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If you had an intern, what would you have them do for you?

Pick up your dry cleaning?
Figure out those thorny WordPress issues?
Make phone calls

Only reason the unpaid intern is there is to learn from you, and possibly get a position.

Now think about your LTR.



Whatever you make them do, tie it back to The Mission.


Make sure my drawer is well stocked with condoms, high quality lubricants, and possibly medications, for those occasional long days where it's just not as easy for an "older" man.

On their dime. That stuff is expensive.

One of the girls I'm seeing regularly has already gotten very good at this.


Quote: (04-21-2016 05:00 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Make sure my drawer is well stocked with condoms, high quality lubricants, and possibly medications, for those occasional long days where it's just not as easy for an "older" man.

On their dime. That stuff is expensive.

One of the girls I'm seeing regularly has already gotten very good at this.

You're still thinking about sex though.

Lotta young cats come into this thinking
Women are only good for

1. sex
2. cooking
3. cleaning
4. Kids

And most make their decisions based on mere access to sex, not even good sex.

Basically wasting resources and keeping their game at the kindergarten level.

I see this problem in business typically. You hire a person for a specific role, and you pay them for that role.

Many are glad to take the paycheck, do the job and only the job and then go home.
Some want more money, and will jet at the first sign that someone is paying a nickle more.

Others want to do more, want to feel useful. But all you have them doing is some bullshit. They'd gladly take the same money to do MORE.

And by doing more, they get more invested...



A very small minority of interns ever become "company men" who will actually dedicate themselves to see the business thrive.


There are two types of interns. One that waits for you to tell them what to do(no initiative) and one that's ready to take full advantage of the situation that they're in.


Hmm, interesting. I suppose that it comes down to my "old mindset" that requiring the women that I'm in relationships with to do anything beyond be available for sex would be somehow "exploitative" and ultimately counterproductive.

The "want to feel useful" part was a bit was a little eye opening. I have always operated under the impression that to put any type of burden beyond what Western women are willing to give freely (sex, go on dates with me, "chill", talk, enjoy each other's company) would be felt by them to be extremely burdensome, and would sooner rather than later seek out another man who was willing to provide more yet demand less.

I view myself simply as their entertainment - just another TV channel or app. Though I mean, even with that mindset I do seem to get laid.


personally, I would have them mise en place all my ingredients so I could cook every day. I don't mind cooking at all and work as a chef, it's the preparation of ingredients (chopping, slicing, dicing, etc.) that I find tedious. I would teach them some good knife skills beforehand. I would have them do a lot of other things but this is the first thing that came to mind.


I would have her secretly make friends with my business rivals' wives at the country club and have her talk them into becoming cheating hoes. Divorce and financial ruin cast to my enemies.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems


Quote: (04-22-2016 06:28 PM)Travesty Wrote:  

I would have her secretly make friends with my business rivals' wives at the country club and have her talk them into becoming cheating hoes. Divorce and financial ruin cast to my enemies.

Or you can get her to "honey pot" your rivals and get them to divulge trade secrets so you can destroy them.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.


I'd have the intern get my coffee, pick up my dry cleaning and pick up my food.


Is it being suggested that, in the immortal words of 50 Cent, one needs to be not (paraphrasing):

"that nigga tryin' to holla cuz you want some head"


"that nigga tryin' to holla cuz you want some bread"?


I think I'm picking up with WIA is putting down. After reading a lot his posts as of late about more advanced game...

Talking about giving girls purpose. Not being ashamed of what you want and expect out of them - be clear and deliberate in what you want from them. Girls are busy bodies and want to be led - if you don't lead them then they will go off the rails and do whatever their default is and/or act out to get attention and get you to react.

To repeat the old tropes - they are like children or even dogs. They will be unruly without direction. Most men deep down know precisely what they want out of women, just a lot of us are afraid to voice it because we are programmed to be ashamed of our masculinity. Made to feel guilty about wanting a woman to be submissive and do our bidding sexually, domestically, etc.

WIA has been talking about denying this programming and getting back to what it means to be a man and managing a woman.

How would I help my girl help me? That's the question.

I know what I like and need to get better at positively reinforcing it.

I'll give you and example of a sticky situation and I'd like some input on this. I'd be interested in how you'd handle it, WIA:

A couple years ago I was in a 6 month LTR with a girl. Last girl I ever really caught feelings for. There are a couple things that she did that I liked a lot that become areas of contention:

1.) She always dressed nice when she saw me

2.) She would cook for me often

On point #1: After a while there were times we would talk on the phone where she voiced she didn't feel like I thought she was pretty - like I didn't compliment her enough physically (there was some truth to this). She said she didn't feel like she could "be comfortable" around me, and warned that in the event her and I were to be together for a long time - her idea of "comfort" was being able to just be wearing PJs or whatever with her hair up and no makeup on. She was concerned that I would not approve of that and it bothered her. I tried to comfort her about it but it never seemed to work.

There was some truth to that because I was focused on keeping her on the hook to impress me - I didn't want her to think she could slack off. That said, I never told her "well I expect you to always look nice when you are with me" though I was sparing with my compliments of her looks because I didn't want to get her head big and act like I was super impressed.

On point #2: She would cook often and I would always be appreciative. I made a point to show my gratitude because I like a girl that cooks and it's rare these days so I wanted to positively reinforce this habit. There came a time where she warned that she likes cooking for me, but if we were to see eachother more often or even live together then cooking good meals would not be an all-the-time occurrence. I didn't want to tell her that this threat of "slacking off" of was a deal breaker because I was worried that would scare her off. At the same time I didn't want to say "oh thats totally cool" show that I was totally willing to cave and compromise what I really want just so she can be lazier with what she does for me/us.


A lot of girls will go above and beyond to impress early on in the dating phase. It gets tricking making sure they keep that up while keeping their bitching and testing away. Training a girl and maintaining frame is not as easy of a task in practice.



A lot of girls will go above and beyond to impress early on in the dating phase.

I believe it's an important skill to learn with any new girl: to attempt to detect early on whether her demeanor and willingness to accommodate wishes - which many here would consider entirely reasonable - is an accurate portrayal of who she is as a person naturally, or whether it's like a "free trial" period which she uses to get suckers on the hook and emotionally invested, and then is likely to rapidly return to the stubborn, intransigent "loser female" she always was once she feels you've "signed on the line."

Because that's a story which repeats itself over and over.

IMO the best way to do this is simply to insert questions into casual conversation. But don't phrase them as questions, as that may tip her off as to what you're up to. Just statements. Then listen carefully to her responses.

Most young women seem to honestly think that you're so enraptured with her HB7 looks and glad to even be spending time with her that you aren't listening carefully to everything she says. They may think you're really impressed by her willingness to cook for you, but in that regard their guard is almost always down. They just aren't thinking too hard about some of the things they say and how one might interpret it because, well, being women, they don't spend a lot of time thinking about what others are thinking in general, unless it's directly related to their own needs through about one link in the chain of causality.

One thing one realizes from doing online dating a lot, and reading a lot of material written by women, is that messed-up girls, who are pathologically opposed to ever being team players, will pretty much come right out and tell you about it if you know how to read between the lines a little bit (or sometimes just tell you.) And I don't think it's just because they don't care; some might be pretty surprised if you pointed out to them the subtext. It's just that they don't even notice.

One I like a lot is about aggressive drivers and tailgating. I might say something like "I almost always pull over for tailgaters. Anything else is just not worth the hassle."

And I've had girls say to me "Are you KIDDING me? I brake check the hell out of those fuckers! Bastards..."

woop woop loser female alert


Quote: (04-24-2016 12:57 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

WIA has been talking about denying this programming and getting back to what it means to be a man and managing a woman.

How would I help my girl help me? That's the question.

I know what I like and need to get better at positively reinforcing it.

I'll give you and example of a sticky situation and I'd like some input on this. I'd be interested in how you'd handle it, WIA:

A couple years ago I was in a 6 month LTR with a girl. Last girl I ever really caught feelings for. There are a couple things that she did that I liked a lot that become areas of contention:

1.) She always dressed nice when she saw me

2.) She would cook for me often

On point #1: After a while there were times we would talk on the phone where she voiced she didn't feel like I thought she was pretty - like I didn't compliment her enough physically (there was some truth to this). She said she didn't feel like she could "be comfortable" around me, and warned that in the event her and I were to be together for a long time - her idea of "comfort" was being able to just be wearing PJs or whatever with her hair up and no makeup on. She was concerned that I would not approve of that and it bothered her. I tried to comfort her about it but it never seemed to work.

There was some truth to that because I was focused on keeping her on the hook to impress me - I didn't want her to think she could slack off. That said, I never told her "well I expect you to always look nice when you are with me" though I was sparing with my compliments of her looks because I didn't want to get her head big and act like I was super impressed.

On point #2: She would cook often and I would always be appreciative. I made a point to show my gratitude because I like a girl that cooks and it's rare these days so I wanted to positively reinforce this habit. There came a time where she warned that she likes cooking for me, but if we were to see eachother more often or even live together then cooking good meals would not be an all-the-time occurrence. I didn't want to tell her that this threat of "slacking off" of was a deal breaker because I was worried that would scare her off. At the same time I didn't want to say "oh thats totally cool" show that I was totally willing to cave and compromise what I really want just so she can be lazier with what she does for me/us.


A lot of girls will go above and beyond to impress early on in the dating phase. It gets tricking making sure they keep that up while keeping their bitching and testing away. Training a girl and maintaining frame is not as easy of a task in practice.

There's not much to manage here. She's doing what she needs to be doing in order to secure a man.

The player question is,

I'm getting GF treatment from this woman, do I want to be her boyfriend and all that entails?

What's your price?

She's really asking you to give up your freedom. You might not be banging other chicks - but she's going to take more time out of YOUR LIFE to deal with her.

There's opportunity cost.

Blue pill guys often lose lots of money and career options because of how much time they spend "enjoying" their relationships.

None of this is malicious, but the cost is HIGH.

I'm not even going to touch
- living together
- getting married
- having kids

Just plain ol having a GF.

What guys all seem to want is both a whore in the sheets, and a lady to wash and fold them up, and the freedom to fuck other chicks. Some guys go so far as to forbid a chick from seeing other guys.

I've yet to have that. There are players better than me that can make a girl okay with sexing and cooking and never moving forward.

That's not in my skill set, though I imagine it's tying her happiness to your happiness, replacing what she wants with what you want.

This post is not about that per se. This post is about the limited thinking that guys have when it comes to the chicks their smanging. It's all stupid shallow shit. Someone is probably paying that chick 800-1,000 a week doing something - you've got access to all her abilities and energy for free. And she wants to do shit for the man she's fucking. As opposed to having to do shit at work.



Quote: (04-24-2016 02:21 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

This post is not about that per se. This post is about the limited thinking that guys have when it comes to the chicks their smanging. It's all stupid shallow shit. Someone is probably paying that chick 800-1,000 a week doing something - you've got access to all her abilities and energy for free. And she wants to do shit for the man she's fucking. As opposed to having to do shit at work.

Let's say uh, hypothetically, that one of the girls "you" were smanging was a university language professor?

"Proofread online dating profiles" might be a bridge too far.

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