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Where have you been dying to visit?

Where have you been dying to visit?

For me it would be Poland and Colombia. It's my number one and two prospects.

I've been to: Mexico, Canada, USA, Aruba, Dominican, Pueteo Rico, Belgium, Netherlands, Hungary, Phillipines, Grand Turk.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Quote: (10-11-2016 02:48 AM)Gpx90210 Wrote:  

For me it would be Poland and Colombia. It's my number one and two prospects.

Las Vegas - have only been there when I was little, must have tons of young good looking girls.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

Where have you been dying to visit?

Brazil. I am dying to get the long term visa to make my year a routine of half in/half out of Brazil. Brazil has the most unlimited pool of chicks in 2nd/3rd tier cities you could ever imagine.

Where have you been dying to visit?

I have been planning a big south America trip since beginning of these year. I have even learned to speak Spanish (not fluently but still). So far there are always some reasons that keep me from going, so I am traveling Europe and Asia instead, but I will get there one day. And it will be epic.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Ukraine, Romania & Russia for Quality
Peru, Iceland, Finland & Idonesia for Ease
Mexico & El Salvador because I love latin culture.

Just not sure where my priorities lie?? lol

Where have you been dying to visit?

Mexico and Thailand occupy my thoughts, despite having preconceived notions about Thailand (long story). Everytime I wanna book the flight, I always psych myself out.

Also looking at Mauritania and Egypt. Pussy Paradises all around, at least coming from my Egyptian friend. [Image: tard.gif]

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Tersoniri: Get yourself out there you will love it.
Make sure to head down south to Florianopolis & Balneiro Camboriu in during Brazilian summer... heavenly place, amazing women. Rio & Sao Paulo are great all year round, the North East is kind of a let down with average quality girls and an average nightlife.


Where have you been dying to visit?

More of Asia. Chicks in Asia aren't my thing, but China is super interesting to me since it's so damn big and full of so many people. Went to Boracay in the Philippines and it was amazing, so looking for more cool islands like it in the Philippines. Thailand is one of my favorite places and I'm sure there's even more cool islands and cities than the few I've been to. Haven't been to Vietnam yet but also really want to go there and check that out as well. I could go on and on. Even though I really like life in Latin America, Asia is super interesting and awesome to me too.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Vegas isn't all that. There are some spots, but nothing you can't find in other major cities

Where have you been dying to visit?

To see, experience, taste,

1. Colombia/Brazil
2. Mexico
3. Dominican Republic

4. London
5. Berlin
6. Naples/Rome

7. Carthage
8. Cairo/Alexandria
9. Beirut
10. Istanbul

11. Bangkok
12. Saigon
13. Hong Kong

Great Bear Lake as my wildcard


Where have you been dying to visit?

Argentina, Chechnya, and Poland would be awesome.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Iceland. And I just went there. Fuckin expensive! But it's the most beautiful place I've been to. No chasing of girls, the nature was more important to me.

I want to go to Russia, curious to see how the culture is like.

Next I want to go see more of America.

I've never been into anything Asian, but I'd go to Japan to see it.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Tallinn, Estonia
Russia - St. Petersburg esp.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Where have you been dying to visit?

Norway: there are cheap flights from the US on Norwegian Airlines

Asia: Haven't been yet


Where have you been dying to visit?

Vietnam, Russia

To a lesser degree, Finland and Brazil.

For those saying Romania, I think Bucharest pales in comparison to a city like Budapest in almost every way, except the women are slightly more attractive.

For those saying Colombia, I recommend second tier cities over Bogota and Medellin. But, you better speak decent Spanish or it's a waste of time.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Georgia again, including Abkhazia this time.
Transdinyester and Belarus as well.

Where have you been dying to visit?

I'd love to do a west Africa trip and hit up Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Quote: (10-11-2016 01:14 PM)The Natural Wrote:  

Tersoniri: Get yourself out there you will love it.
Make sure to head down south to Florianopolis & Balneiro Camboriu in during Brazilian summer... heavenly place, amazing women. Rio & Sao Paulo are great all year round, the North East is kind of a let down with average quality girls and an average nightlife.


Thanks. I will really go all around. On condition of getting the 5 year multiple entry I will be in for half the year, every year and try everywhere. Not to mention how Brazil is next door from me no matter what country I am in in south america. When I am in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, all have Brazil on the other side of the border.

Where have you been dying to visit?


Where have you been dying to visit?

where to begin...

Antartica! just to say I've been


-Ireland (for game)
-Portugal (sights, game)
-Norway (game)
-Sweden (game)
-Iceland (game, sights)
-Kiev (game)
-Malta (want to potentially move there)

N. America:
-SF (sights)
-DC (sights)
-Boston (sights, game)
-Calgary (solely for game)
-Montreal (sights)

S. America.. is an interesting one since I have no desire to learn Spanish, but for sightseeing, and if any chicks want to throw it at me, who am I to say no...


Asia: I want to tour around Asia to sightsee and take in the culture, if chicks throw it at me, who am I to say no..

other cities

-Sydney (sights, game)
-Perth (game)
-Auckland (sights, game)

Where have you been dying to visit?

Philippines although its seems like a bad time politically.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Kenya. Kenyan women really do it for me.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Where have you been dying to visit?

Quote: (10-11-2016 11:37 PM)gameking7 Wrote:  

Philippines although its seems like a bad time politically.

I have a trip planned next month. I think you'll be fine as long as you don't fuck around. I'm not going to lie though, I'm kinda nervous.

Where have you been dying to visit?

Library of Alexandria

Where have you been dying to visit?

Quote: (01-17-2017 06:10 PM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

Library of Alexandria

I was there a few years ago and it was interesting - even though they constructed a modern library atop a place that the old one allegedly was. Long story short, you had to use your imagination.

With relation to the's been a long time since I was in Thailand - too long.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

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