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SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-10-2016 06:29 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Quote: (04-10-2016 06:23 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

The fact that she chose to throw away a once in a lifetime opportunity with Nintendo is sad, and reflects poorly on her level of maturity.

People are saying that she got that job and the support of the gaming community by fucking her way through executives in the industry. E3 was like Fleet Week for this whore.

I can absolutely attest to this.

I worked in the PC gaming industry for six years and conventions like E3, CES, Blizzcon, etc., were all "networking" opportunities for girls like Rapp.

I watched many of these girls cycle through the office as they used their looks to land entry-level positions at my company and other big-name game developers. They had to be trained on the simplest fucking tasks and were absolutely useless when it came to problem solving. I felt utterly insulted when I was assigned to train a couple of them because everyone knew what these cunts were up to but of course the thirsty higher ups pretended like they got the job because they were the best qualified.

Once they were in the door their textbook MO was always the same:

Fuck their way through middle and upper management lardos in the hopes of ladder climbing towards a higher paying, higher exposure Marketing, PR, or Community Outreach type position where they got to travel, be featured in Youtube segments, product promotions, eSports events, basically whore themselves out as much as possible to the thirst mob online and in person at future conventions to grow their online following.

And it almost always works. These girls usually never lasted more than a year at any one place. Upper managements, across various developers, passed them around like town bicycles.

One of my co-workers gf'd one. He loved making a show of reading through pages and pages of the thirstiest most pathetic pm's she'd get from guys professing their undying love and devotion to some of the creepiest most fucked stalker looking neck beards you've ever seen coming out of the woodwork just to see her at an upcoming convention.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-10-2016 08:16 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

When girls wear those high tube socks like she is wearing in some of those pics..... It makes me damp down there

[Image: 11a119c6cfcac1b7db7e9fe7a499a3f2.jpg]
I actually travel with a couple pair an make chicks put them on... don't judge me -_-

I can't see the details (which could be significantly negative) but base on that low-res photo, that's about a 10 for me.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 01:39 AM)deca Wrote:  

This confirms my Euro-cuck Theory - that modern white men have a cuckold gene that has been activated hardcore.

Abundance of soy based food triggering excessive estrogen production in males.

Lack of muscularly challenging activities due to mechanisation of industry.

Masculine traits being diagnosed at a young age as problematic and being medicated away.

Result: Guys like us who fifty years ago would be seen as a pussies now appearing like Conan the fucking barbarian when compared against the average...

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

When you get cucked so hard you actually turn gay:

[Image: jGKDbaL.png]

[Image: zcHeSCy.png]

[Image: 1K48GVO.png]

[Image: QvCLUFQ.png]

[Image: AdtSsEk.png]

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

That poor bastard. This is how it started out:

[Image: EvjQpKK.png]

[Image: bMVGSAB.png]

Talking to a youth pastor about commitment.

A few months after marrying Alison, he's sitting at home with the cat, coming to grips with the fact that his new wife is out whoring:

[Image: taC41HK.png]

[Image: 3Lf66pf.png]

Another good man destroyed by a woman, justified by feminism.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute


Fucking hell, I really can't say which of them is more fucked up...

That's one manipulative bitch, and that's one emotionally damaged 'man'.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

You guys keep linking to that princess peach cosplay picture but it's not the same girl.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Why does he randomly bold words & phrases in the blog article?

These types sure can spew out the paragraphs of navel-gazing pap. I try to read it, end up skimming, and conclude that this is a perspective & though process completely alien to my own.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

It's entirely depressing to me that so many moderately attractive women chose the whoring lifestyle. Another victim of the social mores du jour.

Someone take the boyfriend out in the woods and put him out of his misery. This is painful to watch.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:46 AM)Scoundrel Wrote:  

Why does he randomly bold words & phrases in the blog article?

These types sure can spew out the paragraphs of navel-gazing pap. I try to read it, end up skimming, and conclude that this is a perspective & though process completely alien to my own.

I've learned to recognise this kind of writing. It's fundamentally rooted in cognitive dissonance. There's a block stopping him from wrongthink which also prevents him from having clear thoughts, so the writing goes around and around, saying nothing, and trying to appear "nuanced" to make up for it.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Please update OP. This Beta loser got cucked so hard that his whore wife was pimping HIM out as a faggot-for-sale (no woman in the era of thirsty male 9s on Tinder would pay for this schlub):

[Image: oGxoe4Q.png]

[Image: zVi3DYD.png]

[Image: H82uG78.png]

Dire fucking warning of what happens to "men" who allow themselves to succumb entirely to Feminazism and SJW anti-male groupthink.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

I see "Midwest native" in this poor fucker's bio.

NOW I understand why it's said the Midwest is full of crap.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

My God, just reading this stuff is soulkilling.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:22 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Another good man destroyed by a woman, justified by feminism.

Pretty disingenuous thing to say because it removes all of the man's agency from this outcome.

Guy, for whatever reason, just did not make it. Probably bullied in school. Desperate beta. The whore saw her chance to swoop in and take advantage.

But even if that hadn't happened he would now be with some neon-haired fatty or still a virgin.

Maybe at some point, if someone had given him a good talking, he could have been saved, but point is, there will always be guys like him. Even a healthy society is not going to produce 100% capable men all the time.

I think we can all agree that after a certain age only you yourself are responsible for the decisions you make in life.

So no, he was never a good man, because to be a good man, you have to make good decisions.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

This really really reminds me of a girl I used to know:
  • She was in an open marriage
  • Her husband was a starving artist type, she made all the money
  • Her husband was bi, leaning towards gay from my understanding
  • She was used to dominating her husband, both in bed and otherwise, she'd fuck him with strap-ons or just tease the fuck out of him without allowing him to cum
  • She was a sugar baby on the side for extra $$$
  • Super typical libtard with endlessly open views on everything
  • Tons of gay, bi friends (for better, but mostly for worse)
I was fucking this chick for a while. The way things ended was hilarious. After doing some freaky stuff in bed she told me: I really think you'd love sucking dick. I said, uh no. She pointed at my hedonistic/nihilistic lifestyle that in the end it wouldn't hurt me to try everything once. She wouldn't drop the subject, kept bringing it up. The last time we spoke I told her a very firm no and she kept insisting, it got on my nerves to the point of making me a bit angry (just in tone) and she decided to leave my apartment then.

These bitches are crazy, she literally did her best to get me to go gay. She was just a plate i fucked here and there but if a softer left-leaning beta dude fell for her, he could very well try it just as this girl's boyfriend did. I would not be surprised if she got him into it or at least fully encouraged it.

Total social degradation

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:40 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

You guys keep linking to that princess peach cosplay picture but it's not the same girl.

Does it matter? Would still bang.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:32 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:40 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

You guys keep linking to that princess peach cosplay picture but it's not the same girl.

Does it matter? Would still bang.

Someone else posted that picture is questionable. I'm not sure one way or the other, breasts conveniently covered by hair though.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

From a link that was posted earlier (but probably got missed):

[Image: rapp1.jpg]
[Image: rapp2.JPG]

This bitch is sick, getting fired is the least of what should be the consequences for someone like her. The guy is a dumbfuck as well and just as culpable. We (rightly) rag on guys that enable women to act like entitled cunts, and this asshole is complicit in much worse shit.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:32 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:40 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

You guys keep linking to that princess peach cosplay picture but it's not the same girl.

Does it matter? At this point, what difference does it make? Would still bang.

Fixed it for you.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:46 AM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:32 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:40 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

You guys keep linking to that princess peach cosplay picture but it's not the same girl.

Does it matter? Would still bang.

Someone else posted that picture is questionable. I'm not sure one way or the other, breasts conveniently covered by hair though.

On second glance I can understand reservations. For the moment I will give it the benefit of the doubt, however. Also, it's not so much the girl herself in the picture, but the concept.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:53 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:46 AM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:32 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:40 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

You guys keep linking to that princess peach cosplay picture but it's not the same girl.

Does it matter? Would still bang.

Someone else posted that picture is questionable. I'm not sure one way or the other, breasts conveniently covered by hair though.

On second glance I can understand reservations. For the moment I will give it the benefit of the doubt, however. Also, it's not so much the girl herself in the picture, but the concept.

I'm with Latinopan, the Princess Peach pic looks like an extreme beta boy or tranny, or something weird going on there but i'm not getting a female vibe whatever that creature is. Most of those cosplay people are the gender fluid weirdo types anyway.

After further research, it appears that is a woman, but a very androgynous one. Kind of a mannish face, and she looks slightly feminine in a few costumes, but she seems to like the butch short-haired bull dyke look. She's a cosplayer called Micro Kitty

Would Bang If Drunk At Anime Convention

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 10:11 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:53 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:46 AM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:32 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 05:40 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

You guys keep linking to that princess peach cosplay picture but it's not the same girl.

Does it matter? Would still bang.

Someone else posted that picture is questionable. I'm not sure one way or the other, breasts conveniently covered by hair though.

On second glance I can understand reservations. For the moment I will give it the benefit of the doubt, however. Also, it's not so much the girl herself in the picture, but the concept.

I'm with Latinopan, the Princess Peach pic looks like an extreme beta boy or tranny, or something weird going on there but i'm not getting a female vibe whatever that creature is. Most of those cosplay people are the gender fluid weirdo types anyway.

Guys, over analysis. I pulled a random pic that kind of looked like the Ho in a Princess Peach Outfit.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Quote: (04-11-2016 10:15 AM)TheOllam Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 10:11 AM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:53 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:46 AM)godfather dust Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 09:32 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Does it matter? Would still bang.

Someone else posted that picture is questionable. I'm not sure one way or the other, breasts conveniently covered by hair though.

On second glance I can understand reservations. For the moment I will give it the benefit of the doubt, however. Also, it's not so much the girl herself in the picture, but the concept.

I'm with Latinopan, the Princess Peach pic looks like an extreme beta boy or tranny, or something weird going on there but i'm not getting a female vibe whatever that creature is. Most of those cosplay people are the gender fluid weirdo types anyway.

Guys, over analysis. I pulled a random pic that kind of looked like the Ho in a Princess Peach Outfit.
I think whether we WB Princess Peach cosplay or not is a matter far more serious for a multi page debate than the original topic.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

I was convinced the dude was full on gay just looking at his hand gestures and voice but after reading that gobbledegook he wrote trying to intellectualize polyandry I'm beginning to believe he was manipulated into being an unwilling cuck.

The guy basically sucks and has no options because he has no game and no paper. he eventually decides to give in to her demands of gay for pay. After he tried it once he backwards rationalised that he did it for the wife he loves and that he's progressive liberal male feminist. So then he continued to take it up the ass and suck dick for 200-300 bucks a pop. If he ever got paid (big if since gay guys get laid for free) that cash probably went straight to her frivolous impulse buys. This story delivered.

SJW fired from Nintendo job because she was moonlighting as a prostitute

Edit: my mistake

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