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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Is it not impossible, however?
Once again, PM me.

Call me whatever you want, I stand by my interpretation.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Of course you do. You care more about casting other people as extremely racist than you do about Not Lying.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread


"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The United Nations could take over control of the Internet on October 1, when the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) passes from U.S. administration to the control of a multilateral body, most likely the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

“It is far better for a man to go wrong in freedom than to go right in chains.” Thomas Henry Huxley

The Drum & Bass Music Thread
The Dubstep Music Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Trump spoke about that in his MI speech today. He will reverse that.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Is Stefan naming the Jew?


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Even his patience was tested w/ this goofy uptalker. I wouldn't have lasted as long as he did dealing w/ this.

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Must watch.

Science, religion, totalitarianism.

I need to make a JBP appreciation thread. I've been watching all of his Maps of Meaning lectures.

You don't get there till you get there

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (02-16-2017 01:20 PM)IveBeenFramed Wrote:  

Even his patience was tested w/ this goofy uptalker. I wouldn't have lasted as long as he did dealing w/ this.

The worst part about communists and anarchists is when they talk about the working class.

At all the blue collar jobs I've done I'm trying to recall the commies on site and drawing a blank. Generally we want to work a few hours go home drink our drink maybe smoke some weed and fuck our women. DEFINITELY not spend our free time protesting the patriarchy.

As far as I can tell their are communist who like Marx have never worked a day in their life, and ones who work service jobs.

Stop acting like you speak for people who have no involvement with you.

Edit: it's worth noting that Mao realized worker's gave no fuck about his revolution and had to move to rural peasants.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Excellent, though-provoking interview with RVF member Private Man.


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Have not listened to Stefan as much due to the mindblowing Jordan Peterson but this is well worth a listen.


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I followed some of his in-depth videos about Communism, Joseph McCarthy and other topics with interest.
However in other videos he started saying stuff that made my BullShit detector go off, ("different races have different number of vertebrae").

Looking back it is hard to know what to trust. I found Prager University very interesting for a while, until I tried finding sources for some of their claims (We didn't lose the Vietnam War!).

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I have listened to a lot of his podcasts. His call in shows are usually outstanding - some episodes are over 4 hours and it is like taking a peek behind the curtain of a session with a psychologist. On a loaded work day, I am driving 2-4 hours - perfect for podcasts. I agree with a lot of stuff that he says but not every single thing. He basically gives every non-pc topic the full treatment + the call in shows. His work can change lives.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (05-31-2017 06:35 AM)Conquerer7 Wrote:  

Have not listened to Stefan as much due to the mindbloxwing Jordan Peterson but this is well worth a listen.

I listened to this one today. Absolutely brilliant stuff.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread


The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I am strongly bothered by his encouragement of "de-FOOing", or intentionally alienating yourself from family if you were raised poorly. Among the listed reasons to do it on a site associated with him, you should deFOO...

…if your parents have circumcised you.
…if your parents have assaulted you including; spanking, slapping, pinching, hitting, hitting with implements.
…if your parents yelled/were verbally abusive to you or others in the home.
…if your parents threatened to abandon you if you didn’t do what they asked.
…if your parents are irrational/hold religious beliefs and taught them to you as if they were fact.
…if your parents did not follow the moral rules they taught to you.
…if your parents do/did not respect your feelings or try to manipulate your feelings.
…if your parents have broken agreements they made with you.
…if your parents don’t listen to you, or are not interested in what you have to say.
…if your parents associate with corrupt people and or/expect you to associate with corrupt people.

I left out a few, mainly anything related to sexual abuse (because why should you have to associate with people who abused you this profoundly), but much of what's listed here is tame.

You should stop associating with your parents if they spanked you? You should walk away from them if they were hypocrites and didn't follow their own rules? I didn't expect to get so angry reading this list, but the breakup of families is one of the main reasons the West is quite likely in an irreversible decline.

Molyneux is often brilliant and worth listening to, sure...but when I found out about deFOO I almost stopped listening to him out of sheer disgust.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

/ /\nSeriously, has he mentioned any of that defooing stuff since about 2010?
Critics often bring that up but I don't honestly think he adheres to that line of thinking anymore.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I haven't heard he brought it up in public.
But does he have a private following where he does this preaching?

If I remember correctly Joe Rogan pressured him on these issues on his podcast a year ago. And he looked uncomfortable and cornered.

I do listen to him, he raises some interesting points. But I find him to uncharismatic to bear more than 20 min intervals.

And I don't like his "the truth about"-series. Not that humble. Few hours after some incident, you could be sure to find the "truth" on Stefan channel, where he go to all kinds of mental workout to make this fit into his world view.

He did teach me a bunch about bitcoin back in the days, so cheers for that.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (06-25-2017 01:03 AM)pants Wrote:  

But does he have a private following where he does this preaching?

His freedomain something forum has a paid subscriberbase if I'm not mistaken?

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (06-25-2017 12:04 AM)stugatz Wrote:  

I am strongly bothered by his encouragement of "de-FOOing", or intentionally alienating yourself from family if you were raised poorly. Among the listed reasons to do it on a site associated with him, you should deFOO...

…if your parents have circumcised you.
…if your parents have assaulted you including; spanking, slapping, pinching, hitting, hitting with implements.
…if your parents yelled/were verbally abusive to you or others in the home.
…if your parents threatened to abandon you if you didn’t do what they asked.
…if your parents are irrational/hold religious beliefs and taught them to you as if they were fact.
…if your parents did not follow the moral rules they taught to you.
…if your parents do/did not respect your feelings or try to manipulate your feelings.
…if your parents have broken agreements they made with you.
…if your parents don’t listen to you, or are not interested in what you have to say.
…if your parents associate with corrupt people and or/expect you to associate with corrupt people.

I left out a few, mainly anything related to sexual abuse (because why should you have to associate with people who abused you this profoundly), but much of what's listed here is tame.

You should stop associating with your parents if they spanked you? You should walk away from them if they were hypocrites and didn't follow their own rules? I didn't expect to get so angry reading this list, but the breakup of families is one of the main reasons the West is quite likely in an irreversible decline.

Molyneux is often brilliant and worth listening to, sure...but when I found out about deFOO I almost stopped listening to him out of sheer disgust.

I guess you would tell a rape victim to go hug her rapist too. Talking about deFOOing when you have no point of reference for what you are criticising is pissweak, champ.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I don't understand the de-fooing criticism. He hasn't even brought it up on his YouTube channel during the last 3 years or more. He's evolved, and it's just not relevant. Frankly his trademark brand of atheist libertarianism is not even that relevant these days. He's all about the fight to preserve western civilisation.
Having said all that in his defense, he is a bit of an asshole, the worse for standing on "hey I'm all about reason and logic" whenever he wants to take apart a caller he doesn't like with all manner of grandstanding rhetorical techniques.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

I've seen some references to this "deFOOing" stuff but having watched his videos for over a year now, I can't recall ever seeing the slightest reference to any of it. The examples given above seem like pretty weird reasons for disavowing your family, but I watch Stefan for the socio-political commentary, and I've never been to his forum or looked at the FDR website for more than five minutes.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (06-01-2017 01:21 PM)Araveug Wrote:  

I agree with a lot of stuff that he says but not every single thing.

People keep saying this in regards to him ad infinitum.

What irritates me is that the focus is not on whether what he says is true or false or good argument/bad argument, which should be the case.

It is utterly irrelevant whether you agree or disagree with him. For all we know, you could disagree with him because of some blind spot on your part or because of what it would cost you to be on the same side with him on a particular topic.

What matters is your argument for why you disagree with him.

The Stefan Molyneux Thread


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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (06-25-2017 08:09 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

I don't understand the de-fooing criticism. He hasn't even brought it up on his YouTube channel during the last 3 years or more. He's evolved, and it's just not relevant. Frankly his trademark brand of atheist libertarianism is not even that relevant these days. He's all about the fight to preserve western civilisation.
Having said all that in his defense, he is a bit of an asshole, the worse for standing on "hey I'm all about reason and logic" whenever he wants to take apart a caller he doesn't like with all manner of grandstanding rhetorical techniques.

There is no possible argument against the practice of Defooing.

Only a selfish and cruel tyrant would demand you to stay remain in a relationship you don't want to (regardless of the reason). Even if you were the greatest parent on earth you should still support your child's decision to leave you if this is what he/she wants.

The only reason Defooing is so controversial is because shitty parents feel guilty to the core and instead of being honest with themselves and taking responsibility they project their corruption on Stefan.

Do they ever stop to ponder why on earth would their child would ever think of breaking contact while adding the social disapproval that they are risking after? Do they really think that a child who has been justly-treated and respected by his parents would grow up to develop resentment towards them? (maybe with the rare exceptions of mental disabilities or mental illness in which case you cannot blame the child because he was not able to interpret reality objectively.)

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