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General Stalin's Progress Thread

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Did some strongman training tonight for my "rest day." Had some good and some bad. I'll explain below.

Circus dumbbell clean and press - 4 x 60
2 x 70
Failed attempt @ 88 (tweaked my elbow a bit)
Did some recovery movements and started again
2 x 60
1 x 70
1 x 80
Failed @ 88

18" frame deadlift - 1 x 6 x 200
1 x 6 x 270
1 x 4 x 340
1 x 2 x 380 w/ belt
1 x 11 x 400 (1 minute time with down commands) w/ belt

Axle bar squat - 1 x 4 x 135
1 x 4 x 205
1 x 2 x 255 w/ belt
1 x 3 x 300 w/ belt

My elbow pain tonight was severe and acute. It went away rather quickly but it really hindered my overhead pressing. The elbow sleeves actually hurt my elbows a little as I think the pressure exaserbates it maybe. Need to work on a solution for eliminating this issue. A buddy of mine recommended some movements and stretching tools to get rid of it as well as taking a joint suppliment like magnesium.

That said, I was really happy with that 400 x 11 frame DL and also pretty happy with that 300 x 3 squat. The squat could have gone a little better and I think come comp time I can probably squeeze out 4 reps, and maybe 12-13 on the DL.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Practiced an event last night for the strongman meet next weekend. Atlast stone load series. Need to load a series of 3 stones onto a 49" platform then load a stone of steel over 52" bar for reps. Going to do a little more strongman traning today then probably take it really easy next week prior to the meet to let my elbows and shoulders rest up.

Sand bag toss over shoulder - 8 x 50
6 x 100

Sand bag lift to chest - 2 x 150

Atlas stong load - 1 x 167
1 x 205
1 x 220
Stone of steel over bar - 2 x 135
3 x 185

Reverse Hyperextensions - 3 x 12 x 90

Rolled my back out with pvc pipe after.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Last day of strongman training today felt pretty good about it. Looking forward to the comp. Practice the carry meddley and got it down to 0:36.

Carry meddley load onto 49" platform:
Keg 2 x 60' x 150
Sandbag 2 x 30' x 200
Stone 2 x 15' x 157

First run through for 0:44 bit fumbled with the stone a bunch. Second attempt got it down to 0:36. Taking it easy this next week to let my elbows and should rest up.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Just wanted to update that this week is a planned rest week to give myself a break leading up the strongman, most specifically my upper body joints. A good friend and experienced strongman at my gym recommended I take this week off as well leading up to the event. I'm traveling this week as it is so it is advantageous.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Strongman recap:

Overall - very pleased with my performance

Event 1: Axle Bar Squat - max reps in 1 minute. Bar has tires on it that need to be lowered to a box and touch with control (no bouncing), so essentially a pause squat.

300 lbs.

I got 3 reps during training and it was a max effort set. Last rep was a good morning. I was hoping for 4 in competition. Come game time I got 6 reps

Event 2: Circus Dumbbell Last Man Standing - Each weight class has a starting weight loaded into a circus dumbbell and goes up 10 lbs per round. Each competitor has 3 attempts (much like power lifting) to get their highest weight. Your allowed to skip weights.

Starting weight 80lbs.

I knew this was (supposed to be) my weakest event and did not see myself hitting 100 lbs. I performed as expected. I hit the opener at 80 lbs., then hit 90 lbs. after. Attempted 100 lbs. but failed.

Event 3: Frame Deadlift - Max reps in 1 minute with down commands. Reset every rep (no bouncing the frame - all for corners must touch the ground)

440 lbs.

This was my worst event and it shouldn't have been. Event called for 18" tall frame and 400 lbs. originally, but last minute all the weights were upped and my division had to use the shorter 16" frame. In training I had gotten 11 reps at the posted weights and frame height. With the changes I zeroed the event. I probably could have at least gotten 1 rep if I wasn't so discouraged by the last minute changes. I got in my own head about it. Forgot to even tighten my belt when I got to the platform. Not happy about that.

Event 4: Carry Medley - Carry a keg from 60' and load it upright onto a 48" platform, then run back and carry a sandbag from 30' and load it onto a 48" platform, then run back and carry an atlas stone 15' and load it into a 48" platform.

150 lbs. keg
200 lbs. sandbag
167 lbs. stone

I had high expectations of myself going into this event as I had practiced it a few times and had it down to a real tight time. I did not disappoint. In practice I had a best time of 36 seconds. I flew like the wind and took 2nd in this event on game day finishing with 30.56 seconds.

Event 5: Stone Load Series - load 3 atlas stones onto a 48" platform in succession then load a stone of steel over bar for max reps in remaining time (1 minute for entire event)

167 lbs. stone
205 lbs. stone
225 lbs. stone
175 lbs. stone of steel

I had only practiced this event once and did not time myself. My goal was to get all the stones with 1 rep on the SoS (just complete the event). I ended up getting all stones and SoS for 3 reps. Real close to 4 reps which would have tied me for 1st but I was right at the bar on the 0 count. Tied for 2nd in this event.


Pause squats 300 x 6 blew me away, and my speed and ease with the carry and stone loads were very surprising. Overall great event. Looking forward to getting back into my normal gym routine now.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

That type of elbow pain could very well be from an injured/tight tricep that is pulling on the tendons around the elbow. I'd try rolling out your tricep with a lax ball to loosen up the tissue and work in some light high volume tricep movements to get the blood flowing through there. I deal with the same issue as you but on the inside of my elbow, so I'll work in 5x20 of some real light curls to help my bicep and it makes my elbow feel better after a few sessions. I also wear the elbow sleeves but I find them to be more of a bandaid than a solution.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Yea I'm thinking the issue is some sort of I'm balance with my triceps/bicep. My forearm is playing a role too. Going to start incorporating some light but direct training to my forarms and biceps see if I can't remedy this.

Anyway, quick update:

Given that I've taken about 2 weeks off from my program I think I'm going to start it again. It's only 5 weeks anyway so it's short enough where it's really no big deal. I went into today thinking it was my 1RM test week and started warming up for a squat max but then realized I last left off halfway into week 4.

I was already into my warmup so figured to hell with it and went for a squat PR anyway. I ramped up to it real haphazardly. Was also using a Texas squat bar which added 10 lbs. I didn't make my attempt but I stupidly hit my current max as my warmup which definitely wasted energy.

1 x 6 x 145
1 x 2 x 235
1 x 1 x 285
1 x 1 x 325
Failed attempt @ 335

Was happy I was able to hit my PR again no problem though.

Spent the rest of the night doing some light accessory work for my upper body to get blood flowing in my shoulders and elbows. I didn't record my sets/reps but kept it light weight high volume. Might have another sort of deload day tomorrow the start back up to day 1 of the program Wed.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Had another light day last night. Didn't record this workout either but just worked on more accessories. High reps light weight. Hit some DB floor press, bent over BB rows, RDLs, Leg Press, reverse hypers, and leg curls.

Tonight I want to rewind and start back on day 1 of this current 5 week cycle I'm in. Start fresh without being distracted with the strongman stuff and working some good therapy movements and work on some imbalances.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Good stuff tonight. Tried limitingy workout to 1 hour and even moving fast with shortened rest I was able to get through my main lifts then just a quick accessory excercise.

Anyway tonight I felt I had hit a sort of mini-milestone. I was sweating 225 working sets and came to the realization that 2 places felt like 1 plate felt last summer. It moved fast, and sets of 8 we're no big deal.

Squat - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 4 x 185
5 x 8 x 225 w/ belt

Deadlift - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 225
5 x 4 x 295

DB bicep curl - ran the rack sets of 6 starting at 35 and burning out 20 reps at 15

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Haven't updated this thread with my last couple workouts. Lifts are going great restarting my program. Highlights from last two workouts:

Pause Bench Press - 5 x 7 x 185
DB incline bench press - 4 x 10 x 60
Bent over BB row - 4 x 10 x 155

Front Squat - 3 x 6 x 165
Rack pull above the knee - 4 x 8 x 165

Took a couple days off for the holiday. Back in the gym today for pressing.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Close grip bench and some great accessory work today. Best part is - no elbow pain

CG Bench Press (strict pause) - 1 x 6 x 95
1 x 6 x 135
4 x 8 x 170

Incline Bench Press - 4 x 10 x 135 >ss> Bent over barbell row - 4 x 10 x 135

Chest fly machine - 4 x 12 x 75 >ss> Tricep extension machine - 4 x 12 x 50 >ss> preacher curl - 4 x 12 x 42

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Lower body movements tonight. For some reason deadlifts really tiring me out lately. On the other hand squats have been flying. Doing the top end of my rep ranges on squats and the bottom end of the rep ranges on deadlifts.

Squat - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 4 x 185
1 x 4 x 225
4 x 6 x 255 w/ belt

2" Deficit Deadlift - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 4 x 225
4 x 6 x 275

Reverse hyperextension - 3 x 12 x 95 >ss> Decline weighted crunches - 3 x 12 x 22.5

Leg extension - 1 x 5 x 90, 1 x 8 x 70, 2 x 12 x 50 >ss> Leg curl - 4 x 12 x 70

Leg extension machine at my gym is weird and makes it difficult to do heavy weight. It's leg moves independently and the way the fulcrum of the implement is it forces you to slowly control the weight up and down.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Had a great pressing workout the other day. Best part is I'm feeling NO elbow or shoulder pain these days. My elbow sleeves have finally been broken in and I think the glucosamine and chondroitin supplementing is working.

Touch and Go Bench Press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 136
4 x 9 x 185

DB Floor Press - 4 x 10 x 70 >ss> Bent over BB Row - 1 x 10 x 135/1 x 8 x 155/2 x 6 x 175

Lat pull down - 4 x 12 x 100 >ss> dips - 4 x 12

DB preacher curl - 4 x 10 x 20 >ss> Side lateral raise - 4 x 10 x 20

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Squats and deadlifts tonight. Went into the gym pretty low energy but still managed to put in a killer workout.

Squat - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 4 x 185
5 x 7 x 235 w/ belt

Deadlift - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 225
1 x 4 x 275
5 x 3 x 305

Leg ext. - 3 x 15 x 40 >ss> leg curl - 3 x 15 x 75 >ss> calf raise - 3 x 15 x 135 > prowler push - 2 x 130' x 90/1 x 195' x 90

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Solid pressing today and a great upper body pump as I played around with my accessories.

Bench press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 135
1 x 4 x 185
4 x 5 x 205

Incline bench press - 1 x 10 x 135
1 x 8 x 155
2 x 6 x 175
^supersetted w/ bent over BB row - 1 x 10 x 135
1 x 8 x 155
2 x 6 x 175

DB row - 4 x 10 x 70 >ss> Side lateral raise - 4 x 10 x 20

Cable crossover over - 4 x 12 x 40 >ss> tricep pull down with rope - 4 x 15 x 80 >ss> DB preacher curl - 4 x 12 x 17.5

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Had a couple workouts over the weekend to report on. Did front squats and rack pull the other day, and close grip bench and other pressing movements today. Realized since I've switched up a lot of my accessory excercises with this training cycle I haven't really touch overhead press in a while especially barbell press so I did a few sets of that today. Don't feel like I've really lost much.

Week 2, Day 3:

Front squats - 1 x 6 x 95
1 x 6 x 135
5 x 5 x 185

Rack pull above the knee - 1 x 8 x 135
1 x 8 x 225
1 x 8 x 315
5 x 8 x 375

Back Hyperextensions - 3 x 12 x 45 >ss> Ab roller - 3 x 12

Week 2, Day 4:

Close grip bench - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 135
4 x 8 x 185

OHP - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 6 x 115
2 x 5 x 125

T-bar row - 3 x 10 x 45 >ss> Incline DB press - 3 x 8 x 60

Tricep pulldown w/ rope - 3 x 12 x 80 >ss> bicep curl w/ rope - 3 x 15 x 50

Felt a considerable amount of fatigue today especially when benching and doing DB press. I attribute it to poor diet as the only thing I ate before gym was a little mediocre Mexican food in the afternoon.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Short workout last night. Also all the racks were full when I got there so I did deadlifts first instead of squats. Haven't deadlifted first-thing in the gym in a loooong ass time it feels like.

2" Deficit Deadlift - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 225
5 x 6 x 280

Squat (w/ buffalo bar) - 1 x 6 x 145
1 x 4 x 195
1 x 4 x 235
4 x 3 x 270 w/ belt

Seeing bad habits starting to creep back into my deadlift. Need to revisit my form.

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Week 2 day 6 hit some presses.

Touch and go bench press - 1 x 8 x 135
1 x 8 x 180
4 x 6 x 205

Incline DB press - 4 x 12 x 60 (seems insane that two days ago I could only muster 3 x 8 x 60 - was really a low energy day)

Landmine row - 1 x 12 x 70
1 x 12 x 80
1 x 12 x 90
1 x 12 x 100

Lat pulldown - 4 x 12 x 110 >ss> DB preacher curl - 4 x 10 x 20 >ss> dips - 4 x 12

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Short workout last night but felt great. Was surprised at my lifting ability given how tired I was. Also misloaded my plates on squat and was lifting 10lbs less than I was supposed to be. Didn't realize untill last set.

Squat - 1 x 6 x 95
1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 185
1 x 4 x 225
4 x 6 x 250 w/ belt
1 x 6 x 260 (oops) w/ belt

Deadlift - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 225
1 x 4 x 275
4 x 4 x 320 w/ belt

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Killer pressing day today. Bench showed some progress today. Hit reps/weight I haven't been able to hit before:

Pause bench press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 135
1 x 6 x 185
1 x 4 x 205
5 x 4 x 215

Overhead press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 115
4 x 6 x 125
Bent iver barbell rows - 1 x 10 x 135
1 x 8 x 155
4 x 6 x 175

Incline DB press - 3 x 10 x 65 >ss> Reverse DB flys - 3 x 12 x 20

Lat pulldown - 3 x 12 x 120 >ss> Tricep extension - 3 x 10 x 50 >ss> preacher curl - 3 x 12 x 48

Twisting leg raise with static barbell hold - 3 x 10 x 45

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Front squats and rack pulls yesterday, close grip bench tonight.

Front Squat - 1 x 6 x 95
1 x 6 x 135
5 x 5 x 185 w/ belt

Rack pull above the knee - 1 x 8 x 135
1 x 8 x 225
1 x 8 x 315
5 x 7 x 380 w/ belt

Back hyper extensions - 3 x 15 x 45 >ss> Weighted decline crunches - 3 x 15 x 20 (dropped weight on last 5 reps of last set)

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Did a shitload of pressing tonight. Felt great and showing progress. My incline press seems to be going up.too.

Close grip bench press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 135
5 x 7 x 190

Incline bench press - 1 x 8 x 135
4 x 8 x 155 >ss> DB row - 4 x 10 x 70

Bent over BB row - 4 x 10 x 135 >ss> DB floor press - 4 x 10 x 75

DB preacher curl - 3 x 10 x 22.5 >ss> DB skull crushers - 3 x 12 x 22.5 >ss> Side lateral raise - 3 x 8 x 22.5

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Took a couple days off and just did main lifts today and it was easy work especially considering this is the moderate volume/moderate intensity week.

Squat - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 185
1 x 4 x 225
5 x 4 x 275 w/ belt

2" deficit deadlift - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 225
1 x 4 x 275
5 x 4 x 300 w/ belt

Allnlefts were very manageable. No grinding reps

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Presses today. 205 moving very well on the bench.

Touch and Go Bench Press - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 135
1 x 8 x 185
5 x 6 x 205

OHP - 1 x 8 x 95
1 x 8 x 115
2 x 6 x 125

Bent over BB row - 1 x 10 x 135
3 x 8 x 155

DB Floor press - 3 x 10 x 75 >ss> DB row - 3 x 10 x 75

Preacher curl - 3 x 10 x 50 >ss> DB tricep extension - 3 x 12 x 45

General Stalin's Progress Thread

Had a great squat and DL day. This is day 1 of week 4 of IB's program (slightly modified) and I think my current strength may have surpassed the workouts I'm doing. Today is a high intensity low volume day and I did the max reps and still felt I had some in the tank for sure.

Squat - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 185
1 x 4 x 225
3 x 4 x 285 w/ belt

Deadlift - 1 x 6 x 135
1 x 6 x 225
1 x 4 x 275
1 x 2 x 315 w/ belt
1 x 3 x 325 w/ belt
1 x 3 x 335 w/ belt
1 x 3 x 345 w/ belt

Reverse Hyperextensions - 3 x 12 x 97 >ss> weighted decline crunches - 3 x 12 x 22.5

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