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CVS Drivethru

CVS Drivethru

Today I went with my cousin to pick up a script at the cvs drivethru and numberclosed a 7 working the window, this is how it went.

Girl on speaker: can I help you?

El mech: this script is for my cousin here, do you need his id?

Girl: Hold on one sec I will call the office.

El mech: Ok

Girl: Here you go, the insurance paid for it. Do you have any Questions?

El mech: Yea, I have one Question. Can you give me your number thru the window here or do I have to come inside?

GirlSadsmile ear to ear) ohh....then just sits there on the intercom smiling

My cuz: Ohh shit! he caught you off guard sweetie! he's not kidding

El mech: Don't even say anything about a boyfriend or I'm coming inside

Girl writes her # on a valtrex notepad and passes it thru the window.

I thought this was a pretty good line that just popped into my head. Give it a try..

CVS Drivethru

I think that's a good line. I'll try it next time I'm in a drive through.

I think girls don't get hit on much at work, so they like the attention (and are pleasantly surprised by it)

CVS Drivethru

I've done it as well at CVS, Gamestop, Denny's, Wal-Mart, and Pizza Hut, but sometimes it can be difficult to pick up whether or not she's feeling you because in the moment they are being paid to be nice to you and everyone else.

Also take advantage of chicks who work as security guards at gated communities, they are much easier to spit at because they are usually alone, don't have much to do, and there isn't a line of customers hanging around while you're trying to bag her.

CVS Drivethru

something about calling a number on a valtrex notepad screams of bad karma

CVS Drivethru

Quote: (08-03-2011 04:10 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

I think girls don't get hit on much at work, so they like the attention (and are pleasantly surprised by it)

That's interesting. I think girls get hit on all the time while they're working.

I guess it depends on where they work.

CVS Drivethru

el mechanico_pua part two..Text startup:

el mech: Do you have any openings?

girl: Who is this? lol

el mech: el mechanico, how many times do you give your number out a day?

girl: never lol. My boss heard that

el mech: Is she jealous?

girl: lol no he was laughing!

el mech: We are all going to dockside later, you could come but may have to drive me home because we finished those pills already.

girl: The antibiotics? lol

el mech: Bring some friends if you like its a good time.

Thats how I left it. Part three later.

CVS Drivethru

Lol good shit mechanico

CVS Drivethru

This was a good one. However the obvious problem with this approach is that you didn't build any connection, making the number itself pretty meaningless. You still can get a date, but you'd have to build the connection over the phone now, which kinda sucks.

CVS Drivethru

Cvs girl part three: My current station wagon (girlfriend) shows up at my house wearing flip flops and capris.

I looked her up and down and said 'did you think I was saying in tonight?'

She left to change and I'm going to ditch now with my cousin to go meet some girl he met at the harbor freight today when he was buying some A/C torches he needed for his new job...Then go to the dockside.

Part four next.

CVS Drivethru

Quote: (08-03-2011 05:56 PM)silent_scope Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2011 04:10 PM)Walderschmidt Wrote:  

I think girls don't get hit on much at work, so they like the attention (and are pleasantly surprised by it)

That's interesting. I think girls get hit on all the time while they're working.

I guess it depends on where they work.

You'd be surprised, most dudes don't really have the balls to hit on women who are complete strangers to them.

CVS Drivethru

Quote: (08-03-2011 03:36 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

El mech: Yea, I have one Question. Can you give me your number thru the window here or do I have to come inside?

El mech: Don't even say anything about a boyfriend or I'm coming inside

el mech: Do you have any openings?

el mech: el mechanico, how many times do you give your number out a day?

Love these.

Quietly waiting for the rest of the second act.

CVS Drivethru

Part four: I didn't post this yesterday because some real stupid shit happened and one of the girls was on my computer that night and started questioning me about " who is the Gmanifesto?"

Me and my cousin went to get the Harbor Freight girl who was a no show so we went to the dockside. The CVS girl showed up and ended up giving me a ride home later.

My cousin left the Dockside and when I got home he was at the bar in my house drinking with this girl (not pretty but rockin body)also my "girlfriend" was there so I decided to go in because it was late and didn't really want to bring her(CVS) in and throw my girlfriend out.Which really is not that big of a deal ..she catches me all the time.

I made a drink and my cuz says "I got to dip for a while" and just left so I tried to work a threesome . The two girls were starting to exchange phone numbers and I got pissed off (cockblock teamwork) and yelled at my girl and she started to cry (second time that night) the rocking body girl got mad at me and split. I went to sleep at around 3am. When I woke up at 5am my girl was blowing me and I made her make me some spaghetti. I could of played that a lot better..I know. I started drinking too early.

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