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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hi all, I'm Perspicacity.

I'm 23. Lived all my life in London, UK, except for a few years at university in a different UK city.

Notch count is (*counts, them remembers some he forgot*) seven.

All bangs were in my last and second-last years at university.

Since then it's been a dry spell living at home, dealing with family drama, moving out, getting and changing jobs, etc.

Recently moved into a new town (the town I work in), in a different part of London. Now working on settling in to new place, new town, and newish job, and also want to break the dry spell and maybe build a social circle.

Game journal: thread-64978.html

Fitness journal: thread-64979.html

A bit more detail on my previous reading on, and involvement with, game:

Read a few posts on this forum and a few of Roosh's old blog posts when I was 18 but it was mostly just that--reading.

Fast forward a couple years, it turned out one of my university friends had also heard a bit about this stuff. He became my wingman and we had a good thing going on reading books (mostly PUA related or on PUA reading lists, also some other stuff), holding each other accountable, daygaming, and nightgaming, figuring out what to do with leads, etc.

Got two notches that university year. Next university year I didn't really have my wingman around so put less effort in, but had better lifestyle/logistics/game by this point so got five more notches.

After that last year of university, I've had no new notches, but am eager to get the ball rolling again.

A quick rundown of the notches I did get, to give context to a comment on night game:

First notch was nightgame in a bar of a girl I knew from a committee I chaired the previous year at my university. I'd call her a social pickup.

Second notch was a girl I picked up in university city's McDonald's on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Virgin but only got one re-bang.

Third notch was...again, a girl I picked up in university city's McDonald's on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Plate that I dropped/smashed.

Fourth notch was social circle from a sports club at the university. Debatably a plate but dropped/smashed fairly quickly.

Fifth notch was a random pickup from a bar (night game).

Sixth notch was...yet again, a girl I picked up in university city's McDonald's on a Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Seventh notch was a girl who'd recognised me from a dance class months before who opened me at a bar (night game/hobby pickup).

Based on these, and the amount of time, money, lost sleep/health, dignity, etc. spent on night game, I haven't been massively keen on night game for a couple of years, but usually end up on nights out trying to pull every now and then.

That said, none of these are really day game notches, and the two key elements seem to b either (a) knowing the girl beforehand/her seeing me in a situation that conferred status (leadership/combat spot/dance class) or (b) my niche of that one city's McDonald's on a Saturday night specifically.

I might be able to find other niches, but (b) per se isn't an option (wrong city), which leaves (a). So I need to look into social circle/hobbies/niches that'll put me in a good position.

Although I haven't really had any daygame notches, the costs are much lower and it's generally less shitty for me right now, so it's worth working on.

Up for running some game in London if any of you chaps are kicking around there--hit me up.

Official introduction thread

Hey, I'm Aquarius!

Some basic info about me:

Age: 19
Height: 5'8''
Ethnicity/nationality: Chinese
Occupation: college student
Location: ATL for school but from China.

I'm a complete noob when it comes to game. Took the redpill and found out about game after my interest in politics. Only approached a few times for both daygame and nightgame but no bang.

Still have a lot to work on in terms of muscle tone having started from an extremely low base. Gotta work on my discipline in going to the gym regularly and eat properly!

PM me if anyone wants to hang out in ATL!

Official introduction thread

Hey, I'm Stonk.

Height:6" 4
ethnicity: West African.
Occupation: College student.

Read Day bang and Bang. Followed the advice to the letter and got a couple of notches. Still fine tuning my game. Working out and meditating. Currently on NoFap. So far, so good.

Official introduction thread

Hey Forum!

I found the forum after signing up for SA and looking for more info. I devoured 30+ pages of that thread and then started reading everything.

About 10 years ago a woke up from a blue pill hangover with a divorce and self inflicted life damage that came with it. I gave up a great career and sought a simpler life. It took many years to fully overcome the blue pill mentality and I was recently introduced to the MGTOW philosophy. It doesn't fit with my beliefs but it was an eye opener to delve into that world. I'm just not that angry and I want to bang as many beautiful women as I can.

I'm in my early 40s. I have a background in sales so I can approach but I've been lacking in my life game and have little to no closing skills. I live in a small(ish) mountain college town. Most of the available women are college aged to mid-twenties and I need help breaking into that age range more often. I have a few success stories but nothing consistent.

I'm working hard to recapture the life game I once had with a successful career, financial freedom and constant confidence. I'm back in sales and ready to improve myself and my life on a daily basis. I'm ready to insert women back into that equation and so far it's been a huge confidence builder to read this forum and get on the Roosh "Program".

After 40+ years I'm finally a man and I'm stoked to get better and stronger. I'm grateful for the resources like this and ROK and a community of men to encourage us all to be the best men we can be!! Looking forward to learning and growing and contributing!!

Official introduction thread

Tsup to all the ballers, playas, and shotcallers. Respect....

I'm Kofi from East Africa, 29 years old loving life work and play (I'm running better game now from RVF than when I was just winging it) got a "lately underwhelming" LTR/LDR im considering replacing and 3 available fuck buddies on stand by. But i admit I can get higher quality/value girls than I have right now with more game put in.

Game saves lives y'all

Kofi Outtttt!!!!

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone !
From Mumbai, India. Forgive my past posts, just turned 19 and was a dumb little kid back then. Worked out a lot (calisthenics), but ignored game. It came to bite me, lol.
Just got on nofap, and hope to be a help to everyone here. Thanks!

Official introduction thread

Hi, everyone. I guess I should introduce myself.

I'm almost hitting 30. I've been reading 'manosphere' literature and lurking in forums for a long time but have never interacted. Bad experiences with women red pilled me when I was in my early 20s. I don't really practice game or read much about it, but I believe I'm not terrible at it. Notch count is around 15. Mostly 6s and 7s, but I did bang a couple of 8s. I'm not handsome: around 5'8'' tall, not fit (a few extra pounds), face is OK but nothing extraordinary.

I'm from Brazil. I work remotely, so I travel around. Less than I'd like to - I have some obligations. I always end up on this forum when Googling for data about places I'm about to visit, and sometimes I have information to contribute, so I registered. Looking forward to participating in the community.

Official introduction thread

Like many others, I’ve only been passively absorbing the wisdom here - mostly because I have been super busy in the recent years, and also because I prefer to read up first rather than spam the forum with unnecessary and duplicate thoughts and experiences…

…but I do wish to begin contributing a bit with (hopefully) more free time on my hands next year. So here goes a proper introduction.

Early 30s, Slavic, above-average looks, decent job as a writer, cool and unique hobbies and I travel extensively. I think the stats are favourable but there’s so much room for improvement in my life - mostly concerning fitness, work/life balance and priorities, and, of course, game.

I’d say I’m not a *total* newbie but still a newbie. Have had a few serious long-term relationships in the past but in the recent years I’ve been avoiding them in favour of exploration [Image: smile.gif]

“Love tourism”, as Roosh puts it, is addictive and the desire for self-improvement is a great motivator.

That pretty much sums up the reason why I joined the forum, and highlights the ways in which it’s been tremendously helpful - game tactics and travel data sheets.

I’ve been doing a lot of online game but I really want to work on my night game and day game.

I’m currently based in Central Europe, and I’ve traveled all over, but (outside of CE) met girls in South East Asia and South America. Current flag count: 10.

To finish off on a fun note - one of my experiences from Bangkok as an example of how the forum was truly inspirational: After an afternoon in the city I was meeting a girl I had matched with online. I asked her to take me for some local food and we met at a popular open-air food court near where I was staying in Sukhumvit/Ekkamai. We had a few tasty bites, and I ordered beers but as usual, my pace of drinking was a lot faster than hers [Image: smile.gif] She was cute and smiley and somewhat shy - I couldn’t really read her and without the help of alcohol to loosen her up, I didn’t really know what to expect of the evening. Even though I was getting bored and a bit tired, I sensed she was into me, so I suggested we go to a bar or club next, to which she agreed, even though she was waking up early for work the next morning (another good sign). Now, since I still had my messenger bag with me, I told her that we first need to drop it off at my apartment and I decided to try this move: I remembered I had a deadline, which was actually the following day but I pretended it needed to be finished that night, and asked her to give me the half hour to finish and submit the work. Being the dick that I am, I did leave her waiting for at least that half-hour, and when I turned around, I saw her half-asleep on the bed. Well, I’ll cut to the chase, laid down beside her, started kissing, she acted a bit surprised but didn’t resist and was a great lay. She was more cute than pretty, perhaps a 6.5/7 but since she was the sort of Thai “thick” type (but not fat), she had a great ass and some of the best big and firm boobs I’ve ever got my hands on. Fall asleep in the spooning position naked against that ass, I woke up in the middle of the night (probably still jet lagged [Image: smile.gif] ) with a massive boner, so round two it was. She conveniently left in the morning to work - a perfect night, surpassing my initial expectations, I’d say [Image: smile.gif]

Looking forward to meeting other like-minded forum members, learning, and hopefully inspiring others too.

Official introduction thread

Despite being a member of this forum for a couple years now, this is actually my second post. I discovered RoK a couple years ago while searching for Julius Evola related content . Back in the day, I was pretty amazed finding likeminded people in the "seduction-community" (since the german PUA-Community at that time were just a bunch of hedonistic femiboys without a few exceptions). To introduce myself - at the end of my twenties, German guy with a similar ethnic background like Roosh, living in Frankfurt.

I'm into Seduction related content since maybe ten years. I've learned some principles of game quite early and this helped me a lot to become more confident with women. Despite knowing this principles and mastering some "techniques", I have never put much effort to maximize my notch count. So I was in the las few years what I would describe as a serial monogamist.
My latest break up was a wake-up call. I finally realized that I have to master some things in life which I always delayed, not just Game, but also being in good shape. For me, there is no alternative beside developing a bulletproof game. I really see the potential lying within myself, otherwise I would not waste my time.

Likeminded users (maybe from the area), feel free to send me an PM.


Official introduction thread

Hi everybody! I'm a guy in my mid 20's from Italy and I'm a beginner at game but I want to improve and get good at it.

I'm single and I want to use this time to travel and approach girls.

I'm 6ft tall and average looking

Looking forward to meet new people and tell my experiences on here!

Official introduction thread

Hello everybody. I discovered this forum about a week ago. I am 23 years old and I live in the Netherlands.

I've spent my life mostly being awkward and introverted but now I decided to turn my life around by starting to lift, going out and approaching girls.

I hope this forum help me through my transformation.

Official introduction thread

Hi guys I'm new here, been wondering around for couple of months.
I'm 19 years old from Europe. After a big brake-up decided to screw it all and I found this forum, helped me a lot really and I'm really happy to be part of this comunity.

Official introduction thread

Hi, i'm Dragan. Early 20's. Originally from the US, decided to try expatriation a few years ago, and made the jump earlier this year to Serbia (Belgrade).

The thing that prompted me to do this was a combination of being skeptical of corporate media outlets and the narratives they construct, some family history that taught me the need to diversify and be willing to move if need be, 5 flag theory, and of course the pickup community/manosphere.

Reading "The Game" about 3 years ago on the recommendation of a buddy opened my eyes, and from there I discovered the online community. "The Exile" by Mark Ames and Matt Taibbi opened my eyes even more to the possibilities you have in Slavic Europe. I've been a lurker on the forum for about a year, and decided it was time to contribute.

I'm repatriating to the homeland soon, but once I saw how many cool places are out there, I know that it's just temporary.

Official introduction thread

Hey all,

Long time forum lurker here who is hoping to finally join and contribute to this community. I recently turned 21 and for the past few years, I've been working on self-improvement in all areas of my life. I'm hoping that I can continue to use the advice here to one day score an amazing wife and become a great man that others look up to. Currently trilingual and starting to read and lift weights a lot more. Right now I am living in Denver so if anyone wants to hmu to grab a drink with me or meet girls feel free to pm.

Also, huge thank you to Roosh, Quintus Curtius, and Aaron Clarey. These guys have been super influential in my life and are great sources of wisdom.

Romans 8:18-21

"Most insults are compliments in disguise" -Mr. G

Official introduction thread

Hi All, I'm Topper and I'm located in the US.

2 month lurker and finally posting. I'm 44 and I've been out of the game for 20 years. Pulled myself on purpose and probably would have stayed that way. But, sadly I'm now a widower. It's been a rough road but I'm working back into the mindset.

Life activities are actually pretty good but I was struggling with meeting decent opportunities since most of my activities are solo, higher activity level, cost more than most women can afford, or guy stuff (guns, gym, martial arts, running, cycling, bourbon, hiking, motorcycles, travel). I've bolted on some new stuff like dancing, tailgating, playing music and live shows I've wanted to see which has helped immensely in meeting more women. Unfortunately, while I'm now surrounded by women that are throwing themselves at me (they're asking me out...which would be good if I wanted to date late 30's+) they're not my type.

Here to work on lower age bracket higher quality game (sub 26 (i.e. girls in my head), 7.5+) and get some travelgymlifestyle ideas.

Official introduction thread

Hello gentlemen, I am Preussen which translates to Prussian in English.

I am 45 from the upper Midwest USA, as the name may suggest I am caucasian mostly Germanic and Scandinavian. I have been skinny my whole life but once I hit 40 the metabolism really slowed down and I put on a few pounds around the middle. I recently changed my diet and working out at home and the results are starting to show.

My father died when I was less than 2 years old so I was raised by women (mother was a substance abuser so I really raised myself and she passed a few years ago now) I also come from a very hippy family which has contributed to lack of success with women by always being the nice guy and giving too much respect.

I have never had what most people would call an LTR. The longest woman I dated was this Asian girl who was cheating on her BF with me for over a year. She was great in many ways but I knew it was only temporary, I think she wanted me to steal her away but I was too smart even then to fall for it. About a year after she disappeared I saw her pushing a stroller at the mall, the best part is I was suited up for a day in court and I caught her checking me out.

When I was fired from my job of 19 years I was looking for answers to life questions when I came across the Neil Strauss article then later discovered ROK and Roosh. I have been working on self improvement ever since and have always been a lover of travel and adventure. Something that started when I got my first bike at 5 years old.

I consider myself well rounded already but just need to take that next step and get out there pounding the pavement more consistently. I partially speak Spanish and German, I MTB, BMX, snowboard, ski, skate, camp, boat, collect cars and parts, motorcycle, scooters, travel, cook, do all my home improvements etc.

Like the man above I would like to aim for the 20 something women, I have been with quite a few races but never captured a foreign flag despite my passport being half full. I hope I can share my knowledge to the younger members on here but I am never too proud to listen to anyone at any age.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone, Garuda here.

32 year old from the Upper Midwest. Parents are from the countryside but I grew up in the intercity. They divorced when I was a teen. My relationship with women has been mostly in the friend zone. I joined this forum because it's filled with like-minded people and to work on my game and dating skills to ensure I don't miss a compatible woman when we cross paths.

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, I’m a 23 year-old, 5’10” Chinese-American born and raised in the northeast, and attended a liberal-arts school for college in the northeast, but I live in Shanghai now and speak close to fluent Mandarin (pronunciation like a local, vocab can use some work at times). My work here revolves around growing the sport of American football in China, so I cover its growth here for a media company, and coach youth football on weekends, hence my name Ganlanqiu (Chinese for “olive-ball”, which is what they call football/rugby), and I also play on an amateur team here that plays other teams around China. I’ve been reading ROK since maybe 2013, kind of stopped reading it for a bit, but found RVF when looking for more about Shanghai nightlife.

I’m not exactly a complete beginner to game, as I started to find some success later on in college through social circle game (I was in a high-tier fraternity), but I guess I’d classify myself as a high-end novice. My notch count currently stands at 8, with flags from the US and China. I can hold a conversation pretty well, even in Mandarin, and have definitely used that to develop a good network of friends here in Shanghai and in other cities in China. I’ve been in an LTR for the past year and a half though, so my game has gotten rusty. I’d say I’m here to dive deeper into game, and also offer what I know about the amazing city of Shanghai, some knowledge of other cities in China, the sports landscape in China, and knowledge of Chinese culture in general.

I will definitely be living here for a few more years, and I often travel to Hong Kong for visa runs as well, so I’d be down to meet up with forum members there too. If anyone has any questions on getting settled here in Shanghai, or everyday life here, or needs any food or nightlife recommendations in this amazing city, be sure to reply to the multiple data sheets about Shanghai, or shoot me a PM, and I’ll see if I can answer.

Cheers fellas!


Official introduction thread


RVF name : johnwillydoe
Age : Early 20s
Height : 185cm
Weight : 84kg
Looks : Above average (according to girls)
Country : Australia
City : PM
Languages : English (Native), Korean (Native), Japanese (Basic)

Time in game : 4 months
Lays : 0 (still a V)
Game influences : Read day bang, but i learn more from analysing my own mistakes in previous attempts and relationships.

Why are you here?
On this forum specifically, because i want to contribute back to the community, since i have gained alot of information off here.

How did i get into game?
I was raised with a blue pill mindset, and i thought that things will come to me naturally as long as i am patient. It hit me recently that life is full of shit (job interviews, girls, friends) , especially people, and i've been screwed over one too many times by people who took advantage of me. Now that i've taken steps to change my own mindset on how i view the world, i want to improve and implement this into game.

Future thoughts
I want to succeed in life, and i am the only one that can achieve that.
Relationship-wise, i'd like to have several plates, and be able to choose who i share my future with.

Pleasure to be here.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone,

I'm 28 years old, I come from Switzerland, and I'm actually living and studying in Warsaw.

I have read ROK for a while now, and am interested to change my life and starting from zero, overcoming my complexes, passive-aggressiveness, and all the negative instinct that was ingrained to my brain, mostly because of others that bullied me for years.

When I was in school I was usually the scapegoat of the class. I did improve in high school, being not a scapegoat anymore, but was usually very reserved and stressed with social interactions outside of my family and the few friends I had. It didn't improved much in college, being an outsider, a downward situation.

Since a few months, I work on me to improve my fear to approach girls and people generally.
I now mostly doesn't fear anymore to approach girls, but my game is close to zero, and I can't handle an interaction for more than a few minutes, not knowing what to say and how to say it -- outside of my interests/hobbies/things I like and know, which I can talk for more than an hour.

I tried to come across other guys of my college and meet up with them -- I usually got a FB and/or a phone number at my request, and wrote to them to go out, but I usually received a negative answer, and nobody initiated a message with me, I had always to start myself.
I'd like to mention that I'm never invited to any party or any hang out, why?

I can smile to other people and have small talk without a significant issue, depending on my mood.

I dealt with depression and loneliness for most of my life.
I have seen a psychiatrist/psychologist since early this year, was prescribed medicine: SSRI, anxiolytics and SARI, which helped me a lot to be more self-confident, to overcome my frustrations, anger, self-defeatism, general/social anxiety and depression, be more active and positive, and more open/interacting in all, sleeping well. But I do think this medication has only a temporary effect, and want help you much if you doesn't force yourself to improve; the downside of it is being that I gain in weight and lose a lot of sex-drive.

Yes, I'm socially awkward, but I want to improve myself to become more social, and being appreciated by others, lay out with girls, that's why I'm here in RVF.

Currently, my focuses are: to succeed in my life; finishing my studies; expressing more my opinions and feelings; being pro-active in my classes; coming out of my safe-zone; going out more; observing people on the street, public transport, traffic, college, bars, night clubs; see how people react with me on different subjects; learning game; having friends, and a gf -- if not lay girls; learn from my mistakes and analyzing them, getting out of this vicious circle...

Official introduction thread


Longtime reader here. I discovered this forum and the manosphere during my high school years and it was the best thing that could of happened to me.

I’m 22, married with a daughter who I try my best to guide her using the understanding of her psychology extrapolated from game.

I was homeschooled for my entire education through until college, it was great, I loved it, it was the best thing for me in terms of learning. However it also caused me to have almost no friends or contact in general outside of my immediate family. I was depressed for most of my early teens, having no friends or anyone to talk to really, about the time I turned 17 I decided to apply game principles to my life and started to become more outgoing and confident.

I live in one of the economically worst states in America today and am working on trying to improve my lot in life using the knowledge shared on this forum.

I’m looking forward to being a part of the discussion, and learning more from the guys here.

Official introduction thread

Hey All,

Been reading game stuff since 2014 when I started with the Art of Charm podcast and a few other websites. I have never done the forum thing but decided it was time if I am actually serious about this stuff.

Physical Characteristics:
White, 6'2", 210 pounds.

My goal is to increase lays. I am living in Southern California for another 2 years and I want 100 lays in 24 months.

So here it goes...

Official introduction thread

Hey Everyone,

Like many others, I discovered this forum by accident and it gradually became part of my daily routine. There’s lots of great knowledge and insight here, so thanks to all the veterans who have contributed.

I’m in my 40’s and living on the East Coast of the US. I’m 6’ + and slim with a clean, classy sense of style.

It took a lousy marriage, where I allowed myself to be pushed into things that I didn’t want, for me to realize I was doing it all wrong. While women can be manipulative and irrational, ultimately I only have myself to blame.

Compromise is going for Chinese rather than Pizza. Don’t compromise on the big things. It’s okay to be steadfast and unmoving when it comes to your life choices. Of course, this is easier said than done and this is my journey from here on in.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone,

I'm GoldenK. I have gained a lot of information from threads on this forum, especially datasheets of new cities I visit. Recently decided to start contributing to the forum as best I can.

I'm in my early 20s and grew up in different countries around the world, including Singapore and the US. Currently living in the US.

I'm aiming to improve my game and achieve other goals I have set for myself. I came to a realization a few weeks ago that I have not been pushing myself out of my comfort zone recently, hence I am trying to get back to a path of continuous improvement and ultimately, achieve success as I define it.

Official introduction thread

Long time lurker - love the forum and all the great content. Philosophical, game, culture, travel.. looking forward to contributing.

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