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Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Not that the far-left will care, because they've proven themselves the biggest opponents of science in recent years, but here it is straight from the horse's mouth.

In all honesty it should be outright criminalized as medical malpractice; no different hand Josef Mengele's Nazi experiments in which he attempted to change people's eye colors:

The internet is filled with outrage at Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, and his take on transgender people.

Dr. McHugh said that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” and should be met with treatment, and that sex change is “biologically impossible”.

He went on to note that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are conspiring with and promoting a mental disorder and only hurting the individual.

The esteemed PHD has studied transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery for 40 years, notes CNS News.

In the doctor’s book, The Mind Has Mountains: Reflections on Society and Psychiatry, McHugh says that he’s “witnessed a great deal of damage from sex reassignment.”

For the post-surgery transgender men, data collected by one of McHugh’s colleagues showed that most of the patients did not regret the genitalia change“but in every other respect, they were little changed in their psychological condition,” said Dr. McHugh. “They had the same problems with relationships, work, and emotions as before.”

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

This is bad news for my impending sex-reassignment surgery. Maybe I should spend the money on getting some mental help instead.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

He should've taken it a step further and called support of the tranny agenda a mental illness.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Gotta read that book & arm myself with facts for the upcoming gender-nuclear winter fallout.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (06-06-2016 07:26 PM)Suits Wrote:  

This is bad news for my impending sex-reassignment surgery. Maybe I should spend the money on getting some mental help instead.
I'm sure next they'll recommend that the "cure" for a schizophrenic man who think's he's Jesus is for everyone to play pretend and tell him he really is Jesus.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (06-06-2016 08:18 PM)EDantes Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2016 07:26 PM)Suits Wrote:  

This is bad news for my impending sex-reassignment surgery. Maybe I should spend the money on getting some mental help instead.
I'm sure next they'll recommend that the "cure" for a schizophrenic man who think's he's Jesus is for everyone to play pretend and tell him he really is Jesus.

Celebrity doctors like Dr. Phil are already pushing the impression that female teachers who have sex with under-16 male students were:

1. Victims of sexual advances by male students.

2. Victims of sexual abuse, which they re-enacted with minor students as a "coping mechanism".
3. Victims of a patriarchial conspiracy.

4. Victims of the legal system (yet femi-nazis want to jail 18-year-old males for dating 17-year-old 364 day, 23 hour and 59.999 minute old teenage chicks).

5. Victims of hormones and infatuation.

6. Victims of the thong panties and low-neck top they wore in class with their see through pants which caused male students to "make inappropriate sexual remarks" to them because they saw more of the teacher's ass, breasts and nipples in class than what was written on the chalkboard.

7. Victims of homophobia, because the female teacher wanted to prove she was not a lesbian.

8. Victims of sexting when they were "forced" to share naked images of themselves to their 11-year-old students.

9. Victims of sexism because criticizing a female teacher who has sex with minor students is considered wrong, and the reason why Dr. Phil disabled comments on some of his platforms.

10. Victims of pedo-hysteria which refuse to acknowledge that an eight-year-old male student is "consenting" to a "sexual relationship" with his female teacher (However, when a 21-year-old college guy has a crush on a 19-year-old chick, they say she is "barely legal", or when an 18-year-old male prefers chicks two years younger than him, he is considered a "pedophile who should be jailed with real child molesters).

The insanity is only getting worse as they give excuses for "trannies" who take sexualized pictures of small children who are in the gender-neutral lavatories.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

How many tranny M2F folk have become pregnant?


Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

^ They identify as pregnant. Get with the program dude.

Also I choose to identify as a billionaire with a 12" wang, because apparently that's how life works.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Medical doctors tend to be pretty practical, and they know biology.

The America Academy of Pediatricians leadership has come out with a statement against administering hormones or doing sex changes for children who think that they're the wrong gender. They argued that in 90 or 95% of cases children who want to be another gender eventually cease this desire.

They also point out the obvious-- that every cell in our bodies has our birth gender built into it and that cannot be changed.

The politics of sexuality has taken a turn with a distinct air of unreality much like the extremes of totalitarian Communism or Fascism.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Oh yes; I forgot about Godfrey Elfwick & his #TransPregnant movement.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

How can SJWs say there are no sex-based difference whatsoever between men & womens' brains--but then posit that male minds can be born into female bodies and vice versa? How can you spend 20 years teaching young women to fear and hate men, that any man is a potential rapist and that 20 percent of women will be raped…and then demand that adult males be given access to womens’ most intimate and vulnerable spaces?

The hypocrisy, bad faith arguments, and anti-science ideology are getting so ludicrous that even high-profile professionals with everything to lose are now willing to risk going on the record against it.

Between McHugh and that statement from American Pediatric Association, the medical establishment just might be the only establishment institution left that's worth a damn.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (06-07-2016 11:45 AM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

How can SJWs say there are no sex-based difference whatsoever between men & womens' brains--but then posit that male minds can be born into female bodies and vice versa? How can you spend 20 years teaching young women to fear and hate men, that any man is a potential rapist and that 20 percent of women will be raped…and then demand that adult males be given access to womens’ most intimate and vulnerable spaces?

The hypocrisy, bad faith arguments, and anti-science ideology are getting so ludicrous that even high-profile professionals with everything to lose are now willing to risk going on the record against it.

Between McHugh and that statement from American Pediatric Association, the medical establishment just might be the only establishment institution left that's worth a damn.

The convoluted and contradictory ideology of these leftists is truly something to behold.

Other examples include:

-How they campaign against "old fashioned" and "patriarchal" gender roles and feminine behavior in women, but at the same time, celebrate trannies whom act like a caricature of exactly that.

- Advocate that women are so meek as to be scared off from STEM fields by some dude and his shirt, while at the same time advocating that women are fully capable of serving as combat infantry.

- Islam apologetics, 'nuff said.

The only logical thought process behind such a worldview is that they detest any kind of traditional aspect of western society and want to see it subverted or destroyed in any manner possible, otherwise it's simply the product of a deranged mind or one that simply hasn't put too much thought into their worldview.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (06-07-2016 11:45 AM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

How can SJWs say there are no sex-based difference whatsoever between men & womens' brains--but then posit that male minds can be born into female bodies and vice versa? How can you spend 20 years teaching young women to fear and hate men, that any man is a potential rapist and that 20 percent of women will be raped…and then demand that adult males be given access to womens’ most intimate and vulnerable spaces?

The hypocrisy, bad faith arguments, and anti-science ideology are getting so ludicrous that even high-profile professionals with everything to lose are now willing to risk going on the record against it.

Between McHugh and that statement from American Pediatric Association, the medical establishment just might be the only establishment institution left that's worth a damn.

This is exactly what I'm wondering too.

How can femi-nazis claim that in a high school peer relationship, a 17-year-old female is incapable of making decisions of her own with a relationship with an 18-year-old guy as if she was a newborn baby, yet Dr. Phil is trying to push the agenda that female teachers who had sex with 12-14-year-old boys did so because those student decided and approved to have sex with their female teachers?

How can femi-nazis claim that 17-year-olds are innocent snowflakes, that even saying certain words in public around a 17-year-old's ears is "sexual abuse", but teachers (overrun by women) insist that they show pornographic content which emphasizes sexual activity to 5-year-old children for "Sexual Education" classes.

How come femi-nazis insist that two consenting high school teens are "making a big mistake" for normal peer relations, but organizations like NAMBLA advocate for grown men to have sex with prepubescent boys, and feminist Germaine Greer expressed her sexual preference for little boys?

How can femi-nazis claim that 17-year-olds are innocent, unable to make their own decisions as if they were newborn babies...yet, with the help of the feminazi dominated teaching profession, a six or seven year old child can be coerced, I mean, encouraged, by a teacher to perform a sex change operation without their parent's knowledge or against their authority?

High schoolaz might relate to this..How come dress codes in Canadian and American public schools target mainly male students who wear sagging pants and T-shirts with "offensive" slogans, and mainly female students on how they dress....but female teachers, again, decry their right to come to class looking like a prostitute more than a teacher, and then one wonders why there are so many female teachers in the femi-nazi zones ending up sexing up the students.

The SjWs are crazy...but I believe that Roosh's predictions during his World Tour opened up men to think about the Sjws and their hypocrisy and ultimate results.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

I posted something similar here:


Americans are dreamers too

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

I thought EDantes was going stop inflicting new threads on the forum...

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (06-07-2016 01:15 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

How many tranny M2F folk have become pregnant?

Well since a born infant is now only a baby when the parents "feel like" it is (regardless of what biology) says, there's no tellin:

I suppose that if a pre-op transgendered woman with a penis "feels like" he is pregnant then this makes it true as well.

Quote: (06-07-2016 04:56 PM)h3ltrsk3ltr Wrote:  

I thought EDantes was going stop inflicting new threads on the forum...

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (06-07-2016 11:45 AM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

How can SJWs say there are no sex-based difference whatsoever between men & womens' brains--but then posit that male minds can be born into female bodies and vice versa?
No idea, logic isn't their strongsuit.

"Gender is a social construct... but being gay is genetic".

"Gender is whatever the person feels like they are (since it's just a social construct)... but we have to remove children's genitals because they are born with the wrong brain".

"A little girl shouldn't be forced to wear dresses and makeup, she should be able to wear pants if she wants to instead of conforming to oppressive feminine stereotypes! (But if a little boy says he feels like a girl he should be forced to wear a dress and nail polish to school like a stereotypical girly girl.") whatever floats your boat I guess

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

There are only 3 genders:

and mental illness

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Blase security guard has heard it all before.

Tranny: "I'm a trans woman and I'm not good enough to use your woman's bathroom? That's what's going on right now?"

Security Guard: "No, obviously you're just raising a stink because you're being denied something, which is human nature."

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (06-08-2016 02:41 PM)seniol Wrote:  

There are only 3 genders:

and mental illness

Salty :

[Image: DP8dtgvU8AEOOWW.jpg]

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Most guys go gay and tranny not due to mental illness. But rather due to lack of being game aware and how to make bitches put out. Bitches putting out for gangsters mafiosos, celebs, rappers, neighborhood Playboy's ,bar attenders etc. Average Joe's options are dim making him turn gay n tranny

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (02-04-2018 03:43 PM)PUSSYPOUNDER Wrote:  

Most guys go gay and tranny not due to mental illness. But rather due to lack of being game aware and how to make bitches put out. Bitches putting out for gangsters mafiosos, celebs, rappers, neighborhood Playboy's ,bar attenders etc. Average Joe's options are dim making him turn gay n tranny

Yeah..., nah.

Abuse begets abuse.
Throw in too much plastic, pollution & soy into the environment & the breeding ground for off-kilter folk will increase.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

I've often thought of a scenario that mirrors the transgender movement.

One day I'll show up at work wearing a gorilla costume. My boss will ask me WTF, why are you in a gorilla costume? I will tell him that my proclivity for having fun is my "orientation" and that he can't discriminate against my orientation. Furthermore, I will be able to sue my clients who no longer want to work with me because I wear a gorilla costume because the federal government supports my position. If I feel like a gorilla, then I should respectfully be treated as such without any negative impact upon myself, no matter how ridiculous it seems to anyone else. I will use the law to ensure that I don't suffer any consequences and force people who don't want to put up with my delusions to continue employing and/or working with me. The fact that they might think that I think of myself as a gorilla should be irrelevant to them as far as trusting my judgement goes. It's perfectly normal that I should think of myself as something that I'm not.

I really can't see a difference between this scenario and the times we live in, where I'm supposed to believe that humans who were born with a penis believe themselves to be women and I'm forced to accept that (despite everything I can see with my own two eyes). I know a very obese man with a 5 oçlock shadow who rides around on an electric wheelchair who proclaims himself to be a woman. It's grotesque. It's a joke. But that's the state of affairs these days. I could just as easily could put on a monkey costume and declare myself a gorilla, and then expect the law to reinforce my delusion.

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

I think you took MikeCF's "gorilla mindset" one step too far. [Image: cool.gif]

Distinguish psychiatrist declares transgender movement promoting mental illness

Quote: (02-04-2018 04:49 PM)Brother Abdul Majeed Wrote:  

I really can't see a difference between this scenario and the times we live in, where I'm supposed to believe that humans who were born with a penis believe themselves to be women and I'm forced to accept that (despite everything I can see with my own two eyes). I know a very obese man with a 5 oçlock shadow who rides around on an electric wheelchair who proclaims himself to be a woman. It's grotesque. It's a joke. But that's the state of affairs these days. I could just as easily could put on a monkey costume and declare myself a gorilla, and then expect the law to reinforce my delusion.

The elites pushing this insanity would absolutely agree with you in private that in fact these people are simply mentally ill.

But there's this:


“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

So when they say "concede to Transgender rights or lose your job", ^this is what that's really about.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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