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Best resource for club game

Best resource for club game


I'm looking for a book or website about club game. I still have holes in my game and I'm looking to perfect my game.

What is the best you found?

Cheers and Thanks

Best resource for club game

For direct sniper game:
Rsd pimp
Gunwitch method
60years of challange, ebook about escalation

Best resource for club game

Thanks, yes I planned on reading 60 years again. I like his stuff.

Never heard about Pimp. Regarding Gunwitch I know how his life ended so I'm a bit cautious. I read it years ago, cannot remember. You think it's solid?

Best resource for club game

Quote: (09-18-2016 07:43 AM)Amerok Wrote:  

Thanks, yes I planned on reading 60 years again. I like his stuff.

Never heard about Pimp. Regarding Gunwitch I know how his life ended so I'm a bit cautious. I read it years ago, cannot remember. You think it's solid?

He was at a party and some unhinged chick came at him.

He's still making good game stuff out there. There's nothing poisonous about his game. Just a real unfortunate coincidence


Best resource for club game

Ok good to know. I'll check these then, thanks.

Best resource for club game

I like Aaron Sleazy's books, especially "Club Game" and "Minimal Game". They are rather cheap and contain all the essentials you'll need in this area.

Best resource for club game

Thanks, man. That's exactly what I'm looking for: simplicity.

Best resource for club game

Dance club? Supreme has a bit on it as well amd offers some short but good info. Wouldn't pay just for that though.

My advice? Forget about any specific "club game" and get signed up for dance lessons. If you have an xbox get Kinect and the Dance Central games(won't teach you how to dance for real but you'll learn some moves and confidence(.

Reason why you can't really talk muchnin clubs. The best way to get girls to notice you is be a good dancer in good shape.

Best resource for club game

I suggest Richard La Ruina, guy is excellent all his stealth game stuff is literally the best. An absolute classico is the game by Neil Strauss.

With the bases loaded all we needs a hit boy ima still swing for the fences, I guess you tend to over do it, when you come up under-privileged

Best resource for club game

Could someone help me find Gunwitch Method? I don't find it on google.

Best resource for club game

Learn to DJ by AAJ.

Best resource for club game

Quote: (09-25-2016 09:59 AM)Amerok Wrote:  

Could someone help me find Gunwitch Method? I don't find it on google.

Send me a PM with your email address. I have Gunwitch Method 1-3 as a pdf.

Best resource for club game

The 'Efficient Pickup' methodology is far and away the best PUA resource/s I've come across. I don't like pickup material but I link any of my friends interested in game to their stuff

[Image: jmulv_flowchart.jpg]

Posted a link to the webinar that the above flowchart is from on a previous thread I started on speed closing

A Primer on Fast Club Sex || Speed Closing || Brisbane Datasheet

PM me for add into my Seeking Arrangement 'Saltdaddy' Free FB Mastermind Group

Best resource for club game

Dude. Anything that is on that mystery school is terrible.

You know why? Because real conversations do NOT flow from step 1, to step 2, to step 3. It's a little more dynamic than that.

Being robotic and scripted is exactly the reason most internet types can't get girls to begin with. Telling them to double down on that by following a set "script" is making it WORSE not better. Admittedly they can get further in a conversation but that's primarily because they have more confidence in the PUA author than they do in themselves.

Ligate, your own post is much better than the materials you linked. Your basic game plan of looking for IOI's and then getting them to the dance floor to escalate physically is best plan there is. You'd be surprised how easy it can be for a good dance to bounce from the club without even speaking to them until you're outside......if she likes the way you look and you can dance well at least.

Bottom line is that for clubs the ability to spot IOI's and the ability to dance well are king. That's about all you need from the skills side. Most of the rest is preparation: being in good shape, well groomed, and dressing well.

Best resource for club game

How about videos?

Best resource for club game

Agree with Easy_C. Otherwise I read minimal game and Club game from Aaron Sleazy: very good for my level (beginner-intermediate). Did help me very much.

Best resource for club game

Quote: (10-03-2016 07:48 AM)John Doe Wrote:  

Agree with Easy_C. Otherwise I read minimal game and Club game from Aaron Sleazy: very good for my level (beginner-intermediate). Did help me very much.

I like Minimal Game too..

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

Best resource for club game

230lb bodybuilder 10%bf and can dance.

Best resource for club game

good job, keep it up.

Best resource for club game

PIMP by rsd Julien, especially the pulling videos.
also, rsdtyler's "million dollar mouthpiece" video on youtube.

Best resource for club game

Chase Amante has a good series of articles on Nightgame.

"How to Pick up Girls in Bars and Nightclubs "

https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-p...-and-clubs .

"Where to Post up in Bars and Clubs "

https://www.girlschase.com/content/tacti...s-or-clubs .

Two articles on how to handle group situations

"5 Essential Insights on How to Meet Girls in Groups "

https://www.girlschase.com/content/5-ess...rls-groups .

"4 Tips to Handle Conversations in Groups"


Also here is a great guide to physical escalation you can apply in a bar or club

"7 Ways to Touch a Girl + 3 Ways to Have HER Touch YOU"


Best resource for club game

And if your willing to throw some money around Alex's Social Encrypted product has some decent night game infield breakdowns .

I havent watched all of it but the physical rapport module and the infield breakdowns were great.


Best resource for club game

The mystery method is tried and true. The fundamentals of what is in there is all you need. Complement it with some readings on body language and you're good to go

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Best resource for club game

Hi, does anyone still have "Gunwitch method"? Thanks

By the way, I too find Aaron Sleazy's club game quite useful

Best resource for club game

Quote: (04-01-2019 02:46 PM)waughcraft Wrote:  

Hi, does anyone still have "Gunwitch method"? Thanks

Here you are: https://bristollair.com/pua-seduction-me...ch-method/

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