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Her Brother is gay?

Her Brother is gay?

This may seem like an odd title, but I thought I would put it out there.

I am talking to this girl, she seems nice and all that.

I found out her brother is gay, she didn't tell me.

I have never dated anyone who had a gay sibling. I am not trying to be homophobic, just curious how you would take it?

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Her Brother is gay?

I guess I wouldn't care but I'd avoid letting her get on a soapbox about it.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Her Brother is gay?

Just ignore it, doesn't really matter.

Some years ago I was with a French girl, staying with her family in France. Besides being surprised that they were cool with me sleeping in her bed from night one instead of the spare room I was told would be ready for me, I was also surprised to see her brothers Italian guy "friend" stay over and hear the bed squeaking for a couple hours that first night. I would have preferred not to have heard that, but besides that it didn't make a difference in the long run.

Just do your thing, treat him like you'd treat any other dude until or unless there is a reason not to.

Americans are dreamers too

Her Brother is gay?

When speaking to her, don't refer to him as "your faggot brother."

Proceed as normal.

Her Brother is gay?

Good Advice.

What if he invites me to Pride Festival?

Our New Blog:

Her Brother is gay?

At some point she will give you the gay shit test. Make sure you are not judgmental. "I don't care what people do... Their choice...". And you will be fine.

Her Brother is gay?

Quote: (06-02-2016 02:49 PM)TornadoByProxy Wrote:  

At some point she will give you the gay shit test. Make sure you are not judgmental. "I don't care what people do... Their choice...". And you will be fine.

I don't think thats necessarily the case. I think it's rare situation even having the sibling mention it, let alone talk about it or "shit test".

Most of the time a family member wouldn't want to make it a "thing", and just leave it an unspoken truth.

Americans are dreamers too

Her Brother is gay?

Quote: (06-02-2016 02:49 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Good Advice.

What if he invites me to Pride Festival?


The amount of slutty, half naked, horny straight women on molly is astounding.

I have been a couple times due to invites from gay friends. It would not be somewhere I would go alone, or to pick up. But when you are in the thick of it, everyone partying and having a good time, meeting women does not get easier, ever.

Stay away from the parade, that shit makes me a bit sick. Virtue signalling everywhere, from everyone. But the clubs and bars can be fun. House parties too. Just bring a good vibe, and hit the fest early in the week. The tail end is a disaster of the most fucked up debauchery the sick twisted minds of fags can think up.

Her brother is a homo? You will likely have an ally actually.

Proceed as normal with your 'who gives a fuck' attitude.

Her Brother is gay?

lots of bad advice on this board

By asking the question, the OP clearly isn't cool with it

The issue will come up. Unless she also thinks it's disgusting, he's in for being with someone who he doesn't hold the same values as

Let's be honest, this is a problem, apart from the fact that her family's genes may be slightly fruity or at least, more susceptible to 3-dollar bills

Her Brother is gay?

Quote: (06-02-2016 03:24 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

lots of bad advice on this board

[Image: jordan.gif]

Quote: (06-02-2016 03:24 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

The issue will come up. Unless she also thinks it's disgusting, he's in for being with someone who he doesn't hold the same values as

She doesn't have to think it's disgusting in order to not agree with it. It's her brother, it's highly unlikely she would express disgust even if she strongly disagrees with it.

My brother has been a drunk and addict, I don't agree with his behavior but you'd never hear me putting him down, especially to outsiders, he's my brother. Defending him or tolerating him doesn't mean I hold the same values as him. It just means I love him as my brother, no more, no less.

Likewise with a chick having a gay brother. He's her brother first, and everything else second. Tolerating him or not speaking ill of his choices is not an indicator of loving the gayness, it just tells you she values her family. Thats a good trait.


Let's be honest, this is a problem, apart from the fact that her family's genes may be slightly fruity or at least, more susceptible to 3-dollar bills

It's not a problem for a guy simply looking at a girl to date/bang. Unless the brother and sister share a room and it's likely his being gay won't even come into play at all.

I feel like some guys get way too far into the culture war thing to point of letting it interfere with just living life and banging chicks. And I am saying this having made a thread on transgenderism being a mental disease.

Americans are dreamers too

Her Brother is gay?

Quote: (06-02-2016 03:24 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

lots of bad advice on this board

By asking the question, the OP clearly isn't cool with it

The issue will come up. Unless she also thinks it's disgusting, he's in for being with someone who he doesn't hold the same values as

Let's be honest, this is a problem, apart from the fact that her family's genes may be slightly fruity or at least, more susceptible to 3-dollar bills

This thought sort or ran through my head, does the gay gene get passed down.

Is there a chromosome defect in her gene pool?

I am not homophobic, I have been around gays before.

Our New Blog:

Her Brother is gay?

I don't believe her gay brother should have anything to do with you and her. I was hollaring at a lizard in the dot, she had a gay brother (flaming) but maybe they can read my body language, he hardly came close. If he advances on you trying to bring you along to a homosexual soiree, thank him for the offer but express how busy your schedule is. He should get the message.

If he doesn't, sleep with one eye open.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Her Brother is gay?

Most of the girls I've known or dated that have a gay sibling, typically have issues with men and are a little crazy in general. I think it has to do with their upbringing. This may not be the case with all women with a gay sibling, but it's been the case with me.

I would date her like normal and if any red flags pop up then hit it and quit it.

Her Brother is gay?

I bet you a dollar it comes up later down the track.

She will be watching you closely when she shit tests you on this one.

Her Brother is gay?

Quote: (06-02-2016 03:24 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

lots of bad advice on this board

[Image: poirot-frown1.gif]

If you don't have a problem with gay people then this is a non-issue. He's the brother of some girl you are "talking to." What does it matter where he puts his dick (as long as he's not putting it in her...)

Her Brother is gay?

Who cares about her faggot brother until he tries to ass rape you after you pass out from banging his sister

Her Brother is gay?

Quote: (06-02-2016 04:26 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-02-2016 03:24 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

lots of bad advice on this board

By asking the question, the OP clearly isn't cool with it

The issue will come up. Unless she also thinks it's disgusting, he's in for being with someone who he doesn't hold the same values as

Let's be honest, this is a problem, apart from the fact that her family's genes may be slightly fruity or at least, more susceptible to 3-dollar bills

This thought sort or ran through my head, does the gay gene get passed down.

Is there a chromosome defect in her gene pool?

I am not homophobic, I have been around gays before.

Yes, gay gene is usually the primary driver that makes people gay. If her brother is gay, there is a high probability that you and her may have gay kids. If not, your second generation children may have gay children, the gay genes is somewhat atavistic. This has scientific proof to it, I am not just talking gibberish.

If you don't want to have gay children (I think most of men wouldn't), I would just fuck her and be gone like the wind, unless she has other outstanding characteristics that will compensate for her gay genes.

I would also refrain from using any homophobic criticism towards gays when talking to her. Treat her brother as you would treat any other men, shake his hands when you meet him and talk to him if he seems eager/interested in talking to you. Some gay people are very interesting people (they are not trying to have sex with every man they meet), put the homophobia aside for a second and let the conversation flow.

Her Brother is gay?

Homosexuals disgust me so this would be an issue for me if I were in your shoes OP - but it really depends on your values.

Her Brother is gay?

Really - walk on egg shells because she has a rump riding crass captain for a brother?

I would be using some serious hard core red pill asshole game and make sure they do not offend me - I would be dropping sarcasm bombs like "You are Gay - really - makes me wonder how can you stand the smell of shit when you are rump pumping and thumping your butt bros? Seriously???"

If she does anything but agree with you and laugh her ass off... NEXT the no sense of humor SJW.

I have heard of a pussy pass but a gay pass - phuck that.

A normal feminine woman from a well adjusted family and this crap will never come up...

I have in fact dumped 3 women because they informed me they had gay brothers or were fag hags and their fag orbiters lived at her home that she owned. The rump riders performed domestic duties in exchange for a crash pad - not a lifestyle that I as a neomasculine red pill man want to have shoved in my face - especially considering faggotry topics never cross my mind in the normal ebb and flow of my life - even this Tranny bathroom nonsense about sick grown men using the same restroom as women and little girls makes me cringe.

I asked the fag hag who looked like a Robert Palmer girl - why she wanted to date me when it was clear I was straight and had no desire to be exposed to gays and their deviant, demented, degenerate lifestyle in any way - her answer - She did not want to have gay sons! Go figure.

Her Brother is gay?

^^^ I'm with you on this Deepdiver.

1. Dumped one girl in part because she always had some super flamboyant gay friend over at her house hanging out all the time. Would sleepover and pass out in the living room too sometimes and gave zero fucks about interrupting alone time between myself and my plate. This faggot liked to throw out shit-tests as well with significant frequency. Dropped that slut pretty quick.

2. Another twat that I had only been seeing for a few weeks kept on pushing me to meet a faggot couple she was friends with. Ran into one of these faggots briefly for a few minutes and she relayed to me later on that that the guy "approved of my looks"/that I was attractive enough to date her or some shit like that. I looked at her like: "And I give a fuck why?"

3. I invite a SJW guy friend and his libtard bitch over along with a few other people for a small get together of cards and drinks. The guy friend brings over a friend of his (I didn't invite him) who happens to be a non-flamboyant fag; I didn't know he was a fag at the time.

So, after the alcohol hits me a bit, I mention the word "faggot" a few times during the course of conversations with my friend; not directed towards the gay guy or anything. My friend pulls me to the side eventually and says:

"Dude, my friend I brought over is gay you know."

"Yeah? And?"

"You can't say faggot; it's offensive"

"It's my booze and my house. I can do what the fuck I want. I didn't even invite that faggot."

To the fags credit: He excused himself in a non-dramatic and non-confrontational manner and said he needed to get home since it was getting late. Maybe that was true but I think he got a sense that I wasn't gonna appease his faggot lifestyle.

My SJW friend and his libtard GF on the other hand ended up being a bit rattled and kept reminding me I needed to watch what I said around other people regarding various things. We don't talk anymore really.

As for the original post, I would just speak my mind and say how I feel about the topic. In my case:

I don't give a shit what two adults do. But don't talk to me like that shit is normal or proper or how kids should be encouraged to explore their gay tendencies or whatever the fuck. I won't go out of my way to talk mad shit about gay people/culture but don't shove that shit in my face or try to shame me into accepting it. Surprisingly, most women don't have a problem with this mindset I find. You can get away with pretty much anything if you say: "I don't care what two consenting adults do but..."

Her Brother is gay?

@ Pitt

I have wondered about this many times. I come from a very large family, and each generation has a bachelor. My thoughts have always been that bachelors were a way for gay men to not pass on the gay gene.

If science actually backs this up, I would not be surprised.

Since joining RVF my thoughts on bachelors have changed significantly

Her Brother is gay?

Two pieces of advice I can give you:

1) Don't make judgements about it, even if it is clear that he is a deadbeat.

2) Don't do this:

[Image: attachment.jpg31858]   

Her Brother is gay?

Hold on, there's actually a gay gene?

Her Brother is gay?

I was introduced to a girl in the club by her gay brother. Me and the girl ended up dating for about 6 months until I moved away. The brother and his gay friends were always really cool and never hit on me or anything.

Her Brother is gay?

The only question you need to ask yourself is this:

Do you want to bang her - or him?

If you want to bang her, then it doesn't matter who or what her siblings are.

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