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Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

In the second attempt, a citizen tries to lock them with with the customers, who I doubt were pleased with his actions.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

That citizen was brave but foolish. Why risk your safety for Apple?

And where is the security? 1 guard would be enough as a deterrent.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Quote: (12-06-2016 04:44 PM)crudeloyalist Wrote:  

That citizen was brave but foolish. Why risk your safety for Apple?

And where is the security? 1 guard would be enough as a deterrent.

Bad time to think different.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

I'm surprised a Latté drinking mob didn't descend on the place to protect its divine contents. Looks like a firesale.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

I guess the phones are tethered more weakly than I thought.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Quote: (12-06-2016 04:44 PM)crudeloyalist Wrote:  

That citizen was brave but foolish. Why risk your safety for Apple?

He's not risking his safety for Apple. He's risking his safety for social order, out of his indignation towards monkey-like social chaos. Bravery isn't foolish if it's for a good cause, it's just bravery, and we reward it for its good social effects by saying "well done" and giving them medals and cash and whatever.

If its OK for someone rob Apple, it's OK for them to rob anyone, and then you're living in Venezuela.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Quote: (12-06-2016 09:43 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2016 04:44 PM)crudeloyalist Wrote:  

That citizen was brave but foolish. Why risk your safety for Apple?

He's not risking his safety for Apple. He's risking his safety for social order, out of his indignation towards monkey-like social chaos. Bravery isn't foolish if it's for a good cause, it's just bravery, and we reward it for its good social effects by saying "well done" and giving them medals and cash and whatever.

If its OK for someone rob Apple, it's OK for them to rob anyone, and then you're living in Venezuela.

Bravo sir. I have no love for Apple myself but crudeloyalist assumes the thieves have the wherewithal to discriminate between Moneybags Corp Inc and Mr. Independant Shopowner.

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

My father told me when I was growing up that door locks were meant to stop "honest criminals".

In other words, victims of circumstance.

If a kid is walking by your house and notices the door is unlocked, he might peek inside, simply because the opportunity is there. That same kid might never even consider breaking and entering, but since the opportunity is just there in front of him, easy, he does it.

Same thing with the tethers. They exist to keep people from sliding the phones into their pockets. If thugs bust in and rip them out, obviously they won't stop that. They aren't intended to. It's to keep people from stealing them on the sly. If you're going to be a thug, simple things like locks or tethers aren't going to stop you.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

The staff seemed like they didn't give a shit, must be store policy not to intervene at all during thefts. Once criminals know that then it is game over. Here in Ontario the liquor store has the same policy and dudes just walk out with pricey bottles of booze with no resistance, it got so bad they had to invest a ton of money into new bottle tops on hight theft items that only get removed at the POS. Apple would be wise to do the same but it goes against their whole store stratagy where people can play with product.

These Apple stores make so much money though that they probably recouped those losses in 2 hours. Their stores routinely lead sales by lease space.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Meanwhile, the customer who made an appointment the day before is on hour number 2 waiting for one of the 80 "geniuses" roaming around to offer his assistance, only to tell the customer that he is not qualified to help with that problem.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

After the guy tries to hold the doors closed, one of the other employees signals/yells at him to back off. So, they must be under instructions not to interfere with snatch-and-run robberies. Apple probably does need to worry about this, because now that word is out that the stores won't try to stop these kinds of robberies they may start happening in a lot more cities.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

If you put this in google news it is happening all over the US. Same with Victoria Secret. Just try different phrases like mob robbery.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Should be easy for the cops to track these kids down with city footage. Whether San Fran actually funds its cops is another question however.

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Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Quote: (12-06-2016 09:43 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2016 04:44 PM)crudeloyalist Wrote:  

That citizen was brave but foolish. Why risk your safety for Apple?

He's not risking his safety for Apple. He's risking his safety for social order, out of his indignation towards monkey-like social chaos. Bravery isn't foolish if it's for a good cause, it's just bravery, and we reward it for its good social effects by saying "well done" and giving them medals and cash and whatever.

If its OK for someone rob Apple, it's OK for them to rob anyone, and then you're living in Venezuela.

It is nonetheless galling that men must risk themselves to maintain order for the sake of a company that's actively working to destroy order. I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation, but I'd like to think that I'd adhere to the same principle I espouse for protecting women: only protect those who are behaving like ladies. If some piece of trash is being smacked around by her trash boyfriend, I'm not going to risk my life for her sake.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)


It is nonetheless galling that men must risk themselves to maintain order for the sake of a company that's actively working to destroy order.

That sentence alone really got me thinking. And every answer that I get opens at least a few more questions.

Like for example, is it morally justified to rob someone who earned his money by robbing someone else?

Or is it morally justified to hate someone who already hates you?

Or to attack someone who is about to attack you at any moment?

Even if someone answers these questions, the further into the rabbit hole you will get.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Isn't all apple stuff really traceable nowadays?

My friend and I saw the big iPhone 7 in one of those battery cases sitting on a bench outside a bar just recently. He told me not to even touch it, he said you have no choice but to give it back because theyll track you.

Do these thrives gotta ship everything they stole to China to get money out of it? Is my buddy full of shit?


Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)


They definitely have the serial numbers in a database somewhere, I'm sure Apple activates the kill function on these, so if anyone tries to use them once they connect to WiFi or cellular, they'll be greeted with this:

[Image: Apple-kill-switch.jpg]


Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

Quote: (12-07-2016 05:15 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  


They definitely have the serial numbers in a database somewhere, I'm sure Apple activates the kill function on these, so if anyone tries to use them once they connect to WiFi or cellular, they'll be greeted with this:

[Image: Apple-kill-switch.jpg]


People have figured out workarounds in the past.

Some Apple stores no longer have security tethers on their devices.

You can still sell the phones for parts which is still lucrative.

So you're not completely wrong, but this is not a complete deterrent. This is a "soft thief" deterrent, albeit a relatively strong one.

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Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

You guys who would stop a group of thugs in a city without backup are asking to be hurt or murdered there and then. Its not cowardly to let a group take what they want if you're outnumbered.

Watch a few fights to see where a few kicks to the head get you, possibly an Acquired Brain injury and a vegetable for life or near it.

The problem here is much wider than an Apple store being ransacked by a group of thugs. This behaviour is rampant in the US for reasons stemming from the environment. You would think in a country where you get serious penalties and prison time for such behaviour would put them off, but it doesn't.

They do it because the line has been pushed so far that its now a free for all and who dares wins, regardless of being caught. When you have to enforce the rule of law by guns and men stationed as security you're only a few steps away from anarchy when those men and guns are few and far between.

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)

those guys. Not one of them was bright enough to bring a backpack or other bag to sweep the devices into. They could have made off with bags full of devices instead of hands full.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Hooded thieves repeatedly rob same Apple Store in San Francisco (video)



This shit is going on because of the attacks on law enforcement.

I'm not talking about the shootings. I'm talking about the rhetoric from the White House and Media.

Are some cops power hungry tools? Absolutely. But what's the alternative? Anarchy? No thanks.

The reality is, cops are (wisely) choosing NOT to intervene in a lot of cases these days, because they don't want to lose their job, or worse, get shot.

When you have the leader of the country denouncing you and your profession, and the state run media calling you a murderer, suddenly a lot of people start justifying killing you. When this happens, you say "Fuck it, my life isn't worth stopping this thief" and maybe you arrive on scene----just 2 minutes later than you could have. Just enough time for them to narrowly get away, and for you not to risk your job or life for some petty crime.

Multiply that across the country, and now you see why crime is rising across the USA.

I know a lot of you are hoping Trump will fix this----and he will help---but the reality is, it's going to take a lot of time. And the media HAS to stop demonizing police. Let's hope Trump can change this shit.

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