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As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:07 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 04:56 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

100 years ago, women didn't go out in public at night without a chaperone, who was usually a family member.

In my neighborhood, there are two Irish bars, Kelly's and the Shamrock, where decades ago, maybe like the 50's or even 60's, women weren't allowed to sit at the bar. They were allowed in those places, but they had to sit at the tables. I can't picture the tables in Kelly's (I never really went to that place), but anyone who has been to the Shamrock knows the tables behind the huge oval bar behind the side of the oval bar farthest from the entrance.

It's still like that in certain parts of rural Ireland..

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

1. The idea is stupid as fuck because it flies in the face of why bars exist in the first place. I've worked bars before, and it's the job of the barman to talk patrons up, make them feel comfortable, and create conversations that lead to those people buying more drinks and frequenting that bar. Harassing male patrons is literally the opposite of what bartenders are supposed to do.

2. One of the main (if not the main) reason for bars is to meet people of the opposite sex. Again, this initiative is anathema to that.

3. Why the hell did this woman go to a bar alone if she doesn't want to speak to anyone? If this woman is so fearful of talking to strangers, why go at all? I know girls who never go to bars for exactly this reason: the environment doesn't suit their nature.

4. If a gay dude hits on me at a bar, do I now have the right to request that he be ejected immediately for harassing me? Will bartenders be monitoring conversations between lesbians as closely as between heterosexual couples? If not, what's stopping someone from suing for discrimination?

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (08-01-2016 01:59 PM)AFS Wrote:  

4. If a gay dude hits on me at a bar, do I now have the right to request that he be ejected immediately for harassing me? Will bartenders be monitoring conversations between lesbians as closely as between heterosexual couples? If not, what's stopping someone from suing for discrimination?

Quote: (08-01-2016 02:29 AM)Gorgiass Wrote:  

I was talkign to a guy first and then a girl for a while right at the bar - One thing I did notice in this was that when they came around, they would ask, "How's everything going?" and stare at each person in the group. It wasn't a simple "can I get you anything?" They were definitely trying to ascertain the dynamics of each interaction. Whatever, they have a great beer list, I'd go back and piss off the SJWs again.

This guy I was talking to was from SF and probably gay - had an interesting job and was an in to the cute chick in his group though. Bartender asked the same question with the same staring manner when I was talking to him as when I was talking to the girl. So yes, you too would probably have the right to be escorted down the back stairs. She took that training class waaay too seriously. Other bartender seemed like a pretty cool guy though

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 06:41 PM)Black Knight Wrote:  

Either society must treat women as equal to men and able to handle themselves in basic social situations with the agency of any other adult (i.e., saying directly, "I'm not interested and would like to be left alone"), or we all acknowledge they are special snowflakes who need male protection, with all of the responsibilities and limitations that come with that status.

The goal of feminism was always to have your cake and eat it too, dont'cha know. The privileges of men, the advantages of women, and the responsibilities of neither.

In the main, all feminist diatribes about any social phenomenon boil down to "I want want I want, and I didn't get it, but I wanted it."


1. The idea is stupid as fuck because it flies in the face of why bars exist in the first place. I've worked bars before, and it's the job of the barman to talk patrons up, make them feel comfortable, and create conversations that lead to those people buying more drinks and frequenting that bar. Harassing male patrons is literally the opposite of what bartenders are supposed to do.

2. One of the main (if not the main) reason for bars is to meet people of the opposite sex. Again, this initiative is anathema to that.

The fact is that bars have been slowly re-inventing themselves to survive; the writing has been on the wall for night game for some time now. They ones that are surviving around here survive because they've basically become restaurants. With a bar. And likely also a live music stage. They bring in renowned chefs and try to make a name for themselves via fine dining and their top shelf booze collection. They're the places you go to with a girl you're already dating, or your Tinder date, or to hang out with your friends, or to text so you feel like you're not actually alone...not to meet single women.

The couples market is really their main draw, as is apparent on a warm Saturday night at a place with a patio and at 11 PM the actual bar is nearly vacant - everyone is out sitting at a table with their SO.

I'm somewhat surprised some venues haven't worked the "online dating integration" thing harder; on an average weekend night playing "spot the Tinder meet" can be a fun game at any SWPL bar.


3. Why the hell did this woman go to a bar alone if she doesn't want to speak to anyone? If this woman is so fearful of talking to strangers, why go at all? I know girls who never go to bars for exactly this reason: the environment doesn't suit their nature.

Probably just to be seen, text their orbiters, drink, take photos for FB, and not feel so alone. You've heard of "celibacy clubs", right?

In Boston women sitting alone in bars are some of the least receptive girls to approach there are. I have the experience to know.

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