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I believe my current blockade is one that is ironic. My chivalry. I grew up in a single mother household with my grandfather being sort of my father figure for some of my childhood. I was raised to respect women and to be decent to them. Open the door for them, kiss the back of their hands, pay for their meals. But something changed and at first I was wondering why women were taking what we do for granted when we're putting them in dresses and taking them out to places. After some intense studying, I came to realize that a culture shift changed...and it was women who did it, funnily enough.

My question is: why did women want chivalry dead and how do I transform my definition of it to a version that works today? Everytime I go out, I'm thinking I'm being the nice guy, but I get so many signals that there's something else a woman wants from me and it's not me being nice. Of course, I'm aware of the rules of touching, ramping up, but women are not logical creatures, and they have double standards that make you misread them all the time.

Is Dave Chapelle right? I know this is an overloaded question, but these are just the thoughts of someone still young.



[Image: 5b1.gif]

To answer your question, women don't know what they want. They didn't want "equality" but they were told they did so they fought tooth and nail until nice guys gave it to them.

So, if you have natural chivalry, read chivalrous codes. Protecting women is a very limited thing, mostly because they have men already protecting them, so they have no need of a knight-errant. For example:

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.


Quote: (09-15-2017 05:31 PM)YoungBlade Wrote:  

[Image: 5b1.gif]
lol I saw this coming a mile away. I knew I sounded like a white knight. I don't want to be that guy.


Nature is amoral.

Men get the short end of the stick in the sense that we're supposed to be expendable cannon-fodder. Sort of like walking sperm. Women get the short end of the stick in the sense that they evolved to be submissive baby-factories awarded to a guy who is not the noblest or most chivalrous but merely the strongest and most aggressive.

On top of that inner-programming, I think both genders want autonomy. But men want autonomy by default. Women are always in conflict between their higher-order brain functions desiring autonomy/independence and their guilty pleasures of being passively "taken" or swept off her feet, your rape or princess fantasies and what not.

Moral of the story is that humanity is evolution that sort of got arrested in mid-stream after the dawn of civilization. We're a half-baked species. If we were truly evolved creatures we'd probably be a lot more androgynous and lot less sexually-driven, maybe more elf-like. Then we'd spend more of our time getting shit done instead of constantly hatching up ways to get laid more and women would stop being so neurotic and impulsive.

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