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Break up then make up

Break up then make up

This pattern happens to many people I know through many years, may be it's just part of the game and it supposed to be like that.

So here is a situation, a couple are in LTR for many years.
Suddenly she wanted to leave the guy because of some disagreements, but he knows she likes someone else, may be she thought her bf is not good enough or gave her beta vibes.

Soon after, she changes her mind and they get back together. Everything is fine for a long time, but he will keep thinking if it was the right choice. Is it? should he dump her even after they keep dating years after the break up?

I can't understand the guys that decide to get married these days, but may be it's just me.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-10-2016 02:56 AM)donn Wrote:  

Everything is fine for a long time, but he will keep thinking if it was the right choice. Is it?


Quote: (07-10-2016 02:56 AM)donn Wrote:  

should he dump her even after they keep dating years after the break up?

Once you break up there is no going back to the original relationship, so you shouldn't get back together in the first place.

Some people will say that if it's years later it shouldn't matter. Yet, if you've still got that gut feeling that something is wrong, then most likely it's because something is wrong.

Break up then make up


Break up then make up

Quote: (07-10-2016 08:55 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  


Nice thread. Thanks.

Break up then make up

Officially single after so many years.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-10-2016 02:56 AM)donn Wrote:  

This pattern happens to many people I know through many years, may be it's just part of the game and it supposed to be like that.

So here is a situation, a couple are in LTR for many years.
Suddenly she wanted to leave the guy because of some disagreements, but he knows she likes someone else, may be she thought her bf is not good enough or gave her beta vibes.

Soon after, she changes her mind and they get back together. Everything is fine for a long time, but he will keep thinking if it was the right choice. Is it? should he dump her even after they keep dating years after the break up?

I can't understand the guys that decide to get married these days, but may be it's just me.

I think that it is a lot easier to discuss an issue if you are having the issue in some kind of context, rather than framing the issue in an apparent abstract and theoretical sense.

It is not a game if you are in a relationship and then something happens where you break up and then decide to get back together, and some of the answer depends upon the details regarding why you were in the relationship in the first place and why you decided to get back together.

Are you personally experiencing this issue, or do you merely want to discuss the theory of the issue?

Break up then make up

It's all began when she wanted to leave me, but changed her mind.
I always thought that the cause to our break up was her male friend.
Meanwhile I fucked someone else and when she asked if I did, I told her.

She decided to get back together, since then everything was fine until...

In the past year I've read RVF and became even more conservative than I was before.

The guy that was in the picture then is still in the picture today - her male friend that today works with her in the same company, so I said leave the job or I leave you, she didn't.

She is great and everything, but I decided to end it.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 01:07 AM)donn Wrote:  

It's all began when she wanted to leave me, but changed her mind.
I always thought that the cause to our break up was her male friend.
Meanwhile I fucked someone else and when she asked if I did, I told her.

She decided to get back together, since then everything was fine until...

In the past year I've read RVF and became even more conservative than I was before.

The guy that was in the picture then is still in the picture today - her male friend that today works with her in the same company, so I said leave the job or I leave you, she didn't.

She is great and everything, but I decided to end it.

Well, I think that you are still being a bit vague with your description, yet what you say is sufficient enough to conclude that you kind of seem to have this situation in a comfortable place for yourself.

Frequently, it tends to be a much better position to be in to have concluded that you are the one doing the break up, rather having the chick concluding and your going along with it.

I don't think that we can generalize about folks getting back together after a break-up, but you are probably correct to assert that such phenomenon happens frequently. It has happened to me a few times in my life and I know of several guys who have experienced the same.

Also, most likely if you get involved in a long term relationship, you will tend to rely on a certain level of trust that the girl is not fucking around, unless for some reason you are o.k.. with that. If you cannot trust her judgement and the level of boundaries that she puts with her various male friends, then likely she is not good long term relationship material because you are always going to be wondering about whether she is playing around on the side.

If you are also playing around on the side, then you are probably not really ready for a long term relationship anyhow, so could be better to just have several short term relationships set up rather than considering them as exclusive arrangements.

Break up then make up

It's not about loyalty, because she was loyal. It's about that she knew I don't like this guy and he has influence on her, still kept contact with him and it caused problems.
What's wrong with playing around on the side? men are different than women. I can do that and remain in a LTR.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 03:34 AM)donn Wrote:  

It's not about loyalty, because she was loyal. It's about that she knew I don't like this guy and he has influence on her, still kept contact with him and it caused problems.
What's wrong with playing around on the side? men are different than women. I can do that and remain in a LTR.

Why would you give a ratt's ass if the chick kept contact with some other guy, unless you were concerned about her ability to keep her legs together?

Accordingly, it seems, to the extent that any of this is true, that you may have had concerns regarding her ability to maintain appropriate boundaries with other guys, otherwise it doesn't make sense that you would preoccupy yourself with her keeping contact with some coworker guy.

Regarding playing around, that is your choice whether you believe that you can carry out such a practice without causing problems in your LTR (that is if you are in LTRs)... If you are in a supposed exclusive LTR, and then you are playing around, how you going to manage this? Anyhow, you can juggle how you like in terms of your playing around.

When you are asserting that "guys are different than women" you come off as a troll, so maybe you should explain what you mean by that? Guys on this forum who are in LTRs are certainly going to manage their playing around in different kinds of ways, and many guys on this forum are disinclined towards LTRs, so I doubt that there is any blanket rule, as you suggest, guys are different than girls.. In the end, it depends upon how you are employing such concept of "difference"

Break up then make up

I'll give you my story, and hopefully you can apply it to your situation. I was disenchanted to LTR's until I got into one 8 months ago from a daygame approach. Since then its been an up and down relationship, and my latest issues I have documented in this thread.

We came back together last weekend after a week apart, and after a full day together, she broke up with me, and 30 minutes later, she decided to stay with me. We then spent the rest of the weekend together, and had fun just like we always did.

She broke up with me because I became very angry with her, and said very nasty things. She apologized for her behavior that lead to it, but told all of her friends and some of her family about it, to which they made a blatant comment about it when we were out this weekend. I asked her "did you talk to your friends" and she said no, she didnt. I dont think she has another dude, because we spent all of our time together, but you never know. She had a legit excuse for dumping me, because I can be a high strung dick when I want to be.

Even though all of the advice I received was to break it off with her, she owned up to it and apologized. I did as well about my temper. She broke up then quickly changed her mind within a few minutes.

To counter-act this, and see where I truly stand, I have pulled back on initiating all texting and calling. In the few days its been, she already called me once, and we set plans to meet tomorrow. I am putting all communication on her for the foreseeable future, not saying I love you, sharing my feelings, discussing the 'relationship', etc. This is where I feel short, and I lost all 'player training' when I was with her. I have to see an investment before I add anything else to this. That includes pricier dates and doing anything extra than just hanging together and having some fun. If by me pulling back, she takes this as an out and leaves, I will be relieved that its done. Without saying "theres the door", I am saying theres the door.

We will see what happens. I think this is the only way you can deal with a dumper. Back off, and check out from communication, but spend time with her after she reaches out to you first. Go approach. I did and proved to myself I still have it. I can have a women in the same day if I get dumped, so I am not scared of being alone, etc. Seeing how she reacts when you pull away will be a good test of her commitment to you. Good luck.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 12:53 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

I'll give you my story, and hopefully you can apply it to your situation. I was disenchanted to LTR's until I got into one 8 months ago from a daygame approach. Since then its been an up and down relationship, and my latest issues I have documented in this thread.

We came back together last weekend after a week apart, and after a full day together, she broke up with me, and 30 minutes later, she decided to stay with me. We then spent the rest of the weekend together, and had fun just like we always did.

She broke up with me because I became very angry with her, and said very nasty things. She apologized for her behavior that lead to it, but told all of her friends and some of her family about it, to which they made a blatant comment about it when we were out this weekend. I asked her "did you talk to your friends" and she said no, she didnt. I dont think she has another dude, because we spent all of our time together, but you never know. She had a legit excuse for dumping me, because I can be a high strung dick when I want to be.

Even though all of the advice I received was to break it off with her, she owned up to it and apologized. I did as well about my temper. She broke up then quickly changed her mind within a few minutes.

To counter-act this, and see where I truly stand, I have pulled back on initiating all texting and calling. In the few days its been, she already called me once, and we set plans to meet tomorrow. I am putting all communication on her for the foreseeable future, not saying I love you, sharing my feelings, discussing the 'relationship', etc. This is where I feel short, and I lost all 'player training' when I was with her. I have to see an investment before I add anything else to this. That includes pricier dates and doing anything extra than just hanging together and having some fun. If by me pulling back, she takes this as an out and leaves, I will be relieved that its done. Without saying "theres the door", I am saying theres the door.

We will see what happens. I think this is the only way you can deal with a dumper. Back off, and check out from communication, but spend time with her after she reaches out to you first. Go approach. I did and proved to myself I still have it. I can have a women in the same day if I get dumped, so I am not scared of being alone, etc. Seeing how she reacts when you pull away will be a good test of her commitment to you. Good luck.

Dude you already have problems with her and you've been together less than a year. Why don't you end this?

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 01:26 PM)donn Wrote:  

Dude you already have problems with her and you've been together less than a year. Why don't you end this?

Poor impulse control.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:01 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 01:26 PM)donn Wrote:  

Dude you already have problems with her and you've been together less than a year. Why don't you end this?

Poor impulse control.

I read your above description of your situation Vaun, and even though you frame it as advice regarding how to approach a situation, not all guys are going to believe that is a good approach, even though you consider the approach to be fitting for your circumstances.

Your approach is not necessarily bad (to step back a bit and to analyze the situation), but some guys clearly are going to conclude that if she screwed you over once, she is going to screw you over again, and she is just looking for a more suitable (for her) opportunity.

When you are in these kinds of situations, it can also be good for you (as the guy) to also consider other opportunities and ways to improve your own negotiating position, whether that is by seeing other girls or making some space and opportunities in which you will more easily be able to meet and act on other girls in the event that this chick flakes on you again, which may have a better than 50/50 chance depending on the timeline.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:20 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:01 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 01:26 PM)donn Wrote:  

Dude you already have problems with her and you've been together less than a year. Why don't you end this?

Poor impulse control.

I read your above description of your situation Vaun, and even though you frame it as advice regarding how to approach a situation, not all guys are going to believe that is a good approach, even though you consider the approach to be fitting for your circumstances.

Your approach is not necessarily bad (to step back a bit and to analyze the situation), but some guys clearly are going to conclude that if she screwed you over once, she is going to screw you over again, and she is just looking for a more suitable (for her) opportunity.

When you are in these kinds of situations, it can also be good for you (as the guy) to also consider other opportunities and ways to improve your own negotiating position, whether that is by seeing other girls or making some space and opportunities in which you will more easily be able to meet and act on other girls in the event that this chick flakes on you again, which may have a better than 50/50 chance depending on the timeline.

I hear you man, most of the responses in my thread were to dump her. If it counts for anything I immediately went out and started approaching, and got several numbers and dates lined up within a week. I am approaching a few a day now, and went on a few dates. Deep down I know I can do it, I have no problem getting female company. I see this one as a project though.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 07:36 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:20 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:01 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 01:26 PM)donn Wrote:  

Dude you already have problems with her and you've been together less than a year. Why don't you end this?

Poor impulse control.

I read your above description of your situation Vaun, and even though you frame it as advice regarding how to approach a situation, not all guys are going to believe that is a good approach, even though you consider the approach to be fitting for your circumstances.

Your approach is not necessarily bad (to step back a bit and to analyze the situation), but some guys clearly are going to conclude that if she screwed you over once, she is going to screw you over again, and she is just looking for a more suitable (for her) opportunity.

When you are in these kinds of situations, it can also be good for you (as the guy) to also consider other opportunities and ways to improve your own negotiating position, whether that is by seeing other girls or making some space and opportunities in which you will more easily be able to meet and act on other girls in the event that this chick flakes on you again, which may have a better than 50/50 chance depending on the timeline.

I hear you man, most of the responses in my thread were to dump her. If it counts for anything I immediately went out and started approaching, and got several numbers and dates lined up within a week. I am approaching a few a day now, and went on a few dates. Deep down I know I can do it, I have no problem getting female company. I see this one as a project though.

Nothing wrong with that.. at least, you seem to have a sense of the risk with the chick...

Don't put it to me to preach that I am hollier than thou because I understand that saying and theorizing one thing and putting into action can be two different stories. I recall a situation several months ago in which I set down all the conditions in which I was going to require before meeting up again with my GF and forgiving her for one of her jealous and unjustified temper tantrums, which included that I was going to require her to have to approach me first. After about a week, she did not approach me, and I ended up approaching her, and we ended up working out some kind of "both of us are stubborn" compromise.

I get a bit bored with LTRs and maybe even a bit limp dick with them too, because even though I find my GF attractive, the grass on the other side surely starts to look greener to me... but then on the plus side there is a certain level of comfort that remains in maintaining the LTR (so no way am I going to tell you that you are fucking up by continuing your LTR).

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 08:10 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 07:36 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:20 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:01 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 01:26 PM)donn Wrote:  

Dude you already have problems with her and you've been together less than a year. Why don't you end this?

Poor impulse control.

I read your above description of your situation Vaun, and even though you frame it as advice regarding how to approach a situation, not all guys are going to believe that is a good approach, even though you consider the approach to be fitting for your circumstances.

Your approach is not necessarily bad (to step back a bit and to analyze the situation), but some guys clearly are going to conclude that if she screwed you over once, she is going to screw you over again, and she is just looking for a more suitable (for her) opportunity.

When you are in these kinds of situations, it can also be good for you (as the guy) to also consider other opportunities and ways to improve your own negotiating position, whether that is by seeing other girls or making some space and opportunities in which you will more easily be able to meet and act on other girls in the event that this chick flakes on you again, which may have a better than 50/50 chance depending on the timeline.

I hear you man, most of the responses in my thread were to dump her. If it counts for anything I immediately went out and started approaching, and got several numbers and dates lined up within a week. I am approaching a few a day now, and went on a few dates. Deep down I know I can do it, I have no problem getting female company. I see this one as a project though.

I get a bit bored with LTRs and maybe even a bit limp dick with them too, because even though I find my GF attractive, the grass on the other side surely starts to look greener to me... but then on the plus side there is a certain level of comfort that remains in maintaining the LTR (so no way am I going to tell you that you are fucking up by continuing your LTR).

This is the first LTR I have had where the grass didnt look greener. I just have poor impulse control. I went overboard with the wooing, stuff I havent done in 20 years; sending flowers, writing love notes, buying gifts(not too expensive..), going on trips together, blabbing on and on about how much I love her and how beautiful she is, coming from a place of fear basically, like a puppy dog. After all of my gaming and player lifestyle, I became what I was in my teens and early 20's. I keep thinking I must have had some psychotic episode by acting this way, when I swore I would never act this way, since 2002.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 08:18 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 08:10 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 07:36 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:20 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 02:01 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Poor impulse control.

I read your above description of your situation Vaun, and even though you frame it as advice regarding how to approach a situation, not all guys are going to believe that is a good approach, even though you consider the approach to be fitting for your circumstances.

Your approach is not necessarily bad (to step back a bit and to analyze the situation), but some guys clearly are going to conclude that if she screwed you over once, she is going to screw you over again, and she is just looking for a more suitable (for her) opportunity.

When you are in these kinds of situations, it can also be good for you (as the guy) to also consider other opportunities and ways to improve your own negotiating position, whether that is by seeing other girls or making some space and opportunities in which you will more easily be able to meet and act on other girls in the event that this chick flakes on you again, which may have a better than 50/50 chance depending on the timeline.

I hear you man, most of the responses in my thread were to dump her. If it counts for anything I immediately went out and started approaching, and got several numbers and dates lined up within a week. I am approaching a few a day now, and went on a few dates. Deep down I know I can do it, I have no problem getting female company. I see this one as a project though.

I get a bit bored with LTRs and maybe even a bit limp dick with them too, because even though I find my GF attractive, the grass on the other side surely starts to look greener to me... but then on the plus side there is a certain level of comfort that remains in maintaining the LTR (so no way am I going to tell you that you are fucking up by continuing your LTR).

This is the first LTR I have had where the grass didnt look greener. I just have poor impulse control. I went overboard with the wooing, stuff I havent done in 20 years; sending flowers, writing love notes, buying gifts(not too expensive..), going on trips together, blabbing on and on about how much I love her and how beautiful she is, coming from a place of fear basically, like a puppy dog. After all of my gaming and player lifestyle, I became what I was in my teens and early 20's. I keep thinking I must have had some psychotic episode by acting this way, when I swore I would never act this way, since 2002.

One step in attempting to fix an issue (or a problem) is to recognize it, and hopefully that recognition can help you in the future (even though no two situations will come out in a similar manner and even age can make a difference in terms of opportunities).

This is not exactly the same problem; however, sometimes, I find it quite frustrating when I talk with older workers about how they perceive that they got screwed in their work relationship, and then they preach some kind of wisdom from the experience - however, the sad thing is that they are not going to be able to relive those years and to get back what they were screwed out of.... similar things can happen with relationships, too... including age.. even though age can be a bit more forgiving for guys than women, I remain of the opinion that there still develop quite a few limitations for older guys who again want to attempt to bang the younger chicks and there is quite a different dynamic when an older guy games a younger chick as compared to the gaming that goes on when the guy is a similar age to the girl.

But, yeah, funny thing when we revert back into our teenage mooglie googlie sloppiness because of our perceptions that the chick is a really good catch for us... and really difficult to snap out of such thinking even while we know that we are doing it.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 09:13 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

But, yeah, funny thing when we revert back into our teenage mooglie googlie sloppiness because of our perceptions that the chick is a really good catch for us... and really difficult to snap out of such thinking even while we know that we are doing it.

Im only 40... maybe this was a good way for me to catch myself in the future, and be even more of a dick to protect myself.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 09:17 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 09:13 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

But, yeah, funny thing when we revert back into our teenage mooglie googlie sloppiness because of our perceptions that the chick is a really good catch for us... and really difficult to snap out of such thinking even while we know that we are doing it.

Im only 40... maybe this was a good way for me to catch myself in the future, and be even more of a dick to protect myself.

Well, I'm late 40s, and I still act childish in various ways - just ask my GF, she will give you an earful on that topic, especially when she asserts that I am dancing with the young girls like i am some kind of old geezer pervert.. hahahahaha.. that's her jealousy and image issue, not mine (except to the extent that she tries to make it my issue). [Image: catlady.gif]

By the way, Vaun, did you ever continue to pursue salsa lessons and playing around in the salsa scene, or is that something that does not really play well for you?

I personally find salsa as one of my kind of outs in the case that my GF get's too uppity, then I can kind of resort to my salsa dancing playing with girls, and it can be quite possible to meet some nice girls in such scenes or alternatively to find one in another place and drag her into a salsa place in order to play around.

Break up then make up

woops, double post...

I will take this double post opportunity to add that I'm really not too much of an approacher of chicks on the street, but approaching in the salsa scene can be kind of convenient, and you can just start by asking the girl to dance, even if you cannot really dance too well.

Even if you only have some rudimentary skills in salsa.. you can kind of play around in the salsa scene to practice various kinds of approaches on girls, and they seem to kind of want to be approached.. even if it is just to start out with the question about her dancing with you. and then go from there. Further, they seem to be quite used to guys saying all kinds of shit to them in the salsa scene, so even if you kind of flame big time in your approach, she may not even remember exactly if you see her a few months later in a different salsa venue.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-12-2016 09:37 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

woops, double post...

I will take this double post opportunity to add that I'm really not too much of an approacher of chicks on the street, but approaching in the salsa scene can be kind of convenient, and you can just start by asking the girl to dance, even if you cannot really dance too well.

Even if you only have some rudimentary skills in salsa.. you can kind of play around in the salsa scene to practice various kinds of approaches on girls, and they seem to kind of want to be approached.. even if it is just to start out with the question about her dancing with you. and then go from there. Further, they seem to be quite used to guys saying all kinds of shit to them in the salsa scene, so even if you kind of flame big time in your approach, she may not even remember exactly if you see her a few months later in a different salsa venue.

thanks again dude, I am a total approacher in the streets. From the moment I walk out my door in the morning I have the opportunity to approach, and I do. I can easily approach 10 different women a day and not bat an eye. I almost always get a number. I consider myself a highly skilled approacher with a lot of practice.

Dance on the other hand is not something I have even a remote amount of skill or practice. I never pursued salsa when I asked about it a few years ago. I was dating at the time a highly skilled salsa dancer from Miami, and felt a little inferior in that we couldnt really dance. I took the current plate to PR a few months ago and we ended up in one of the best salsa clubs in Old Town. Her and I danced and looked like a couple of idiots, but we had fun. Dance is definitely something I have wanted to learn, and probably something I can pursue again once I get single. I am guessing by this weekend, haha.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-13-2016 07:09 AM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-12-2016 09:37 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

woops, double post...

I will take this double post opportunity to add that I'm really not too much of an approacher of chicks on the street, but approaching in the salsa scene can be kind of convenient, and you can just start by asking the girl to dance, even if you cannot really dance too well.

Even if you only have some rudimentary skills in salsa.. you can kind of play around in the salsa scene to practice various kinds of approaches on girls, and they seem to kind of want to be approached.. even if it is just to start out with the question about her dancing with you. and then go from there. Further, they seem to be quite used to guys saying all kinds of shit to them in the salsa scene, so even if you kind of flame big time in your approach, she may not even remember exactly if you see her a few months later in a different salsa venue.

thanks again dude, I am a total approacher in the streets. From the moment I walk out my door in the morning I have the opportunity to approach, and I do. I can easily approach 10 different women a day and not bat an eye. I almost always get a number. I consider myself a highly skilled approacher with a lot of practice.

Seems like a thread diversion, but hey.. whatever, the thread was not going too well anyhow.... hahahaha..

Definitely a good skill to have to feel comfortable enough to just open any chick... What is your general style in street approach? To start out, do you make shit up, like asking for directions, or do you comment about something she is wearing or how she looks, or some other kind of common theme? Or maybe just ask? How are you, and see what she says?

Let's say that you are walking on the sidewalk, but she is walking the opposite direction and you only have like 2-3 seconds to come up with something, what you going to say?

Quote: (07-13-2016 07:09 AM)Vaun Wrote:  

Dance on the other hand is not something I have even a remote amount of skill or practice. I never pursued salsa when I asked about it a few years ago. I was dating at the time a highly skilled salsa dancer from Miami, and felt a little inferior in that we couldnt really dance. I took the current plate to PR a few months ago and we ended up in one of the best salsa clubs in Old Town. Her and I danced and looked like a couple of idiots, but we had fun. Dance is definitely something I have wanted to learn, and probably something I can pursue again once I get single. I am guessing by this weekend, haha.

You have a little bit of a point regarding a kind of preferability of being single for dance - especially when you are first learning, because sometimes you may have to blow through a whole hell-of-a lot of girls for them to have enough patience with you for you to practice your moves on them.. so you may go from one to the next to the next to the next, but hey, your approaching skills may likely suit you well in this regard and keeping her entertained while you are practicing some moves... whether it is in the context of a salsa class or the context of a club that offers salsa classes and you grab girls, right after the class and asking if they will practice the move that you just learned in class (which can be a good opener, almost a gimme).

When I first started dancing, I did have a few girls that I would bang, and on reflection, they did not mind dancing with me, even though I did not have a lot of moves in my repertoire.. but practice, practice, practice.. and once you get a few moves under your belt, you just continue to employ those moves and to add on new variations and keep rotating through the moves that you know.. and pretty soon you have enough to entertain girls for several songs.. but in the beginning the beginner girl dancers do seem to be a much more suitable and amenable target.

With any hobby or learning, you do need to make some time for it, and if your schedule is not ready, it is not ready.... I personally just get so much pleasure from dance and incorporate it a lot into my activities, so it remains an interesting topic for me.

Break up then make up

Have to be strong, I almost said let's get back together over the phone. She still wants to, but she didn't accept my ultimatum. If we get back together she will never take me serious anymore.

Break up then make up

Quote: (07-13-2016 01:20 PM)donn Wrote:  

Have to be strong, I almost said let's get back together over the phone. She still wants to, but she didn't accept my ultimatum. If we get back together she will never take me serious anymore.

Well, if you believe that your ultimatum is reasonable, then you stick with it, but sometimes upon reflection, we may reconsider our ultimatums if they seem like they might not be unreasonable.

I have a difficult time considering that an ultimatum of "quit your current job" to be reasonable because it has a lot of ramifications that go much beyond the relationship with you.

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