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Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Another day, another attack. Interesting that this appears to be a direct attack against Christianity, rather than just lashing out against 'the West'

Edit- misleading thread title- meant to say attackers killed by police. Could a mod please edit? Thanks.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church


A priest has been killed during a hostage situation at a church in northern France, according to a police source. The attackers slit his throat, local media reported citing police sources.

According to Le Point, one of the worshippers has also been killed. Police have so far only confirmed the death of one hostage, who was "killed with a blade."


"Don't break the security perimeter to take photos/videos, you're interfering with the police work," local police warned on Twitter.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Those pesky Wiccans again?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

This is what happens when you run out of Jews and Synagogues.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

[Image: RHCnH9p.jpg]

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Some newer reports allege the priest was in fact beheaded.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 04:54 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

Some newer reports allege the priest was in fact beheaded.

How long until that's downgraded by the French police and press as "he fell down the stairs and hit his head."

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 04:55 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 04:54 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

Some newer reports allege the priest was in fact beheaded.

How long until that's downgraded by the French police and press as "he fell down the stairs and hit his head."

and it fell of by coincidence. The steps were very sharp.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Next up: Pope Francis saying the beheader only did it out of lack of love and financial support.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 04:55 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 04:54 AM)Nineteen84 Wrote:  

Some newer reports allege the priest was in fact beheaded.

How long until that's downgraded by the French police and press as "he fell down the stairs and hit his head."

"Christian priest attacks tanned choir boys machete with his throat while singing Allahu Akbar"

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

I heard he very accidentally brutally beheaded himself while shaving.

"As wolves among sheep we have wandered"

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

I.... I don't even want to know anymore....

Deus vult!

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

So far only the tabloids and the Jewish press seem to trigger the search term "beheaded".

Sad that it matters, but it's not as simple as "dead is dead".

Whether the priest was beheaded rather than just bled out will be a major psychological differentiation to the public at large.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

How much more before Europeans take action? They are sitting ducks and haven't done anything to defend their citizens.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

[Image: attachment.jpg32831]   

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:06 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

How much more before Europeans take action?

A lot more.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

I always feel strange pressing Like on a post that I absolutely do not like at all.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:21 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I always feel strange pressing Like on a post that I absolutely do not like at all.

It's appreciation for the forum member who brought you the news, not the post.

p.s. I liked your post, but it's up to you to decide whether I really like it [Image: wink.gif]

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Jesus. Every day it looks like we are getting closer to Samseau's prediction of all-out civil war in Europe.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:21 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:06 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

How much more before Europeans take action?

A lot more.

This is the sad fact of the matter. The leaders (and quite a few of the electorate too) of most European countries are (outside of the V4) so cucked that instead of facing up to the problem, they will instead just up the surveillance state and punish everyone.
Zelcorpion made this point already in the recent 'Munich' thread.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:22 AM)Lucky Wrote:  

Jesus. Every day it looks like we are getting closer to Samseau's prediction of all-out civil war in Europe.

At this stage, I think we can safely say that those behind these attacks are now actively trying to provoke civil war among ethnic lines.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:22 AM)Lucky Wrote:  

Jesus. Every day it looks like we are getting closer to Samseau's prediction of all-out civil war in Europe.

How is that Samseau's prediction? Anyone with a brain in his head who's read a history book has been saying that's going to happen for decades now. Just look up "gates of vienna".

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

So this 86 year old priest lived through WW2 as a boy and probably saw lots of hardship after the war only to get killed in 2016 in the most brutal fashion by mindless savages.

Good times.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:47 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

How is that Samseau's prediction? Anyone with a brain in his head who's read a history book has been saying that's going to happen for decades now. Just look up "gates of vienna".

Because Samseau predicted it first in his goatskin scrolls, circa 1630-1741.

Typically, the first person to predict something receives credit for it.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

What the flying fuck. This is disgusting.

The punishment should be forced pork eating for a week, followed by hanging, and then the body being left in a pig corpse in the middle of these Muslim neighborhoods.

These animals need a lesson inflicted.

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