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Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

He made $400,000 as Gawker editor but apparently blew it on cocaine, leaving him with $1,500 that Hulk Hogan seized ( [Image: lol.gif] ). He blames Nick Denton for his drug addiction and a therapist for molesting him. Takes zero responsibility for his actions as an adult.


Gawker's former editor-in-chief AJ Daulerio claims that boss Nick Denton both abandoned him and threw him under the bus during the widely publicized legal battle over Hulk Hogan's sex tape.

In a wide-ranging interview with Esquire, 42-year-old Daulerio also revealed that he was molested as a child by a therapist.

He also opened up about his battle with drug addiction that lasted years, and questioned why Denton did not help him get into rehab during his time working for the media company.

'If he really cared about me, why didn't he reach out to me and try to get me help while I worked for him,' Daulerio told the magazine.

Daulerio, who earned $400,000-a-year in his role at Gawker and lived in a luxury SoHo apartment, claims that Denton ignored his downward spiral with drugs, as he says it was obvious he was struggling with substance abuse.

[Image: nrVlAn.gif]

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Pathetic, anything to gain sympathy.

This is exactly the thinking of snowflakes, entitled, financially inept, mentally retarded, and can't take responsibility.

Fuck him.

[Image: small-violin.gif]

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

For some reason, this guy thought that sounding arrogant, snarky, and condescending in his courtroom testimony was a good strategy. Actually, he probably didn't think about it because his personality really is all those things.


Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

This is the trend with most people who get publicly vilified and humiliated:

Got caught fucking another woman? "I have a sex addiction."

Stole a bunch of shit? "My parents never bought me anything for Christmas, and they beat me too."

Made a dumb ass decision that ruins your career and finances? "I had a drug addiction and others left me out to dry."

They're too dense to look in the fucking mirror and say, "Maybe I was acting like an asshole. Hell, maybe I'm just an asshole overall. Perhaps I should change." But no, they take the easy way out and blame everyone else.

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Around 20 minutes in the attorney basically catches him lying and tells him to flip open his transcript and look at his previous testimony. Pure gold.

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

[Image: g1399563215211919893.jpg]

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

[Image: AJ_Daulerio_01.jpg]

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

[Image: attachment.jpg35292]   

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Something does not make sense here.

The guy claims he only has $1,500 after earning $400K for a while, plus had all kinds of warning that he could be on the hook for a large judgement.

Even after the judgement, the guy could still file chap 7 or chap 13 bankruptcy. If he filed Chap 7, he could take the federal exemptions, keep any retirement accounts plus $11,850 of 'wild card' exemptions to protect any cash outside of retirement accounts. If there is equity in his residence, he can take the state homestead exemption and protect a considerable sum of money from that.

Of course, if the guy is so messed up from drug use he may really have nothing to protect plus if he is going onto a low paying job it may not matter to file or not.

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Quote: (01-06-2017 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  

[Image: AJ_Daulerio_01.jpg]

Can I keep my VCR & my toothbrush or does Mr. Bollea want to run wild on those as well?

[Image: laugh4.gif]

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Slightly off topic, but how is this guy liable if he acted as an employee of Gawker? Anyone with a background in law care to explain?

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Depends on the state but usually individuals aren't shielded if their actions are considered to be malicious, in bad faith, or grossly negligent.

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Because I am an utter, vile, Despicable asshole, I find Daulerio's troubles a source of great joy. His entire professional M.O. was to destroy the finances and ruin the lives of any non-elite male who questioned the Narrative. It warms my black heart to see such a piece of shit suffer through the same grinding poverty and utter despair that he caused non-leftists to suffer. Karma in action, and well-deserved.


Gawker's former editor-in-chief AJ Daulerio claims that boss Nick Denton both abandoned him and threw him under the bus

And you were expecting what from a leftist, homosexual, millionaire axe-grinder? There's no honor among thieves, and there's even less among SJW's. Even though Denton is probably not at fault here.


In a wide-ranging interview with Esquire, 42-year-old Daulerio also revealed that he was molested as a child by a therapist.

For a guy whose journalist peers and social scene go to great lengths to espouse that any criticism of homosexual practices is vile homophobia, his reaction to his therapist's attempts to co-explore his youthful sexuality and chart his sexual identity-- or whatever psychobable organized faggotry is using to condone pederasty these days-- is vile homophobia by their standards.


He also opened up about his battle with drug addiction that lasted years, and questioned why Denton did not help him get into rehab during his time working for the media company.

Why did you start sniffing coke in the first place? Maybe you shouldn't have.


'If he really cared about me, why didn't he reach out to me and try to get me help while I worked for him,' Daulerio told the magazine.

Did you ask for help in the first place? At work or even look up addictions counseling on your own? Nope, didn't think so. It's also not the ship captain's job to babysit individual officers daily and make sure one of them isn't drunk off the rum ration. Dipshit.


Daulerio, who earned $400,000-a-year in his role at Gawker and lived in a luxury SoHo apartment, claims that Denton ignored his downward spiral with drugs, as he says it was obvious he was struggling with substance abuse.

400 grand to be a leading marxist attack dog, and he didn't think the gravy train was ever gonna stop. It wasn't Denton, as foul as he is, that made you an addict. That was your choice, and it was also your choice to not seek help on your own. Fuck you. No sympathy.

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Quote: (01-06-2017 11:54 AM)Serious Sam Wrote:  

This is the trend with most people who get publicly vilified and humiliated:

Got caught fucking another woman? "I have a sex addiction."

Stole a bunch of shit? "My parents never bought me anything for Christmas, and they beat me too."

Made a dumb ass decision that ruins your career and finances? "I had a drug addiction and others left me out to dry."

They're too dense to look in the fucking mirror and say, "Maybe I was acting like an asshole. Hell, maybe I'm just an asshole overall. Perhaps I should change." But no, they take the easy way out and blame everyone else.

This used to be something only women and criminals did.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

Four. Hundred. Thousand. Dollars. A. Year.

For editing a blog.

To quote an English drug dealer - "Work it out mate. We're in the wrong fucking game"

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems


'If he really cared about me, why didn't he reach out to me and try to get me help while I worked for him,' Daulerio told the magazine.

"Nobody rides the fun train to the last stop."

- MMX2010

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

How these SJW sadists think they look when someone tries to hold them accountable for their actions:

[Image: b4f61238b45e503c5bc8f3f6a0e95d70e00b4e6b...d3c9be.jpg]

How they really look:

[Image: ANTM-not-my-fault.thumb.gif.502f40f08dbc...b19151.gif]

Fuck them. Their legal woes are the modern-day hanging body in the town square, serving as a warning to others. They should be grateful that they live in the 21st century and that the more sensible elements of the law and guys like us believe in due process.

If SJWs had their way, people would literally die for not towing their line. We are merely satisfied with the legal system stripping them of their ill-gotten gains or garnishing their future earnings so they can be used to compensate their harassed victims. Much less brutal than what they want for us.

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

$400.000 per year as a Blog's editor? Man, I definitely have chosen the wrong career. If you know of someone who needs a guy for that position, let me know ASAP [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

I'm with Germanicus on this one, enjoying every second of his bitch made crying and whining. Dude got 400 grand a year for managing a god damn blog...a fucking blog. Invests none of it into passive income of any kind and blows it all on coke. What a dipshit, he deserves to be homeless. Give me one year of 400k and I'll make it last forever. Warms my soul to watch him suffering after Hulk Hogan rightfully destroyed him .

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

[Image: Hogan-Fights-Grandma-hulk-hogan-gifs.gif]

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

The hulkamaniacs really ran wild on him.

Gawker editor that got sued by Hulk Hogan blames the world for his problems

It sounds like he hid his money somewhere and is running cover with a story about spending it all on drugs.

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