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Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Peruvian cities
I just came from a 2 weeks trip inside my country, this trip opened more my eyes and i spent a realy great time. The main reason of my trip was to know more about the cultures, sighteseeing of these place. Girls and the rest were a complement. That´s why this datasheet will content tourist information, but don´t worry if also include girls.


This city is so small, the city itself doesn´t have much to offer, but the PLaza de Armas is beautiful. In terms of girls, Puneñas(locals) are so conservative with indigenous appareance, the tourist chicks are your typical chubby,ugly gringa. Most of the restaurants,stores are located in Lima Avenue(next to Plaza de Armas).

Prices of touristy food are between 4 to 20 dollars, try Pizza de Alpaca, Hotels are super cheap, You can find a comfortable double room with all the benefits near to the main square for 28 dollars.

The most important attraction is the Titicaca Lake(highest navigable lake of the world), a tour that i recommend is to visit Uros, and sleep in Amantani(island), eat with the local families, walk and hike mountains(4600 m) as PachaTata, enjoy the view and live natural experiences. Taquile is another great option, You can do both island in one day and half, tours just charge you 40 dollars.


*Puno is not a good city for game, But if you have 2 free days in Peru and You want to experience a craz natural adventure, You will love it. Also You can go to Bolivia from this way.


Well known as the White City, this was the biggest surprise of my trip. The history is that Arequipeños(locals) wanted to separate from Peru years ago. This is one of the reason, why many peruvians dislike arequipeños and the same from their part.

I expected to see impolite locals,average girls,other drawbacks. Instead of that, i lived this:


Catedral de Arequipa is incredible. The tour inside the museum is only 3 dollars, you can see the biggest organ of the country, super luxury jewelry, the architecture of the catedral. Finally, take a panoramic photo from the top of the place.

Colca Canyon is one of the deepest in the world, the tour cost is 15 dollars, and 20 dollars to enter, the full day tour is usually from 3 am to 5 pm. It worths the money and the view is just wonderful, You also can see the famous "Cóndor"

Monasterio de Santa Catalina, Interesting convent that loos like a mini city, The ticket is 12 dollars, 3 minutes walking from the center.


Try Ocopa, Chicharrones,Guisado de carne,Rocoto Relleno(the most famous) and others. Some good restaurants are Don Palomino, Chicha and Zig Zag(they have Ostrich).


When i went to walk to Arequipa 7:30 am, I saw a really hot light skinned chick with amazing curves, She worked in a bank, We both saw each other(IOI´s), i went for the number and got it. What a welcoming

Then i started to visit all the city,The average arequipeña is not good, but i saw some beautiful chicks and the great thing is that these girls are so polite with low bitch shields. They even give you eye contact if You are a decent looking guy. That´s How i got another number from a university girl

In terms of appareance, Most of girls tend to be short(1.45 to 1.60), skinny,darker complexion,some indigenous faces, Despite of that, It is not strange to see some white locals with curves,taller who were attractive.

Tinder has few profiles, despite of that, i got matches were 2 of the girls were hot, 3 decent looking, 1 ok. I went in a date with the ok girl, this could be the easiest lay because She literally thrown herself at me, anyways, she was not cutie enough and i invented a trip to leave.


I was in contact with mi buen amigo Papi Rico, His Arequipa thread is on point, He is also famous and half of the girls know it.When He suggested Mercaderes Avenue as a good daygame location, I totally agree with him, There is always girls who are seeing the catedral and taking selfies, You can approach even foreigners.

Yanahuara(5 minutes in taxi) is another daygame spot, It has some fancy restaurants, malls and some high class girls are walking there. The weather was cloudy and rainy all the day, so Daygame was limited.

Clubs: Forum, Dr Shot and others near to the PLaza seems viable options. i went in weekday, ratios were terrible, despite of that, I was approached by two belgians exchange students.

Things that surprise me: very few foreigners, i didn´t feel white god factor as Lima, If you are a decent looking dark skinned guy, You can easily compete for the good local talent. I set 5 dates in a day, 3 from Tinder and 2 daygame. Sadly, I leave earlier.

I felt as a rockstart , I had the feeling that I could build a mini harem of arequipeñas and some sex tourist chicks. I think the same applies for other members who did wery well in this city. Time killed me.


My favorite city of Peru, i can write a lot, but let´s be short.


I will put the tours you can do, the normal prices and the time:

*Maras-Moray:From 8 am to 1 or 2 pm. Cost 6 to 20 dollars.
*South Valley:From 8 am to 3 pm. Cost 9 to 20 dollars.
*Sacred Valley: From 8 am to 7 or 8 pm. Cost 14 to 30 dollars.
*City Tour: From 8 am to 1 pm or 2 pm to 7 pm. Cost 5 to 12 dollars.
*Rainbow Mountain: From 3 am to 7 pm. Cost 20 to 40 dollars. It is super fabulous, 3 or 4 hours trekking to be in the mountain and 1 hour and half to return. I really loved it more than Machu Picchu.

About Machu Picchu: Depends of your ticket(Mountain,Huayna Picchu,City), train class or alternative backpacking route, full day or two, by yourself or agency. The prices will change dramatically

If you are into trekkings, you can take Caminos del Inca(Inka Trekk), Salkantay, Choquequirao (hardest), Inka Jungle.


I just can say that If You don´t like indigenous looking girls, You will hate the locals. Good news is that You have a good number of chilenas,colombianas,ecuatoriana, brasileñas and argentinas. The last two nationalities are into other latinos and whites at the same level, but the rest of latinas are looking for white guys.

In terms of white girls, Mostly, They are from Israel(hot ones,but some are so hard),Switzerland(cuties,high latin fever),Germany,Canada, The US,Sweeden,Spain, and few portion of other counties. Most of them are into the typical latin, dark skinned guy,black hair and eyes, If you have this appareance and decent looks, be ready to receive tons of IOI´s.


*Changos: One block and half from the main square. Free or 6 dollars to enter, Always packed, mostly white foreigners, mainstream, house and hip hop music. Tons of bricheras and local players, decent ratios.

*Mama Africa The most famous club located in the main square, salsa and bachata lessons from 10 pm to 11 pm everyday, level of dancing is intermediate , mixed of locals and foreigners. I am well known here. Ratios are decent at the beginning, then It is a total sausage fest. Free entry.

*Mithology Terrible ratios, mixed people, small, hot, but they put tons of dirty latin songs. It is a good reason to escalate fast with your girl. Free entry.

*Centro So similar to Mithology, free salsa and bachata class, free entry.

*Loki Bar Located in Santa Ana, inside the famous hostel, tons of bricheras(gringo hunters), nice diverse music, ratios are not good, different types of parties everyday. Cheap drinks, great food

*Local Clubs:Everywhere outside the center, more than 2 blocks, usually local girls go there to avoid foreigners. Inka team and El templo are closed now.

Club Game

In general, I don´t recommend nightgame, it is nothing in comparison from what can you do in daygame or tour game.

Anyways, You will see that:

*Most of clubs have terrible ratios, sometimes it can be 12 to 1 or worst.
*Many girls don´t want to be bothered. Sometimes, They just go for an hour to practice salsa and then go to home.
*Groupie girls. Sometimes the white girls are so focused in the latin guys, and the latin girls in white guys that if you are outside this appareance, You will have to work much harder. I saw tons of mediterraneans,blacks,koreans getting refused by local and white girls.
*Dancing skills don´t have enough impact. There are many good local dancers that girls expect you to dance so well.

You can get some bangs from nightgame, but it is mostly a mix of factors as luck, focus in groupies,going out a lot,switching clubs, decent game. Something in your advantage is that 99.5% of club guys have no game, they just mention their countries to impress the girl, dance as crazy monkeys and dressing as backpackers, so You can have some opportunities.

Final Words

My trip and time was 80% cultural stuff,sightseeing and 20% girls. My game is newbie, but i felt as a rock star for all the attention that i got and the craziest experiences i lived:

*I won a mini salsa contest 3 times and got free drinks in 3 clubs
*Met tons of cool foreigners and locals
*Got a crazy night with a bisexual girl, then her girl appeared with a bodyguard(big fight)
*I had two girls who wanted to sleep with me the same night
*Visit exotic places and stay for 2 days with a local community
*Accomplish all my trekkings even if they were hard
*Taking risk to take some extreme photos
*Learn more about the culture and tradition of some small towns
*Many things more

My information is real. While i was traveling, I was in contact with the peruvian crew, a private whatsapp of forum members,some well respected members and they have photos of my girls,clubs,cities i have visited,videos and other resources to validate my post.

To finish, If You come to some of the places, Welcome and Enjoy.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

It's nice to see your progress in regards to the game. Also, I can vouch for this datasheet. As I said you on WhatsApp, the lesbians' White Knight bodyguard wasn't rewarded with sex [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

Thanks to your datasheet, I'll probably travel to your country.

EDIT: It's better to have game than being a White Knight.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Well done amigo. This is a great contribution to the Forum on some interesting places. If any members visit Peru, I highly recommend meeting up with Drix.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Great sheet amigo, +1. Sounds like you had an awesome time, I'll use some of this to plan a 2 week trip to Peru myself in June.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

I will just add that the ticket prices listed on this data sheet by Drix for natural ourist attractions are the Peruvian citizenesident price. There is a different much higher official foreigner price for entry into some of these places for non Peruvians. Also I disagree with Drix that Arequipa girls have low bitch shields. On average thy have high bitch shields. I actually found surprisingly that Lima girls have somewhat lower bitch shields. But in general, in the whole of Peru women have bad attitudes and high bitch shields. If you want sweet, feminine, smart women with low bitch shields, Chile is the place to go.

P.S. while gaming in Peru is somewhat better than most "western" countries, I would not go to Peru for the women. As mentioned above they are average looking with high bitch shields and terrible attitudes. There are way better countries in Latin America for gaming/meeting women.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Quote: (03-25-2017 05:45 AM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

If you want sweet, feminine, smart women with low bitch shields, Chile is the place to go.
I've read elsewhere that Chilean women tend to be at least slightly overweight with larger stomachs and are obsessed with spending time with family so rarely spend time with foreigners.

You didn't find this to be a problem?

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Quote: (03-25-2017 05:45 AM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

I will just add that the ticket prices listed on this data sheet by Drix for natural ourist attractions are the Peruvian citizenesident price. There is a different much higher official foreigner price for entry into some of these places for non Peruvians.

Anyone on this forum who is interested in Peru is already well aware of your feelings on the country. We don't need to be reminded of your obsessional negativity every time someone posts something about Peru. It's fine to have dissenting opinions, but your experience is not everyone else's, and to think otherwise is an absurd grandiosity.

Thanks Drix for the post, I look forward to visiting some of the places you mentioned the next time I visit your fascinating and beautiful country.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Nice post on Cusco, that's about as accurate as it gets as for as an updated Datasheet. Definitely one of the easiest cities I've ever been, both with locals, other latinas, and Anglo chicks.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Great post Drix. Repped you.

Note to readers: the below post is largely off-topic and contains little in the way of specific intel on Peru


Quote: (03-25-2017 05:45 AM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

I will just add that the ticket prices listed on this data sheet by Drix for natural ourist attractions are the Peruvian citizenesident price. There is a different much higher official foreigner price for entry into some of these places for non Peruvians. Also I disagree with Drix that Arequipa girls have low bitch shields. On average thy have high bitch shields. I actually found surprisingly that Lima girls have somewhat lower bitch shields. But in general, in the whole of Peru women have bad attitudes and high bitch shields. If you want sweet, feminine, smart women with low bitch shields, Chile is the place to go.

P.S. while gaming in Peru is somewhat better than most "western" countries, I would not go to Peru for the women. As mentioned above they are average looking with high bitch shields and terrible attitudes. There are way better countries in Latin America for gaming/meeting women.

Quote: (03-25-2017 09:12 AM)Chevalier De Seingalt Wrote:  

Anyone on this forum who is interested in Peru is already well aware of your feelings on the country. We don't need to be reminded of your obsessional negativity every time someone posts something about Peru. It's fine to have dissenting opinions, but your experience is not everyone else's, and to think otherwise is an absurd grandiosity.

Hello Mr A.S.,

As one of the few RVFers to have met you (possibly one of only two), and since I have also visited Peru and have a preference for foreign women, I think I am in a reasonable position to comment on the implications of your experience in Peru. I wanted to speak frankly for the sake of {1} Informing the readership with some context, {2} For your own benefit I hope, and {3} For my own reasons (I have given you a rep to verify that you-are-who-you-say-you-are so to speak, and although we briefly discussed Peru in person, I was fairly unaware of your consistently critical views at the time).

First, your RVF name is holding you back.

Although I would agree that Australian women are typically not as attractive as the alternatives from South America, Asia etc, and while all of my Aussie pickup crew (who I've mostly known for 5-10 years) would likely agree with this generalisation... I think I can safely say that a grand total of zero would consider life in Australia so bad as to make a RVF username out of it. In fact, none of them spend much time needlessly complaining at all. Now, of course there are many other countries that may have better local women, transportation systems, family court laws and so on. Yet I still love my life here and am very grateful that so many exotic women choose to travel, visit and study here.

Likewise, having been to Peru, I would not describe their women as having "high bitch shields and terrible attitudes". Personally I found Peruvians to be largely friendly, including those I met in Cusco. This excludes people who approach you or otherwise talk to you as a means to get income. Don't get me started on the fake taxes in Aguas Calientes! In addition, I had my fair share of minor car accidents, food poisoning, cock-blocking hotel staff and more. Yet I would still describe my trip as being fantastic, heart-warming, eye-opening and stunningly-beautiful. As usual, I had a great trip because of the people I met and connected with. Notably, I enjoyed an unforgettable dinner/celebration with a Peruvian family -- the most special experience of the visit. Personally, I've never found any tour or site, not even the mind-blowing wonder of Machu Picchu, could come close to matching the meaning derived from a heart-warming connection with a special person.

While I was lucky to make these contacts though a Peruvian friend Down Under... ultimately I met this local friend though my social circle... which came about through a cold-approach... which followed many years of self-development... and this cold-approach largely succeeded because of my positive energy on the day. So, not only did I have a great time in Peru, I also attribute much of this to the massive work I've done to enhance my social skills and attract others through the power of positive thinking and giving value.

Now what's the point of me saying all this? Well, in view of the above, I think it shows (a) the importance of having a positive outlook, and that (b) your thoughts on Peru seem to be tainted with pessimism. Getting back to my first point - every time you log in here with "Australia Sucks" you are reinforcing a broader negative reality to yourself, and this can only hurt your prospects with women. Instructions on how to change your name can be found here. My suggestions include 'Latina Fever', 'Exotic Hypnotic', or 'Latinas Scream For My Booty Juicing Cream'. Ok maybe scratch that last one.

Similarly, I urge you to keep your negative opinions on Peru (or otherwise) to yourself and instead, to focus on goals that inspire you, take massive action, and practice gratitude for what you do have. I wrote about staying upbeat, getting help from a professional/mentor, meeting wings, meditation and more in this post. This link contains a lot of actionable advice that, if applied consistently, will help you to improve your situation and your mindset. To some extent, your experience of the world is a reflection of yourself. If you work on being the best version of yourself, you are more likely to enjoy the best views of the world.


I am happy to provide you with more personalised feedback based on our face-to-face meet, however none of this will be shared publicly; I will only give this to you -- if you want it -- through a private channel. Beyond that, if you wanna discuss anything else, feel free to contact me privately, off the forum. As I wrote in my rep for you, I do respect all the hard work you have put in through travelling the world by yourself and trying hard in the harsh world of cold-approaching. All the best man, may you be blessed with a sweet babe from Chile before the year is out.

P.S. In addition to creating good vibes in your mind, consistent action needs to be taken for success to follow, as positive thoughts have somewhat limited power in total isolation -- see The Chaser's War on Everything: "The Secret" for reference [Image: lol.gif]

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Quote: (03-25-2017 05:45 AM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

I will just add that the ticket prices listed on this data sheet by Drix for natural ourist attractions are the Peruvian citizenesident price. There is a different much higher official foreigner price for entry into some of these places for non Peruvians.

I have a question for you. Since you have traveled to Peru before, can you explain this thing that you have said?
I'm very curious about your thoughts, since I'm interested in Peru as a tourist.

Sorry Drix for derailing your thread.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Guys, firstly I did provide value in my post. I said that Lima girls are friendlier than Arequipa girls and that ticket prices are different for foreigners. These are useful things to know. This is not a Tony Robbins forum, we need both positive and negative opinions about a place. As long as the person has actually been to said place then they should be allowed to post their opinion without being heckled.

Dr. Cotard for many attractions in Peru if you are a Peruvian you show your Peruvian ID and you get the Peruvian price, if you are a foreigner you must pay the foreigner price which will be listed at the entrance, etc. for example if you catch a train to Machu Pichu you pay more than triple the price that Peruvians do. For some places like Colcha Canyon they actually three prices. One price for Peruvians, another higher price for other Latino people, and an even higher price (more than triple the Peruvian price) for other foreigners.

This sort of multi tier pricing structure for tourism is not unheard of in poor countries. I just thought it's important to be aware of that and if a Peruvian like Drix is posting about entry prices you should ask him if that is the Peruvian price or the foreigner price.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

First, Thanks a lot to my friends Dr Cotard and Dantes for their kind words. Also, I am glad that San Miguel, Chevalier de Seingalt, DigitalNomad, Dream Medicine liked my post, You can use to build a mini plan when you come here.

Relate to the Prices, I gave in dollars because it is for foreigners and i am not talking about tickets, i put the normal cost of tour agencies per route.The tourist ticket for Cusco cost 45 dollars for every foreigner and you can enter to 16 atractions for 10 days, you could get this general ticket in Sol Avenue(in the corner of the main square). The prices of the TOURS are the same for peruvian, africans, americans, australians, europeans.

The big difference is that if you buy the tours by internet, the agencies will take advantage of you and charge 5 or more times the real price. Australia Sucks mentioned Colca Canyon, yeah it has 3 TICKETS: For peruvians(6 dollars), Latinos(12 dollars), other foreigners(20 dollars), i put in my thread that 20 dollars is the cost for foreigners. In the internet, the cost will be 90 or 100 dollars for a full day there, the truth is that when you are here, you can hire a tour for 15 dollars (foreigners, peruvians) and 20 dollars for the ticket, 35 dollars total. Now, The scam is clear.

One more example, The sacred valley tour has some places as Pisaq, Chincheros,Ollantaytambo, Corao Valley. With your tourist ticket(16 attractions), you already paid the entrance to these places. Then a tour should be between 14 to 30 dollars to everyone, It includes Transportation, guides,food and almost everything. If you are paying more, You are another victim as Australia Sucks.

To support more my idea, i traveled with a german and spaniard guy for 2 days and i helped them with the prices information and tour, at the end, we all paid the same, just some TICKET attractions charge slightly more to them. There is one forum member(Europe) who mentioned me that a cab wanted to charge him 32 dollars to go to X city in Cusco. I recommend him to go to the next square and offer 3 dollars to the cab. At the end, He got the new cab for just 3 dollars.

There are tourist traps everywhere in the world, but If you know the prices, you won't lose. Changing topic to Arequipeñas, i thought that they will be hard, but when i was there, i got hot girls easily, receive IOI's and right now, i am chatting with 3 of them who are telling me to come back. I won't call this "HIGH BITCH SHIELDS". I think The positive vibe and game help a lot.

You can disagree with me, but I have some stories. The last weekend, i went to a club alone, i was asking for a beer and an ugly gringa approached me, i refused her. 5 minutes later, i had a hot blonde american kissing me while the club has 8 girls and 90 guys fighting for them. The same story happened 2 days later and maybe more. I had a super great time in these cities and I can't lie.

I don't post photos of my girls,her messages,videos or other resources, it is for my privacy, but I have shown them to my Friends(some well respected forum members). Finally, Dream Medicine gave you an amazing recommendation. Anyways, It is annoying how do you show your negativity while Me and the Peruvian Crew are killing it.

I just came back one day and half from my trip, the information is updated and real. I hope, some of you can get the benefits from it. I can write a lot more, but i am leaving some homework.

Saludos y Bienvenidos, Drix

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Just to be clear I never claimed tour prices were different for foreigners. I only claimed that SOME ENTRANCE TICKETS have an official higher price for foreigners. These entrance ticket prices for these attractions are typically set by the Peruvian government. Some tours I even managed to get a cheaper price for the tour than Peruvians by haggling a lot.

I have never met Drix. Perhaps he has done well in Peru due to his looks or by having exceptional game (his Spanish speaking nativity also helps), or having social validation (well known at some clubs, etc). I felt my experience is more reflective of what the average forum member with average looks, average game (by Rooshv standards), reasonable but not unlimited bankroll and limited Spanish speaking ability would experience. I have no doubt that some guys might do better, but it's not a pussy paradise by any means. I feel most guys will merely do "okay" like I did but will not crush it. It's not terrible for meeting/gaming girls (better than most western countries) but it is not a place you would go to for game specifically/especially. It's a country you go for sightseeing, outdoor activities and dining. If you are lucky you might bang a few girls along the way like I did.

P.s. Contrast what Drix said about girls approaching him to my experience. I was in Peru for 14 weeks and never (apart from a few street hookers in Iquitos) had a girl approach me (I did day game and night game), I initiated 100% of all approaches. I did not count the number of approaches I did during my 14 weeks but it would have been in the hundreds. The majority of the time I got bad reactions from girls. And before you say anything it's not my lack of game. I hardly had any blowouts in Santiago Chile. In Peru my hundreds of approaches led to one online bang, one day game bang and a bunch of daygame makeouts and dates, and one instance of in the bed LMR. It's not a terrible result but it's hardly inspiring either.

I'll let the forum decide which is more likely to happen for any foreigner going to Peru, getting approached mutiple times in 1 night by eager Horny sluts or not getting approached at all and having to work like a dog for every single lay you get.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Quote: (03-25-2017 09:38 PM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

Just to be clear I never claimed tour prices were different for foreigners. I only claimed that SOME ENTRANCE TICKETS have an official higher price for foreigners. These entrance ticket prices for these attractions are typically set by the Peruvian government. Some tours I even managed to get a cheaper price for the tour than Peruvians by haggling a lot.

I have never met Drix. Perhaps he has done well in Peru due to his looks or by having exceptional game (his Spanish speaking nativity also helps), or having social validation (well known at some clubs, etc). I felt my experience is more reflective of what the average forum member with average looks, average game (by Rooshv standards), reasonable but not unlimited bankroll and limited Spanish speaking ability would experience. I have no doubt that some guys might do better, but it's not a pussy paradise by any means. I feel most guys will merely do "okay" like I did but will not crush it. It's not terrible for meeting/gaming girls (better than most western countries) but it is not a place you would go to for game specifically/especially. It's a country you go for sightseeing, outdoor activities and dining. If you are lucky you might bang a few girls along the way like I did.

P.s. Contrast what Drix said about girls approaching him to my experience. I was in Peru for 14 weeks and never (apart from a few street hookers in Iquitos) had a girl approach me (I did day game and night game), I initiated 100% of all approaches. I did not count the number of approaches I did during my 14 weeks but it would have been in the hundreds. The majority of the time I got bad reactions from girls. And before you say anything it's not my lack of game. I hardly had any blowouts in Santiago Chile. In Peru my hundreds of approaches led to one online bang, one day game bang and a bunch of daygame makeouts and dates, and one instance of in the bed LMR. It's not a terrible result but it's hardly inspiring either.

I'll let the forum decide which is more likely to happen for any foreigner going to Peru, getting approached mutiple times in 1 night by eager Horny sluts or not getting approached at all and having to work like a dog for every single lay you get.

I may have missed it, but I didn't read Drix claiming that he was being approached a lot. He mentioned that an ugly Gringa approached him and that he was generally well received by the girls. Also, he felt that if he had more time, he could do some damage. These are not wild claims.

Drix clearly reported that his trip was mostly tourism and not a full "Game trip", although he met a few girls and had a blast. I didn't read anything in his report that seemed unusual. With that said, not everyone will have the same experience in a given country. Australia Sucks is reporting on his experience which is different, but still a contribution of intel.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Great datasheet Drix. Another contribution to the forum from a standup guy. Well done my friend. I'll be seeing you soon.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Nice Drix. Most threads are about Lima. It is refreshing to see these.

Try to post some of your pictures, I mean the ones with the landscape. That is what made me want to go! The places looked awesome!

And Dantes is right. All guys here have different experiences. I was 10 days and I liked it for different reasons.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Drix, great job buddy, you're a rising star - I still have to go through your drunken voice notes. Hope you ended up recovering your means of payment [Image: wink.gif]

Australia Sucks, your opinion is heard but not necessarily appropriate here. No, your experience is not a reflection of the "average forum member's". I say this having met at least a dozen members in Peru. Apart from Dream Medicine, nobody really wants to engage with you within the context of a positive report. Why don't you start another thread on how much you dislike Peru, or better yet, an entire blog dedicated to the subject. I'm sure you could garner a healthy audience (primarily unemployed, 35-year old Peruvian virgins living with their grandmothers in the outskirts of Lima). But to vent your frustrations here is uncalled for and an act of travel forum contamination.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

I don't know why I even bother posting on the Peru threads. I'll leave it to you guys to post your unrealistic exaggerated troll reports and Tony Robbins b.s. Its not my fault if new members go to Peru on bad advice thinking it will be easy. I genuinely tried to warn people. I am tired of getting attacked for telling it like it is. I refuse to believe I am the only Rooshv forum member who did it tough in Peru. The other guys probably saw the Peru threads contaminated with hyperbole and decided not to bother posting.

You guys are free to contaminate the Peru threads with unrealistic b.s. I will no longer get in your way and have decided to stop posting on all of the Peru related threads. Have fun guys.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Quote: (03-27-2017 05:20 PM)Australia Sucks Wrote:  

I will no longer get in your way and have decided to stop posting on all of the Peru related threads. Have fun guys.

[Image: 372663a822ab6b8a48b8d7985ba6567c.jpg]

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

In regards with this thread, there are my thoughts:

I'm a traveler who prefers to enjoy the local customs and culture when I travel to a specific site (be it a city, small town, village or another country). In my case I have only traveled to Mexico (specifically its capital city Mexico DF) for business reasons. It was a very short trip but I enjoyed a lot about its local customs, architecture and its history. I didn't bang any mexican girl, because I didn't have the time to engage in that extracurricular activity [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

TL;DR. Anyway, as I said before, I enjoyed a lot my short trip but I didn't complain about the girls since I traveled as a regular visitor but not as a love tourist.

The ironic thing: when you make girls a huge focus, your experience can be lukewarm or very negative, but when you have girls as your last priority you get sex easily (Maybe the seasoned members here can relate better than me).

DISCLAIMER: I didn't want to derail this thread, but circumstances forced me to do so.

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Gracias amigos, Schlep, Crispytaco Y Papi Rico. Yuhuuu, It will be great to see you again, buddy Schlep. Jaja Crispy, I have almost 2000 photos of the nature(you already saw many jajaj),but It is a little complicated to post them, so If anyone is really interested to do some nature adventure, HIT me up, i can show photos and give tips.

Papi Rico, the International Playboy. I wasn't drunk jajaa, listen the audios and laugh, problem solved. Thanks for the motivation, in some time, my game will be so good that i am going to steal your and Dante's girls jaja.

Now, My final answer to Australia Sucks. Sure, We respect your point of view and Yeah You are right in a part. I saw groups of israeli, italians, spaniards, other peruvians, canadians, ,Australians, argentinian ,Americans,blacks,asians and other guys with angry and frustrated faces because they got nothing this night.

But At the same, all of these guys have zero game, average or bad looks, not sense of style and do the same all the time. HYPERBOLE? Jaja, Dear Australia Sucks. In Cusco and other peruvian cities, many of the blonde girls are looking for their latin dick so badly, the same with latina travelers who want the white dick. Game is to use everything in your advantage, Yeah i was approached, i banged girls, received IOI's,had a blast, meet new places and cultures.

My success rate was far better than I Imagined,but i will tell you something more. In the peruvian crew, Drix is the youngest with the lowest game There. For that reason, If other members had very good results, That's not an exaggeration. Do daygame with Dantes, go out with Cr33pin, Game with Papi Rico or other good members here, After that, You can blame and tell the forum if we are Fake.

Australia Sucks, Your journey is not that bad, you got few bang and make outs. The thing is that You describe it as You had to work super hard. In my case, I would recommend Cusco if you are a newbie latino or dark skinned guy or white guy with decent looks, you can focus in your niche, have fun and enjoy the nature. Another tip is that not all the members are average looking or average game, i recommend you to meet more members, many of them have decent looks with good game and they are killing in most of places.

Bravo, you won't be posting more and Good luck in your colombian trip. The world doesn't suck, the world is so beautiful.

Saludos, Drix

Drix's Adventures in Arequipa, Cusco and Puno 2017

Great data amigo, Happy to know about your success.

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