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Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

There are so many rhetorical feminist buzzwords in this article my hair almost turned blue reading it.


A UNIVERSITY student who spoke out against “misogynistic” men who were creating a rape culture is now being trolled.
University of Melbourne law student Laura Blandthorn created a petition against a derogatory Facebook page, Hotties of Melbourne University, which was created so people could rate women on their appearance and write offensive comments on pictures posted to the page without permission.

.....Since taking a stand, Ms Blandthorn has suffered backlash, with one man posting a humiliating meme that suggested the law student was fighting to tear down the page because she wasn’t “hottie enough”

......Ms Blandthorn said women were also being treated as trophies and something to be sold, with some men offering to purchase women for “6 goats and 100 gold pieces”

....There are pictures of both men and women posted on the page, but photos of men are often of a satirical nature and do not attract the same insults as the women.

[Image: 43ecaed30e823c1b66c7a03124a98551]

Its ok guys a petition has 16,000. The patriarchy will be crushed in no time.

Here is the Facebook page in question.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Mean-time over in Saudi Arabia...

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Damn man.... after looking at that Facebook page I think its time for me to head to Australia to enjoy life with all those thin, feminine, good looking women down there.

Throw another shrimp on the barbie!!

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 12:23 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Damn man.... after looking at that Facebook page I think its time for me to head to Australia to enjoy life with all those thin, feminine, good looking women down there.

Throw another shrimp on the barbie!!

Let us know when and I'll fire up the bbq.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 12:23 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Damn man.... after looking at that Facebook page I think its time for me to head to Australia to enjoy life with all those thin, feminine, good looking women down there.

Throw another shrimp on the barbie!!

That Hotties Facebook page isn't very active for a reason, you know. Reality on the ground at that university isn't so rosy.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Wonder what this "student" looks like?

[Image: tumblr_nu1yenwLvc1qb85cqo1_500.jpg]

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

I think you Americans have a vastly different sense of "amount of hot girls" compared to Aus/NZ, probably UK.

There, you think "there are no hot girls", and mean anywhere up to "only" 10-15% of the girls are hot. When I think "there are no hot girls"(I don't know if other Aussie/Kiwi guys think that), yeah I'm literally not finding a single hottie out of maybe hundreds of girls. When you want to approach a hot girl, your main concern is that there's relatively few of them and so many fatties/uglies that she would have more of a bitch shield. My main concern is trying to find her(they aren't always around! And I don't live in a small town either)...

I think with the Uni page, it's similar. In the US you'll probably post a few of the hotter girls that you've seen around. Here hotties are rare and seeing one of the girls on the Melbourne page in person is like seeing a pseudocelebrity in a sense.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 01:29 AM)Centurion Wrote:  

I think you Americans have a vastly different sense of "amount of hot girls" compared to Aus/NZ, probably UK.

There, you think "there are no hot girls", and mean anywhere up to "only" 10-15% of the girls are hot. When I think "there are no hot girls"(I don't know if other Aussie/Kiwi guys think that), yeah I'm literally not finding a single hottie out of maybe hundreds of girls. When you want to approach a hot girl, your main concern is that there's relatively few of them and so many fatties/uglies that she would have more of a bitch shield. My main concern is trying to find her(they aren't always around! And I don't live in a small town either)...

I think with the Uni page, it's similar. In the US you'll probably post a few of the hotter girls that you've seen around. Here hotties are rare and seeing one of the girls on the Melbourne page in person is like seeing a pseudocelebrity in a sense.

Clearly you have not been to America.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

"NO MOAR FUN!!!!!" -SJWs everywhere

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

I thought OP was being uncharitable.

[Image: 1460496086994.jpg]

I now know the error of my ways.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 01:29 AM)Centurion Wrote:  

I think you Americans have a vastly different sense of "amount of hot girls" compared to Aus/NZ, probably UK.

As an American currently in Australia, I can confidently say that by and large the vast majority of women here are far prettier than in the US. At least from my neck of the woods in California. They dress much more feminine, and obesity does not seem to be a problem. At least in the big cities. Much more pleasant personalities to go along.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:04 AM)Phazlenut Wrote:  


[Image: 1460496086994.jpg]

[Image: Rainn_Wilson.jpg]

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

I've been going by other threads/posts on RVF and the manosphere, and no, I haven't been outside of NZ outside of my childhood years.

I swore the Aussies complained the most.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

That girl's not ugly, she's just a major league frump. She's never going to be a 10, but she's slim and with a makeover she'd do just fine for most of us.

[Image: laura-blandthorn-blog-post-1.png?w=600]

Of course, all things considered I wouldn't touch that with someone else's dick. Way too risky.

Also, frumpy plain girl with the last name Blandthorn? [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

I know that university well from daygaming, and I'm dating one of those hottie undergrads myself. There are not that many attractive girls on campus, although if you look hard enough you will find some, obviously, as they are women in their prime. If you find there are many hot girls walking around in this city, then you are truly blessed with a flexible taste, my friend.

Ms Law Student up there is probably about the average "attractive" girl you see around. The hotties in the Facebook photos are rare, and even then, you need to consider that they are photo submissions to something, which show them in their absolute best (makeups, lighting, poses, one chosen out of 1000 selfies etc.) It's a different story when you take a walk around campus.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

[Image: 1460496086994.jpg]

She's just sore that she isn't worth even one goat.
'Number of goats' is hilarious, we should make the official number scale here 'worth 1-10 goats', where 10 is the most valuable, and 1 the lowest.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Looks like Dwight Schrute with a mullet

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Pretty sure I have seen at least a dozen "hot guys of… [Insert xxx location]" on Facebook run by women. I wish someone would just start spamming those pages to highlight the double standard.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 02:58 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

She's just sore that she isn't worth even one goat.

True story;

I was given this goat once. It was real bad-ass looking... big horns, big goatee, big balls, real spawn-of-satan looking thing...and it was a cunt of a goat.

If you put it in a fence it would break it or climb over, if you put it on a chain, it would break it. It would headbutt people for fun and eat everything in sight.

Tried to give it away for ages but nobody wanted it even though I lied and told them it was really tame and friendly.

Eventually just had to shoot it because it kept attacking people.

WCGTGISSONTTGAFO (would consider giving that goat if she stayed one night then took goat and fucked off)

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Blandthorn by name

Blandthorn by nature

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Some nice hotties, I knew about this page for so long and issues until now.
I've made a rule for myself, no clicking on these links to give these fuckers that ad money.

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 05:22 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

Blandthorn by name

Blandthorn by nature

Nothing bland about a thorn in your side.

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

Quote: (04-13-2016 05:51 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

[Image: 10329256_1059696304078970_4056956771548211224_n.jpg]
[Image: 10342946_1339567159425215_6537536457246879393_n.jpg]

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Student Launches Petition to shut down Hotties of University of Melbourne FB Page

These kinds of pages have been around since Facebook started. When are people going to learn that things they put up on social media aren't going to stay private?

To be honest this page is no where near as bad as I was expecting. From the media I've read it sounded like people taking weird stalker photos of people on campus, not people just putting up other peoples Facebook images.

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