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Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

"Liberals are the most likely to have taken each of these steps to block, unfriend, or hide. In all, 28% of liberals have blocked, unfriended, or hidden someone on SNS because of one of these reasons, compared with 16% of conservatives and 14% of moderates."

[Image: tolerantliberals.jpg]

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I've lost family members for the crime of having conservative views.

I don't see it as a loss. If anything it exposes their own inabilities to deal with differing opinions. I find people like this repugnant and frankly find the behaviour good so I don't have to put up with them.

Good people can look past this.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I had to sack someone for freaking out at other staff because they voted for Brexit. The only reason he cared was because he thought his holidays might get more expensive, but he became so nasty and threatening he had to go. Weird bunch, these 'liberals'.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

In the end, for me, losing a friend for having conservative points of view is a blessing in disguise. It's their loss, not mine.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

No one is surprised. These people are extremely aggressive and (oh my!) intolerant.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I've found the same thing in other forums I've participated in. The liberals are much more quicker to resort to name calling and trying to get people banned for having a contrary opinion.

It's because liberals know they're fighting natural evolution, which puts them in a more threatened and weaker position. So, they feel like they can't give an inch or all their "progress" will quickly unravel. Also, because they're generally weaker people, they feel personally, physically threatened.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

The problem with them is not that they have an opinion. No, they are driven by emotions. By the feeling to be right, to be the good ones, the savers of mankind. By disagree with them, you criticize their hubris of be good. Furthermore when you grow up in a bubble where everyone agree with you, never challenge you nor you ever get challenge, always fly on the cloud to be superior by your moral. They never had to think logical about their arguments because they have none. They repeat indoctrination. Like any fanatic they can't stand disagreement.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Best FB unfriending I ever had was some idiot that had basically totally lost the argument that the new racially segregated "safe spaces" at the university I attend amounted to segregation.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Weak left minds cannot tolerate differing opinions, they simply don't have the intellect to argue a point without resorting to emotional attacks and personal digs.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I have found many of the liberals that I've encountered to be the most intolerant, authoritarian and elitist people around. They like to pride themselves as being the most opened minded people around, until you challenge their beliefs. That's when you get to see how hateful and closed mined most of them are. They live in a complete bubble and generally don't associate with anyone that has a different point of view. It comes to them as a shock when they encounter someone with an opposite point of view.

This is especially rampant with liberals that are under 34. They are so PC that it's truly sickening to hear the empty platitudes that they spew out. A few weeks ago, I heard a liberal on the bus talking to a black guy and how much she was for diversity and multiculturalism as she was going home to one of the most affluent areas of the metro area. The suburb that she lives in is 99% white upper class with incomes of $120-$200k plus. She was a total fraud and phony.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

The Anti-Fascists are the new Fascists.

My sig has been screaming this for awhile now.

The left doesn't want your opinion, just your obedience, and agreement.

Opinion>Disagreement>Illogical Rebuttals>Emotion>Violence

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-19-2016 10:51 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I've lost family members for the crime of having conservative views.

I don't see it as a loss. If anything it exposes their own inabilities to deal with differing opinions. I find people like this repugnant and frankly find the behaviour good so I don't have to put up with them.

Good people can look past this.

There's nothing quite like being told by your sister that she would turn you in for not turning in your guns to slap you into reality. Although one need not be a liberal to be aligned with authoritarianism. The cucked upper middle class of either polity is too invested and has too much at stake to do anything but swallow whatever diktats those in power hand down. If Hillary wins I will have to turn my back on my entire family.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I'm reminded of the saying "if you lend your friend $20 and you never see him again, it was worth it."

"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I agree with our assessment of liberals, but we're in this mess because conservatives (including us) never effectively stood up to liberals. Some of this was laziness, but most of it was ineffectiveness: we thought we could use logic and reason on essentially unreasonable people, and we refused to use the emotional, personal language that liberals speak.

If you haven't read Vox Day's ebook, SJWs Always Lie, please do so. In less than five hours, you'll be instantly transformed into a much more effective liberal-destroying machine.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-19-2016 06:59 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

I agree with our assessment of liberals, but we're in this mess because conservatives (including us) never effectively stood up to liberals. Some of this was laziness, but most of it was ineffectiveness: we thought we could use logic and reason on essentially unreasonable people, and we refused to use the emotional, personal language that liberals speak.

If you haven't read Vox Day's ebook, SJWs Always Lie, please do so. In less than five hours, you'll be instantly transformed into a much more effective liberal-destroying machine.
A lot of conservatives have really underestimated the influence, strength and overall growth of the SJW and leftists types over the last 20-30 years. They own and control most mainstream news outlets like ABC, CBS,NBC, MSNBC,NPR,PBS, the Washington Post, the New York Times and most of the colleges and universities, up to and including local high schools and in some cases even the local grade school. When they have this amount of influence in so many media outlets and in academia, its going to take years to reverse this. This is something that too many conservatives have not fully understood; the level of SJW influence. Look at the high number of people that are under 30 that supported Bernie Sanders. A guy who's an avowed socialist that talked about giving college educations away for free. This speaks volumes to me and it tells me the level of influence here with so many of the under 30 crowd.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-19-2016 06:59 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

If you haven't read Vox Day's ebook, SJWs Always Lie, please do so. In less than five hours, you'll be instantly transformed into a much more effective liberal-destroying machine.

I was going to mention this book too. Vox Day breaks down the SJW and standard liberal mentality pretty well. From my personal experiences everything he says in the book is true.

A lot of us have been saying for a long time that liberals are some of the most intolerant and actual racists out there. They are usually the first to assume things about you or attack you on those terms when they are losing an argument.

Liberals frequently project when it comes to their insecurities. They virtue signal all the time about acceptance but the reality is most of them want nothing to do with other people outside of a very superficial level. All their social justice shit is about collecting merit badges. They are not honest about their intentions or their feelings. They are the assholes who make sure you see how much money they are flashing before putting it into the charity box.

That periscope incident where Roosh and Cernovich were getting yelled out by feminsts and SJWs at the RNC rally is just a display of what these idiots are about. When they couldn't win an actual argument against Roosh they started yelling at him to go back to the middle east.

That's very typical SJW/feminist behavior. They will get real personal or go into a racist tirade when they have nothing.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-19-2016 05:26 PM)Gentleman Josiah Crown Wrote:  

Weak left minds cannot tolerate differing opinions,

"Weak left" is a redundancy.


they simply don't have the intellect to argue a point without resorting to emotional attacks and personal digs.

Extremely true. It's quite amusing to see these people prance around as if they were intellectual giants when in fact most of them have a level of scientific knowledge on par with primitive New Guinea tribesmen. Even in the humanities their level of insight and grasp of subject can be reduced to the half-sentence "white man evil."

Quote: (08-19-2016 06:38 PM)MKE-Ed Wrote:  

I have found many of the liberals that I've encountered to be the most intolerant, authoritarian and elitist people around. They like to pride themselves as being the most opened minded people around, until you challenge their beliefs. That's when you get to see how hateful and closed mined most of them are. They live in a complete bubble and generally don't associate with anyone that has a different point of view. It comes to them as a shock when they encounter someone with an opposite point of view.

I love it when they overhear badthink and they immediately make accusations of someone being "like Hitler" or a Nazi. Usually I just snort and say "We should be so lucky." If I'm feeling mouthy and that I have the fucks to give I say "You calling someone a Nazi/Hitler is rich. You have accepted the current political establishment's worldview with not an ounce of critical thinking about it. If you had been in Germany in the 30's you would have been the biggest Nazi on your fucking block. You'd have had a picture of Hitler over the goddamn fireplace. Because people like you just do as you're told. You can't think for yourself."

The tears of triggered angst that flow from either are salty.


This is especially rampant with liberals that are under 34. They are so PC that it's truly sickening to hear the empty platitudes that they spew out... She was a total fraud and phony.

They stopped teaching the novel 1984 in the high schools in my neck of the woods about ten years ago. Just as well, most people under 30 probably wouldn't understand why things like perpetual war, crimethink, duckspeak, and police enforcement of goodthink are supposed to be horrors.

Quote: (08-19-2016 06:59 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

I agree with our assessment of liberals, but we're in this mess because conservatives (including us) never effectively stood up to liberals. Some of this was laziness, but most of it was ineffectiveness: we thought we could use logic and reason on essentially unreasonable people, and we refused to use the emotional, personal language that liberals speak.

So many who were non or even anti-leftist thought the left were mostly harmless. Their silly little crusades couldn't amount to much. Let those limp wrists and shrill ugly women down on campus act out. No one in their right mind would allow a homo to marry another homo and adopt a little boy. What a ridiculous thought. And no one could possibly think of allowing millions of hostile third worlders into the country. That's quite obviously insane. They can't mean it. And even if they do no one will go along with it. Yeah, they meant it. And people were found to go along with it.

Now because of that failure to act in the past it now makes the actions we must pursue in the future be... ah, much more vigorous. Extremely... vigorous.

Quote: (08-19-2016 07:18 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

A lot of us have been saying for a long time that liberals are some of the most intolerant and actual racists out there. They are usually the first to assume things about you or attack you on those terms when they are losing an argument.

That periscope incident where Roosh and Cernovich were getting yelled out by feminsts and SJWs at the RNC rally is just a display of what these idiots are about. When they couldn't win an actual argument against Roosh they started yelling at him to go back to the middle east.

That's very typical SJW/feminist behavior. They will get real personal or go into a racist tirade when they have nothing.

I remember way back when in 2000 right after George Dipshit Bush won the election. I read a report online back then that had some voter demographic analysis that Bush had done well with American Indians (feather, not dot) in the pacific northwest. And the comment section was a tirade of verbal abuse and anti-Indian racial slurs by Democrats. Motherfuckers were going on about how the pioneers should have wiped them all out and how dirty and stupid and worthless they were. I know plenty of people (and not all of them white) who despise American Indians and still wouldn't say the shit I read on that site. Wish I had printed it out, it was an eye opener.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-20-2016 12:03 AM)Germanicus Wrote:  

I remember way back when in 2000 right after George Dipshit Bush won the election. I read a report online back then that had some voter demographic analysis that Bush had done well with American Indians (feather, not dot) in the pacific northwest. And the comment section was a tirade of verbal abuse and anti-Indian racial slurs by Democrats. Motherfuckers were going on about how the pioneers should have wiped them all out and how dirty and stupid and worthless they were. I know plenty of people (and not all of them white) who despise American Indians and still wouldn't say the shit I read on that site. Wish I had printed it out, it was an eye opener.

I recall a similar incident back in 2008 when asian-american voters were pretty split on voting Obama and the mainstream media left commentary at the time was asian bashing. Basically saying that asians wouldn't vote for a black man etc.. and how racist all asians were. It was the liberal establishment launching their own racist attacks on a minority group for not following the narrative.

Any person who has any clue about voting demographics would know that asians are one of those groups that can split both ways during any election cycle. Asians actually don't act as a hive mind when voting like latino or black demographics where the identity politics are very clear.

These little SJW dipshits will stoop to any level if your politics don't meet their bullshit "standards" of group think.

That's the fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals these days. Most conservatives look at things from a factual point of view with real life observations on how things work. Part of conservatism and red pill thought is looking at and acknowledging facets of real human behavior. Liberals of the SJW/feminist variety are all about the feels. They act like women with bipolar disorder with their complete inability to form coherent arguments without launching into personal attacks that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Also amusing how unwilling they are to confront awkward if not harsh truths.

On two occasions on Twitter, I asked a female black radio host in favour of BLM; about George Soros funding BLM.
A mere request for her thoughts / comments.
She blocked me.
[Image: lol.gif]

The silence is deafening.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I heard Jay Weidner and Jeff Rense discuss why self-proclaimed liberals get nasty and intolerant very quickly. Weidner mentioned that because of the blanket liberal narrative through most institutions in the West, liberals naturally take for granted that everyone thinks like they do. They are horrified to learn that their views are not universally accepted and often challenged.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

So I guess the real questionis this:

How do we reduce and eliminate liberal influence in K12, Higher ed, and the MSM?

The infestation is so bad that we might have to let it all burn to the ground and rebuild.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:08 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

So I guess the real questionis this:

How do we reduce and eliminate liberal influence in K12, Higher ed, and the MSM?

The infestation is so bad that we might have to let it all burn to the ground and rebuild.

I predict that our descendants will declare the liberal media as a legitimate target for the psychological war that it has waged on people since the 1960s.

The established media has in effect hurled severed heads and disease-ridden carcasses over the walls of a besieged city by trebuchet and has demoralized the people from manning the walls to defend traditional and time-tested values.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

This was one of the main benefits of pervasive Christianity in western countries. Hive-minders reigned in under the Christian ideology by priests are a lot less socially damaging that those left alone to rot each other's brains with leftism.

Not everybody can calmly and rationally behave like an upstanding human being, instead of a dumb ape, so sometimes it takes a priest convincing them "behave with basic decency or you'll be burned in hell for eternity".

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

This stuff throws a wrench into the supposed finding that liberals are more open-minded than conservatives.

Conservatives I know have no problem listening to the views of leftists and even radical Marxists. In fact, some find it entertaining and occasionally interesting.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-19-2016 06:57 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

I'm reminded of the saying "if you lend your friend $20 and you never see him again, it was worth it."

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

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