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Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead (NSFW)

Quote:Daily Mail Wrote:

BREAKING NEWS: Multiple explosions in Thailand after bombing in Phuket with reports of at least seven attacks across the country as westerners flee resorts in terror

- A series of bomb and fire attacks have ripped through Thailand
- Phuket - the most popular foreign tourist destination - was targetted
- Twin explosions in Surat Thani have killed at least one person
- Two bombs exploded in plant pots at Thai resort of Hua Hin on Thursday
- One woman is said to have died in the blast with bombs 30 minutes apart
- At least 10 people believed to be injured including 'foreign tourists'

[Image: 3723C25700000578-3735585-image-a-68_1470971900386.jpg]

There are also reports of blasts or fires in Phang Nga, Krabie, and Trang.

Many sources indicate the "double-tap" bombings are commonly used by the southern muslim insurgency.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

A few things about the southern muslim insurgents in Thailand..

They have had the manpower and the capability to cripple Thailand's tourism sector for a long time now. They could have spread their terror attacks into Bangkok and Phuket a long time ago.

The reason why they didn't is because they are mostly separatist in motivation and contain their terror attacks in the deep south* for this reason. They view non muslim Thais living in the south as infidel invaders of their territory.

They view the southern tip of Thailand as their rightful homeland which has been historically separate from the culture of Siam.

They aren't really interested in turning Thailand into a caliphate. This is what makes their terror motivations different from let's say ISIS or Al Qaeda who just want to see western and other non muslim civilizations burn and its downfall.

It's entirely possible that another faction within the southern insurgency did this but it would have to be a very big change in motivation if this is what's going on. In this situation I would not be so quick to assume it's the southern insurgents until more information comes in.

*When i'm referring to deep south i'm talking about the border region connected to Malaysia and includes cities like Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala, etc...

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Crazy night... I was with my Thai girlfriend 30 minutes before in the same area before he bomb went off!! She lives right near it and wanted to go home and changed while I went to check out some bars. I was only 200 metres away when people started running like crazy down the street towards the beach. I went into the middle of the road and tried to film it but my camera is fucked on my phone so we went back to the bar and drank more cause we thought it was a bomb threat. I didn't hear the bomb go off cause of he music at a local bar. People were crying and in a panic, it was like being in a movie but I'll never forget the fear which I found exciting [Image: smile.gif] We stayed for another 30 minutes before all bars where shut down and we heard someone had died and someone with blood on their arm.

I only heard now that my Thai girlfriend that she knew the one person that was killed.

Hua Hin is in lockdown where we are told to stay at home where I'm about 5km out of Hua Hin. I've heard there has been about 4 bombs in Hua Hin in 24 hours, one at the clock tower, train station so i'm just going to chill in my room with my girl for no and drink some Red Label. [Image: smile.gif]

I think ill stay stay away from the tourist places for another week and stay home until things die down. Thailand has been hit hard...

My phone was at 80% before I went to bed but when i woke up it was flat from my mum ringing me.

What a rush!!! [Image: smile.gif] [Image: smile.gif] [Image: smile.gif]



(Thursday) 10.15pm "Double-tap" bomb explosions outside a neighbourhood bar killed one woman and wounded 21 people. The first one went off at a beer bar on a soi behind Ban Hua Hin Municipality School. The second was less than 1000m away, at Selakham intersection on Poonsuk Road.

9.10am Two explosions occured near the Hua Hin clock tower opposite Ban Hua Hin Municipality School. Moments later, a bomb exploded nearby. A woman died at a hospital and four men were injured.

10.00am: Explosive ordnance disposal officiers destroyed a third bomb found planted on a motorcycle parked in nearby Wat Hua Hin.


3.30am: A fire broke out at the Taveesin Plastic shophouse on Kanchanavithee Road. The damage was estimated at 10 million baht.

8.00am: A bomb exploded in front of the marine police office on Na Muang Road in the municipality. A female municipality worker died at a hospital and three bystanders were injured.

8.30am: A bomb went off in front of the main police station, 300 metres from the previous bombing. There were no injuries.


(Thursday) 7.00pm: Two suspected bombs were found in China Town and Sai 2 Roads in the Patong area. They were destroyed.

8.00am: A bomb went off in front of a police booth at the end of Walking Street Street on Thawiwong Road in tambon Patong, Kathu district. A motorcycle taxi driver was slightly injured.

8.00am: A device exploded in front of the Loma Park on the same road, but caused no injuries.

8.00am: A bomb exploded in front of the Coconut Village hotel. There were no injuries.


2.15am: A fire gutted a weekend market, a popular shopping venue among tourists, in Khao Lak

9.15am: A bomb exploded Ban Nang Niang village in tambon Khuek Khak. One vehicle was damaged.

9.15am: Two bombs went off in Khao Lak. No casualties were reported.


(Thursday) 3.00pm: A bomb exploded at Centre Point market, killing one food vendor and injuring six.

4.00am: A fire burned down the local department store Lee Mart Super Ka Song, formerly Diamond Store. The store is in front of Trang train station on Satanee Road in the municipality, 1km from the previous bombing site. No one was injured but the entire three-storey building may be a write-off, with estimated damages of 100 million baht.


In Krabi, a fire ravaged a shopping venue in front of Au Nang beach early Friday morning, damaging five shops. Damage was about 10 million baht.


8.00am: A bomb exploded near the governor's residence in Muang district.


8.00am A fire broke out at a snack section inside a Tesco Lotus in Muang district, causing damage worth about 100,000 baht. There were no casualties

Late Friday morning, the US embassy issued a "security message for US citizens" on the bombings.

"Thai officials have identified no US citizens among the injured victims," it said.

US "travellers to the area should avoid the affected areas, review your personal security plans; remain aware of your surroundings, including local events; and monitor local news stations for updates."

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Stay safe, don't get yourself killed, and lay low with your girl.

I was living a few block away from the boat the Boston bomber kid was hiding in back in the day.

Keep us in the loop.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

I'm still peaking... my girl told me to meet her around the corner at Ibiza bar otherwise I would be in the same area! The Blue Monkey is one of my favourite bars which was only 10-20 meters away! I want to fucking smash my phone... I wished I filmed it all and sold it to CNN for $$$$$$.

Call me nuts but I find this shit exciting! [Image: smile.gif]

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Only feels that way because you didn't actually see it.

Trust me, it is nowhere near as cool when you're 1 meter away.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Are you 12, OP? "Exciting"? Jesus Christ.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-12-2016 03:19 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Are you 12, OP? "Exciting"? Jesus Christ.

I'm 36!

We all die in the end so why get upset if it's today or in 100 years? it doesn't matter...

if you knew you were going to die in 1 year, how would you live you life... if it's time, it's time, you can't do anything about it...

this video explains how i feel...


Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

people died in those blasts and some are still fighting for their lives. I am in thailand too right now, nowhere near as amused as you are.

Shameful thread.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Don't be too harsh on OP, being "excited" is just another way of coping.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

I have plans to go to Hua Hin for a couple days with my girl.

This is sad and unfortunate. And OP, you're jumping up and down with giddy excitement over this? Disgusting thread

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

OP is just being honest about his reaction. To use the word "exciting" because no other word suffices doesn't mean that OP is condoning what occurred.

Anyone who has been in life threatening situations knows that an emotional rush that can feel joyful often accompanies survival.

I'd rather OP be honest than attention whore with a healthy helping of fake moral superiority.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

[Image: troll.gif]

If this was a thread about coping with a terrible experience, that would be one thing.

But this bullshit?

I can read the headlines on feminist sites now: "Misogynist man babies celebrate terrorism!" This is a terrible thread. Reported.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

"I only heard now that my Thai girlfriend that she knew the one person that was killed."

How exciting :/

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

"Finding it exciting" is a coping mechanism, similar to when some folks laugh when they feel pain or get caught lying. It's either that or the adrenaline of making out of it alive.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

I get the adrenaline rush after being in a situation like this. If I were in that situation, there is no question I would be shaken up with pumping adrenaline.

But putting in a whole bunch of smiley faces and insinuating that he could have made money by selling videos of the carnage (in the same post where he admits that his girl knew the girl who died)? That is indefensible.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Adrenaline wears off in minutes. Not 12 hours later or whatever.

Very odd.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

OP, having mental issues preventing you from connecting to other people / feeling pain from their suffering, is nothing to brag about.
Try working on yourself instead, understand why you didn't develop or lost this ability.
This could open new worlds to you and enhance your ability to assess your surrondings.

I'm talking by experience, so don't think I'm judging you.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

OP,I was 300 m away from your Nairobi embassy when that bomb went off in 98. The building I was next to fucking vibrated,such was the power of the blast. Let me not go into the true nature of the bomb or the real perps but no;it wasn't 'exciting'.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Way too many smiley face emojis being used. We're talking about explosives going off here not finger blasting your first girl. Smarten up for fuck sakes.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

One of the political writers Based in Thailand had this to say


The most likely culprits are forces linked to ousted former-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, his political party Pheu Thai and his street front, the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD or "red shirts").

Shinawatra and his supporters suffered a significant defeat just days ago in a pivotal national referendum which saw the passing of a new charter that would all but end his party's prospects of returning to power.

In the past, when Shinawatra's forces have felt politically cornered, they have violently struck back. The move will harm the nation's economy, undermine the government's ability to maintain peace and stability, give the more radical elements of Shinawatra's movement a boost in morale and send a message to Shinawatra's opponents to come back to the table for talks rather than continue one with the systematic dismantling of his political party.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-12-2016 03:19 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Are you 12, OP? "Exciting"? Jesus Christ.

Quote: (08-12-2016 04:55 AM)Snowflake Wrote:  

people died in those blasts and some are still fighting for their lives. I am in thailand too right now, nowhere near as amused as you are.

Shameful thread.

Quote: (08-12-2016 05:20 AM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

[Image: troll.gif]

If this was a thread about coping with a terrible experience, that would be one thing.

But this bullshit?

I can read the headlines on feminist sites now: "Misogynist man babies celebrate terrorism!" This is a terrible thread. Reported.

Quote: (08-12-2016 07:58 AM)Kdog Wrote:  

Way too many smiley face emojis being used. We're talking about explosives going off here not finger blasting your first girl. Smarten up for fuck sakes.

[Image: tumblr_lkqm0enAZt1qh59n0o1_500.gif]

I'm one of the luckiest man alive, nothing in my life has been easy...

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

Quote: (08-12-2016 08:00 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

One of the political writers Based in Thailand had this to say

The most likely culprits are forces linked to ousted former-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, his political party Pheu Thai and his street front, the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD or "red shirts").

[Image: tard.gif]

This is pure Thai elite vs elite political bullshit. They use every political opportunity like this to throw mud on Thaksin. It's because Thaksin opposes the old school elites and was basically exiled and they can't get to him and it pisses them off because he still has popular support and exerts subtle influence.

He's not stupid and he's not psychotic. Blowing up random thais in a terrorist plot is not his style. He's an oligarch not a serial killer.

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

When psychologists studied people after the London bombings during WWII, they thought everybody would have PTSD. What they found was interesting...

People directly affected (injury or injury to a loved one I believe) had PTSD or some form of trauma

People not directly affected but who were in the vicinity of direct affects had a strange form of invincibility, probably because they came so close to death but walked away unscathed (both physically and emotionally because of no loved ones being harmed)

So let's not all jump on OP. It's a somewhat predictable honest reaction.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Multiple bombings across Thailand, 4 dead

I'm still in fight or flight mode (adrenaline). Tracing my steps from last night today.. it was VERY close call where I thought it was only a bomb threat! For fuck sake, I went pass the area where a bomb went off 30 minutes later!!! That shit fucks with your head!!! Talk about a MEGA RUSH!!!

I do feel sorry to the woman that died cause my girl knows her and I just found out a girl I was with 2 weeks ago was injured in the blast as you see the picture below she just sent me. [Image: sad.gif]

[Image: LeEJAFW.jpg]

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