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"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Direct Link to WSJ Article Here

As someone who wants to have children one day, but not yet, this is particularly stressful to me. It seems, with society and the world quickly travelling down the gutter, the longer I wait, the less my chances are of having a normal child. Even if I keep a good home with a good wife, it seems that society will, at best, just reverse all our efforts and values back to zero (at worst, it will cause an even further negative digression).

Many recommend travelling abroad to have children, but I don't want to do that. I have a good paying job, but I'm not location independent.

On top of all this, I look at my older co-workers / bosses who have kids, and 50% of these kids have some kind of down-syndrome or genetic problem, or are obese. These are kids of smart, hard-working people. What the hell is going on? Depressing stuff.


Researchers find more children appearing to hit puberty earlier; higher risks associated with faster start

The age onset of puberty appears to be moving earlier and earlier and often begins in the elementary school ages now. WSJ’s Sumathi Reddy joins Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero to discuss the health implications for children going through puberty at an early age.

When Frank Biro walks into a class of second- or third-graders these days, there are almost always a couple of girls who look different than the rest.

“There will be quite a few girls that look like they’re going into early puberty,” says Dr. Biro, a professor of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center who gives talks about puberty at schools occasionally.

Dr. Biro researches a phenomenon that has increasingly captured the attention of researchers: Puberty appears to be starting earlier in healthy girls, and possibly even boys. At Kaiser Permanente in Northern California, clinicians begin assessing girls for changes related to puberty at age 6.

In general, we think that 7 is now probably a normal age to have some signs of puberty,” says Louise Greenspan, a pediatric endocrinologist at Kaiser Permanente who also researches puberty. “So the cutoff for precocious puberty is a gray zone now.”

Precocious puberty is a medical term for puberty that begins in girls under 8 and boys under 9, sometimes from an underlying condition, such as a brain tumor. Often the cause remains unknown. Treatment is often used to halt or slow it down.

The health consequences of earlier onset of puberty are myriad. A study published in the journal Pediatrics in May found that girls who started puberty earlier had a higher risk of depression in early adolescence.

“We know that the early-maturing girls are at an increased risk of some of these risk-taking behaviors: alcohol use, smoking, drug use and earlier engagement in sexual behaviors,” Dr. Biro says. “We also know some of the longer-term consequences. As adults they’re at higher risk for having obesity, Type 2 diabetes and breast cancer.”

Experts speculate this change is due to a longer lifetime exposure to estrogen.

Louise Greenspan, a pediatric endocrinologist at Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco, says it’s no longer unusual for girls to have early signs of puberty at age

Studies indicate that puberty in girls is starting on average a year earlier. A 2013 study published in Pediatrics following a group of more than 1,200 girls in the U.S. over 12 years found that the start of breast development—considered the first sign of puberty—was taking place around age 9. African-American girls were showing signs earlier, with more than half having started breast development by age 8. The study recruited 6- to 8-year-old girls at three sites.

“I don’t know if girls can go through puberty any earlier,” says Dr. Biro, who is first author on the study, which also included researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and Kaiser Permanente, including Dr. Greenspan. “We may be approaching a biological minimum.”

The process of puberty takes about four years for girls. While the average age for the onset of the menstrual cycle, called menarche, dropped precipitously in the early 20th century, it’s remained about the same in recent decades, at about 12 to 12.5, Dr. Biro says.

The data in boys is more disputed, though a 2012 study in Pediatrics evaluating data from 4,131 boys found that the mean ages of the onset of puberty was six months to two years earlier than mean ages found in past studies.

Experts say a lot of the earlier onset of puberty in girls can be explained by increasing childhood obesity rates. Body fat releases the hormone estrogen, which is released from the ovaries during puberty, causing the start of breast development.

“A larger BMI [body-mass index] is probably the single biggest reason,” Dr. Biro says. “Some of the larger BMI may be precipitated by exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are associated with greater BMI.”

Such chemicals include phthalates, often used in the production of plastics, and phenols, used in many sanitizers and sunscreen. How much such chemical exposures affect the timing of puberty is still being researched.

Researchers are also starting to look at prenatal factors.

In a study published earlier this month in the American Journal of Epidemiology, researchers at Kaiser Permanente found that mothers who were overweight before pregnancy and developed gestational diabetes when pregnant had daughters who started puberty earlier, independent of the girls’ own weight. The study has been tracking more than 400 girls since 2005.

The study looked at breast development and early pubic hair development. It only found an association with pubic hair likely, because it’s connected to metabolic dysregulation, says Ai Kubo, lead author of the study and a scientist at Kaiser Permanente’s Department of Research. Pubic hair is associated with the androgen hormone, which is influenced by insulin and glucose, she says.

“My hypothesis was, if a girl is exposed in utero to her mom’s hyperglycemia, they would have a similar metabolic disorder, manifesting as early appearance of pubic hair,” she says.

The study found that if mothers were overweight before pregnancy and developed gestational diabetes, their daughters developed pubic hair on average about one year earlier—at age 10 rather than 11—than girls born to mothers of normal weight who didn’t develop gestational diabetes. The study controlled for factors such as race and girls’ BMI.

Dr. Greenspan, a co-author of the American Journal of Epidemiology study, says other studies have found that toxic stress likely plays a role in girls’ starting puberty earlier.

Girls who grow up in families with a lot of strife or violence in their neighborhood are more likely to develop earlier,” she says. Girls who grew up without a biological father are twice as likely to get their period before age 12, her research has found.

The evidence on endocrine-disrupting chemicals or compounds that mimic hormones like estrogen is less clear, Dr. Greenspan says. More studies are needed on this, as well as on exposure to antibiotics through the food supply, which has also been raised as a potential factor.

The idea that puberty is starting earlier isn't universally accepted.

“There is no evidence that puberty is occurring earlier,” says Clifford Bloch, a pediatric endocrinologist in Denver. “We have a very large pediatric endocrine practice, and I have not seen an increase in referrals for early puberty, and my colleagues haven’t either.”

He says studies that have shown earlier signs of pubic hair or breast development don’t necessarily translate into earlier puberty. “We’ll see some girls referred for breast development, and it’s transient, it goes away,” he says. “Or they may have a little breast development, but it never progresses and they don’t have any other signs of puberty.”

The cause of precocious puberty is often undetermined for the majority of cases in girls. In some cases, frequent exposure to an essential oil will cause breast development, because essential oils are derived from plants, which use estrogen as part of their metabolism, Dr. Bloch says.

Dr. Bloch was senior author of a 2007 New England Journal of Medicine study that found that boys who used a combination of lavender and tea tree oil in hair and other products started to develop breasts. Once such essential oils stop being used, the changes are usually reversible, he says.

Dr. Biro of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital says the best advice for parents worried about early puberty is to make sure your children are eating healthy and are active to prevent becoming overweight. Look for personal care products without phthalates or parabens, he says. Don’t microwave plastic, because it may leach out phthalates.

Insecticides and pesticides may also have endocrine-disrupting chemicals. While it’s hard to completely avoid them, buying organic fruits and vegetables may help, Dr. Biro says.

Eating a diet very high in fiber has also proven to delay puberty by up to five months, according to a study published in 2013 in the journal Nutritional Research.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

While disturbing, the solutions are not outrageous


Dr. Biro of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital says the best advice for parents worried about early puberty is to make sure your children are eating healthy and are active to prevent becoming overweight. Look for personal care products without phthalates or parabens, he says. Don’t microwave plastic, because it may leach out phthalates.

Insecticides and pesticides may also have endocrine-disrupting chemicals. While it’s hard to completely avoid them, buying organic fruits and vegetables may help, Dr. Biro says.

Eating a diet very high in fiber has also proven to delay puberty by up to five months, according to a study published in 2013 in the journal Nutritional Research.

1. Early onset puberty even back in my day happened with the girls in my class that were obese. Now there are many more obese children, so it makes sense rates go up.

2. Having children later in life has a higher risk of producing mutants. Don't impregnate old bitches.

3. Now, this is just a theory. I think stress produces puberty at an earlier onset. In a high stress environment, bodies need testosterone to develop earlier, in order to protect onesself. A body might also sense environmental stress as a need to reproduce before an early death. Both of these non-factual theories are based on the fact that it always seems to be the poor kids from terrible homes that are growing moustaches in 5th grade and girls in 5th or 6th grade with teenage boyfriends.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Wow my balls didnt drop til the beginning of sophomore year at age 15, seems funny retrospect but boy did it cause me anguish back then.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Yeah, I came of age in the late 70's. My voice dropped and I started having ejaculations when I was 14. I don't think I was that different from the other guys in my grade. I started puberty around the same time as my final growth spurt, in which I grew 12" in one year.

I wonder if boys are now hitting puberty before their growth spurts?

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:01 PM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

Yeah, I came of age in the late 70's. My voice dropped and I started having ejaculations when I was 14. I don't think I was that different from the other guys in my grade. I started puberty around the same time as my final growth spurt, in which I grew 12" in one year.

I wonder if boys are now hitting puberty before their growth spurts?

Yeah I'm also curious whether hitting puberty earlier on the growth spurt timeline would somehow affect final height of a person.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Looking at this article, I am worried about one aspect.

The legalization of pedophilia.

As most of us know, in many jurisdictions, age of consent is usually the 16th year. Now, when we take into account that this article says that puberty starts much earlier...


“In general, we think that 7 is now probably a normal age to have some signs of puberty,”


A 2013 study published in Pediatrics following a group of more than 1,200 girls in the U.S. over 12 years found that the start of breast development—considered the first sign of puberty—was taking place around age 9. African-American girls were showing signs earlier, with more than half having started breast development by age 8. The study recruited 6- to 8-year-old girls at three sites.

...I would not be suprised if the State (in order to protect feelings of a small group of mentally deranged freaks of nature), lowers the age of sexual consent to something like 10.

It is truly dreadful.

If I ever see someone approaching my child (if I ever choose to have them, which I really do not want to), I swear, here and now, that I will separate the dick from a pedophile with a rusty spoon, without anesthetics, and without mercy.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

I don't think so, I think we are headed into the reverse with AoC being raised, well, at least for girls. They'll probably lower it for boys.

All things considered, kids are still kids, and I don't think anything sexual with them will ever be legalized.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Modern lifestyles and diets have screwed everything up. People complain about obesity simply being part of their genetics; that's a lame excuse, but the body's propensity to eat and build up lard could well be influenced by the mother's habits during pregnancy, as well as the mother's age.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

I have absolutely no evidence for this beyond sheer speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised if birth control pills also played some part in messing up children born to women that have used them.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

I agree with spokepoker, the main reason being that 99% of parents with children would be appalled. If the left tried to pull this off, let's say in the USA, I think that'd be the straw that breaks the camel's back for blue collar democrats.

From my own experience, I've caught shit from my friends for banging a 17 year old when I was 21 (which is legal in Canada). These are 100% blue pillers that would never give it a chance. For people who are so "tolerant", age disparity seems to be really "creepy".

Another problem is that girls as young as 14 are dressing more provocatively. I was chatting up the barista at my local small town coffee shop and afterwards my friend told me she was 15. I never would have guessed.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Girls have always dressed provocatively, depending on the styles of their time.
Girls have always hit puberty first, so they start dressing to attract when they are aware of attraction.
I remember a black chick in elementary got pissed at me for not kissing her in front of her friends during recess (I think this was in 5th or 6th grade) because I was her "boyfriend" -though I had no fucking clue what that meant besides kissing in trees, all I wanted to do was go play football with my friends and trade comics.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Quote: (06-21-2016 12:04 PM)se7en Wrote:  

On top of all this, I look at my older co-workers / bosses who have kids, and 50% of these kids have some kind of down-syndrome or genetic problem, or are obese. These are kids of smart, hard-working people. What the hell is going on? Depressing stuff.

You kind of answered your own question. Those kids have moms who put off having kids til they were older because they prioritize career/success. Even if they had kids young, raising them was never their top priority. They passed the buck, so to speak, onto their children's biology. The saddest part to me is that these women are actually proud of their families. They are utterly shameless, guarding their psyches behind their supposedly impressive career status. Their husbands feel the shame, I see it in their eyes.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

My understanding is that raising a child in a traditional environment will not accelerate puberty.

There are many articles showing that fatherless daughters go through puberty earlier. Same with children in abusive and stressful environments (ala single mothers shacking up with their new boyfriends).

Stefan Molyneux covers this in some of his videos, but I can't find a link right now. He links it to raising 'r' or 'K' children.

Basically if you pick a slim, young wife to have your children and provide a safe, secure and happy environment for them (along with feeding them healthy food), you can avoid most of the problems.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Quote: (06-21-2016 03:15 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

Girls have always dressed provocatively, depending on the styles of their time.
Girls have always hit puberty first, so they start dressing to attract when they are aware of attraction.
I remember a black chick in elementary got pissed at me for not kissing her in front of her friends during recess (I think this was in 5th or 6th grade) because I was her "boyfriend" -though I had no fucking clue what that meant besides kissing in trees, all I wanted to do was go play football with my friends and trade comics.

No shit, I remember grade 7 and a dude on my hockey team had hairy balls already and I'm thinking to myself that I wish I could have hairy nuts too.

A couple months into the school term I meet a girl who thinks I remind her of Doogie Howser so she wants to fool around. I was scared she was gonna see my bald dick but she pressured me into at least making out. She already had huge tits and and the body of a full woman.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Sounds like I went through puberty sooner than some of y'all on here. I remember my voicing deepening at age 12 in the 6th grade.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Dr. Mercola already had an archive about early puberty.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

I'd hate to be an 8 year old and have to pay child support.

Kids these days!

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Quote: (06-21-2016 01:48 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Looking at this article, I am worried about one aspect.

The legalization of pedophilia.

As most of us know, in many jurisdictions, age of consent is usually the 16th year. Now, when we take into account that this article says that puberty starts much earlier... . . . .

...I would not be suprised if the State (in order to protect feelings of a small group of mentally deranged freaks of nature), lowers the age of sexual consent to something like 10.

It is truly dreadful.

If I ever see someone approaching my child (if I ever choose to have them, which I really do not want to), I swear, here and now, that I will separate the dick from a pedophile with a rusty spoon, without anesthetics, and without mercy.

In Delaware, the age of consent was 7 in 1895. It would be interesting to look at the legislative history and see what the rationale was for that, and what the consequences were. The original reason for an age of consent was to protect girls' marriageability, since prospective husbands would prefer virgins. Maybe parents, the state, the church, etc. had other means available during that era for making sure girls stayed virginal till marriage. The culture hadn't yet embraced sluttiness.

I hear a lot of people focus on at what age it's appropriate for their daughter to "date" (aka fuck) a guy, or what violence they're going to inflict on whatever guy has sex with her before she reaches x years old. The way I look at it, though, a girl can get her heart broken and become bitter regardless of what age she is when it happens. So I'm not so much focused on an arbitrary number, as I am on making sure that sex only happens with the one man she's going to spend her life with. Probably more important in determining readiness for marriage are whether hormones are rushing through a woman's body that are impelling her to want to start a family, since it doesn't take a high school education for a woman to be able to make a sandwich, comfort crying infants, and do the other stuff that a wife will need to do.

I'm going to emphasize to my daughter that she shouldn't date at all (at any age), but rather should be courted for marriage, and wait till the wedding night before opening her legs (since, even if the wedding arrangements have been made, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip). I'm also going to try to find a suitable husband for her as soon after she reaches puberty as applicable state law will allow. Once she becomes a young woman, her body is going to be telling her that it's time to get fucked by a cute guy and have some kids, and it's best to channel those desires into a path that can produce lifelong happiness and familial stability.

If puberty is starting to happen earlier, that probably means that girls should start getting married earlier than they currently are. The rules and social norms on that will need to change, or we'll probably see more slutty behavior happening sooner. I would imagine that the longer the gap between the onset of puberty and the legal age of marriageability, the more likely that girls will say "fuck this" and be unwilling to wait before having sex. I'm reminded of what Blair Naso wrote:
Quote:Blair Naso Wrote:

If the Christian 14-year-old boy is looking at being maybe 25 at the earliest if he’s lucky before he has sex for the first time, then of course he’s likely saying, “No fucking way.” And if he knows he is an extreme beta (as I did), he realizes that it will be even longer. Christian girls have much the same line of thought, and hypergamy is rampant in both sexes.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Quote: (06-21-2016 02:14 PM)spokepoker Wrote:  

I don't think so, I think we are headed into the reverse with AoC being raised, well, at least for girls. They'll probably lower it for boys.

All things considered, kids are still kids, and I don't think anything sexual with them will ever be legalized.

Sex with kids already is legal, as long as it's another kid of approximately the same age having sex with them. This is one of the main shortcomings of the age of consent, as currently implemented. In most jurisdictions, there's a "Romeo and Juliet" exception that says that it's not statutory rape if the two kids are close in age. (The term "Romeo and Juliet law" is typically a misnomer, because in Shakespeare's play, the couple didn't have sex till they were married.)

Historically, one of the ways in which the harm of premarital sex was cured was by a shotgun wedding. Laws were even written to allow for statutory rape charges to be dismissed if the couple subsequently got married and stayed married, with the older man providing support for his young bride and any offspring they might have. The law was concerned with teenage mothers' having to go on welfare, and considered the problem solved if the father of the kids stepped up to provide for them and the woman he impregnated.

Under that kind of system, it would actually be better for a guy in his prime (in his thirties or early forties), rather than a teenage boy, to be having sex with a teenage girl. The older guy would likely be better able to provide a stable and financially secure home for the family, if forced to marry her.

Under our modern laws, an older guy would go to jail, be branded as a sex offender, and possibly be barred from any contact with his kids and their mother (who would be considered his victim). An example would be Frank Rodriguez, who was prohibited from talking to his wife because he first had sex with her while she was underage. Meanwhile, a teenage boy could irresponsibly take the virginity of, and impregnate, teenage girls and get away with it (aside from being someday held liable for child support, once he gained the ability to pay).

It would be better to revamp the system by holding teenage boys accountable in the ways that adult men are, and reinstituting shotgun marriages as a remedy for situations of young girls' being deflowered and impregnated outside of marriage.
Quote:Exodus 22:16 Wrote:

And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.
Quote:Deuteronomy 22:28-29 Wrote:

If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Any idea what causes that sort of thing? Chemicals/hormones in food? HFCS?

I'll have to check out that Mercola article, maybe it has some insight.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

So now I either have to pull out or use a condom on an 8 year old?


"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

What's the worst part about having sex with a 10 year old? Getting blood all over your clown suit.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

I would put it down to a lot of things, but a drastic increase in r select parents due to a massive increase in social welfare is probably playing its part. Meanwhile, the associated taxes payed predominantly by k selects make it harder for them to justify having their own kids.

Of course, r selects hit puberty earlier in order to pump out more r selects.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Quote: (06-23-2016 12:43 AM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

What's the worst part about having sex with a 10 year old? Getting blood all over your clown suit.
What's the difference between a nun and a whore?

A whore doesn't bleed when she's gang raped.

"For More Children, Puberty Signs Start at 8" - WSJ

Are feminazi teachers justifying the early onset of puberty as consensual so that they can get impregnated by eight-year-old boys rather than back in the 1990s when Mary Kay Letourneau shocked the world by getting pregnant from a 13-year-old boy since the average onset of puberty for boys at that time was around 12-14 years of age?

If there was a 2016 version of Mary Kay Letourneau, would she have gone for an eight-year-old boy to get impregnated since the average age of puberty is now 8-10?

I wonder why would a female teacher preach hate against men through feminist courses, and then willingly bend over to take cock from a 10 to 13-year-old male student, and eventually get pregnant?

Some of these feminazi teachers are the same preachers who claim that 17 year, 364 day old females are unable to consent to anything as if they were newborns..Pedocrite feminazis.

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