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HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Anybody been watching this?

I just watched the first five episodes. I thought it was pretty bad ass.



HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I've been looking for a new show. This definately looks interesting, I'll check it out, thanks. I love dark crime shows like the first season of True Detective, which was a 10/10 in my opinion

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Stellar show so far. First episode is incredibly slow, but if you watch til the end you'll be rewarded. Plus lots of cast members from The Wire.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

The casual references to the family and the accused as "muslims" is kinda funny. They make it seem kinda of strange to the family but not a big deal, instead of "racist".

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I have been watching it from the start. I would agree that it is a little long at first, but I am sure that there is a reason why it was so detailed in the first episode. This is one of those shows that you cant lapse nor should you start in the middle. I would say that it is worth watching so far.

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Quote: (08-14-2016 04:33 PM)godzilla Wrote:  

The casual references to the family and the accused as "muslims" is kinda funny. They make it seem kinda of strange to the family but not a big deal, instead of "racist".

Could you expand on what you mean by this?

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Quote: (08-14-2016 02:03 PM)glugger Wrote:  

Stellar show so far. First episode is incredibly slow, but if you watch til the end you'll be rewarded.

I personally liked the slow build-up. Can be pretty tense if executed well, which I think they managed. It's what got me hooked on it.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I watched the 6 episodes so far in a binge yesterday. I think Nasir did it.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I'm watching now. I didn't realize this had its own thread and posted about it in the lounge.

Nazzir's moment with the lawyer is pure red pill.

Apparently a few weeks in prison is an accelerated beta to alpha training course.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Quote: (08-18-2016 09:57 AM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

I watched the 6 episodes so far in a binge yesterday. I think Nasir did it.

Still too many x factors for me to agree with you. I don't dis-agree, just don't know. I would not be surprised that he is likely to get convicted and then have a final episode or two on how he is ex-honorated.

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

The step dad obviously did it. He had a multi million dollar motive and a criminal history and is actively hindering investigation.
Riz Hamed is an awesome actor. He is great in Four Lions and also in The Reluctant Fundamentalist.
John Torturro always brings it.
WB his defense lawyer.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

It's a great show. Just enough ambiguity in it. I'm not sure if he did it or not. I like not really being able to figure it out.

The acting is great. I highly recommend.

"When in chaos, speak truth." - Jordan Peterson

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I think the actor playing Nasir will be a star. I like his demeanor change through the episodes. I really like this show. I worked in the NY justice system for a bit and a few of my close friends are cops, COs, and court officers in NYC -- the show captures the vibe of the system accurately. I don't think he did it. He would've had more blood on him.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

He did not do it. I watched the British series it is based on, Criminal Justice. Trust me, he absolutely did not do it. Notice the main detective seems unconvinced of Naz's guilt.....

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Best ending would be that he is Not Guilty, but gets arrested for his drug smuggling, arranged by Freddy so Nasir can remain in his crew.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Quote: (08-25-2016 08:29 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

He did not do it. I watched the British series it is based on, Criminal Justice. Trust me, he absolutely did not do it. Notice the main detective seems unconvinced of Naz's guilt.....

Dude SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Some of us didn't know about the british show.

Quote: (08-26-2016 01:50 AM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Best ending would be that he is Not Guilty, but gets arrested for his drug smuggling, arranged by Freddy so Nasir can remain in his crew.

Thats what I thought might happen.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

For what it is worth here are some key differences without spoiling anything. In the British show a white man is accused of killing a black girl, the accused does not become tougher in jail, there is no sex abuse of a young boy in jail and a few other things I will not mention because it would give shit away. James Gandolfini was supposed to be the defense attorney on the American show, his sudden death held up production. The actor that plays Nas , a 20year old, is 32 in real life. In the British show the guy who tried to burn off Nas's face was a "friend" who showed him the ropes and "helped" him in major ways. The American show is superior to the British show in my opinion. The British show is free online, you can watch it all in one day if you want.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I thought the finale was highly underwhelming.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I just finished the finale -- I thought it was good but I understand why people might be disappointed.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I also thought it was underwhelming. They didn't fuck anything up, but they didn't take any risks to make anything memorable. So the overall series was decent, with the first episode being amazing.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Going into the finale I honestly thought the Mortician did it, and that someone was going to figure out that her nails weren't painted before, since they made it a point to show the mortician painting a dead woman's nails.

Over all it was a great show, although depressing at the end. Seeing him buying and smoking the crack at the was sad as fuck.

Also you'd think last number in cell her phone from her financial adviser/ boyfriend would make him a potential suspect early on.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Spoilers in the post below:

I think it was a very good show overall. One thing that became clear was as the show progressed was that it's less of a murder mystery and more of an examination of the prison industrial complex in the US. Assuming Naz was innocent he returned home becoming a hardened junkie who is highly likely to commit an actual crime and end up back in prison.

Some of the elements of the show were weak and the young lawyer's story was perhaps the most depressing. She lost everything in her bid to help Naz and obviously she deserves some of the blame for kissing him. In fact she's lucky to not get busted for drug smuggling.

I like that the show showed that Omar/Chalky genuinely cared for Naz even though he did end up using him as a drug mule. It shows how powerful this show is when I'd guess most of the viewers were on the edge of their seats when Naz was leaving the prison and we all expected something to happen to him.

Overall it's a better show than 90% of the TV out today and it's a definite WR (would recommend).

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

Just finished the show. Pretty good performances all around. Definitely keeps your mind guessing the whole way through. Glad I watched it.

****potential spoiler info below****

They writers did a good job of leading the viewer down the path of "I don't think he did it" to "well, he looks capable of it now..."

The only thing I thought would have been cool at the end, when he's sitting by the river bank, have the missing hours flash in high speed imagery as he's getting high and remembering her and the night of. Either that he did it, or that he remembers who did. But maybe they are setting up a part 2 based on the success of the first mini series.

****end potential spoilers****


HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

We are so used to surprise twists, that when we don't get them we are underwhelmed. But though there were no twists for this show, it was still fantastic.

HBO Miniseries "The Night Of..."

I really enjoyed the show. I have an Indian-American up bringing somewhat similat to Nasir. Nasir was more social than me though, had some friends and had some respect. He was handicapped by hia health. I was only handicapped by my own fears. I never stood up for myself and in many situations, I just backed down.

Once I joineed the Navy, I transformed into someone different. I always stood up for myself and was proud of who I was.

I really identified with him when he said "sometimes, you just do what you're supposed to."

I have yet to drive a cab with a hookers as passenger though.

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