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Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

I have time to travel for 2, maybe 3 weeks, very soon. I've been looking into Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic. However, I have never been to Latin America before. I have traveled alone to many countries in Asia before. I speak very minimal Spanish and no Portuguese. I am also Asian American

In addition to women, I'm also factoring in Asian male exotic value, safety, cheap prices, cool cultural stuff to do, friendly locals. Scuba diving and nice beaches would also be nice

I've heard Mexican girls give you "the stare" to obviously indicate interest. But otherwise, Spanish is required, most women are fat and ugly other than at cities like Monterrey, and it's boring outside of DF. And the women are the most stuck up in Brazil. And Spanish is absolutely required in Colombia

What do you guys is the best country for someone like me who is asian, doesn't speak any spanish, and is a 1st time traveler to Latin America?

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Quote: (07-31-2017 02:39 PM)kongzi Wrote:  

I've heard Mexican girls give you "the stare" to obviously indicate interest. And the women are the most stuck up in Brazil. And Spanish is absolutely required in Colombia

Haha. Where did you read that bullshit from?

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Do a search and browse of the travel forum.
I'm fairly sure they have covered the questions you are asking there.

You will need spanish more because you can't pass for someone who is spanish.

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Mexican girls definitely don't give you "the stare".

Mexico is void of tourists outside the beaches so youll really stick out in cities like DF or Guadalajara. However they are fat and english levels i'd say might be lower then Bogota.

Buenos Aires is better if you want to stick with english. Even though there are some upper class women who speak english in Latin America. Learning Spanish will make your life much easier and give you an upper hand with girls who arent fluent.

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Guadalajara as a first-time visitor to Latin America? Ehh...

Anyway, I'll echo the sentiment that you either need to learn Spanish or meetup with people who do. Either that or just hang out in a place like Playa del Carmen where you can get away with English only for the most part.

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

ok, my chances with women drop dramatically without Spanish. I don't have the time to brush up on my Spanish, so I'll have to forget about women during this trip

Do you guys have any recommendations for places that have cool stuff to do and see that have nothing to do with gaming women?

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Kongzi, why don't you do some basic reading on the destinations you listed as well as Latin America as a whole?

If you have never been to these areas is it not worth at least an afternoon at Barnes & Noble reading up on the basics? Even if I had three dozen detailed posts telling me what to do I would still want to do that.

There is everything from tropical beaches, to the driest deserts on Earth, mountain peaks, ancient indio cities, European-like metropolises... it is just about the most varied collection of countries and cities you could find- and you are saying "tell me where to go".

Only you know what interests you. Find out what some of these countries have to offer, learn a little bit about these areas. Then, if you have narrowed things down to a couple choices based on your preferences, come back and ask more specific questions.

Americans are dreamers too

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

You mentioned scuba diving and nice beaches so I recommend Cancun and surrounding areas (Playa Del Carmen, Cozumel, etc) as well as the Caribbean coast of Colombia (Santa Marta, Taganga, Barranquilla, Cartagena). Both places are easy to reach from the US and have tons of interesting things to do.

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Latin America first-timer with zero Spanish? Lima is calling your name. Lots of English speakers in the 6-7 range who love foreigners - although lighter skin does better.

Plus, there's enough tourism and cultural stuff to do in Peru, too. Machu Pichu is a must and Peruvian food is solid.

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

I would vouch for Peru . The girls tend to be patient if your Spanish isnt too great and are more open to one night stands than girls in say Mexico or Colombia. When I was there it was common to be approached by girls whereas in other Latin American countries I usually had to approach (which requires some Spanish if you want any success). Saying that I would not specifically go to Peru for the women as you will probably be disappointed. Mexico could also be a good shout but its one of them places that you can only really get the most out of if you live there for a number of months. I knew a few asian guys there that had decent girlfriends and I think Mexican girls are pretty open to any race, I also saw a few nice looking peruanas with asian boyfriends.

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Quote: (08-01-2017 11:32 AM)Tiguere Wrote:  

Latin America first-timer with zero Spanish? Lima is calling your name. Lots of English speakers in the 6-7 range who love foreigners - although lighter skin does better.

Plus, there's enough tourism and cultural stuff to do in Peru, too. Machu Pichu is a must and Peruvian food is solid.

From what I've gathered, it seems the women in Peru mostly only like white foreigners.

As for Machu Pichu, it doesn't seem terribly interesting to me. I'd rather head to a beach.

Colombia and Brazil appealed to me because I want to meet fun, energetic, friendly, outgoing locals who are easy to make friends with. I was thinking Cartagena, Barranquilla, and Santa Marta might be worth the trip as I can experience the local culture, meet people, and head to the beaches

Is it not worth it if my Spanish is minimal? Even in Bogota and Medellin? I should still head to Lima?


Mexico could also be a good shout but its one of them places that you can only really get the most out of if you live there for a number of months. I knew a few asian guys there that had decent girlfriends and I think Mexican girls are pretty open to any race, I also saw a few nice looking peruanas with asian boyfriends.

Colombia and Brazil appealed to me because I want to meet fun, energetic, friendly, outgoing locals who are easy to make friends with. Could I meet people like that in Playa del Carmen? It doesn't sound possible in cities like DF and Monterrey

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?


the Caribbean coast of Colombia (Santa Marta, Taganga, Barranquilla, Cartagena)

Yes, that area seems good to me as I'd get to experience the fun, outgoing culture of Colombia while also being close to the beaches. But wouldn't it be much less fun if I can't speak Spanish? Would the locals be more fun and easier to make friends with if I headed to Chile or Peru instead?

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

I wrote most of this as a response in another thread before reading some of kongzi's older threads and comments. I'm posting here because I think the best thing to do is help kongzi with his unique circumstances in a single thread.

Read this and this to understand the context of my comments.

Unfortunately kongzi has unrealistic expectations. It's possible to bang an attractive "non-gringo seeking girl" in a Latin American country without speaking Spanish but it's not easy for most guys. Guys who can do this during a short trip will probably have a few or most of these attributes - tall, attractive, game (especially night game), dancing skills, logistics.

Quote: (08-05-2017 05:20 PM)kongzi Wrote:  

I plan to stay around 5 days. I'm looking to party, meet people, have fun, and also experience a new culture.
5 days is a very short time. 5 weeks would be a much better trip for a newb. Latinas are flaky. Don't expect to see the same girl more than once during a 5 day trip.

Quote: (08-05-2017 05:20 PM)kongzi Wrote:  

If I listen to the Pimsleur recordings this week, I believe I can understand most of the recordings by the time I arrive in Bogota. Is that enough to possibly score with the non-gringo-seeking girls (I assume those gringo hunters are lower quality as foreign women usually are uglier the better their English levels)? Are there a decent number of quality non-gringo seeking girls who can speak English?
There is a big difference between knowing zero Spanish and having 100 to 200 hours of focused Spanish practice. You might not be able to speak Spanish but it's much easier to bullshit your way through a conversation with 100 to 200 hours of practice and Google Translate on your phone.

There are plenty of ugly girls who speak English and plenty of hot girls who don't speak any English, however, if there was any correlation between attractiveness and ability to speak English then it would be the opposite of what you stated. Higher class girls who went to better schools and universities are more likely to speak English and more likely to be attractive.

Quote: (07-31-2017 02:39 PM)kongzi Wrote:  

In addition to women, I'm also factoring in Asian male exotic value, safety, cheap prices, cool cultural stuff to do, friendly locals. Scuba diving and nice beaches would also be nice.
You are factoring in too many things. This is typical of an analytical guy who doesn't do well with women. Unless you've made some major changes since 2014 when you analyzed Monterrey vs Guadalajara but never took the trip, then you need to simplify as much as possible.

I think forums and blogs can be misleading to a lot of guys. There are many guys who travel and do well with girls but these guys have some combination of attractiveness, youth, game, travel experience, language skills and logistics. They might not have all of those but they always have some of them.

The stories you read on the Internet are the top 10% stories. The stories you don't read are how guys don't do well, get gamed by girls for their money, get robbed, etc. I'm not trying to discourage anyone from traveling but I meet a lot of guys traveling who aren't doing well with women or have unrealistic expectations from lurking manosphere websites.

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