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Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Since there's been a minor derail into Sikh courage, here's a very cool, and little known about Sikh action, the Battle of Saragarhi, where 21 Sikhs fought a heroic last stand against 10,000 Pashtun - killing some 600 of them. All of them were subsequently awarded the Indian order of Merit (equivalent of the VC/MoH).

This is a nice thing to know about if you come into contact with any Sikhs. I've never come across a practicing Sikh who was unaware of this battle, as it is a seminal moment in a proud and warlike people's history. It may be useful to some of you at some point, in earning their warmth and affection:

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-26-2017 05:03 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

I don't about you guys, but Queen seems to be pure evil to me. Icke talked about her being a space lizard in the past and shiet, but putting that conspiracy theory aside; she does seem like a cold blooded, hard skinned psychopath that only has outward appearance of a frail old lady.

First the attack was used to promote "multiculturalism" and Islam and globalist propaganda and how WE should be the tolerant ones (LMAO). Yesterday it was used to promote feudalism and the stench of monarchy. The news was full of "look how wonderful the Queen is shaking hands with you proles". Its pathetic.

PS re Arianna Grande, I always felt she looked like a 12 yr old, esp with those silly rabbit ear things.
I remember drilling this skinny Hungarian girl once. Gorgeous raven haired one. As they often are from E Europe. I flipped her over to go from behind. Which meant I noticed her tiny waist, but not the tits etc. Suddenly I said to myself "fucking hell she looks like a kid". ARRRRRRRRRRR.Pretty quickly I had to get a picture of someone else in my head.. otherwise it would be all systems stop. I'd be worried something like that might happen if I was slamming Grande.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

When I see leftists on social media using Sikhs to promote globalism, anti-racism, and/or immigration, I usually reply with something like, "The Sikhs are definitely a based warrior tribe and that helps make them a benefit to the societies in which they live. Unfortunately, however, they suffered greatly from Muslim depredations during the partition of India, including rape, robbery, and murder. They're probably the most aware of anyone at the dangers of immigration from Islamic countries."

Whenever I say that, the leftists go silent.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

[Image: 1495745198709.jpg]

Quote: (05-25-2017 05:49 PM)amity Wrote:  

Am I the only person in the thread who doesn't think she's all that?
Not feeling that face at all, very very far from beautiful, and her head is shaped like an ellipse.
For someone who must have armies of stylists and make-up people looking after her, and still she's nothing special.

You're not the only one.

Pointy Elbows. WNB.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

[Image: DArxKcwWAAE2l6x.jpg]

By the way - they already arrested the entire male family of the perp:
[Image: DAqfmvpXkAAWDwt.jpg]

In my opinion they should also jail for life all the women, the entire extended family, all close friends - everyone.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

For anyone who doesn't know why Sikhs hate muslims.


Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

This is very funny. Thousands of sjws are queuing up to get a bee tattoo, which is apparently the hallmark of the righteous, and a symbol of unity and strength. This is a quite spectacular orgy of virtue signalling. Ye shall know them by their fruity symbols.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

^Arent they culturally appropiating bee racial self identifying images?

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-26-2017 12:37 PM)H1N1 Wrote:

This is very funny. Thousands of sjws are queuing up to get a bee tattoo, which is apparently the hallmark of the righteous, and a symbol of unity and strength. This is a quite spectacular orgy of virtue signalling. Ye shall know them by their fruity symbols.

[Image: _96225013_mediaitem96225012.jpg]

Mostly brainwashed women of course who are lining up for that bullshit.

I think this is more fitting of the actual representation of the brainwashed Hiveminders:

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

A lot of men in here saying "Things will not change," and yet it seems to me this attack had a major impact that got lots of big lefties (like Morrissey) even questioning the immigration status quo. This is a big deal, people are very angry over this.

Law enforcement also starting to do their jobs again:


Notice they use a picture of a semi-'nonwhite' man:


This is because they want both Whites and Non-Whites to participate, so they use a skin tone that straddles a mixed race in order for everyone to identify with.

Teresa May has called on lowering immigration to Britain down to no more than 100K per year, down from 250K (she made these calls before the attacks). This is a move in the right direction, but this number needs to approach zero within the next 10 years if Britain is to even have a chance at stopping the Islamization of their country.

Things are looking bad for Britain, but since they left the EU I would not say they have lost the game yet. They may be behind a few touchdowns but they can still win with some big plays. It's never over till it's over.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-26-2017 01:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

A lot of men in here saying "Things will not change," and yet it seems to me this attack had a major impact that got lots of big lefties (like Morrissey) even questioning the immigration status quo. This is a big deal, people are very angry over this.

Morrissey isn't a lefty in the way we view leftism on this forum (cultural marxism). He's left leaning economically, but he's long spoke out against immigration, cultural dilution as a result of it etc. Like me, he holds some left leaning views economically, but is right wing culturally—or at least it would appear so.

My favourite recently of people who would probably have similar economic/cultural views is the boxer Tony Bellew...who doesn't hold back in this interview. It's funny too, because he knows full well nobody is going to call him a "racist" or whatever, 'cause he's a 6ft 3 heavyweight boxer, and would thus beat the fuck out of some antifa wimp. And, he's a quarter black if I remember correctly.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-25-2017 03:01 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Of course the neighbors were afraid and didn't report him or his scum friends who probably visited him to converse about killing infidels.
I can perfectly imagine same scenario happening in my village where I live. They would simply buy house here and be surrounded by at least 70 year old neighbors or families with small children.
Would they really be a problem for them? No way they would report anything because of fear, especially if the scum casts angry looks to them every day and make weird gestures.

People need shift in mentality. Not just realizing truth about islam, but also adopting a mentality where they know its "good" to report weird events to police (such as regular meetings of suspicious men) and that they will not be racist or islamophobic because of that. They would simply do their civic duty to ensure safety of him/her and people around them.

I read all the British papers the days after the attack (having far too much time on my hands at the moment). The fact that he was not reported to the authorities would seem to not be true.

Apparently he was not only reported by his neighbours, he was also reported by his fellow college students. They called up a specially set up terrorism hot-line for grassing on people you don't like, sorry, people you suspect of being possible jihadi suicide bombers.

I read accounts of this in at least 3 different articles, and 2 different papers. Mail and Indy iirc.

He pissed his neigbours off by flying an Isis flag. Somebody even took the trouble to film him putting the bins out in his dressing gown. Why? It's been in all the papers again. Terrorist puts bins out in full Arabic dress. It was a fucking onesie you twats. Facepalm. Still, why would a neigbhour do that? Maybe flying the Isis flag from his house wound them up a bit. Probably why they reported him to the police as well.

As for his college student mates, he pissed them off by telling them that he thought there was nothing wrong with suicide bombers. So he rubbed people up the wrong way there too. Allegedly.

This guy was known to the security services but was left to go on his merry way. Red flags all over the place. But their answer to that is to increase the size of the haystack that they search for the needle in by creating even bigger piles of data from the rest of us ordinary citizens. Nonsensical and counter-productive. But it will all come in handy later when they blackmail us for having an opinion about kids being blown to smithereens.

I don't have those sources to hand at the moment, but I definitely read about the fact that people HAD reported him.

Now the police are saying 'hate crimes' have doubled. What the fuck is a hate crime? Is that different to where you stab someone as a 'love crime'? And what the fuck do you expect when you are going to go blowing up young kids? Did you think it would improve race/religious relations?

Not to belittle the enormity of what went on here with this attack, but we are still waiting for the big one on this little island of ours. It's coming. We all know it. Bit by bit they ratchet it up, boiling us little frogs a degree more here, a degree more there.

They are gauging our reactions. It's all just too perfect. So much like clockwork. They observe us, our reactions. They find what they can get away with, what they can't. They find who are those that are prepared to dare speak the unspeakable truth. They put us on lists, then shortlists. Then they monitor us live in real time.

Shame they didn't do that with this fine fellow of Islam though, isn't it.

Shit, I think I might have just committed a 'hate crime' - 'wrong-think' at least.

Anyway, where are the muslim community on this? Where are the marches of 'not in our name'? Where are the collections of donations from all these wonderfully successful muslim business owners? Where the fuck is their outrage? Apart from playing the victim and milking this tragedy for all its worth.

Good job I don't have a job innit? Or my employer would be giving me my marching orders. I'm a bad bastard I know. I don't have a bad bone in my body, I just want to live in peace with all creeds and colours, but I have a problem - I dare to have an opinion and give a fuck. It's people like me that need to be stamped out.

This wasn't meant to be a rant. But you know, sometimes...

I ain't even mad, bro.

Just had to set the record straight on this one.

He was reported to the authorities by more than one group of people. At least according to the daily newspapers. Whether that is true or not is another matter. But it has definitely been claimed.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

UFC fighter Michael Bisping has a similar message:

In the future you will have occasionally terrorists killing kids of men like these.

Those men will not hold a vigil. They will take bloody revenge. This will go on soon enough.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-25-2017 07:00 PM)KC4 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2017 04:40 PM)iop890 Wrote:  


I saw this today and it pisses me off. Remember when the Rotherham rapists were captured. They were called "Asians", lumping together hindus and Sikhs with these monsters. I might be paranoid but I have been seeing this trend for while when the mainstream media tries bind Sikhs and Muslims into one group.

The Sikh community foundation on respect and humanity compared to Islamic one. They might be one of the most well assimilated group you can find and some of the nicest people you'll meet. Go to any Gurdwara and they should offer you a meal free of charge.

This is a fair point. But let us not over romanticize the Sikh community. They have the odd troublemaker here or there, the odd apostate. But by and large, no, they keep their heads down, they are pleasant and amenable, and I can't honestly think of someone I know ever being attacked by one.

They co-exist perfectly fine here with us. Ok, they don't want their daughters marrying us ruffians, but who can blame them, really.

Very close to my home, where I grew up as a kid, they replaced a chapel of worship that had been there for hundreds of years, and turned it in to a Sikh temple. It's a bit dirty, and they have a bloody big advertising boarding on the side that lowers the tone of the place, but such is life. The old days have gone. These days will be gone one day too. But the Sikhs don't commit any crimes that I am aware of. I'd rather have them there in my community than other less savoury types.

I've mentioned it before, but even the most meat-headed racists I know like and get on with the Sikhs. They just don't give anyone a reason to 'hate' them. Make of that what you will. They don't need our approval. They have their own community. They keep themselves to themselves but are always gracious when they integrate with the natives.

What is so difficult to understand about this model of co-existence?

Everyone's happy. No one gives a shit. We all get along. Job done.

But Islam has to fucking over-egg the pudding. Sorry, I'm a terrible terrible person for pointing this out I know. I need to be reprimanded. NAMALT. Forgot.

One day someone will put all of this insanity in to words. I'm trying but failing here. And that is why they want to shut us up. This is not about hate. This is about crushing your humanity so that you obey and concede. It's one thing to respect authority, it's another thing to be a slave.

I'm grasping to make a point, but I'm not sure what it is.

I'm also aware I'm contradicting myself, but we live in a world of insanity so at least I'm being consistent.

I really don't know what to think anymore. But I do know what I am supposed to think. And that is what worries me.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-26-2017 12:37 PM)H1N1 Wrote:

This is very funny. Thousands of sjws are queuing up to get a bee tattoo, which is apparently the hallmark of the righteous, and a symbol of unity and strength. This is a quite spectacular orgy of virtue signalling. Ye shall know them by their fruity symbols.

A very British reaction it would seem, these days.

To which, all I can add, is:

[Image: 8ec9571a77fa29766cf494ff806cf93bb817636c...b6d5aa.jpg]

We have truly entered the realm of the preposterous. To even try to keep up with it all means certain insanity. One needs to become a sort of deep-sea diver: only immerse yourself in this bullshit for certain short periods of time, or else suffer your well-predicted fate.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-26-2017 10:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  


snippety snip

In my opinion they should also jail for life all the women, the entire extended family, all close friends - everyone.

Steady on Zel. That's a bit of an extremist viewpoint. You need to be very careful with this line of reasoning.

The next thing you know, people will be planting bombs in protest and blowing up young kids at pop concerts and terrorizing the greater population at large by proxy. Wait a minute...

Can I get back to you on this one in five?

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-26-2017 01:56 PM)Rigsby Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2017 07:00 PM)KC4 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2017 04:40 PM)iop890 Wrote:  


I saw this today and it pisses me off. Remember when the Rotherham rapists were captured. They were called "Asians", lumping together hindus and Sikhs with these monsters. I might be paranoid but I have been seeing this trend for while when the mainstream media tries bind Sikhs and Muslims into one group.

The Sikh community foundation on respect and humanity compared to Islamic one. They might be one of the most well assimilated group you can find and some of the nicest people you'll meet. Go to any Gurdwara and they should offer you a meal free of charge.

This is a fair point. But let us not over romanticize the Sikh community. They have the odd troublemaker here or there, the odd apostate. But by and large, no, they keep their heads down, they are pleasant and amenable, and I can't honestly think of someone I know ever being attacked by one.

They co-exist perfectly fine here with us. Ok, they don't want their daughters marrying us ruffians, but who can blame them, really.

Very close to my home, where I grew up as a kid, they replaced a chapel of worship that had been there for hundreds of years, and turned it in to a Sikh temple. It's a bit dirty, and they have a bloody big advertising boarding on the side that lowers the tone of the place, but such is life. The old days have gone. These days will be gone one day too. But the Sikhs don't commit any crimes that I am aware of. I'd rather have them there in my community than other less savoury types.

I've mentioned it before, but even the most meat-headed racists I know like and get on with the Sikhs. They just don't give anyone a reason to 'hate' them. Make of that what you will. They don't need our approval. They have their own community. They keep themselves to themselves but are always gracious when they integrate with the natives.

What is so difficult to understand about this model of co-existence?

Everyone's happy. No one gives a shit. We all get along. Job done.

But Islam has to fucking over-egg the pudding. Sorry, I'm a terrible terrible person for pointing this out I know. I need to be reprimanded. NAMALT. Forgot.

One day someone will put all of this insanity in to words. I'm trying but failing here. And that is why they want to shut us up. This is not about hate. This is about crushing your humanity so that you obey and concede. It's one thing to respect authority, it's another thing to be a slave.

I'm grasping to make a point, but I'm not sure what it is.

I'm also aware I'm contradicting myself, but we live in a world of insanity so at least I'm being consistent.

I really don't know what to think anymore. But I do know what I am supposed to think. And that is what worries me.
That's a also a fair point. But alot of westernised Sikhs are more likely to intermarry. A friend of mine is married to a Swedish man. I have a few other ones that are in relationships with Swedish women. So they exist but are few and far between.

But on topic, how many attacks need to happen before people wake up. The Swedish politicians refuse to acknowledge that there is problem. France refuse to believe that their islamic fundamentalists hate them to the core. And by the looks of it the British government want to do the same thing as the Swedish. Hide behind the victims and the term "islamophobia".

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Watch this video from 4:10 to 5:45 - It's rare to hear a Muslim speak the truth:


Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

[Image: Coexist-600a-LI.jpg]

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Interesting meme but I have opinion where there is no radical Islam and moderate one. Guy with the knife is simply muslim, a proper one and the guy on the left in green shirt is not a proper muslim. If he was a proper one, he would have joined the guy with the knife.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-27-2017 02:55 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Interesting meme but I have opinion where there is no radical Islam and moderate one. Guy with the knife is simply muslim, a proper one and the guy on the left in green shirt is not a proper muslim. If he was a proper one, he would have joined the guy with the knife.

Correct - that is why the executed Muslim is a hypocrite and deserves the same punishment as the unbelievers. Radical Islam is just correctly applied Islam, secular or moderate Islam is one where scores of commands left by Mohammed are ignored, thus the ones doing it are traitors.

Also funny list of 6 reasons why ISIS hates Brits - actually any believing Muslim should do so to:


1. Because you are disbelievers
"We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices."

2 . Because you are liberal

"We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because you Christian disbelief and paganism 32 separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power."

3. Because some of you are atheist

"In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator."

4. For your crimes against Islam

"We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion."

5. For your crimes against Muslims

"We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth."

6. For invading our lands

The last one is irrelevant frankly, because Islam teaches Muslims to wage war until the entire world is Muslim. And if an Alien intergalactic race appears then Islam must wage war against them and then finally afterwards wage war against the entire Universe. But I guess that intergalactic race would wipe them out after the first few terrorist attacks and that will be it then.

Of course it would not ba Fakenews collaborators if they did not throw in their morsels of manipulation:


The jihadis have developed a twisted interpretation of the Islamic holy book

No they have not - they are interpreting it exactly as Mohammed and the first Caliphs have done. Anything deviating from it is twisted.


Meanwhile the madness continues - ISIS supporter cannot be deported back to Syria because Assad would execute him. So they fucking release him and pay him welfare, give him housing and let him travel around the EU. He could come to Manchester and bomb another concert, maybe bomb a Teletubbie event and kill toddlers. But I am sure that candle vigils and more welfare will convince them otherwise.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

The Old Testament used to baffle me in the way that the guilty along with every male of his family and males belonging to him is to be killed. Now I know its because these people act as a single clan. So they along with every male must be destroyed in order to destroy the clan. The collectivist nature of these people demand it.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Quote: (05-27-2017 03:07 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2017 02:55 AM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

Interesting meme but I have opinion where there is no radical Islam and moderate one. Guy with the knife is simply muslim, a proper one and the guy on the left in green shirt is not a proper muslim. If he was a proper one, he would have joined the guy with the knife.

Correct - that is why the executed Muslim is a hypocrite and deserves the same punishment as the unbelievers. Radical Islam is just correctly applied Islam, secular or moderate Islam is one where scores of commands left by Mohammed are ignored, thus the ones doing it are traitors.

Also funny list of 6 reasons why ISIS hates Brits - actually any believing Muslim should do so to:


1. Because you are disbelievers
"We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices."

2 . Because you are liberal

"We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because you Christian disbelief and paganism 32 separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power."

3. Because some of you are atheist

"In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator."

4. For your crimes against Islam

"We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion."

5. For your crimes against Muslims

"We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth."

6. For invading our lands

The last one is irrelevant frankly, because Islam teaches Muslims to wage war until the entire world is Muslim. And if an Alien intergalactic race appears then Islam must wage war against them and then finally afterwards wage war against the entire Universe. But I guess that intergalactic race would wipe them out after the first few terrorist attacks and that will be it then.

Of course it would not ba Fakenews collaborators if they did not throw in their morsels of manipulation:


The jihadis have developed a twisted interpretation of the Islamic holy book

No they have not - they are interpreting it exactly as Mohammed and the first Caliphs have done. Anything deviating from it is twisted.


Meanwhile the madness continues - ISIS supporter cannot be deported back to Syria because Assad would execute him. So they fucking release him and pay him welfare, give him housing and let him travel around the EU. He could come to Manchester and bomb another concert, maybe bomb a Teletubbie event and kill toddlers. But I am sure that candle vigils and more welfare will convince them otherwise.

In my experience there is 3 different kinds of Muslims.

1. The Cultural Muslim.
Most likely only celebrate holidays at certain times with family, doesn't pray 5 times a day. Knows that there is a certain radical parts of the Koran but chooses to ignore it. Family most likely fled from radical oppression. Not really religious and tends to drink and smoke. Tries to have people challenge the Koran but can't due to fear of violence or death. All my Arab friends fit right into this category.

2. The "moderate Muslim". Prays 5 times a day. Claims that Islam is a peaceful ideology but as soon as questioned about the Koran, foreign policies are always brought up or how all Muslims are oppressed by the West.
Always in some form or another try to justify the violence. These are the ones that are nonviolent but celebrate when the radical ones kill nonbelievers. Would hide the extremists in the basement with a smile on their face.

3. True Muslims. We all know about them and what they think about kaffirs.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Though it's no doubt been mentioned earlier, I'll say it anyway.

I think the reason this attack has resonated differently in the West is due to the group targeted, but not precisely in the way most people are attributing it.

When I started doing the whole #Collaborator thing I went looking for muslim apologists and full-retard immigration supporters to mark. I don't use Twitter often but I usually jump in to see what the response is to certain terrorist attacks and generally most of the #Manchester type hastags are simply riddled with #notallmuslims nonsense. But this time it was noticeably more muted.

We flippantly note that the muslims only succeeded in blowing up future "refugees welcome" whores but I'm starting to think that many people on the left have noted the same thing and for them it's having a far more profound effect.

"Why", they are wondering, "did a muslim carry out a suicide bombing to blow up little girls that were the most progressive of us all?"

They might have previously assumed that the bus bombing for example was simply an outburst against modern colonialism or racism, and that leftists killed in the incident were unfortunate collateral victims of an attack that was in reality aimed at conservatives and racists. In other words, surely if there were a bus simply carrying racists and conservatives then the suicide bombers would target that bus, right?

Well Manchester has laid bare their delusions. Progressives of the most innocent variety were targeted. Even a kindergarten filled with the children of potentially racist and conservative parents would have made some sense. But this? The suicide bomber could not have picked a target that screamed more loudly, "we don't hate racists, or conservatives, we hate the infidels, each and every one, and even if you got rid of all the racists and conservatives tomorrow we would still keep killing your daughters."

And so for a lot of leftists I believe this has been a turning point. Whether they thought about the matter in these terms or whether it was processed subconsciously, they have been unburdened of the delusion that terrorism is linked somehow to racism or bigotry or the support of foreign intervention. They have come to understand that for devout muslims there is only submission to islam or death.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Explosion in Manchester's Ariana Grande concert

Fuck, didn't know I'd never repped you before Lenny. There you go.

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

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