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Where do you stand on the escalator?

Where do you stand on the escalator?

You and your girl are going up the escalator. Do you stand above or below her?

You and your girl are going down the escalator.Do you stand above or below her?


Where do you stand on the escalator?

Considering that I'm 14" taller than my last girlfriend, I would choose to put her on the high side. Mind you, putting her on the low side would put her at crotch level but that's not the sort of thing I would do in public...

Where do you stand on the escalator?

I don't stand, I walk; she follows. It's not a ride.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Good grief, who gives a shit.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

^ It's very important man. Game Science has proven that good Escalator Positioning Game can boost your HB Score Level by 0.29 points.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Is this a Chinese escalator?

Where do you stand on the escalator?


Americans are dreamers too

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:22 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

Is this a Chinese escalator?

Linux has a good point. You have to factor in Local Nuances to really succeed at Elevator Positioning Game. It could be the difference between scoring a 7.2 and a 7.35.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Above, like an alpha.

Standing a step below her so you can make out with her and grab her ass is pure beta behaviour.

Now, if you happen to be a dwarf and the girl's a giant, you could stand above her, so you can make out and grab her ass.
But that would just show that you are insecure about your height by intentionally placing yourself a step above her, so pure beta behaviour again.

True alphas take the stairs anyway.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

"I wonder what an alpha would do?" -- said no alpha ever.

It doesn't matter where she stands.

I decide where she goes in relation to me.

If I have her stand one step above me, I point out how I'm still taller than her and she's so short.

If I have her stand one step below me, I point out how I am much, much taller than her.

Seriously, who wastes time thinking about this sort of thing? Just do whatever you want to do.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Where do you stand on the escalator?

And this belongs in the Johnbozzz thread by the way.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Behind, so i can admire that ass.


Where do you stand on the escalator?

I thought this was some sort of sexual maneuver initially.

Where you stand on an escalator doesn't make a damn bit of difference

Where do you stand on the escalator?

The date in the mall was going well. I think she was vibing with my attitude, though I confess I was only in the higher beta mindset as I have not yet fully ascended to alpha. Then, in a shocking turn of events, while I was hovering my hand behind her back pondering how to establish kino, the escalator appeared out of nowhere. Before I could anticipate the most alpha move, she stepped on the escalator.

The 8 inches of height that the first step gave her put her at a 3 inch height advantage over me. My heart dropped as quick as my SMV, 4.3 points to be exact. At which point I started a new forum thread to ask the obvious, if my SMV drops but she doesn't know, has it really dropped? As long as she continued to look ahead and not back at me, it was essentially Schrodingers SMV.

Desperate to keep the attention off me, I pointed away and blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Look! Trump is over there making America great again! "

Rather than looking where I pointed, she turned back and looked right at me. The SMV drop was now tangible. But worse, by not following my lead and looking where I pointed, this meant that I was already in the hole before the SMV drop was real. That, or she wasn't very smart. Either way, I had to save face.

When we reached the top of the escalator, I spun her around. We were now facing each other, in a tense standoff, only 6 inches apart. It was time to be alpha.

"You have fun shopping, I'm not going to be your beta bux. I'm going to make like a tree and leave."

Where do you stand on the escalator?

If you're going up the stairs/escalator, stand behind her in case she slips/falls.
If you're going down the stairs/escalator, stand in front or beside her in case she slips/falls.

At least those were the old school rules back in the day as I remember them.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Quote: (08-20-2016 05:44 AM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

And this belongs in the Johnbozzz thread by the way.

We just got Bozzzzzzed.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Quote: (08-20-2016 10:11 AM)Repo Wrote:  

The date in the mall was going well. I think she was vibing with my attitude, though I confess I was only in the higher beta mindset as I have not yet fully ascended to alpha. Then, in a shocking turn of events, while I was hovering my hand behind her back pondering how to establish kino, the escalator appeared out of nowhere. Before I could anticipate the most alpha move, she stepped on the escalator.

The 8 inches of height that the first step gave her put her at a 3 inch height advantage over me. My heart dropped as quick as my SMV, 4.3 points to be exact. At which point I started a new forum thread to ask the obvious, if my SMV drops but she doesn't know, has it really dropped? As long as she continued to look ahead and not back at me, it was essentially Schrodingers SMV.

Desperate to keep the attention off me, I pointed away and blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Look! Trump is over there making America great again! "

Rather than looking where I pointed, she turned back and looked right at me. The SMV drop was now tangible. But worse, by not following my lead and looking where I pointed, this meant that I was already in the hole before the SMV drop was real. That, or she wasn't very smart. Either way, I had to save face.

When we reached the top of the escalator, I spun her around. We were now facing each other, in a tense standoff, only 6 inches apart. It was time to be alpha.

"You have fun shopping, I'm not going to be your beta bux. I'm going to make like a tree and leave."

This hurt my brain. I have to go to the brain doctor now. Thanks a lot.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

This starts to become a thing when you're out with girls wearing heels and a dress.

She walks slower, and she might want to lean on you at certain moments to get around easily.

On the other hand, maybe you live in an Anglo country and the girls you're with wear long pants and Chuck Taylors. In that case, it's no big deal.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

You stand below her, so that if she falls, you will catch her. It's also easier to wrap your hand around her ass or thigh.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Aren't your escalators wide enough to fit two while still having enough space on the side?

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Quote: (08-21-2016 04:26 AM)Armada Wrote:  

Aren't your escalators wide enough to fit two while still having enough space on the side?

The right side of the escalator is for people who want to walk up the escalator. The left side is for standing.

The reason why I asked this question in this thread, which some people on the board find amusing and feel the need to ridicule, is because I honestly am not sure which is better. To elucidate my point, it has been mentioned in some of the threads that you should always stand on the side nearest to the road while walking with your girl. Likewise, using the example of standing on the side nearest to the road, I posted this thread because I was curious what the other members had to say on the matter and their reasons.

Nevertheless, I appreciate those who have given me a serious response.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Quote: (08-21-2016 04:49 AM)Agreddor Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2016 04:26 AM)Armada Wrote:  

Aren't your escalators wide enough to fit two while still having enough space on the side?

The right side of the escalator is for people who want to walk up the escalator. The left side is for standing.

Aren't your escalators wide enough to fit two people on the left(or right) side?

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Aren't your escalators wide enough to fit two people on the left(or right) side?

No, theres only enough space for one person to stand.

Where do you stand on the escalator?

Behind her going up so I can look at her ass.

Going down in front of her so I can look at her tits

Where do you stand on the escalator?

A couple steps below to scout the scene

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