clean, but where you may have a beautiful baroque- or colonial-style building on one side of the road, there may be a tropical-stained murky building on the other, open drainage troughs, crazy wiring, armless and hunchback boys hustling you for your cash… The illogical and uncooperative culture is particularly evident on the roads, which are typically rolling or at a stand still. People honk their horns for no reason, overtake with no care, people go out into the road an expect all traffic to stop and the rickshaw do whatever they want – going the wrong way up a road at night or doing a U-turn in a sixteen lane inter-junction regardless of oncoming traffic. However it does have a certain amount of charm and curiosity.

You can barely walk anywhere in Gulshan without seeing armed/guards or police who carry hefty sub-machine guns and rifles. Some shops have metal detectors and parks are under armed guard. I regularly walked out into the city on my own and didn't seem to draw much attention, even though the only obvious foreigner I ever saw on the streets was a hulking black-man who gust into a shanty convince store for a bottle of water. Walking around will caused you to be hounded by street children, beggars and rickshaw drivers. You will however draw copious amounts of attraction if you walk around with a local girl or girl(s).

There really isn't a whole lot to do entertainment-wise. The locals' lives consist of hanging out at relatives houses; and if they have money going to a lounge (alcohol-free bar) or restaurant. The city is also not friendly for meeting people. There don't appear to be any benches and very few open spaces that aren't full of young boys playing cricket.

Venturing out of the general Gulshan area was not recommended and you will be a screaming target for any criminals. I didn't have any problem, but I was always with someone else.


There are lots of restaurants with cuisine from all over the world. From a simple fast food joint you can get a meal from about $3 and a better restaurant from about $7-10. You can also get food delivered from most of these restaurants by FoodPanda or the local clone, HungryNaki. Delivery is about $0.80. For food, I would recommend getting it delivered via the sites Chaldal or MeenaClick. They are a bit flaky: Chaldal for not sending items and not removing them from the bill and MeenaClick for being slow. Order in the morning or night before for delivery at night for best results. Delivery is free or negligible.


[Image: 1489398262bus-stand.jpg]
[Image: 34434_847716028263_754106_n.jpg]
[Image: Rickshwa+--12.bmp]
The cheapest way to get around is rickshaw, whose market price seems to be about 10-15 taka per kilometer. Most can't speak English or very little, so the best way to deal with them is just give them something based on the above. Rickshaws are everywhere and are easily hailed if they don't try and hail you. This is the best way to get around if traveling a short distance.

There are also CNGs (auto-rickshaws), which are a bit more expensive.

For longer distances use Uber; and try and have some good change as they often don't or at least say they don't.

Avoid using busses, which typically look like they've been attacked for a few months with a toffee hammer before being driven along a wall and maybe with the windshields and lights smashes out.

The traffic is slow and it will take you about 3-5 hours to cross the city.

Night Life

There are not many places that serve alcohol or offer what you would think of as night life, but you have the following:

Raddisson Hotel: This is less than 1 mile from the airport.

Westin: In Gulshan.

La Diplomat: No women.

American Recreation Club: Likely to be 100% foreign and has an admission fee. There are also lots of clubs for various other major nations like the UK and The Netherlands, if you should find the need to fall back on Western talent.

The Girls (middle class) have a lot of good qualities. There is not much of a future for a woman in Bangladesh if she doesn't marry. So the notion of a ONS is not really known. However, the middle class seem to be highly Westernised in many ways. The society is moving away from arranged marriages to boyfriend-girlfriend and “love marriage”. As long as a girl is not wearing some sort of yashmak, she's probably going to have sex with her boy friend.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
One one the right is very typical of girls putting in effort
In the case of the [90% majority] of Muslims (if we are talking about the middle class), adherence is low. Most aren't praying or going to the mosque and it's the same sort of lines you will get from nominal Christians who are keen to make out their attachment to the religion, but really aren't. Most boys seem they would be happier with a fresh-pressed Ben Sherman and enough bandwidth to squeeze a video down from; and girls are more interested in the latest Taylor Swift and being swooped away by a galant gent. In relation to talking about Islam, they are quick to distance themselves from virtually any other Muslim country and say things such as “We are not pure Muslim” or “We're not full Muslims”. Indeed, if you looked around you would think you are in the majority-Hindu state, West Bengal in India. As beyond a few older blokes doddling about in their bin Laden-ware, most young guys are shaved, in shirts and trousers and most girls wear varying degrees of tightness variants of the Bengali dress, the Saree. Informing my girl that I thought that Islam was one of the worst things in the world didn't stop her from telling me I need to put it in her the second time I met her.

On the mental front girls are very sweet, feminine and dreamy. They are very soft, want to hug and spend all day with you. You'll also probably find they desire to cook and clean for you and be more of a traditional wife. This goes beyond what I've witnesses or read about in other areas where women are very feminine. Like others in South Asia, they long for a good husband who will be faithful and kind. But unlike the likes of Pinoy and Thai who will say this and then choose the bad boy, Bengali girls are not likely to do that. The culture doesn't really allow them to and the consequences of choosing bad man are well known to them. This doesn't in any way mean they will be good wives as their stimuli prompts them to be like this. Girls are forthright in saying they want the above quality and say they are the most important, but really they are not as these middle-class girls aren't prepared to trade down socio-economically. But they are strong desires. You will see plenty of men with women you would generally consider way out of their league. They are however very interested in marrying foreign men, as like SEA women they have made the assumption from watching TV, films and listening to music that men in The West treat women a lot better than their men. This was displayed to me multiple times, even by men.

As with other darker countries (Bengali can be very dark) there is a desire for lighter women. Women who try and make themselves attractive will make themselves so white they could pass as South European and even North European. They won't openly admit why they do this – they will say skin colour is not important, but indirectly you can tell they fetishise light skin and green/blue eyes. The more attractive girls will often wear green contact lenses.

For them, getting into relationships revolves a lot around their family. Most people live with their family, if not 1st degree, then cousins. And spend most of their time with family. Most of their friends are their cousins. So a girl will typically meet a boy via the family circle.

The difference of age between men and women at marriage is one of the highest in the world, at almost eight years difference. Girls are on the market at 18, while boys are expected to show their worst and enter the market around 26-27.

On the physical front, a good number of young girls are in decent shape and can hold their own against girls from others countries. They can come across very dainty, feminine, agreeable, with a hint of mystery. But this declines rapidly. I didn't see any MILFs and the lipids quickly start piling on. The idea of going to the gym as the religion it has become in The West is quite new.

As above, they like to make themselves look white and even manage to pull this off with their limbs. I don't think there are any girls in the country who could really be mistaken for European without makeup.

Not many girls wear Western-style clothing, but many younger girls wear modernised Sarees, which can look quite striking.

Attractive, young dancing Hindu Bengalis
Diseases and Weather

Bangladesh is part of the belt of South Asian countries with high rates of serious diseases. Dhaka has more mosquitoes than any other city I have been to, so precaution should be taken, like not opening windows.

Make sure you get a place with AC, as the weather is the most oppressive I have ever witnessed. I've been to many hot places and they were never anything other than hot, but the level of water in the air in Bangladesh is shocking. It makes a lot of people ill, particularly low blood pressure.


There are two options that seem best: 1) go to the spots I mentioned above; or 2) pipeline. I saw there are some Bangladeshi profile on online dating/marriages sites, but the route I took was just looking for Westernised-looking girls on Facebook and adding them. Beyond that I don't know if you'd have too much luck with approaching. You might be able to in an lounge or restaurant or similar venue, but only if they are not with older relatives. It's pretty common for boys to flat out ask girls to either be their girlfriend or marry them. Some boys will ask to marry a girl after talking to her for an hour. But this is done from the context of social circles.

It's quite easy to get talking to some local, young men, who may be a good way to insert yourself into a social circle.

On the streets, you'll find very few women other than between about 5 and 9 PM.

Places to Go

Old Town

Cox's Bazzar: This is the longest beach in the world, accessible by a 1 hour flight from Dhaka. Book this via Biman Air. A return flight is about $90.

[Image: env.JPG]
You can get a boat to St Martin's Island for about $6 (return), which has the best beaches in Bangladesh:

[Image: Beauty-Saint-Martins-Island-A-Tropical-C...ladesh.jpg]

[Image: 0e1fde2adeb3ecf464a5f6883a9a5170--weddin...edding.jpg]
Middle-class+ typical marriage dress
If you are looking for an uber-feminine, traditional wife, Bangladesh is a hidden gem. My concerns would be you are going to lower the SMV of your male spawn in the global marketplace and the preponderancy to put on weight. Though I think it highly likely you could get her to maintain an exercise regime as they value keeping you happy.

As a bang destination it's probably going to be tough, but I'd be interested to hear from anyone who tried their luck in the two hotels/night clubs above.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

I would say don't Bang-ladesh.

I strongly recommend against it.

Thread title made it worth the click though and appreciate the extensive data sheet. It's not wrong; just that your ROI is extremely low.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Great sheet, now I wanna visit.
How hard is it to get a visa for a westerner?

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

The main reason I want to visit Dhaka is to experience the world’s highest population density. It’s way higher than any other city. Im guessing its probably pretty depressing to experience?

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Bangladesh wasn't on my radar for wife shopping, even though I've been considering a number of places outside of the United States. Thank you for the extensive write-up. I'm going to cross-post a link to it in the Wife Shopping Abroad master thread. Repped for this datasheet and your insights via PM.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan (basically the Indian subcontinent) are countries where the native women look very bad, but the immigrants from those countries can look very nice.

It must be the living conditions in those countries which make them look so bad.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

I think it was the density that made me feel unsafe. I'm sure there are more posh neighborhoods. I was downtown Dhaka, and as someone experienced in developing countries (I've spent 1/3 the year in Guatemala the last three years), Dhaka is a step below that. So many people, so third worldish, I didn't feel safe staying at the regular hotel in downtown. You would be the only foreigner in sight, beggars abound for you, and no quality restaurants, and I wouldn't feel safe not being rushed in the hotel at night or leaving my belongings aside from me. But that was my experience and where I stayed. Maybe a better neighborhood next time

I stayed at the Radisson the night before I left. ~240 US for a room. The Radisson is baller there

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Quote: (10-07-2017 05:20 PM)Selembao Wrote:  

Great sheet, now I wanna visit.
How hard is it to get a visa for a westerner?

They have visa on arrival for most/all Westerners:

Check on other sites for more reliable data. Mine was 30 days visa on arrival. I was told it was very easy to renew a visa, but the process is a bit flaky and slow.

Also I forgot to mention that the immigration control want to see an onward flight and the address of where you are staying.

Quote: (10-07-2017 10:00 PM)Travel Museums Wrote:  

The main reason I want to visit Dhaka is to experience the world’s highest population density. It’s way higher than any other city. Im guessing its probably pretty depressing to experience?

The population density is highest in the poor areas. In the developed areas the pavements/sidewalks aren't that busy, other than the main intersection in Gulshan, which is heaving.

Quote: (10-07-2017 10:25 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Bangladesh wasn't on my radar for wife shopping, even though I've been considering a number of places outside of the United States.

I still think you are right that Vietnam is the top destination for stable, conservative wife material. But if you prefer really girly and feminine over the more industrious Vietnamese, it is worth consideration.

Quote: (10-08-2017 06:10 AM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan (basically the Indian subcontinent) are countries where the native women look very bad, but the immigrants from those countries can look very nice.
It must be the living conditions in those countries which make them look so bad.

Yes, in these countries there are only about 1-2% of people you could consider middle class. No one else is worth consideration. A Bangladeshi model, no doubt heavily Photoshoped and painted:

[Image: aeNBYxb_700b.jpg]

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Great sheet, Bangladesh has always fascinated me. It's a part of South Asia that almost no one knows about -- Pakistan and India are frequently in the news, Nepal is famous for the Himalayas, but Bangladesh seems extremely poorly understood by most people in the west. It has a pretty interesting history -- it used to be East Pakistan -- Pakistan was composed of two giant territories separated from each other by the entirety of India. Bangladesh broke away in a horrific civil war since the west Pakistanis were racist as fuck and basically disenfranchised the Bengalis. It was a crazy situation, Bengali women were herded into concentration camps to get gang-raped by Pakistani soldiers, and the war ended with the Pakistanis murdering almost every intellectual in the capital of Dhaka.

Bengali women are beautiful, some of the best looking in India. And yes it is the living conditions that make people there uglier. The food will keep you alive for a long time, but it produces either skinny-fat or emaciated physiques. The heat out there is also ridiculous, it's impossible to stay outside for more than an hour. I'm from South India which is pretty hot, Bangladesh might be even worse.

I think the country has some interesting sights, however. It has the Sundarbans Reserve, which has one of the highest concentrations of tigers on the planet. It has some stunning beaches and tea plantations as well. I don't think it's super dangerous either, most South Asian cities are fairly safe for foreigners. With the exception of places like Karachi or Patna in Bihar (kidnapping central), the worst you can expect is getting sick or getting ripped off.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Great datasheet, but did you bang?

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Quote: (10-10-2017 07:42 AM)glugger Wrote:  

Great datasheet, but did you bang?

Yes, on the second meeting; had been in contact for six weeks prior. They were a 20 yo virgin who hadn't cum before, probably due to the lack of knowledge of such things in that society. She did say that she asked her married friends and friends with boyfriends about sex.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Quote: (10-10-2017 07:42 AM)glugger Wrote:  

Great datasheet, but did you bang?

Did you read?

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

I enjoyed your datasheet. I probably won't be Bang-ladeshing any time soon, but its always interesting to hear about a new place that isn't written about a million times over.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

I’m going back. I forgot to give Gework his props for an outstanding thread. I chickened our last time I was there, flew in for a day or two than went back to Malaysia. But, I’m ready for it this time.

I can get there cheaply. Frisco to Bangkok to Dhaka. Need to spend a good three weeks at least. Do some of the popular Airbnb’s with the reputable hosts. May travel around the country to Chittagong or Sylhet if Dhaka too intense.

I just wonder how exactly dangerous it is to go around Dhaka, on foot out of Gulshan. The environment creeped me out last time.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Interesting write up, but it doesn't address the most important question: why the fuck would you want to go there?

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Has anyone been to Sri Lanka? This is really off the beaten track, and I have the idea that it's less grimy and crowded than other South Asian nations (I could be wrong). 70% Buddhist, not Hindu or Muslim. Great food too from what I've experienced overseas.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Tourism rocketing in Sri Lanka, now that the dust has settled from the war.

Maybe the best country I have been to in a long time; fantastic people, great nature, surfing, tea plantations.

I recommend spending more time in the centre of the country than the beach towns, it's magical.

As for minge, you're better concentrating on the tourists, although most of them are coupled up. Definitely a good place to take a woman than to chase.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

I've heard there's a decent kitesurfing scene in Sri Lanka and a few companies manufacture their kites there. I've never been.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Never been to Sri Lanka but it's entered my radar. I've seen some nomad reports from down there and it sounds very encouraging, perhaps an untapped market for both girls and tourism in the country. Couple big pros I hear for it are that the internet is supposedly great to work with and that there's a lot of open land beach towns with decent housing set-ups. Main cons seem to be that it can be tougher to get daily convenience items and that the girls don't seem to look the best based on dating site photos. I think it's also a very conservative country.

To the topic at hand in the thread, great datasheet by gework and I thank him for the report on a not so commonly discussed country here. However, it hasn't really changed my mind in thinking that I really have zero desire to visit the country.

As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.

2018 New Orleans Datasheet
New Jersey State Datasheet

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

I’d picture Sri Lanka as less hectic. Part of the allure of Dhaka for some is the sheer density as the most dense capital metro

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Quote: (02-19-2019 10:24 PM)LoveBug Wrote:  

I just wonder how exactly dangerous it is to go around Dhaka, on foot out of Gulshan. The environment creeped me out last time.

If you want to meet a girl, find one off Facebook, Interpals or a dating site before you go. Not going to be easy otherwise.

I don't know why I didn't realise it before I went, but Bangladesh is a pretty stupid place to go to meet a girl. If the family don't want to kill you, some bin Laden will.

Quote: (02-20-2019 02:02 AM)J-Roc Wrote:  

Interesting write up, but it doesn't address the most important question: why the fuck would you want to go there?

Same answer to the reason for the travel section: hot girl(s).

It's still my favourite place I've been for that reason; and the place I have the strongest desire to go back to. Not so much for the appearance of the girls; though that can be good:

[Image: 93efa6b99d7cf3b05ca0d47623f3b8af.jpg]

But more for the pure femininity, unadultered by feminism. Still don't know how to best describe it. But it's more than you'll find in Indonesia. If you've seen Bollywood films with the girl dancing and giggling from behind their hands, comfortable in their role as a woman with woman's traits. You will have all that directed to you and be made to fell as if you are the best, most important thing in the world. I've never been looked at like this before or since. Modern, masculinised women are not capable.

Sex is completely different with these girls and will leave you strafing off Olympic-level loads. The cure for impotence is femininity.

As for the city. Yes, it's shaky outside of Gulshan. Not that it isn't shaky there. I was recommended to not go out on my own; though I think the worst that is likely to happen, as with anywhere, is you'll be robbed.

I've just come back from Colombia; and Bangladesh is still by far the most risky feeling place I've been to. These lot were kicking off when I was there:


Bang-ladesh Datasheet

I just don't find that cohort attractive.

Like Sri Lanka its an interesting place to visit if you are comfortable with third world, and has some hidden charms. Also very cheap.

As a bang destination, 2/10 would not travel to for bangs again.

Great thread title!

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Quote: (02-20-2019 03:13 PM)gework Wrote:  

As for the city. Yes, it's shaky outside of Gulshan. Not that it isn't shaky there. I was recommended to not go out on my own; though I think the worst that is likely to happen, as with anywhere, is you'll be robbed.

I've just come back from Colombia; and Bangladesh is still by far the most risky feeling place I've been to. These lot were kicking off when I was there:

I did not see a single woman in that video. Perhaps women are prohibited from mingling with the men -- or perhaps women are prohibited from demonstrating.

Want to see a real riot? Parachute a woman into that mob!

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

‘Indigo Traveller’ and ‘Jason Billam’ has some interesting travel footage on foot in Dhaka on YouTube. You’ll certainly stick out, but they made it out alive.

Bang-ladesh Datasheet

Quote: (02-20-2019 07:24 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

I did not see a single woman in that video. Perhaps women are prohibited from mingling with the men -- or perhaps women are prohibited from demonstrating.

Women are allowed out, and on their own, but they are only really seen at certain hours. One of them is at night. Most of them are wearing the pre-Islamic Banglai style of clothing; as the burka lot are probably locked up. Then most guys are in trousers and checked-shirts, attempting to look very sharp.

From what I can tell, the majority of the upper class are normal and are quite quick to go out of their way to say they're not into the madness; and distance themselves from the likes of Saudi and Pakistan. I was talking about welfare with the apparent owner and he was very quick to say he was against polygamy and burkas. His cousin who lived in The Gulf was freely talking about all the gay sex that the men get up to there. And they started slagging off Pakistan before I had the chance. Not popular there after they genocide raped half a million woman.

The girl I met there would say "We're not full Muslim." or "We're not real Muslim. We're Bangali."

Some of their better girls:

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