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Using money and other ways to improve the quality of my game

Using money and other ways to improve the quality of my game

^What are your thoughts on Scottie Pippen?

His wife and mother of his 4 kids had a fling with rap star Future.

He has money and is rich. Yet, he took her back and bought her a big ring too boot. So much for fame, no good if you don't have game.

Sticking with the Future theme.

His baby momma Ciara got married to NFL player Russell Wilson. He makes millions and is one of the highest paid players in the league.

Why would he marry a woman with a kid already? Couldn't he have any chick in the world?

Fame and Money only last so long, when they are gone so is your woman.

Having game can last you a lifetime.

Derek Jeter is famous for banging hookers.

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Using money and other ways to improve the quality of my game

Quote: (06-14-2017 07:13 AM)crdr Wrote:  

What are your guys thoughts on Derek Jeter? He's a 42 year old rich guy married to a 28 year old model. Who was a notorious Slayer of 10s in his youth in New York. Could our 25 year old wage slave Playboy with great game and no money hold a candle to him or not? Or is he just good looking...or just location...or 1 out of a million Status.

I have a feeling he could if somehow he got passed the gates... Money doesn't matter once you're passed the gates.

Could the 25 year old wage slave Playboy have a career of banging models as long as Derek Jeter? It seems that's all Jeter knows how to do and has been rich
and free his whole life.

Does money help with Game? Could Derek Jeter fuck Jessica Alba and women who look like her on a consistent basis and marry a woman 14 years younger than him without a MLB Contract?

The thing about Derek Jeter is he built an image for himself as a fashion model slayer. If you have that image, it just feeds into him getting even more fashion models. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

A young wage slave could build the same image. Only problem is that fame is the big separator in success here. Jeter can do this all on a scale your Average Joe cannot because he is famous.

When the knowledge that Jeter is a slayer of fashion models is blasted over the radio and TV, how can the hometown hero beat that as far as locking down the best women go?


Would you be a 25 Year Old Wage Slave Playboy or a Billionaire Businessman Beta? Personally I would be neither...

The 25 year old has one thing that the billionaire probably doesn't, youth. Youth is more valuable than anything because it gives you time, so I would rather be young and poor than rich and old.

Using money and other ways to improve the quality of my game

Quote: (06-14-2017 09:02 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^What are your thoughts on Scottie Pippen?

His wife and mother of his 4 kids had a fling with rap star Future.

He has money and is rich. Yet, he took her back and bought her a big ring too boot. So much for fame, no good if you don't have game.

Sticking with the Future theme.

His baby momma Ciara got married to NFL player Russell Wilson. He makes millions and is one of the highest paid players in the league.

Why would he marry a woman with a kid already? Couldn't he have any chick in the world?

Fame and Money only last so long, when they are gone so is your woman.

Having game can last you a lifetime.

Derek Jeter is famous for banging hookers.

"So much for fame if you have no game." haha.

I am not scared of being seen as a hypocrite. I am very aware of this.

But my stance is having Money AND Game. If I had to choose one. I agree with all you guys' points of view.

Game is fundamental to Male Happiness.

Agree. I don't get surprised by these Betas masquerading as Alphas any more.
Especially in Hollywood or Big League Sports, etc.

Also, these men are notorious for getting divorce raped.

Russell Wilson is a Loser. Disgraceful how he calls himself a Christian.
Of all the young chicks. Paul McCartney picked and got divorce raped by a One-Legged Woman
Having Game will last you a lifetime. It will always be envied.

I also agree that too many guys work way too hard in the hopes that a woman will be waiting there at the end of the tunnel. I am glad I learned this while I'm young.

I really understand the Tick-Tock midlife crisis now. I think it's very tough to have a mid life crisis if your game is tight. Lack of Game may be the root cause of MidLife Crisis in the first place.

The Man-Media really does a number on myself and the masses.
You listen to Howard Stern talk all tough and macho yet he's been married his whole career.
I stopped listening to Tom Leykis. He has gotten awfully bitter in his old age and his listeners seem to only talk about bitterness toward women and loving money. It's borderline MGTOW.

I am Pro-Game. I am one of Game's biggest supporters. This is why I am here. I respect all your guys' points of view.

The idea I'm trying to convey here is that. The process to making good money is the same process of having good game. Many ignore this truth.
There is a beautiful balance once you find it. I rather teach a guy with Game how to make money than teach a guy who is good with money, and no game. Yes, where I live. These big oil nerds have zero back bone.

With money being a means to an end. You can expand your Game by worldwide travel. Which seems to be the Chief goal of this entire Forum.
The majority of people put Money on a Pedestal hoping and wishing that it will grant them everything they want when they get it. This is a media mind controlling Fallacy.

Using money and other ways to improve the quality of my game

Quote: (06-13-2017 09:33 PM)BossOfBosses Wrote:  

Quote: (06-13-2017 07:33 PM)Ultimate Wingman Wrote:  

Before the 2007 subprime crisis, I was making decent bank (5 figures a month) but my game was weak as hell. I would pay for expensive dinners, have nice clothes (these are necessarily bad) but I would DEPEND ON IT and had very few dates. Contrast this to after the economic crisis, I've living on the floor of a relative, and I'm killing it in day game, getting multiple instadates, paying little no money at all on cheap ass yet interesting dates and the girls are enjoying spending time with me more! I end up getting into a long term relationship but that's another story.

Point being, money is a tool but should not be used as the crutch.

I think race factors into this as well. I read a study somewhere where white women only considered dating black and asian men who made over 150k, but white men only needed to make 60k to be considered a prospect.

This issue is a a lot more multi-layered and complex than simply "just have confidence bro!" or "money is a crutch". The effective use of money depends heavily on your particular circumstances. I think a black guy will benefit much more and gain much more ground from having money than a fit, normal, decent looking 29 year old white guy with a middle class job.

I know for a fact sites like SA exist because money works. And I (being a black dude) did a hell of a lot better on SA than any dating site I've ever been on (outside of night game).

Which is one of the main reasons why I disagree with so many on this thread.

I am black and I do very well with professional women. Money is not a topic of subject. Back to rudebwoy's point from a similar thread. They have their own cars and places and such. I think even bringing up the topic of money or even personal accomplishments is a huge turn off to a woman who would have probably fucked you if you weren't so insecure in your wallet.

Yes, I think the height of game is banging chicks when you have no money. But, I'm much more pragmatic that I operate as if I'm broke with money in my bank account.

Using money and other ways to improve the quality of my game

Quote: (06-14-2017 09:02 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^What are your thoughts on Scottie Pippen?

His wife and mother of his 4 kids had a fling with rap star Future.

He has money and is rich. Yet, he took her back and bought her a big ring too boot. So much for fame, no good if you don't have game.

Sticking with the Future theme.

His baby momma Ciara got married to NFL player Russell Wilson. He makes millions and is one of the highest paid players in the league.

Why would he marry a woman with a kid already? Couldn't he have any chick in the world?

Fame and Money only last so long, when they are gone so is your woman.

Having game can last you a lifetime.

Derek Jeter is famous for banging hookers.

We talking rational vs emotional thinking and then everything light up... 4 kids with her and you don't love that bitch ?
She know your weak points, how to make you cum, when she give you that look you know it's gonna be all sweat and other body fluids mixed and you think that this dude past his prime as a ball player (not every kids know who he is) is going to go back chasing other broads and reeducate them ?
Dude think that his name and past fame were shielding his bitch against scoundrel, just got what he deserved IMO.

Money ain't shit but a facilitator, if you use it to game it become a concrete block at your feet when you swim in that gold digging candiru filled ocean.
Future seems to know how to play with women in a way that make their panties wet and he got the will to use it to amp up the publicity around his name.
If he did it only with one bitch I would say that he's some lucky player but dude might be some cold ass women's brain slayer, he knows women's psychology because dropping that bitch even with his kid in her belly I'm ready to bet that she is gonna marry the other simp and come back sucking on his baby daddy's dick in no time.

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

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