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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

I have been saying Australia has a lot of hope - don't listen to the naysayers. Welcome guys.

Official introduction thread

Hey guys,

Just found out about this site from a friend. It's good to know there's some like minded guys out there!

I'm based in Vegas hence the nick. Right now, I'm all about stacking paper and slaying poon.

Anyways, looking forward to contributing to the community.


Official introduction thread


I'm 21 in a small town of under 10000 in northern ontario. Bilingual, french/english. Despite having alot going for me, I've been raised with the white knight/nice guy mentality by my parents. Although i know they did this with the best intentions, It's now clear to me after reading through this forum and other blogs that this mentality is responsible for some of my shortcomings. Especially with women. Through reading and various forms of self improvement, I'm trying to leave my bluepill/beta/liberal ways in the past to replace them for the clear advantages of the redpill mentality.

I've only been reading for about a month but I'd like to thank all the reputable posters for the eye opening info I've seen so far.

Official introduction thread

I stumbled on to this site recently. Thank you all for the tips n tricks that I have gleaned from these boards. I'm looking forward to contributing and maybe a tribal meeting as well. I live in a small town in Maryland..

Official introduction thread

I found my way here from a link on Western Rifle Shooter's Association. I've been lurking for a few years.

Official introduction thread

Hello Gentlemen and fellow Rooshians.

Like most people I have been a lurker for a year and decided to join the bandwagon. I got introduced to this forum when I was planning on travelling to Praha with a like minded colleague of mine. Unfortunately he got sacked and this was probably the greatest gift he could give me before leaving.
About myself (in numbering system cause I have OCD) :

1. Indian guy living in middle east working for a MNC in the Power and Gas sector. Previously worked in the IT sector in India and Middle east for a brief point of time. Age 27. B.Tech in CS.

2. Looks wise I'd say average, with jet black hair, hazel eyes, 5'6" height and light skin colour.

3. A bit introvert and add in a dash of melancholia. Mostly like to read books, music and watch people as studying them.

4. Was a total beta, like all indian males are, I guess the concept of of the alpha male and beta male was exposed to me after readings Roosh's books and this forum.

5. Was religious, but now I'm an atheist. Atheism is punishable by law in Gulf countries.

6. Planning on continuing my studies once I have stashed the cash, if I don't blow out all my money on trips i.e.

7. Never was in a relationship. Though not relevant along with anti-religion stance, somehow I also developed an anti-marriage stand. Not that I have anything personally against marriages, it's mostly a philosophical choice.

8. I don't have many fiends nor a social life. I think I'm very poor with handling relationships. Maybe I'm too demanding from such social relationships which when they fail to amuse after some time, or I'm just snobbish asshole. Deactivated my Facebook account cause it seems like a massive circle jerk now too me. Also my mental health is better off when I started being away from that site.

9. Live alone with a company provided car.

10. Into lukewarm approaches and would say my game is beginner would like to turn it into aggressive game. Another part of me is just not into it & don't care two cents about game sometimes and want to spend quality time alone in nature. Maybe I'm just bi-polar.

11. Took my first Europe trip to Hungary and Romania based off data from this great forum. Life.changing.decision. I feel way better about myself now after that trip> it injected a fresh boost of confidence and lifeblood into me. Realised the value of youth.

12. I am mostly keen on off the beaten path places like Latin America and Eastern Europe. I will be focusing the next two years solely on EE. My current plan is to travel mostly FSU until I get bored of it. Practising my game and sharpening it.

Of course I have the utmost respect for the greatly talented and experienced people here in this forum. Would be really cool if we can get to meet each other on the road.
If any of you guys are also looking for any suggestions or ask anything about India also, feel free to DM or PM me. which ever. Peace !

Official introduction thread

welcome Xen

Official introduction thread

Hi ya all,

Alrite, here is my intro: My name is Luis, 38 years old, living in Lima (Peru)...although I lived for 10 years in western europe at some moment in my adult life.

I was a total pussy during my pre-adulthood (my first time was when I was 19...kind of really late to the game). In my 20´s I somewhat improved my game, which actually reached decent levels by the time I was around 24-25 (living in europe at that moment, a pussy paradise for a latin guy). And then guess what happened? Yeah, I met a girl, felt in love, and settled for the "adult" life.

Fast forward 11 years: married guy and with 2 kids and unhappy wife. We separated last year, not before she found herself some other guy and decided to move in with him 2 weeks after moving out from my place. Worst part: she decided to live in the same condo I a humilliating way of reminding you she changed you for some other bro.

And so I was back in life as "single" again, after being out of the game for more than a decade. I started using tinder, but had not much luck with high quality women. I eventually met a 6.5 chick, which I started banging almost right off the bat. And this was only the begining of horse, as I knew I needed urgently to improve my game in order to: 1. Regain confidence in myself. 2. Get as many girls as possible, so I could "choose" one with whom I eventually could remake my life.

So far I banged 15 girls in the last year (ranging from 22 year old girls till 42 year ol milfs) . Not a bad number I think, but it can definetly improve.

Hope to make new friends and wingmans in da forum.


Official introduction thread

Hey guys. Long time lurker here, decided to make an account as I'm now fully committed to developing my game. Most importantly, I look forward to being a part of this community of like-minded men -- I've gotten a lot out of this forum and I hope to one day give just as much back.

  • Age: early 20s
  • Occupation: Entrepreneur
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Location: Toronto GTA, Canada
Why are you here?
I'm ready to move onto the next chapter of my life. For the past two years since graduation I've focused heavily on making money, but at the expense of enjoying myself and living life. I've been a bit of a shut-in living with my parents, spending most of my time building a business, reading, investing, and looking within to really understand the self and what I want.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I can count on one hand the number of dates I've been on since graduation, but on the other hand I've since built a sizable bankroll and now make more money than most people my age.

I am now fretful of FOMO, and so this is where I want to begin -- to start meeting girls again, experience new things, and to start living life.


Like Dream Medicine before me, I want to give my respects to the forum members here that gave me the inspiration to join.

Thank you Roosh, for making all of this possible. And a big shout out to: TLOZ, Scorpio, WIA, AnonymousBosch, Samseau, Quintus Curtius, Tuth, Suits, Giovonny, General Stalin, Days of Broken Arrows, WestCoast... you guys have all touched my life in various ways through your writings -- thank you.

Official introduction thread

Hey, so I am not all that new to game, but still well below average.

I am thirty years old, very attractive, live in a major city in the US. I am going to a prestigious university for grad school currently.

I am here because I am bad with women, and that needs to change completely. So far this year I have only been able to bang five women, of average to below average quality. That needs to change drastically, so I plan on taking massive action towards it.

I have read some literature on game, and the one that impressed me the most is 'Bang' which is why I am here. Happy to see this is such a vibrant community. I know nothing, not even to navigate this forum, so I am open to loads and loads of learning. I plan on giving in return one hour a day of gaming and sharing my experience as I grow.

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone,

Not new to game, but can probably safely say I've achieved above-average notch count. Currently in an LTR with a girl almost 10 years younger than me, so no incentive to game heavily at this time.

Have lurked for a very long time, joining mostly to share and interact with members here.

Longtime reader of the 3R's (Roosh, Roissy and Rollo), so can say i'm pretty aware, but always something new to learn every day.

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Official introduction thread

Hey everyone. I've been a longtime lurker...probably 3 or 4 years of lurking. I never created an account due to this being a game forum primarily and me being married I didn't think I had much to contribute. The forum has expanded greatly in scope so I decided to get off the fence and get in the game so to speak.

My username and avatar come from my favorite TV show of all time, Justified. Though my name and avatar come from a TV show I don't really watch much TV. I work (a lot), work out, read, and spend time with my family. I'm primarily interested in politics, history, and religion.

I look forward to interacting more with everyone, learning a bit, and hopefully contributing some solid content of my own.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone. I am a 20 year old guy in Michigan. I knew Roosh for a while and decided to join the forums. I am hoping to learn things for improving myself.

Official introduction thread

I can finally post! Thanks Roosh!

I'm a 31 year old white male, and live in the Northeast United States.

For the last 2 decades, I've actually been a bit of a hermit - reason being, I was battling serious anxiety and depression. I seem to have finally gotten that mostly sorted, and have energy and confidence to begin really working on myself. Not to say I was completely neglecting my development before, but my efforts were tainted with beta bitterness and fear.

I've been hitting the gym regularly, while tracking my gains (which is a huge help. Tracking progress makes all the difference), keeping my place clean, and been going out for a couple of months now (because of my job, I can only go out on Friday and Saturday nights, because I have to be up early). I've been reading up on game, on ROK, RVF, Roosh's books, Troy Francis, and other sources. I will take this opportunity to plug No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover. Had an enormous impact, and changed my life.

Since I've been going out, I've made a bunch of approaches (not even close to my 100, though) I've gotten a few phone numbers, and been stood up once. Night game, mostly. I still seem to have a case of oneitis, and getting stood up was a real blow to my confidence. My vibe has shriveled a bit as a result, and I'm a lot more reluctant to approach. This, of course, must be addressed.

I've finally noticed how utterly boring northern New England can be. I may start making the trip (1 hours southeast, abouts) to Boston, to see what the city is like from my budding perspective, and compare notes, see if the mood is different, and how I respond to it, etc.

I've been lurking for a while, and I really like this forum. I look forward to learning and contributing. The username refers to my journey to develop my Yang, and thus giving my Wang some play, which has been sorely lacking. I'm actually of European descent (mostly German).

Official introduction thread

Finally joining the forum after lurking for a few years. I'm 31 years old, Asian American (ABC). Height 5'8", weight is 165 pounds. Been lifting on and off. Athletic but not extremely muscular body.

I was always pretty awkward and clueless with women until a few years ago, when I started to read RVF and other RP forums/blogs. And I had a several months-long LTR for the first time thanks to a few things that I learned. But that girl I met through my parents, so I am still working on meeting women outside of social circles. It was hard to make progress with game because I lived in the suburbs and with my parents, and I didn't have very good social circles.

A few months ago, I traveled overseas for work and took a tourist girl back to my hotel the night after I approached her at a cafe. That was the first time I got that far from a cold approach. I couldn't get hard enough to fuck her (probably performance anxiety + jet lag) and I had to leave the next day. But that gave me a seed of confidence that I could pull off a lay from a cold approach.

I moved to NYC a month ago and have started doing daytime approaches. Maybe two dozen so far. It was tough at first but it's getting easier the more I do it. I'm looking forward to posting updates on my experiences with gaming in the Big Apple.

Official introduction thread

What's going on, online broskis?
I'm 22 years old, recent college grad. Learned a few very cool things on the forums already, I'm really enjoying things in the forum and it feels good to be here.

Official introduction thread

Sup guys, RBW here, just noticed my forum application got approved so making a first post here to say hi.

I'm a westernised asian male, have been reading red pill stuff for years (Roissy was my fave).

Only joined up now because I'm slowly realising how different I am from the people I (used to) hang out with - had a lot of friends back in college days, then as the red pill dissolved in my mind I realised i was hanging out with... losers. Generally I'd say asian guys, western or otherwise, are about 10 years behind white guys in red pill awareness. You think MSM is bad in the west, you should check out the stupid girl power shit that asians watch on youtube and TV dramas.

Need to get away from those kids, so now I'm here. Hope to meet some similar guys soon.

Official introduction thread

Hey guys!

I´m a 21-year-old law student from Austria. Lived now for 1 year in Munich and enjoyed the German beer and women. This October I am moving to Vienna to continue studying.

Game wise I am completely dependent on my appearance (tall, white, blonde, blue eyes) and I´m rather confident. But actually I have no (day-) game at all. Meaning all my lays came from night game or fucking my whole circle of friends or acquaintances.

This is why I joined this forum after lurking for a while, because I am underachieving and could do a lot better!

Official introduction thread

Hello bros,
I'm 28 yo now. I am not a quite new member, i am just not so active here recently. My game needs a serious improvement, so i'm back now. I have some very weak success after the last time, but it is not enough. Because i approach 30 years now, i am not quite sure that i will have big success with girls, younger than me(18-23 years), so my target group is 24-30 years now. I am not sure is this good decision, but anyway. I hope to learn new ways for my self improvement here, and i will try my best. Hope things get better with experience. The forum is really cool, BTW

Official introduction thread

Good Evening everyone,

31 years old, white cuban american male. Grew up in New Jersey, live in Miami now(yeah have bigger issues now with Irma). Desire to have more success with women. Have to build up confidence to approach more women. It gets lonely when your an adult after college. Have a few friends though, just want to find meaningful women to spend time with. I love foreign black women, indian women and white spanish speaking women.

Glad to be here and look forward to learning more about myself and others.

Official introduction thread

Hey Guys,

Been taking an interest in game for a while so been following the forum for a while. Mid 30s based just outside of London, going through a divorce and wanting to get back on it.

I think I have all the raw materials to be good at this but havent been able to make a real start at it until now, so if anybody fancies a mentoring project let me know.

I am above average looks (no bullshit to say I have been known to turn heads) so starting from a good place. I am tall but my body could do with a bit of work (not fat but need some toning) which I have started with already and making progress. I am pretty out going and talk to anybody without any confidence issues but I struggle with what to say with appproaching.

Hopefully will post my progress. Anybody fancies mentoring or even hitting London to find chicks, message me.

Official introduction thread

Hello bros.

I'm José, from Lima, Perú. Almost 25 years old, 6' high, olive skin, black haired/eyed.
I am very grateful about this site. I discovered it 4 years ago searching info about czech women... and after a LTR, 3 years of inactivity, crazy feminist ones and MGTOW phylosophy, I re-discovered the site and logged finally, and determinated to do the change.

Really, I don't have any problem approaching a 7-10. I have had relative success with foreigns in my country. But scalating and closing is my problem.
I am very lazy!

Making it short, sometimes I prefer masturbating than go and hanging out with a girl.
Even if sex is a sure thing, I prefer avoid the game and do it alone, at least if she is not a 9-10. That's stupid, but I have let it affecting my sexual life.

Well, open to meetups, and glad to support anyone interested in southamerican women, how several guys here.

Official introduction thread

Hi everyone, I am new here. Nice to meet you all.

Official introduction thread

hi yall

Official introduction thread

Hey all,

Just joined the forum after being a longtime lurker. I recently moved to NYC for work and am looking to improve my game. I have a great place in the LES and generally looking to go out in this area. Looking for wingmen to go out with and improve our game together.

I'm Asian, 5'11", age mid 20's, average to slightly above average in looks, athletic build, professional work, have enjoyed traveling to many countries.

Message me if you're in the area!

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